Yuru Camp△ S2

The Solo Camp Kirby ep is out

Attached: [Erai-raws] Yuru Camp Season 2 - 07 [720p].webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>they have to use bathrooms
Bros... I thought 2d girls didn't need that....

This is honestly the first ship I've ever actually felt bad about sailing.

Attached: spoilerin.png (100x100, 13.92K)

>can't fuck imouto
>imouto's friend admires you
>use her as substitute
It's hot

Have you worshiped Shimarin today?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (720p) [518CE670].mkv_snapshot_02.44_[2021.02.18_14.21.11].jpg (1280x720, 113.97K)

cute and comfy

Attached: [ASW] Yuru Camp - S02E07 [1080p HEVC]_shot_8_[02.18.21].jpg (1920x1080, 234.02K)

She was secretly masturbating.

This J/a/p has revived his pilgrimage series.

How old is onee-san? How close is she to cake status?

every single day

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Forcefully kissing Rin..

Attached: 2021-02-18 (24).png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

you just know...


know what?

post your favourite Yuru Camp reaction image RIGHT NOW

She's so lovely it warms my heart

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A].mkv- (1920x1080, 2.52M)

she's a fat fatty fat fat fat

Attached: Yuru Camp S2 - 03 (720p) [2E4D6C87].mkv_snapshot_14.01_[2021.01.22_04.36.58].jpg (1280x720, 138.47K)

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Attached: Yuru Camp S2 - 03 (720p) [2E4D6C87].mkv_snapshot_11.11_[2021.01.22_01.16.26].jpg (1280x720, 82.96K)

>you will never feel the satisfaction of feeding Nadeshiko a delicious meal

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (720p) [518CE670].mkv_snapshot_18.36_[2021.02.18_14.52.50].jpg (1280x720, 102.89K)

/x/ the dog is watching you

Attached: dog watching.jpg (170x621, 44.76K)

Japanese noodle chefs are so lucky. One day Fujiwara Chika wanders into their restaurant; next day it's Nadeshiko. Talk about job satisfaction.

>don't go anywhere without cell coverage on your outdoors activity, it's not safe!
>and you'll get bored!
>here, just blog about these restaurants instead

Attached: [Merchant] Kuma Miko - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.16_[2016.05.10_01.55.50].jpg (689x720, 56.42K)

speaking of, what grimoire was Rin using as her example book?

Attached: 2021-02-18 (10).png (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 01v2 (720p) [18A39C60]-[01.06.859-01.08.151].webm (718x718, 219.62K)

Who is this?

Here's your you friend.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 03 (1080p) [6F6B29D3].mkv_snapshot_10.41_[2021.01.21_18.24.47].jpg (1920x1080, 174.53K)

Rin-chan needs to put her hair back up in a bun again. I (and Sakura) would appreciate it.

Why is Rin cheating on Nadeshiko? Cheating is bad :(

The larval stage of the Shimarin

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Dame dame!

Attached: damedame.webm (808x720, 1.19M)

Could you make RIn-chan do that by playing a flute at her like a snake-charmer?

How is she single?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (720p) [518CE670].mkv_snapshot_21.16_[2021.02.18_15.01.30].jpg (1280x720, 111.42K)


Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (720p) [518CE670].mkv_snapshot_16.27_[2021.02.18_15.08.09].jpg (1280x720, 103.15K)

She's so lovable. It's impossible to dislike Nadeshiko.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (720p) [518CE670].mkv_snapshot_00.07_[2021.02.18_13.58.05].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Siscon and lesbian

Yuri Camp.

If she doesn't have her own transportation to leave if things go wrong then not going somewhere without service is good advice.

by choice

Attached: [Erai-raws] Yuru Camp Season 2 - 07 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_16.06.665.jpg (1920x1080, 291.2K)

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Rin is so cool..

Attached: 2021-02-18 (11).png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

Is there such a thing as too cute?

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courtesy of Rin's secret ass society

Attached: secret_ass.jpg (1920x1080, 333.41K)

It's even more top secret than secret society blanket

Attached: 2021-02-18 (13).png (1920x1080, 3.01M)

now that the dust has settled, what do we think about Rin's robust hips and juicy thighs?

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I want to be that cheese stretch

Attached: 2021-02-18 (16).png (1920x1080, 1.75M)


Attached: 1611259781371.webm (1920x1080, 619.89K)

Rin sits on Nadeshiko's face

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if only she wasn't wearing that puffy jacket, then we could see what kinda waist she's working with


Attached: sonnatookutokoro.webm (1108x1080, 1.5M)

Iam Tomato.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A].mkv_snapshot_20.46_[2021.02.18_14.35.55].jpg (1920x1080, 249.51K)

this would look so jank if it wern't for those anime spit wads that indicate embarrassment or quick, nervous speech patterns


Attached: minnaissho.webm (616x720, 280.36K)

where's the baito ga nai yo poster?

Rin's bod looks so compact there, god i want her to sit on my face

I can't believe Nade gave her first blowjob bros... she is growing so fast...

Secretly a JAV actress

One thing,that I love, about these show is how many characters have really long hair,they almost all at the butt or lower-back length. Muh dick.

>episode 7

Attached: good chill.jpg (1280x720, 72.94K)

Why does Nadeshiko have so many meme faces?

What happened after the this??

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It might be a seinen manga but they still can't show THAT.

forceful lesbian kissing

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she's not



what a bijin onee-chan

Attached: EuhFCXyVkAI3nEp.jpg (850x479, 51K)

fuck dykes, and fuck /u/, Rin belongs to me!

Rin destroyed that bathroom.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (720p) [518CE670].mkv_snapshot_05.50_[2021.02.18_11.58.32].jpg (1280x720, 192.77K)

Rin using the toilet without a door


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.01_[2018.01.21_07.28.23].jpg (1280x720, 74.6K)

so much cute nadeshiko this episode

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it's karma for taking Kayano away from Fatty

me in the back

I can't believe there isn't one dude in her class with a crush on her.

Attached: nadenade.webm (818x854, 651.3K)

I just realized, we know so little about their school lives that we don’t even know if any of them are even in the same class.

Attached: Shimarin Yikes.jpg (764x713, 308.89K)

>png from a loss source
>3.33 MB
Please stop.

Attached: cntnzm_EtDa39bU0AQxUHh.jpg (950x742, 118.26K)

She forgot how to drink with a cup.

Attached: what.png (1225x1055, 1.24M)

>first we got that glorious toothpaste scarf
>now this
Why is Rin so /fa/? I want that piece of cloth too
At least she has Shimarin. That's already more than me.

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this pull away shot fucking killed me

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]-[00:00:22.773]-0003.jpg (1920x1080, 348.89K)

How are you posting then?

I'm a ghost now user

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]-[00:00:06.215]-0002.jpg (1920x1080, 243.73K)

>She sees your okonomiyaki

Attached: nadeshikoWOW.jpg (1920x1080, 154.77K)

Lucky bastard sitting next to Pink Kirby

Attached: nadeshikotrain.jpg (1920x1080, 247.95K)

>Eating dinner while watching
>Animated food looks so good it makes me hungry anyway

God damn it I want okonomiyaki

>smartphone camp

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]-[00:05:21.154]-0004.jpg (1920x1080, 534.8K)

I mean that's good advice for a novice camper, trying to go innawoods right off the bat is a good way to die.

Grandpa definitely drilled the sneaking training into her head

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]-[00:16:09.011]-0005.jpg (1920x1080, 411.09K)

All for Rin and foreign hitchhikers

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]-[00:21:16.026]-0006.jpg (1920x1080, 270K)

that okonomiyaki looked so good
I'm gonna get some tomorrow for dinner

easy to make, the only remotely odd ingredient you might need is a bit of dashi

One of my favourite meme faces so far

Attached: >mfw no gf.jpg (1920x1080, 191.97K)

song that you want to listen to with one of yurus. go.

Anyone else hate S2? I can't put my finger on it why I dislike it so much but all the magic's gone. It's just not comfy anymore.
Also, it's all about food. It's not even about camping anymore.

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35.410186, 138.366323

Attached: 35.410186,138.366323.jpg (992x557, 67.9K)

The last two episodes have been about camping, user. Personally I'm finding this season even better and comfier than the first. Rin's solo camping episodes were great, the idiot trio was great, and this Nadeshiko solo camp is shaping up to be great. Sorry you aren't appreciating it.

It's following the manga's turn into being a travel manga with occasional camping instead of a camping manga


Attached: kunkun.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

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rin house model

Attached: zzzz.jpg (512x626, 80.77K)

based user

>windows are boarded up
Were fans harassing them?


wasn't that the live action house?

no I don't, these episodes have been amazing

live action

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I'll give the live action this, the casting for Sakura and Chiaki actually seems fine. (Minus Sakura's nerfed 3D chest.)

Winter sucks, there's nothing to do but eat at restaurants. It's not as good because it's too close to a normal daily life in the city. I wish they skip to spring and dabble in hiking and identifying plants and animals, etc.

rin house model

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texting, shopping, eating

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Attached: cursed_3dshimarin.jpg (500x281, 88.19K)

No Google Maps watermarks this time. Good.

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Every other scene is about "work". Work work work work... is this some kind of a jap propaganda to get kids to go to work or something?
This whole season was about WORKING!
Fuck work when you're a kid. Don't fall for this ruse kids.... work sucks and you'll end up dying from it so don't sweat it until you're an adult.

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You can use these but they are not yuru at all (not as convenient, pricey, etc)

Attached: plb-satellite-messenger-phone-top-view-615x346.jpg (615x346, 340.74K)

So you are a trust fund baby?

this is the most annoying thing ever! Like shut the fuck up already and turn that fucking phone off and enjoy life! You're traveling to see all these places so stop looking at the fucking phone every second like an addict.

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Too much pink

cooking anime shows have less food scenes.

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I'm surprised they didn't hit the baths together. Neither of those asocial recluses had any plans;

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34pg Rin and Sakura having sex in the car dojin.

Attached: 87880177_p33.jpg (1782x2500, 1.76M)

Hell yeah.

What kind of trick is this?

Cooking in a car strikes me as a really bad idea.

Don't worry about. Episode 6 showed there is nothing wrong with breathing in exhaust fumes.

She has a boyfriend from America she's saving herself for it's me

Attached: 1612369784170.jpg (1280x720, 99.64K)

How would exhaust fumes get into a car unless the exhaust was broken under the hood?

>Dust or something got in my phone camera lens
>All outdoor photos I take have an ugly black speck in them

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>she put her hair in a ponytail
based and kyonpilled

There is no trick. They also have beer and prog rock CDs.

>Ena got a job
It's about time. Her not doing enko was a terrible waste.

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It's a bit close to the road for my liking


imagine her soft, layabout body
I'd pay

Right around a bend, no less. Seems risky

Did you know that they "fixed" this face in the BDs? Heresy, I say.

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she really is autistic huh.

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Too pink

Which yuru is going to drop shrooms at camp first?

Attached: yuru shrooms.jpg (4000x2667, 2.73M)

>some random supermarket in the middle of nowhere has a corner for Yuru Camp merch just because it was featured in the show
>a fucking post office in the middle of nowhere gets a Nadeshiko cutout because it appeared a few seconds in the show
Damn it's so tempting to visit rural Yamanashi just for some stupid chinese cartoon.

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this hippy

Attached: Character_23022001.png (300x400, 166.64K)

on accident after reading half an article and a blogpost on edible wild mushrooms

Attached: chi_10.jpg (365x247, 20.02K)

Right? Last thing you want is to be laying awake at night and suddenly hear some douchey teens drift the corner blasting Eurobeat.

love it

>you will never drop shrooms with Rin and discuss conspiracy theories at length

If only I knew what her thoughts on the Earth being round or the pylon in Area 51 were.

Attached: [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 05 [D7F084F0].mkv_snapshot_14.58_[2018.02.21_08.02.05].jpg (1280x720, 83.32K)

>TFW there's an at least 42 percent chance your best friend is gonna die in the woods.

Attached: Yuru Camp (Season 2) - 07.mkv_snapshot_08.05_[2021.02.19_00.12.24].jpg (1920x1080, 320.41K)

Nades isn't trans though

Attached: xdcamp.png (442x720, 359.06K)

>"Rin-chan! Rin-chan! (((They))) are going to make us get in the pod and eat the bugs!"

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Attached: it ain't hittin.jpg (1280x720, 94.65K)

She did her best to make sure she had as close to a safety net as possible short of telling her she's too much of a klutz to take care of herself.

Did Nadeshiko tell sensei she was going camping in the manga? Despite the entire last arc she didn't in this episode.

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Shimarin-sama does not recognize chuggsie's authority.

Shimarin needed Chugsie to keep the gang from dying to frost giants.

What do you call this kind of hairdo

Attached: Yuru Camp (Season 2) - 07.mkv_snapshot_09.45_[2021.02.19_00.36.54].jpg (1920x1080, 167.7K)

very high IQ

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I'll turn her into one

Man just imagine getting her good and drunk and then when she's passed out and defenseless you hold her hand.

Attached: Yuru Camp (Season 2) - 07.mkv_snapshot_06.40_[2021.02.19_00.35.35].jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

Campers should never carry phones or guns.

The more bears the better.

Every anime and live action should nerf the chest.


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What a fucking homo opinion

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I like Rin's hair like this

Attached: Yuru Camp (Season 2) - 07.mkv_snapshot_12.22_[2021.02.19_00.18.11].jpg (1920x1080, 242.05K)

I wonder how long it takes to RINse it.

Reminds me of that random town that has love live shit plastered to everything because it gets otaku to spend their money there.

Everyone that got close to her died from being impaled by her chin.

>Sakura installs literal spyware on her sister's phone
Do japs really?

user, all cell phones are spyware by default.

bear-hair is best hair

Attached: 6Leyhtk.png (1280x720, 709.55K)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 04 (1080p) [B9E6E18A]_snapshot_00:09:19.643_[2021.01.30_23.24.16]_subs.jpg (1920x1080, 226.98K)

lmao, it was so comfy I didn't pick that up

Anyone else ordering all of the Yurus from Wing?

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Flip-phones aren't even safe from the constant tracking anymore.

Attached: Cingular Flip IV.jpg (174x629, 86.55K)

Skinwalker hands typed this.

Is there any series that even comes close to these levels of comfy?

On another note, anime has trained be to be anxious about Nadeshiko's solo trip going badly, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

>he doesn't know Nadeshiko dies on her solo camp, and the series becomes a grimdark end of the world survival story
Oh, to be as innocent as you once were

Attached: so_comfy.jpg (1280x720, 112.98K)

Have you heard of our lord and savior Non Non Biyori? Though it gives a whole lot of feelings rather than just comfy.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Non Non Biyori Nonstop - 01 (1080p) [744B88FF]_00-02-32.569_01.jpg (1920x1080, 565.01K)

I miss flip phones

plenty of iyashikei are comfier than smartphone glamp

Is it really grimdark or is is it the beautiful tail of overcoming sorry and pain of one older sister learning to open her heart and love again with her imoutos best friend

Attached: Yuru Camp (Season 2) - 07.mkv_snapshot_20.42_[2021.02.19_02.05.49].jpg (1920x1080, 304.84K)

One is airing right now, lad.

I watch this show with my family. We're from Louisiana, so we've seen worse port a lets
>I've pooped in fields
>I've pooped in ditches
>Before i poop in here
>i'll poop in my britches

Attached: let-the-good-times.jpg (287x358, 62.38K)

>Nadeshiko goes missing on her solo trip
>Sakura sends her text messages as a sort of way of coping
>3 years later people find her cell phone at the camp site
>Sakura charges it and turns it on
>1101 unread text messages

;_; you're my friend

it could work because nobody remembers sora yori

Please don't remind me of that scene in a comfy thread, friendship contract friend.

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It really seems that way most of the time.
I don't get it, it's fucking good.

That's sort of the thing. It's good. So we can't shitpost it. Not everything needs 24/7 general shit threads.

Attached: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.39_[2018.01.23_16.47.25].jpg (1280x720, 92.94K)

this is not yuru at all ;_;

it was a generic drama and veg was in the same season

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Isn't it though?

Attached: Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.22_[2018.03.20_16.43.43].jpg (1920x1080, 175.66K)

or this guy
>can he even read, much less type?

Attached: Jason-Voorhees-Derek-Mears.jpg (702x350, 78.17K)

>BLANKET already has an antarctic branch
why the hell are they in there?
how deep does this go?

>why the hell are they in there?

For science.

Just the Rin, I go the Nadeshiko that is holding the lanturn.

Kain Hodder superior. Derek Mears inferior.

Attached: Yuru the 13th.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

they still make those, ya know, try tracfone

Attached: gibbs-flip-phone-ncis.jpg (630x352, 17.88K)

Yeah, and it's superior to veg in almost every way. But everybody got distracted by muh hair, and muh try hard animation.The running on water shot isn't good
The email scene is better than the letters one

Don't reply to VEG fag.

More like glamping.

i just picked the first good picture of jason i found
>at least it wasn't jason x

I'd sooner watch Jason X than the reboot.

I wanna see the idiot trio try antarctic camping
I wish this was real tbqh

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fumming, sora yori was a snoozfest and all shitposting was in veg threads

Attached: 1567840169333.webm (854x480, 1.2M)

>his idea of fun is shitposting
you're the bane of this board

for you

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>cute Nadeshiko noises

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]_00-13-53.709_01.jpg (1920x1080, 414.64K)

kyoani really flexes it's animation muscles for no reason sometimes, and the other times they just... don't

Astronaut Yorimoi when?

Attached: Rocket_Girls_Ep11_Subbed_(9BF7B8DA).mkv_snapshot_09.49_[2020.03.18_04.04.44].jpg (720x480, 54.66K)

Was expecting her noises in the restaurant, but this works too.

>someone brings up Sora Yori
>thread immediately ruined by VEGposters
every time

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A camping during the apocalypse anime sounds good.

>SoraYori, Yurucamp, and VEG
You didn't forget the other CGDCT anime airing that season, right? There were six

Attached: 1545796776432.jpg (1280x720, 53.8K)

I miss the sanshas

Attached: [awoo] Sansha Sanyou - 10 [BD 1080p].webm (1920x1080, 975.99K)

I think that's just called "living" at that point.

Of course. I'll always remember one of my AOTY's that year. Colors.

Thanks for reminding me. Though it feels more /ck/ than cute Nadeshiko noises.

Don't worry user, I just started watching Slow Start. It's pretty good but it's clearly not as good as Yuru Camp.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]_00-17-28.549_01.jpg (1920x1080, 193.36K)

ryuouu no oshigoto and colors were very memorable

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Extremely based.

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>Though it feels more /ck/ than cute Nadeshiko noises.
The two go together well

Literally watch NNB this season, user. The fuck are you even doing.

That's not how it's meant to be watched.

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>not despairing at the end of episode 12 together with anons
You don't belong here.

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>broadcast: mondays at 01:35

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I was exaggerating, user. Don't be sorry. Now I feel bad.

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No. Ena and Rin know each other from the library, Chiaki and Aoi were childhood friends, and Nadeshiko is a lowerclassman younger than any of them.

I used to get shit for drinking from the side of my mouth, a habit I built up so I could drink and keep my eyes on whatever book I was reading.

Yuru Camp needs a loli like Ren-chon while NNB needs a cool onee-san like Rin. Simple as.

NNB already has the coolest onee-san.

Attached: 1610617770157.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

Get that cunt out of here. Bitch would probably make fun of Nadeshiko too for no reason at all.

Hey, Nadeshiko, check this out.

Attached: Non Non Biyori Repeat - 10 [480p].mkv_snapshot_04.02_[2019.06.02_02.08.59].jpg (848x480, 53.5K)

Wait until you get to the Eiko-Sensei parts.

They are kinda cute together but my yuri gluglus are not strong enough.


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What's the appeal of this show?

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>tfw still using a cheap flip-phone from ~10 years ago
Feels good not blowing several hundred every couple of years to retain basic functionality.

Loopable kirby.

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Honestly I'm not sure why it's so popular. I like it fine but on the whole it's just kind of fine. 3/5ths of the cast is redundant and it's camping advice is.... rudimentary to say the very least.

>Artist posted the whole thing free
OTOH This is too fucking cute to fap to.

Is it just me or have they started making Nadeshiko fatter again? Look at this picture from the start of E7, for example.

I wonder if there's an animator out there who secretly likes chubby girls and tries to draw every girl as fat as he can get away with? An architect animator, if you will.

Can he be stopped?

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Your phone soon won't have any network it can connect to.

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>Walk 5.5km to campsite
what the fuck

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (720p) [518CE670].mkv_snapshot_21.46.850.jpg (1280x720, 217.33K)

Season 2 has been better than 1

Lose weight.

That's only a 1.5 hr hike


That's like an hour and a bit walk.

>The seething of the Americas
Pat yourself on the back, I'm pretty sure typing that left you out of breath.
Eat a salad.


Attached: Being American.gif (640x400, 36.92K)

Kinda, I am usually thinking of how grateful I am of not living on a shithole in which collecting rainwater is illegal.
Hit a gym, fatass.

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Are you guys looking forward to the Super Cub anime?

Don't you have clump of clouds to scream angrily at, grandpa?

As always their commenting system is obnoxious as fuck. My reaction was similar with them though.

Straight to the kirb folder it goes

>Brings up America for no reason
>Gets called out

Suck my freedom log

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You will never lose weight like Nadeshiko

What did they mean by this?

I would worship her every day alright.

They redeem themselves for 2 episodes of almost no Nadeshiko and Rin

>only Americans are fat


Is this really what shit posting has devolved into? Acting stupid and then once you get called a retard just point and say the other guy is seething?


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The only one seething is the guy that mentioned Americans.

Stop it, mutt.
Shitposting ain't going to make you lose your 56% goblin pounds.

That's not how it looks like to me.

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So that's a solid "YES" then. You know I think the saddest part is you think you're winning.

With a moped, you can go anywhere you want

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Given her superhuman endurance, I'm sure Nadeshiko can go anywhere she wants too on her bicycle, only slower.

>devise cunning plan: Operation Chuggsie Seduction
>invite her back to your place to try a new kind of sake
>make sure she has two drinks for every one of yours
>collapse while she's just getting started
>wake up
>in bed
>find a glass of water and a note on the bedside table
>"sorry user! it looks as though you overdid it a bit! i let myself out. thanks for a fun evening! — Chuggsie"
>feel emasculated
>but in a comfy way

Chuggsie is the best.

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I don't doubt that chuggsie can hold her liquor, you don't bring two bottles of rum when going camping if you can't

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>Onee-chan stealing her imouto's girlfriend
Now this is the true purest form of love

Why the fuck is a general using a naval uniform(hat)?

what does she drink and how do I get them?

To confuse the enemy

>amerufats on damage control

That's another show way ahead of its time

Current canon Chuggsie-approved drinks:

a) beer (she used to buy a sixpack every night from the corner store)
b) rum (sometimes in cocoa)
c) sake (definitely a connoisseur. In S1 E12 she got sad because they didn't have the right sort of sake to drink with sukiyaki, and in S2 she reminisces about how good the sake went with hot-pot.)

My guess is she'll drink anything, though.

Attached: Best Drunk.jpg (225x350, 21.96K)

>stalking your crush's sis
What did Afro mean by this?
Hnnng. Nade's too adorable holy shit. That insert song was really sweet
>tfw it was sung by Asaka (OP) and Eri Sasaki (ED)
Unironically kino

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Yup. I was so-so on Rin (I prefer the Jacket, hat and Toothpaste scarf aesthetic but there was no way I was paying retail for the Alter Rin, never mind Aftermarket). The Nadeshiko tipped me over the edge though.

I've been wrong before, in terms of 'this is an exact reference to x episode you forgetful twat.' but I also feel like Chiaki's grin isn't quite shit-eating enough for that pose?

I just put a pre-order on the wing Rin figure. I was conflicted about whether to go for the alter figure. But there were issues with not getting the toothpaste color right and the head peg not fitting right. I feel the wing rin figure's pose is just right for the vibe of the show, not to mention tfw your wife is looking back at you with a smile

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Yeah, that was definitely a bullet dodged. I have the Nendo coming, so will have to settle for that!
I agree the pose, and the whole figure in general is spot on, it's just a shame it's my least favourite of Rin's many fabulous outfits. It also makes it a shame the other poses are so generic-standing-figure-y (Nadeshiko gets a pass because that is peak Nadeshiko, but Aoi's 'I have curry and so I must dance' is particularly egregious...).

Don't forget wine, she wanted some for the final evolutions of Inuko's sukiyaki

>>make sure she has two drinks for every one of yours
>>still pass out
fucking milkdrinker

Unf. This girl's at the absolute peak of her beauty. Someone should take her asap

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>live in a relatively quiet seaside town
>walk outside
>see this qt on the beach

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ugly head

dead fish in bed

Yamanashi is fucking DOOMED

Actively avoids males.

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fujo out of her element

How so?

What is one fujo related thing Sakura does?

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She has glasses

Not very


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Rin is a slim stick and sticks are sexy. Just another lean flavor.

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And then, what would you do?

Attached: [SSA] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 [720p]-0003.jpg (1280x720, 151.97K)

Accidentally burn down the forest

umm... is it just me, or does it look like Sakura's tits have become detached and are just flopping around somewhere near her midriff?

Read a book. Listen to the radio.

Disgusting commentary but overall cool spots

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>we shall defend our bathroom, whatever the cost may be, we shall poop on the beaches, we shall poop on the landing grounds, we shall poop in the fields and in the streets, we shall poop in the hills, we shall never surrender

How is this even a decison?

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Did that sipping sound when Rin was drinking tea by herself stand out for anyone else?


I like reading when I'm at my cabin

with introverts

it was quite sensual to me

IKR, Nadeshiko is the natural choice.

>that grenadier march

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Yurucamp but it's the early 00's.

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Yeah, I would just marry both sisters and cream the living crap out of them.
Kagamihara women are gorgeous angelic hotties

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They're both perfect in their own way.
Rin too.

It sucks Rin is a Westernized Twitter user

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>tfw did this before yikes became a trend Yuru△camp

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Imagine if these kids went camping 20 years ago.

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How did Sakura sneak up on her?

>saying "yikes"

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>tfw forgot about speed lines
Fuck me.

Attached: Rinyikes.jpg (764x713, 308.89K)

I don't think it would be that different other than the smartphone stuff.

You mean 80% of the show character interactions?

The first season was focused on showcasing the camping atmosphere with some cute girl cutouts to give basic context. This one is about a group of friends with texting addictions traveling. They sidelined the series' strongest aspect to focus on the weakest one.

>can't even go camping in my own living room

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Is this motherfucking telepathy?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S2 - 07 (1080p) [920C632A]-00_14_23.822.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

The one Rin was using in her flashback episode looked a bit like some of those.

They didn't bother showing Rin stopping by the side and texting because that would be boring.

>texting while driving
She's asking for it.

>wahh wahh the characters talk to each other rather than just looking at landscapes in silence
Get over it you whiners, this is a CGDCT show of course they're going to interact

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Come on now. The Yuru slow landscape scenes are very relaxing too.

Of course, but there's a reason they don't make up the entire show.

Also all the girls are pure Gen Z too, so the smartphone use shouldn't be a surprise

Pure, and Gen Z should not be in the same sentence. Gen Z is pure degeneracy.

Well yeah but I won't sell on Millennials and their fake identities either. Too many humans on this planet in the end.

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>be driving
>phone vibrates
>stop by the side of the road
>read and reply
>continue driving
>repeat a dozen times
Do people really do this?

> Gen Z is pure degeneracy
But as an adverb for a negative descriptor it seems to work

Or maybe she just responded when she got to her next stopping point

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Doubt she can feel the phone vibrate at all. Probably just checks when she's at the conbini or stoplights.

>"pure degeneracy" is okay
>"pure gen Z" is not
user, you're autistic

millennials and boomers are no better

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Kissing with Rin.

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