Convince Dab Forums to read your favourite manga with a single page

Bonus points if it's out of context

Ten years of OPT
Image is from Kanojo no Omoide.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Read this anons

Attached: Yakuza Reincarnation - Chapter 17 - 41.png (1115x1600, 902.42K)

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Attached: Kurama Ranko Philosophy.jpg (1125x1607, 959.72K)

Boku to Issho is your favorite? You're cool, user. Lets be frens

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What a beautiful manga

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>Read this
lol no

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Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou



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Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1--Phantom Blood v3-053.jpg (2130x3056, 2.23M)

>your favourite manga

Attached: 025.jpg (1066x1600, 334.45K)

Attached: Sousou no Frieren.png (1115x1600, 978.88K)

Other Dab Forumsnon will be dicks to you, so here are some tools to help find sauce for yourself.

1. First, if you're new and don't know, clicking the little arrow next to each post number brings up a dropdown menu that'll let you do a quick Google Image Search

2. saucenao.com/

3. yandex.com/images/

Between those 3 you can usually find the source for 99% of images.

People on Dab Forums whine and cry about spoonfeeding but they also make it hard to learn how to find things for yourself, so there you go.

Houseki no Kuni

>but they also make it hard to learn how to find things for yourself
There is an IQDB button on every single post

Which new people might not know, which is why I included that as the first point. Instead of acting like a smug asshole, just show people how they can find things for themselves. It makes for a better board.

>Bonus points if it's out of context
This may become bait thread.

Attached: 003.jpg (1086x1536, 543.31K)

Attached: file.png (1223x1920, 1.29M)

Out of context? Sure.

Attached: Page184.jpg (869x1226, 445.52K)

IME those default image search engines are the least useful and usually fail to find anything.


Wouldn't say it's my favourite,but it's funny take on a slasher.

Attached: fg.jpg (720x781, 283.82K)


Attached: Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru - c092 (v12) - p058 [dig] [CR].jpg (1128x1600, 439.02K)

Learnt something new today


Best manga I've read in years.

Attached: Toshokan no Daimajutsushi - Chapter 14 - 15.jpg (1124x1600, 509.9K)

>First, if you're new and don't know
if they're that new I'm not sure if they'll have 4chanx to do that in the first place

Attached: ponko.png (847x1200, 348K)

I think some of her uselessness rubbed off me because I posted the wrong page

boys can be cute too.

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Attached: 22.jpg (728x1073, 67.04K)

Gal Xino?

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Attached: Miseru Mitsumeru Futari Dake.jpg (1350x1920, 460.06K)

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Attached: big tuna.jpg (1114x1600, 275.07K)

based Blue Period poster

It's good read it

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reading it now. Really impressed. Thank you

I looked this up, read the first pages of the manga and was like
>wait, I know this story
the first part got adapted in the anthology movie Memories from 1995

Attached: investorz.jpg (1116x1600, 602.43K)

Attached: 1588497650650.jpg (1115x1600, 527.02K)

It's about an old Yakuza dude that reincarnated into a princess and beats the shit out of everyone. No romance and a lot of action and pretty good artstyle. Give it a try.

Might wanna reread what I wrote. based means good right? Or did it's meaning change

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Kek is this some kind of Fire force parody?

As far as I know it still means that. It was more like an encouragement for the rest of anons in the thread.

it's the latest chapter, homie. ohkubo is going legit mental

Wtf man. I am looking forward to David Production's adaptation if it ever reaches those parts lol.

Maybe they'll bring Yuki Yase back for that Shaft experience

GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class

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I don't even need a full page.
Read it. It is good.

Attached: Fujimoto is a fucking genius and based as fuck.jpg (678x416, 246.33K)

he's reaching new heights

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Attached: too much kino.png (696x238, 74.54K)

Attached: gantzlol.png (584x835, 476.08K)

Attached: ara win.png (1114x1600, 579.21K)

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I would read it if it wasnt isekai and tranny shit.

Attached: fuji love.png (896x1300, 414.1K)

I'm too much of a brailnlet speedreader to understand what's going on, but it's so beautiful that I keep reading it.

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Holy shit this is actually real. Man this is some kino shit right here.

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How easy is to spot a retard arround here..

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sauce? i'm getting no results

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Attached: odo piss.png (1114x1600, 1006.2K)

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Attached: Rojica to Rakkasei - Vol.2 Ch.9 - 14.png (1351x1920, 1.05M)

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Attached: oshi diary.png (1096x2158, 934.33K)

Attached: oto falconery.png (965x1400, 538.25K)

Attached: Ushiro no Shoumen Kamui-san - Ch.9 - 5.jpg (1100x1559, 533.16K)

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Attached: Shoujo Kishidan x Knight Tale - Vol.1 Ch.1 - Act 1 - 4.png (1440x2048, 2.04M)

Attached: Gleipnir - Vol.10 Ch.60 - 31.png (1114x1600, 1.7M)

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Attached: rebuild hatred.png (1336x1920, 1.31M)

>out of context
Is posting Fourteen cheating?

Attached: Fourteen - Ch.0097 Vol.0005 Pg.0016.png (943x1400, 264.36K)

Attached: T18.jpg (950x1364, 533.05K)

Interesting, I always thought Fire Force is your average generic ecchi manga

Meant to refer

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Attached: kokou all star.png (875x1300, 165.83K)

incredibly based mochi rabbits

Attached: N22.png (820x1200, 470.43K)

Attached: den blaze.jpg (2250x1600, 1.18M)

Attached: x36.png (826x1200, 266.31K)

Man, Kurayami Dance was a treat, thank you for reminding me to reread it in one go because I feel like I missed a ton of shit because I was reading it while it was still being translated

out of everything in that manga you chose this pic?

I only read the first 16 chapters so far so yeah lol, it's just a page that I liked.

Attached: home hell.jpg (2286x3236, 2.56M)

Is this what 0pn's Replica album art is inspired by?

Attached: u2.jpg (3451x4931, 1.26M)

Can I offer you a nice Alien GF in this trying times?

Attached: kumika no mikaku.png (1355x1920, 3.63M)


Open wiiiiide: It's Sengoku Youko, also learn to reverse search an image

Attached: chicken.png (640x927, 244.94K)

They are both references to MC Escher

Attached: Hand_with_Reflecting_Sphere.jpg (258x386, 24.59K)

Attached: gate elf.jpg (1451x2150, 1.03M)

Attached: 3_387259_1125_1600.jpg (1125x1600, 384.86K)

How many little girls are in Itou Hachi's basement?

Attached: Kinjo no Yasashii Onee-san - Vol.0 Ch.3 - 24.jpg (1280x1846, 555.92K)

Attached: 1585016707840.png (1125x1600, 521.08K)

Man, holy shit, I forgot how much Kokou no Hito's artstyle changed.

This guys art is superb, but he only does one shots... what a waste

Attached: 1613665831341.png (1860x1335, 580.33K)

Attached: 1592753365327.png (1782x1280, 2.2M)

Oh, I get that reference. It is a famous Escher print.

where are the scans of this? Mangadex only has three chapters.

After volume 3 the manga changes almost totally.

this one is great! just as good as their earlier romance work.


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Attached: Maa.png (851x1212, 731.05K)

>reflexion doesn't show the periods in between the letters/numbers on the hand


Attached: Tanzawa Sudachi Is Here.png (1115x1600, 1.39M)

Attached: Supernova Before the Kiss.png (1348x1920, 652.91K)

Attached: x8(1).jpg (844x1200, 87.08K)

I expected it to be stupid, which it is, but I'm still enjoying it

Attached: 27-7c6630b09760a5ddc33b6a012f149bbd1d25a9085492e20bb7debcc53389dfa0.png (1115x1600, 879.69K)

Attached: Yousei no Okyaku-sama.png (844x1200, 389.26K)

Buy it

Alice from Hell is really good.
Basically a Lord of the Flies style chaos vs order work, but far more expansive and interesting.

Attached: 1583696333298.jpg (1246x1800, 755.19K)

Attached: x12.png (1350x1920, 675.49K)

Actually you can see the L.3 one, though it's very faint.

Attached: 1589964164774.png (1114x1600, 586.21K)

Thank you for showing me this. This was a very good read.

Attached: Yotsubato!55_18.jpg (1115x1600, 658.59K)

Attached: g12.png (836x1200, 434.96K)

>I have to stay home everyday to care of my sick mother, so I pass the time translating for fun. Usually only 1-2 people donate per chapter at best, so if you enjoyed this chapter, please kindly consider donating or subbing to my Patreon at
KireiCake. com. All proceeds are used to offset her medical fees and every bit counts. Thank you very much


To any Dab Forumsnons that read double page, are the boxes supposed to touch the middle or the sides of the pages?

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Attached: Doujima-Kun Won't Be Disturbed - Chapter 10 - 14.jpg (822x1300, 178.37K)


Attached: Tonight, we are having a sleepover - Ch.3 - 3.png (1462x2048, 1.73M)

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Attached: Sabae to Yattara Owaru - Ch.005 - 7.jpg (870x1236, 206.38K)

Attached: Sensei, Ore ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!! - Manuscript 25 - 4.jpg (908x1280, 202.72K)


Attached: Uchi no Hentai Maid ni Osowareteru - Ch.014 - 5.jpg (869x1232, 199.75K)

Attached: Gokko (SHOUJI Hiroyuki) - Ch.003 - 10.jpg (870x1243, 136.75K)

Attached: 10-27f965ed8287954afd7b27a4e9931f3ee49be0cf7475403f4da7a83087b459bc.png (847x1200, 1.14M)

Attached: Are You Really Getting Married_ - Ch.28 - Are You Happy Being Together_ (Part 6) - 19.png (850x1200, 109.86K)

Attached: Shinu Hodo Kimi no Shojo ga Hoshii - Ch.009 - 10.jpg (870x1237, 190.63K)

Attached: A Wolf Cannot Win to Hayakawa - Ch.002 - After all, humans are no match for wolves - 10.jpg (761x1080, 166.78K)

Typically there is going to be a white border in the center if anywhere.
The panels will touch the margins on the outsides more often.

Attached: Kodama Maria Bungaku Shuusei.png (1350x1920, 606.19K)

Attached: fba4e7f9a5e390e7b08e000b1dffe23a23d8f60ar1-1336-1920v2_hq.jpg (712x1024, 93K)

Me too.

From the latest chapter

Attached: Mummyfags.jpg (2880x2048, 3.21M)

Attached: 1602874109551.jpg (959x1400, 422.09K)


I remember drawing that mc escher drawing in college. Took me forever.

Attached: Boomer.jpg (1116x1600, 275.02K)

damn this was good. couldnt even rub one out


Attached: 007 - Copy.png (742x1200, 322.59K)

>When he starts fucking its face
Man Gantz was a rollercoaster of emotions.


Ah ok, thanks. I'll be sure to keep that in mind going forward, as I believe that there was some pacing issues that I noticed when doing it the opposite way, with the panels touching in the centre.

Attached: Tongari Booshi No Atorie - Chapter 14 - 22.png (1114x1600, 758.05K)

Attached: claymore.png (728x1126, 745.68K)

Rosen Garten Saga

Attached: 2-3.jpg (2880x2048, 3.2M)

I'm trying to find that manga that was posted a bit here and there that seemed like a pervert romcom or some sort but ended up turning into all sorts of crazy supernatural shit and whatever. I know that's a vague description but maybe someone knows what I'm talking about.

I think the main thing I like about it is the characters and how they bounce off of each other. World building and other stuff are just icing on cake. The rough-ish artstyle is pretty great too.

Attached: 10.jpg (728x1092, 125.27K)

I'm to dumb to get most of references in this manga.

Girigiri Saegiru Katagiri-san?

I thought it was that one but it didn't have any of the weird tags in mangadex, I assume it's because they're hiding it? Well whatever, I'm reading it now. If you came up with the same title I was thinking about it must be that one, so thanks

Attached: 2 (1).jpg (720x1016, 181.21K)

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Too bad this is getting axed.


Attached: x31.jpg (1800x1280, 546.59K)

Attached: nice.png (550x839, 339.47K)

What is this from?

please tell me that's a woman

Attached: 003.png (1226x1800, 890.06K)

MC of murcielago acquired a lesbian harem.

Based, glad to see more people picking this up.

Attached: Suicide Parabellum 3.jpg (3415x4953, 1.33M)

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Attached: Uchuu Kyoudai - Chapter 0279 - 22.jpg (1120x1600, 387.74K)

Attached: file.png (1000x4429, 2.99M)

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Attached: x20.png (2141x1596, 1.85M)

Is she okay?

kek going to check this one out

Furuya Minoru is based af and everyone here should read his works

having context only makes it even more "what the fuck"

Attached: 24-398206a6fd565825cf11be6e86f00f1c8d972e8eb5c13c472554c574efbf076e.jpg (844x1200, 540.45K)


Attached: c6_.png (1125x1600, 524.67K)

Attached: 1-e84c0fb31f5dd0d47976a199d852b27a09bebcd4c7be4ba363b794132bf4de3a.png (1070x1600, 1.63M)

What does he draw ?

Okaeri Alice


Attached: 1613742621281.png (1930x1400, 2.25M)

such a shame the artist is stuck doing this. His work is great, but the story is barely passing as okay.

His new work is going to be an adaptation of Dracula.

Attached: Tongari Booshi no Atorie - Chapter 28 - 1.jpg (1123x1600, 483.92K)

That is actually great.

Yeah, I went back to it recently after stopping following while it was running ~5+ years ago, and I wound up dropping it again around the time MC's entire personality seemed to do an instant 180.

please read Getter Robo.

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Attached: file.png (1500x2132, 899.84K)

You have my attention

Attached: Doujin_Work_v02_p074.png (1280x1900, 456.27K)

This shit's fun


Attached: file.png (1900x1364, 3.12M)

Attached: talk-kaguya_33_01.jpg (1153x1617, 585.78K)

nooooo! why do the good ones get axed?

>Too bad this is getting axed
Sad if true.

Japan has shit taste. This unironically would've done better here than there but, you know, no airing anime and lots of Reddit/twitter buzz so western publishers will never look at it and now that it's getting axed they never will.


>Suddenly, unfortunately, "Delinquent Demoness Reina" will be entering its final chapter. In order to wrap up the story in a limited number of episodes, I'm going to take a break for a while. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Attached: Saltiness.png (1920x2722, 1.1M)

>I'm going to take a break for a while. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
that doesn't sound like an axe, it sounds like the author has irl problems

It's been on the chopping block for a long time bro.

best fat fox

Attached: 8-7df5e13fad7506fe3a2fd409d0e42765a228bf43c572bec7e43c57ff75de06ad.png (1536x2048, 2.24M)

Which manga is this?

no clue about that but your reading comprehension for the statement as read is quite poor

It's entering the final chunk, and he's going to take a short break BEFORE entering that chunk, in order to figure out how to wrap it up in the short number of chapters he has left. Sounds completely like an axe.

Yeah, now this sounds like an axe.
Damn, what a kick in the nuts.

Attached: furyou_taimashi_reina_10_16.png (1260x1789, 1.26M)


Attached: 11-dbfd3a95880094bd94c5681354328a8c9da529659eb986b88c01c7b1b8efce13.png (1536x2048, 2.46M)

>your reading comprehension for the statement as read is quite poor
No, it's you that can't read. It's getting axed and the author wants to spend some time thinking about how to end it properly.
>Suddenly, unfortunately,

saucenao works

I read the green text posted by the user and assumed it was accurate, based on the green text it didn't read like an axe, with a clearer interpretation of the original it does
The lesson should be not to trust MTL

Attached: murais-love.png (1444x2048, 990.82K)

Attached: X8.jpg (836x1200, 394.49K)

Final Girl, a oneshot