Fire Force Chapter 255

I don't usually dump but

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Ohkubo what the fuck?

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Okubo is trying out meta stuff for his last work...
and its amazing


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Is that his mother?

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And that's the end of the chapter

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wtf did I just read?

Yeah I'm thinking Ohkubo is back

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This is what I expected, but it's still blowing me away.
Just fucking imagine when the anime eventually gets to this

Ohkubo? more like Ohkino

>David will have the VA's play the irl characters to cut corners

I'd like what okubo's having. man's must be having a trip with this shite

That's going to be a weird timline
3D Japan>Fire Force>Soul Eater

What's going on? I thought Fire Force it was just anime fanservice and bara porn.

That might actually be better, going with the whole metanarrative thing.

IIRC, that nun still hasn't appeared in the anime (or maybe just for a short flashback scene in season one), so they can have that woman voice her when she becomes important.

wonder if they'll do live action for the anime, too

Will I need to read Soul Eater now?

Maybe, the hints have been there for a while

The page to overcome LIVE.

is this what true KINO is like?

Has anyone ever seen Ohkubo and Grant Morrison in the same room together?

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There is also PHYSICS.

This man is off the rails, based Ohkubo

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Holy shit this is kino

I thought this series was about putting out fires.

What the hell are those poses?

Its like she's staring at my soul

Fuckin madman. On one hand these feel like low effort to make a deadline but on the other one I feel like a witness to something great. And above all I want to know more.

I don't get it. Just draw horny teenagers, Okubo what the fuck is this shit?

No, it really works better with the 3DPD look.

Basically, the Infernals are what happens when a person's alter ego, shaped by other people's perception of them and originating in the parallel world of the collective subconscious (Adolla), merge with the normal person. The villains are a cult that have been shaping the collective subconscious to instill in all of humanity a subconscious desire for extinction, and they're using that despair to fuel the final cataclysm which will merge Adolla and the real world, turning the Earth into a star and extinguishing the human race. It's the final cataclysm because there have been many mergers of the real world and Adolla previously, with the first one creating life and the penultimate one turning the real, flesh-and-blood, 3D world into the 2D anime/manga world of Fire Force.

Shit's bonkers.

David gonna have a fun time adapting this

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Morrison is also a bug. He claims to have no gender now because it is trendy.

>I don't usually dump but
You should go see a gastroenterologist.

Isn't it just a single pose from different angles?
I feel like this is a man
Was there any in the manga? All I remember is Ohkubo's last post from instagram


For one, the moon is the most obvious hint. Other than that, mostly chapter title pages

>On one hand these feel like low effort to make a deadline
The ''FF universe is the IRL world gone wrong was set up chapters ago so its not like this came completely out of nowhere

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>Covid 19 social distancing signage has been immortalized in a manga
Why do I find this so odd?

Oh, how tf did I forgot about the moon?
I apologize for my retardedness

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Now do it the other way around.


It isn't a low effort. The whole thing was hinted at CHAPTERS ago...

you mean put her face on Agni's body?

I know and I've felt the same when he did it for the 1st time - the guy is in his own league with that.

Wish i could see his editor's face when he showed them this chapter.


People that come here thinking he made this randomly, here you can see that it is well planned ahead and is amazing

>The final clash between Arthur and Dragon will be a live action

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looing back at this I could have done a better job but in my defense I did it in like 5 minutes

>they are just two weirdos in cosplay

It's just a matter of time till Arthur's sword transforms into you-know-who.

Suddenly the bizarre physics of this world all make sense

Don't say such cursed things.

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goddamn, she's looking into my soul

wish I'd been reading this so I could faithfully bear witness to the kinopocalypse

>on my way to start the apocalypse

Ōkubo is smoking straight crack. Such raw kino

Yeah, with DESPAIR.

This shitty manga has no right to have such a kino ending

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Just get back in the kitchen you bitch.

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It's average at worst, honestly, outside of shitty forced Tamaki fanservice

Man, Ohkubo can really draw. His art is SOULful as fuck. The Beni vs old man deer fight was pure minimalist kino.

Should I watch the anime then read the manga? This chapter got me hooked

I wonder if the manga starting off so bog standard and then eventually transitioning to this nonsense was intentional. The character dynamics are still below Soul Eater either way, so I'm not sure if that was an intentional trade off to make the manga seem more mundane. In any case, I feel like it didn't have to be.

Still here for ohkubo's wild ride, though.

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Average at worst? Man, you guys have not taste at all.

Mind you, it's not far above average at its best either. It's never great, but never awful either.

It goes way back to the trip to China.

That's right, what we need is more gorilla fanservice.

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what the fuck did i walk into

It's pretty great IMO. And I would go as far as say is among my top of works from the last 5 years.

Oh I'm sure he always planned for the setting to do this, but I more meant specifically did he make the opening of the manga so generic and bland just to continually ramp up how nutty the setting actually is until we got to this kind of extended mind fuck sequence. Not just the powers or the art or character designs, but even how unspectacular the characters and their relationships were early on. Soul Eater doesn't just have off the wall art oozing style, but the characters all had very dynamic relationships both within their own pairs but with characters from other pairs as well. Fire Force never really had those sorts of things, which is to its detriment.

Fire kino

you still can catch up the train. It is never too late. Watch the anime then go for the manga or go straight in the manga cmon you can read 200 chapters

I mean Ohkubo seems to be setting up Fire Force to be a Soul Eater prequel.

What are the chances you-know-who IS arthur?

Fire Force are a team, not pairs.

And a good story is about consistent writing, and to write a consistent story first you must build up on the plot before getting to the juicy parts.

And Fire Force generic? Yeah, no. Even in the early days and from the premise FF never was a generic story. The premise alone, spontaneous human combustion and a main protagonist carrying the stigma of a devil because he was missblamed for the supposed murder of his family? I'm sorry, but what you call generic I call it unique.

>What are the chances you-know-who IS arthur?

Zero. For one thing because Arthur's legend didn't start in the 12th century.

Fire = Kino?

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Pretty interesting, I haven't read much of this series but hopefully this chapter get's a well reception on the jp audience.
If anything it should at least get some praise for being unique.



>but hopefully this chapter get's a well reception on the jp audience.
Chapter was trending yesterday in japan

what was the tag?

Japanese fans are vocal about the use of 3dcgi on Ohkubo's manga

Cropping around Agni's hair was annoying as shit

You sure they weren't just seething because he called the entire country gullible fools?

Is fire force more popular than fire force? I feel like it is as when the anime first came out people hyped it for the animation but I also feel like there are way more people watching anime nowadays and a lot of them are normies and so they haven't even seen soul eater.

Enen no Shobotai in moonrunes

Cursed kino. Cursekino.

anime better do this right

Not that guy but for me the weakest part of Fire Force is... Shinra. SE characters had great develoling relationships between each other, while Fire Force is okay in that part but a step down. And while I get what you mean about them being a team, the supposed mc only has this bland speed based power and generic "I wanna be a hero" to him, other members are just more interesting.
No complains about the plot/premise/setting part - I've loved the kinda grim SE world full of witches, meisters and death weapons and I love the cataclysm Earth/Adolla he has created with fire soldiers and doppelangers.

I saw it but If I remember correctly it wasn't trending very high tho.
I hope it was trending in a positive way and not in a trashing kinda way at least.


but their powers are real despite the cosplay props

>Implying Arthur wont delude himself so completely as to escape the human collective unconsciousness
>Thinking he hasn't done so already

the moon is a nice reference to ohkubo's soul eater

Hey new friends I implore you to go back and binge fire force. Honestly it is not designed to be read week by week, especially the latest chapters seem really slow. But it's worth binging.

I hope all of you shitposters who just popped in the weekly anime threads to post tamaki fanservice finally realize Ohkubo's power of KINO.

Fire force deserves more threads.

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Keep in mind that Okubo has said he's retiring after this so this is him pulling out all the stops.

>Implying Arthurs delusion wont completely overcome the human collective uncosnciouness with his pure unrefined massive autism

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Soul eater is better

I hope he does character design for vidya or something

It's probably better to step down than overwork yourself and end up as another ill mangaka. Well it's not like I know if weekly serialization has put any strain on him or not but I'm guessing. I still hope he rethinks it tough.

How many chapters are left? Think I'm gonna binge this now and don't wanna miss the next thread

ohkubo what the fuck is this?

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kino of the highest order


we have entered a brave new world

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Photoshop user, I KNEEL

i actually kinda wish i didnt forget about this series. i picked it up in 2018 read the first three volumes and i thought it was good but then i thought "ill pick it back up soon so i can binge through it": seems like i missed a lot. starting from the beginning again is kinda nice. hopefully ill be caught up by next week.

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Are we getting a 3rd season?

>I'm not getting jojo part 6 because of this dumpster fire

Are you feeling DESPAIR user?

>Fire force deserves more threads.
It always weird me out how did this didn't get like insane levels of popularity. I drop the anime around episode 5 but I never found it awful, it just wasn't my thing.
Being from a famous mangaka and a good shounen adaptation how did it fail to capture an audience as big as I don't know, Kimetsu or Jujutsu Kaisen?

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The absolute state of Fire Force...


It gets threads all the time but it's literally just anons posting fan service from the anime or fanart porn. The show isn't that great. When it first began it got way more threads than it does now but it still gets plenty of threads

Are we living in a society?

Well I hope this ending is amazing then. Feels like it's building up to something crazy at least.

That's sad as fuck

Ohkubo? No...this is Okhino

It's kino


It's a shame really. His style is great

nah, fuck fire force and the pretentious 2deep4thwall shit
its extremely mediocre with terrible pacing and tries to hook you with the 4th wall but even that is just a fucking mess

Good. Better than forcing yourself to start another series only to find out you're completely out of gas a hundred chapters in...right Togashi?

someones mad they got filtered by KINO

That's not really cutting corners though you fuckwit

Finally, the (un)holy trinity is complete!

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It became progressively worse since they foreshadowed the fucking godly power to be pi. And it's reallly shit. It should have already ended like 45 chapters ago

It is done

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This is like reading a comic adaption of a Neil Breen film

The whole sequence the MC saw was in our 3D world, and yet humans didn't feel like human to him, meaning that 2d and 3d are different races altogether.
Which is what happened with the cataclysm


The Heart should be smaller imo


>The Heart

You can only save one, the other three will be forever forgotten

I choose madness

We're reaching critical levels of based that shouldn't be possible

the tetralogy of kino

not WSJ I guess?

>Not pic related

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I've put this on the side for like 3 years now. I always get filtered by the boring as fuck start.

Freedom is incredible based and imposible to top.
Live comes close.

this is the peak of kinoposting

Fucking great. I can't wait to see these pictures spammed on this board for the next ten years. Just fucking great.

Guess you could say the White Clad are the "Ultimate Despair"

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The fifth member of the godhand

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>Fire Force are a team, not pairs
Sure, but that's not really my point. The dynamics are still less interesting or developed than the dynamics in Soul Eater, which existed both within their pairs and then also outside those in the larger group among the seven principle main characters. Some were less developed than others, of course, but regardless overall it's way above Fire Force.

This looks so bizarre and confusing. It feels like someone photoshopped a manga page but truth is that its actually official. Damn.

It definitely looks low quality which is definitely intentional

What happened to Giovanni?

>This bugs were the bugs turning everyone into infernals
>Giovanni is controlling the minds of mindless pre-cataclysm people now turned bugs
It really is all coming together

Why does this remember me to sayonara zetsubou sensei?

Mi novia toda hermosa con su pelo corto y china :3

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Spic pls, go back to your quintillizas thread, or Negi's new ranger manga


she should've gotten more screen time, I wish they didn't cut this out

Bruh fucking this. All the speedreader babies are surprised at what was basically hinted way back.

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>When your mom asks you to include in her in your manga.

Goddamn might as well pick this up again.


My motherfucking god, the trifecta has been assembled... To beautiful to look away.

>I don't usually dump but
you want to post this garbage.

>Someone talks shit about your manga on twitter
>Have a mental breakdown and derail the shit so you can have a lame gotcha moment as a comeback like a year after

I'm not even going to ask if it was autism, this is super autism.

Someone cant handle KINO it seems

They could have gotten a real photographer instead of just taking a few snapshots with their phone desu.

He just did that because he was about to get cancelled by some now hag groupie of his.

I haven't read this for ages. What happened to the MC?

since he's a pillar he's been teleported to adolla, that's all we know so far.

>Fire = Kino?
Reminder that fire was mankind's first discovery, first taste of enlightment and fueled curiosity thus giving us everything.


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Holy Kino

What the hell is this, I though this series was about putting out fires and it was vaguely connected to Soul Eater

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Basically normal 3d earth became an anime world due to a "cataclysm" that happened in the world's past changing it into what the fire force would is currently.

The shit quality is intentional I think

It also changed several laws of nature, physics and perception.

Yeah I read about it a bit in this thread, is this series about to end? Because it sounds like an interesting concept and I'm definitely going to give it a go sometime soon

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I don't even read or follow this series, and seriously: what the flying fuck?

Well this is just picking right up for the ending arc.

>The Heart should be smaller imo

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I'm glad I decided to read this

Fucking fuji spics.

he somehow got away after he snatched that kid's body, after inserting the key into amaterasu.

Part 6 is dogshit. Hopefully they skip it and go right to Steel Ball Run.

show your country bitch, fucking third worlder


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>some boomer's rant about social media and SOCIETY
>"zomg guys this is so kino, so deep, this is a masterpiece."

you guys are what she was talking about.

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Go back.

I live in australia, seethe more fuji spic.

>finally an FF thread with a lot of responses
>its all just pdople spamming kino

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Go back, you don't udnjerstand.

pfft, same here m8, burger live in Australia for 8 years

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The series is shit

Burger living in aus, and reading FF? Based I guess.

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>most kino posters from Dab Forums are aussies
>most shitposters on this site are aussies
>etc ...
no wonder moot hates you guys so much lel

Keep telling yourself that.

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Moot isn't here to keep you safe anymore, user.

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picked up

what the actual fuck is going on

It's either that or spamming erotic fanart. or thread dying early
This series must be cursed in someway to never have a decent thread.

You don't need to read FP or fujifags to know this face, they spammed it every many years ago on this site, when i go to baidu or 5chan to get spoilers, even chinks and nips are using it now lol

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Spamming it only really took off after the Fire Punch story time back around May 2020 or so.


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This is absurdly meta and c i n e. Feels really warm after the whole SnK fiasco.

This fucking chapter really seems out of a crack overdose dream. Kino

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what do you expect, Dab Forums is full of shitposters nowadays

yes its ending soon. The author is retiring too.

It's nice to know even doomsday cultist follow safe social distancing procedures

Sick, I can't wait to read all of it because I have autism and like reading completed works instead of waiting for a new chapter to drop.

Soul Eater bros, how does this ending compare to Kishin kino so far for you? I'm enjoying FF a lot more overall despite Soul Eater having some characters I like more like Maka and Soul.

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KINO in its purest form

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Way out of date on Fire Force, just wasn't
into the cast as much as I was with Soul Eater, but just based on this chapter I have to admit Ohkubo's certainly upped his hype game since the Kishin showdown.

>not even bothering with dialogue anymore

Do we know who the lady is ?in real life

ohkubo tranny form

The main villain literally turned anime real

unfortunately for the other few FREEDOM is the peak of manga as a medium
but LIVE comes in close second

ohkubo's mom

madness kino cannot be topped

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I am nowhere near up to date on fire Force but I like soul eater much better

is this the kyoani fire killer

Thanks for posting that page, user. I'm reading it right now, and this is quite the wild ride.

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some lady that lost a bet.

Homunculus is a masterpiece.



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Big chillin drinking sake under the moon.

>this is quite the wild ride
Just you wait.

Someone should do this IRL shit to despict the evil legion of editors that axe mangos.

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Can someone filter out the text please?

I'd love to see the editor's face when they saw this .

Maximum kino incoming. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH

the editor must have also been high when he approved it.

I feel like I just went through a hell of an acid trip and I want more

Why? What do you have planned?

>one of my current favorite manga is responsible for the most autistic spic cancer thread in weeks
This board finally has reached Dab Forums levels of shit

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Why is the stripper covered up these days?


Finally, a weapon to surpass Kino Face.

Dab Forums is still much worse, even though we're there with the autism

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If you're lucky people here will forget in a week since they don't pay much attention to this manga.
If not then well, you are going to get shitposted to death from now on.

Is this the beginning of our own cataclysm?

Waiting for his doppelganger to appear, because that's when the true fucking cataclysm will occur.

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i feel like we just unlocked some estosteric disturbing truth

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I'm scared

Have we started the fire?

fuck off faggot this thread was probably the only good one you got for this shitty manga, kinoposting is fun and actually involving faggot. suck my dick

It was always burning since the world's been turning.


they will come to save fireguys

Too much KINO in 1 picture

Poor Yu

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Giovanni really is the most evil character, I wonder if Vulcan realised he killed Yu here.

Haven't followed this in a while, what happened to Potato after he lost his limbs


The father (The Heart), The Son (Sun/Agni) and the holy spirit. (Despair)

>fire force thread
>oh nice some discussion
>it's just dbspics and fp newfags trying to force a meme

Wait, this suppose shonen!!! Not some seinen or evangelion!!!

Probably, along with a 4th season judging by number of chapters.

Pretty much, i think fire force is the best selling weekly shonen magazine manga.

>nd the penultimate one turning the real, flesh-and-blood, 3D world into the 2D anime/manga world of Fire Force.

Wait... what

I read this manga since it came out and I don't remember this, when the hell was it said, what chapter was this

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You know you can just go check this out before outing yourself out as an actual clinically diagnosed retard, right?

Tamaki is beautiful.

Read the thread at least.

>I read this manga since it came out and I don't remember this, when the hell was it said, what chapter was this
Reread or stop lying.

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I feel and share in your pain user, I wish FF could just get a good thread for once.

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I'm gonna see this page posted everywhere, ain't that right?

Yes, and like Agni you will like it.

Agni? Never heard of him.

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There's a LIVE action that doesn't look half bad.


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What girlfriend? Thats a man baby

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>surpasses kino

shut it satan

Someone help me out, what is she referring to when she talks about the bugs in the social media and how it pushed evolution?

>wouldn't you agree
I understand the japanese usage and im pretty used to it, but the way they use it still sounds weird in english

joke's on you, Fire Force is one of your favorite manga

deeply cursed, well done

Jump will never allow this kind of gimmick touch their magazine

why bother try to play console wars like an 11 years old? thread is about to end.

Well this still shows that the author is still a hack.

Okubo still hasn't learned how to wrap up a proper, coherent ending, but this seems like it will be better than soul eater at least

I came

>Okubo still hasn't learned how to wrap up a proper, coherent ending
but all this stuff was foreshadowed before

Cool gimmick, doesn't stop the manga from being shit.

I know, but I just know he's going to shit the bed like with "oppai madness". He has too many elements he has to work with

>this whole chapter

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the same can be said about fire punch

Pretty sure this is the editor.

What was the author's comment?

It was literally the 11th best selling series last year. Yeah, it is popular in Japan, more than Dr. Stone but slightly less than Attack on Titan.

Also important to note, he is literally Jesus on account of being a virgin birth


There was no gimmick in Fire Punch, it was just a well drawn expression.

how did this even get approved?
this chapter is an actual shitpost

It's the best selling non-romcom and non-spokon manga currently running in WSM, Ohkubo is allowed to do whatever he wants.

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Could (what's left of) the world even handle such a destructive fight?

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Based department is on line 1

Those shitty thing to filter people like you kek

>implying said fight isn't what rejuvenates the world

No, he's been that way since he was 10. But it's because of folks like you that he had to hide it.

>protagonist carrying the stigma of a devil (fox) because he was missblamed for the supposed murder of his family (hidden village)


>the soul eater world is constantly threatened by madness because its 1D or 1.5D people living in a 2D world
absolute kino

Did it all start with Kyoani burning down?

holy shit this is great
talk about meta

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He wrote soul eater for fucks sake. Ohkubo could literally wipe his ass with a page and publish it if he wanted to.

>terrible pacing
I repeat, fire force is not designed to be read week by week.


He must have sleeped well this week

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based on what