Volume 21 extras out. Tsubame is the strongest human being according to Prez.
Kaguya manga
Honestly, the OVA kind of killed the pace of the current volume because Aka is forced to write all these "sex" chapters. Thank you Editor-sama.
Post the pages you retard.
Kaguya also accepts her superiority.
In which we learn that Tsubame was molested right after Ishigami grabs her and Osaragi narrates how she's weak to pressure.
And 210
>Aka is forced to write all these "sex" chapters
The sex chapter was always going to be 225
Tsubamefags BTFO
Based Maki.
And Mikofags too
It's over, Miko didn't claim the heart.
Sex arc has already had two good chapters out of three (fuck the preachy kaguya one), so it's already better than the past several arcs.
t. thirsty Prez self-inserter
>feels guilty because she has feelings for Ishigami
The game ain't over yet.
She didn't claim anything user. IshiMiko is dead.
I wouldn't even be surprised if Kobachi ended up claiming the pendant instead just because she likes it.
>It's so hard to be beatiful bait
Aka that arc was shit, just let it go.
>Introduction page
>for a character that we won't see again
I don't get it. Is this Aka's last attempt to give her background or what?
He wants to hear people cry about how amazing she was and that she should totally come back or something.
>>for a character that we won't see again
You will regret saying that. Tsubame's return will unironically save the manga.
I guess she was nothing but a mary sue in the end
Back in the Mafumafu interview, Aka talked about the possibility of a Kaguya Zero prequel, of which Momo would be the heroine. Guess what, it's coming out as a novel in March 19 (pic related). You can bet your ass Aka added that "Tsubame is Momo's savior" bit in 201 just so he could wank her some more in the fucking prequel. Look forward to it!
post karen kino lewd
You're late, dogspammer. Shame on you.
>I've seen things that you people wouldn't believe.
>Fujiwara bringing her board games, in which she always cheated.
>The Ice queen, Kaguya, crying at my efforts.
>All those moments they will be lost like.. cough petals.. in the wind...
>Time to die..
Reminder, Aka said there's a reason why Miko likes Ishigami. Eventually, he has to touch upon that. It's a matter of time.
The point is that Aka introduced a lot of new characters plus a new setting and so far other than Mikado everyone else has been irrelevant, and the classrooms haven't been relevant either and they pretty much serve the same purpose as a generic school hallway where stuco members interact with other characters.
Remember when this manga was good?
>Saving the manga? the sales and the threads?
>Volume 21 extras out
where's the cover mate ?
oi mate cover's been round for a bit calm your knickers
I think the one from the digital volume is a bit better though.
I hate how Aka fellated Tsubame's femenine cock.
Just give me an Ishigami chapter already. What about his new reputation? What about Osaragi and Ootomo?
Jesus just end this manga already Aka. You could not look more bored if you tried. Everyone knows you just want Kaguya to get it over with so you can focus on OnK so just hand it off to one of your assistants.
Does someone have the positive edit of this?
>Is this Aka's last attempt to give her background or what?
No, it's aka still trying to pretend he cares about the manga. He sunk the manga in one arc after all
What's the point of Prez worshipping Tsubame now that she's gone and they didn't even interact? I know they'll probably interact during that Kaguya prequel thanks to Momo, but considering Prez is supposed to attend some sort of pre-university seminar I hope Aka writes something about them at that time.
I want to worship Tsubame.
We know, Kaguya, Prez, Ishigami and Miko
Tsubame a best and I want her to come back
t. nobody
Damage control on Aka's part, most likely. Background info that didn't make it in the plot but can be given in character profile.
No translation yet?
◆秀知院学園高等部3年 ◆新体操部・副部長 ◆身体的特徴...学園のマドンナ
「無理難題女子」の一人に数えられ、 その人気は群を抜き、学園のマドンナとして名を馳せる。
いわゆる陽キャとしてクラスカーストの上位に位置し、 チャラめの交友関係も多く、恋愛においても 一般層より早い段階で失敗も経験している。
新体操の実力はあるが、身体が体操に向かない発達をした事や、 容姿の良さ故にストーカーや痴漢被害、 異性からの好奇の視線やトロフィーガール扱いを受け続け、 それでも時に同性の嫉妬に焼かれたりと、 美人ゆえの悩みを一身に背負った人生を歩んできた。
そのため女性としての警戒心が強く、 異性を見る目は非常にシビア。
それでも、他人を信じる事をやめず 多くの人の支えになり、時にメンターとして 苦しむ者たちに手を差し伸べてきた。
友人はつばめを「面倒くさい女」と評すが、 これまでの経験を踏まえれば、 よくも摘まずに真っ直ぐに育ったと評すものも多い。
それもまた、周囲の友人を助け、 周囲の人間に助けられてきたからこその好循環であり、 真に健全な人間関係を築いてきたからとも言える。
白銀御行の 「人を頼らないのは単なるコミュ力不足であり 人間が持つ最大の武器を放棄する行為。 美学というにはあまりに恐か」という考えに則るならば、 誰かを頼り、頼られ、 その結果信頼を勝ち得てきた彼女こそ 人間としての最大の武器を最も美しく扱える 「強い人間」であるだろう。
Translate it yourself. It's mostly shit about how hard she has it for being so beautiful and popular, and how strong she is to endure it all.
Oh, and perverts like to grope her and shit. Probably been raped on a train.
Oh, so like Prez?
whose finger is that?
Yeah, but with Prez it was treated like a joke. With Tsubame, we're supposed to believe she's both wary of men and willing to fuck someone she barely knows. That she's a victim of stalkers and molesters, but gets as handsy with boys as she does. Of course, It's just that she has a bunch of slut friends, she's not a slut herself!
>how hard she has it for being so beautiful and popular
Oh no! That's just so horrible!
You actually expected this would become a main character.
Be glad Ishitgami never became her boyfriend. He would have become a paranoid wreck and his self esteem would have dropped in the negatives.
We know that Christmas was going to be Tsubame's first time having sex though. I think there's a chance that both the readers and Ishigami underestimate how much that night meant for her. Sure, her decision to fuck him was greatly influenced by jealousy, whiskey chocolates and the Christmas mood, but it's clear by her bio that she wouldn't do that with just any guy.
Anyway I'm just hoping Aka will address this in the future, specially now that we're on the topic of sex.
I think she has chances to back, at least for a while
>We know that Christmas was going to be Tsubame's first time having sex though.
She probably lied to make herself look better, just like Aka's senpai did. A lot of her bio reads like cheap excuses and denial, when she was probably just a slut like all her slut friends.
>We know that Christmas was going to be Tsubame's first time having sex though.
I took her words as meaning that it was her first time having casual sex, as opposed to having sex while in a relationship.
Thank you for your contribution.
Nah, it as her first time having consensual sex rather than getting molested by faceless old men.
It's been discussed a million times that "だって" in Tsubame's "私だって" means "too", so she says "it's my first time doing something like this too", thus referring to both her and Ishigami being virgins.
I thought Prez's issues were pretty serious nonetheless
And I still say she lied.
And yet, Nips still asked Aka whether Tsubame was a virgin or not, and he kept it ambiguous.
That thing on Twiiter happened quite some time after the Christmas chapter.
If it was really obvious by reading Japanese, I don't think Nips would have asked those questions, since it would have been clear.
Tsubame is an idealized depiction of Aka's high school senpai, and the nips can smell the slut coming off her no matter what excuses Aka makes or what an angel he claims she was. It's best to read her bio under the assumption it was written by a simp.
I mean, Aka has never shied away from sex in his stories, and is treated as a rather normal thing.
I mean, we know Kyouko, who has been said to be very similar to Tsubame in both looks and behaviour, had sex with Ogino, and it seems she even allowed him to record.
Ah, but it makes sense, doesn't it?
More like one nip, and you put too much faith on drunk Aka. Sure, he wanted to keep it ambiguous, but there's way more evidence pointing to Tsubame being a viring than the opposite, and her bio mentioning how she's extremely cautious when it comes to guys only supports that.
Of course it's up to Aka if he wants to explore Christmas again, but if he does I think the answer regarding Tsubame being a virgin is obvious.
Sure, but Tsubame is his senpai crush and people were calling her a slut, so he had to defend his m'lady, you know?
>but there's way more evidence pointing to Tsubame being a viring than the opposite
Which is?
>how she's extremely cautious when it comes to guys
So cautious she fucks before the first date. Tsubame's character honestly doesn't make sense.
>how hard she has it for being so beautiful and popular, and how strong she is to endure it all.
I hate Koyasu so damn much
>More like one nip, and you put too much faith on drunk Aka.
I mean, his answer wasn't gibberish, and the gist of it was a "who cares?", which is how he's been treating sex in Kaguya-sama.
Her literally saying that it's her first time too and her bio stating that she's very cautious about guys.
While her relevance is over, I doubt we'll never see her again. Maybe she'll still show up here and there just to catch up with the characters.
>that she's very cautious about guys.
Literally nothing in her behavior shows this, so i'm gonna call this out as Aka being in denial that his senpai was a whore.
>saying that it's her first time too
Having causal sex
>her bio stating that she's very cautious about guys
Because she's been stalked and molested by creeps. It also says she's had multiple past relationships.
What Ryan Reynolds movie is that one?
That would imply Ishigami has already had sex before too though.
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
Why would she assume he hasn't? He publicly asked out the most popular girl in school so it's not like he's lacking confidence
Miko please
Rejected...twice in the same hour.
Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.
What happens when that linkage is broken? Interlinked.
No, that's another Ryan.
I swear the day spoilers show Tsubame's face again these threads will finally return to their former glory.
Why don't you say that three times? Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.
I hate mikodogs so damn much
Within cells interlinked.
Within cells interlinked.
Within cells interlinked.
What is happening in this thread?
>Translate it yourself. It's mostly shit about how hard she has it for being so beautiful and popular, and how strong she is to endure it all.
What a stacy.
> she rejected THREE TIMES an emo normalfaggot wannabe
Holy shit my sides
How can you hate this beautiful girl?
Based Tsubame
Miko doesn't have a dog
>I'm a bad girl
What did she mean by this?
Going by Aka's description of her, it's clear that what she means is that he makes her feel like a virgin, touched for the very first time.
I think it's a reference to chapter 206, which was what Miko was beating herself up about.
>I want a mary sue Tsubame
Genius Aka.
She thinks it's bad to feel happy that her crush got rejected by another girl
It doesn't matter, what's important is that she definitely didn't claim the heart.
You don't know that. We don't know that yet. And if she hasn't, we don't know if she will or will not do so later.
>she definitely didn't claim the heart
Dunno, ask Mikofags
Sometimes to love someone, you gotta be a stranger
45 chapters meme. Chapter 180 wasn't that epic tho.
I can't believe she's gone.
Don't worry, user. I am sure she will be back in the future to reject Yuu one last time.
>Tsubamefags hate Ishigami
Oh god, now I understand.
When he wrote the ending of her story he was angry and seething, so he made her out to be a cunt.
Now he feels bad and wants "her" back so he's making Tsubame to be a victim and a hero.
>no IshiGuya
>no IshiGane
>no IshiSenpai
Is Fujiwara the True Ending?
No merely beginning of true suffering.
Have you forgotten the "game of life"?
No, that's Mikoroasties' hobby
>denying evidence
Damage control.
Anyway, the pendant represents the promises of eternal love and the rotten chain of fate.
He never married her so who knows.
She gave prez the baseball team he wanted so that was him being ungrateful to the point he cheated and his wife went full lesbo.
Gotta love how Ishigamifags come up with these harem scenarios, but the character who gets the harem-like chapters is Prez.
>blatant falseflagging
Common now. You Mikofags wanted this rejection more than anyone.
Prez is for male self inserters.
Ishigami is for shippers and yumejoshi.
It's more of a meme for Ishigami, while a serious issue for Prez.
Kaichou's love autism only triggers with Kaguya. He might get embarrassed with others but he doesn't think about another girl in the way he does about her.
Because with prez you just now he only wants Kaguya so no point in shipping.No love triangles, no retarded bullshit.
For ishigami, shipping is an issue with his fans who keep speculating.
>attack his own kind and accuse falseflagging
>red herring to cover up mocking Ishigami
Mega yikes.
>Prez is for male self inserters.
>the one who gets all the retarded shipping bullshit is ishigami
>all while being the literal author's self insert
Check again.
I mean, most Ishigamifags here are clearly self-inserters, and clearly male too.
Prez is more like your average shoujo main love interest, that is: good looking, gentlemanly and capable of doing anything, but with the twist that he's actually terrible at most things.
I mean, that's the joke, isn't it?
If Prez wanted he could have a dating sim type of school days, but he's got a clear case of oneitis.
That's only because Aka didn't want to pair him up with Tsubame. Seriously, he spent so long with the whole thing, just to have Tsubame reject him. If that was his plan, he should have Tsubame reject him after Christmas, and either gone immediately for whatever love interest he actually plans to have for Ishigami.
While Ishigami might be the author's projection, he's consistently written as fanservice/bait for female readers.
t. shoujo manga expert
>If Prez wanted he could have a dating sim type of school days,
Modern Karen would probably stab him for ruining her ship
>he should have Tsubame reject him after Christmas,
That would have been good, enjoyable writing.
We can't have that.
>Prez is more like your average shoujo main love interest,
I wish people would get he's a straight shoujo parody.
>he's consistently written as fanservice/bait for female readers
Why do people keep repeating this in these threads? I have yet to see anyone show any polls or whatever evidence to support this.
Is this one of those things people keep repeating to make it seem like it's true? You know the "trust me bro, everyone knows this" type of thing?
>I wish people would get he's a straight shoujo parody.
I didn't get it because I haven't read any shoujo and because those harem scenes where so infrequent I forgot all about them.
Most knew a rejection was going to happen since it was logical and suited the structure of the manga's direction and theme. Plus, Tsubame was a plot device to develop Ishigami. Thus there was no need for a "want" and Ishigami's growth from getting rejected is necessary. But he's still our guy. Making fun of him as a loser emo and normalfag isn't cool.
I mean, Prez has the harem-like setting, but he doesn't have a harem at all:
>F has shown some degree of attraction to him, but she's mostly put off by his downsides.
>Hayasaka is just a friend, nothing more, nothing less.
>Miko simply feels at ease with him, because Prez (purposely) gave her the impression that they have very similar interests.
Sure, we know he's popular with girls, but hardly anyone approaches him because of his mean eyes.
Prez is not really a parody. He's the perfect prince archetype from shoujo archetype but in a comedy manga. Which yeah, sounds like a parody, but it would be one of those autistic definition arguments that the internet loves.
Some shoujo are also comedies though. Think of Kaicho wa Maid-sama, in which despite it being mostly a comedy, Usui, the main love interest, was still pretty much perfect.
>>attack his own kind and accuse falseflagging
Like IshiMiko and PrezMiko Mikofags?
Serious ShiroMiko posters are known IshiTsubafags that jumped ship to push a crackpairing for baiting purpose.
He's the perfect prince, on appearance, but he's a neurotic mess otherwise.
There are perfect shoujo princes in comedy, and the comedy there is playing them straight and maybe suffering for it.
>defends damage control using crack shipping that is plagued by ironic bait
Ultra yikes.
>plagued by ironic bait
Like the "Tsubamefag" hating on Ishigami
>trust me
Sure thing. You didn't even have the nerve to call them out.
Wdym? Miyuki is canonically Fujiwara's type, Miko's type, Kaguya's type, Moeha's type, Hayasaka's type, and Karen's type. And all these girls got canonically promiscuous situations with him or moments where they showed their attraction to him. But ironically, for some idiots Ishigami is the "harem male lead", when Otomo only befriended him for pity, same for Tsubame who brutally friendzoned him, Kaguya called him insect before to see him as a little bro, Osaragi has platonic feelings, and Miko, the girl who is supposed to like him romantically, flirts with Miyuki rather than with him.
Miyuki has also typical harem protagonist reaction, like in this chapter with Miko. He gets extremely flustered and embarrassed and his will is weak
Miyuki got also convenient typical harem protagonist "incidents" like Fujiwara pressing her chest against him and him grabbing Kaguya's chest by mistake. We didn't get any of this cliché garbage with Ishigami.
Because oneitis vs being able to ship him with other characters.
As simple as that.
Any interaction of prez with another is is in a clear non romantic context for him, can't say the same about Ishigami.
>trust me
That's your method as well
>You didn't even have the nerve to call them out.
Already said that those are mostly Mikofags. You could add Prez self-inserts to the mix though.
To each their own
Shittiest ship the manga, truly to each their own.
>woe is me
I think it's the tendency for people to ship Ishigami with girls they'd like to fuck and self-insert as him for vicarious enjoyment that get people to call him a harem MC.
Beyond that, he was at the centre of an actual love-triangle, and there were a bunch of other characters that people saw as potential love interests for him, like Osaragi, Rei and to some particularly stupid people, Maki.
As for Prez, only Kaguya and Moeha actually like him. Hayasaka once felt a faint twinge for him, Karen doesn't want him, she wants him with Kaguya, and Miko specifically said he wasn't her type.
Fujiwara isn't into him. The bit where she described her ideal guy, then was horrified to realize that sounded a lot like him didn't lead to some romantic revelation for her, it just shocked her then she didn't think about it again.
Not him, but I take offense to that. Mikofags hardly ever falseflag in the past and have no reason to now. But certain Tsubamefags have done it many times before in the past, like with sudden influx of Osaragi shipping and shitpost against Miko over intentionally misleading spoilers.
Karen is trying to cope though
And coping is a form of falling out of love.
She'd reject him on the basis that she's not Kaguya so she doesn't deserve him.
Does Japan simply not know what a Mary Sue is? What are their reactions to this profile, anyway?
Reactions to Tsubame's character remind me of the reactions to Lacus
>I don't even know what the fuck she's thinking and her character is nebulous at best
from her VA.
>your method
Wew. I must a genius who invented common sense and logic then.
>Prez self-inserts
Prove it.
It is actually the opposite any interaction Ishigami has with other girls is in a clear non-romantic context like the pasta says the only girl who is romantically interested in him flirts with the other dude. Meanwhile Hayasaka Miko and Fujiwara has the "It could be possible" undertones in it.
It's not the opposite.
With prez they are clearly shit down because he has an unhealthy obsession with his love interest and main heroine/character of the manga.
Ishigami is a free for all, so you can actually argue Aka could do it.
But Miko does say he is her type just not his face even than her recent behaviour says otherwise
Thats meta reasoning vs characters behaviour obviously Ishigami is free so people ship him more but from the story perspective none of the girls are romantically attracted to him expect supposedly Miko even then she has the "It could be possible if Kaguya didn't exist" hints with Prez, but they are hints of attraction with Prez from all the girls
And since all we're arguing is meta and how readers perceive characters, that's what matters, yes.
>Karen doesn't want him,
Karen used to canonically like him. Currently Karen is a pit of degeneracy though, so I am not sure.
What? No.
This is just a LN adaptation of the manga.
>for a character that we won't see again
We will, she is Ishigami's friend now. We'll get her talking to him about how much she loves her new boyfriend.
Tsubame and Ishigami will get a hopeful but not conclusive ending, something like they'll meet each other at Kaguya's wedding or something.
yeah sorry bruv I'm re'arded
>Prove it.
Dude, neither of us can prove jack shit to each other
We don't, but considering her attitude do you really think she did? Claiming it would mean Miko decided to actively go after Ishigami, something that clearly isn't happening.
Instead of IshiMiko we're still in the same pre-rejection route where Miko gets character development independently from Ishigami, and that's why Aka doesn't waste chapters on them together.
>and Moeha actually like him
Even this one is a stretch, she's just a pervert
Not him, but on meta-level we got a lot more harem bait, which skews the reader's perception, with Prez rather than with Ishigami
Speak for yourself. I've asked plenty of "ShiroMikofags" why they like sincerely like about Miko and none could say why. Most of the time they don't even respond, and the few times that tried gave tongue-in-cheek sarcasm that bashed in an ironic fashion.
Again, on a meta level we know everything with prez is pointless and Ishigami is the only one with a pseudo open love life.
Which is why self inserters and shippers all flock to Ishigami.
■ Kaguya Volume 21 & Oshi no Ko Volume 3 are on sale today!
■ And the members of the CR Cup have been decided!
Selly (
Mr. Chigusa Nishizono (
@ Chigusa_24zono
I will participate in the material frame, so I will do my best not to pull everyone's legs ...! Thank you!
Does EVERYONE simply not know what a Mary Sue is?
It's a self-insert character in a fanfcition who quickly befriends all the OG cast and everyone always praises her her for being so awesome and she always saves the day.
I mean yeah it would be dumb to argue that there is more shipfaggotry with Prez because that is clearly not the case but that doesn't change the fact that the "harembait" people are claiming Ishigami brings does not actually exist and it is only like you said how readers percieve the story meanwhile Prez legitimately has this type of pondering.
I said this in the threads before but ultimately it comes down to the fact that there weren't enough relevant male characters for the girls to bounce off of so all of them got pushed down to have interactions with Shirogane since he is the male lead and Aka thinks it is funny to include romance bait because "le yandere Kaguya funny xd"
>"le yandere Kaguya funny xd"
Literally, it sells the manga super hard early on.
As a shipper, I can confirm.
Sure, I do support Endgame tm but I know it's pointless.
Just fucking why? This will generate endless shitposting again.
Just when these threads became way calmer than before
There's a legit difference between playing stuff for the sake of comedy and the stuff with Tsubame/Miko/Osaragi get with Ishigami is completely different and played straight.
You must be thinking about her morals. She held back because she didn't want to get in the way and cause trouble. But Tsubame has turned Ishigami down so that apprehensive feeling isn't there to hold her back anymore. It's fine to speculate, but making bold-faced assumptions is a silly thing to do until there's more to work with. Keep in mind at least Miko didn't shy away from casually allude to the person she likes in front of Prez and F.
Don't forget to get Ishigami and Tsubame's wallpaper from the Kaguya website!
>another dude trust me
I would argue that stuff with Hayasaka and Miko is not purely playing it for the comedy i don't want to repeat what has already been said so refer to here this pasta has some hyperbole in it but it is a vaild point
It IS played for comedy though, 99% of the shit Hayasaka pulls is to tease her little sister.
And Miko is just mentally ill and in love with another character, so it's a moot point from her.
There's nothing wrong with Prez acknowledging Tsubame's superiority.
>causal sex
When two worldlines love each other very much...
I love Apex!
Threads are finally alive, vanillafag
link to tweet?
Nah, only Tsubamefags. Tsubamefags BTFO.
I hope you catch up with your meds!
>bad girl
Why Unyo is a liar though?
kill yourself and go back to g2s manganime
Based anons
>It's a self-insert character in a fanfcition who quickly befriends all the OG cast and everyone always praises her her for being so awesome and she always saves the day.
Sounds like Tsubame to me.
I am proud of you anons, i am reminded of those two threads we had back in October i have fond memories of going back and forth between you anons
>What are their reactions to this profile, anyway?
Mixed, last I checked. Some think she's a good girl, others wonder why the fuck this profile doesn't connect to the main story at all and what the point is if nothing's ever going to be addressed.
Oh, found some people commenting that it's entirely unnecessary to shove in this stalker/molester shit, and that absolutely nothing in her behavior shows her supposedly being "wary of men" as her bio implies.
>What are their reactions to this profile, anyway?
>It's a self-insert character in a fanfcition who quickly befriends all the OG cast and everyone always praises her her for being so awesome and she always saves the day.
No. That is shirogane.
That's because Aka can't stop masturbating over (Tsubame-)senpai.
Tsubame a cute
Not really. She literally said that she felt guilty because she was happy that Tsubume dumped Ishigami even though she is good girl. It is like she was saying that Ishigami deserved to suffer.
We know Aka, now go pay that highschool senpai who rejected you, she's probably done riding the cock caroussel and you're rich anyway.
ootomo SEX
Yes brother ishigami is becoming fujiwaras type as we speak have faith.
Also, he likes big breast
But I bet for Shira
Holy shit digits confirm ishiwara
>entirely unnecessary to shove in this stalker/molester shit
Reminds me of pic related. I already dread the day we get to Shiranui's backstory.
Don't you just LOVE tell don't show in your romcom manga?
She must have stalkers
I can't wait until Ishigami jumps in and saves her from her stalker during the Kyoto tri-
Wrong manga, sorry.
Tsubame and Osaragi are pretty much opposites. While they're both beautiful, Osaragi decided to hide behind some glasses because she's a massive coward, meanwhile Tsubame faced the issues that come along with being a pretty girl head on and simply endured the damage.
Osaragi is weak while Tsubame is strong.
>Miko took Kaguya's heart which was supposed to be with Prez.
This is not good. It makes sense why she suddenly wants to make Prez submit to her.
Haha, but I think Ishigami will interact with her
Were they waiting for Miko?
Maki wants to touch his firm butt but is too shy to use her hands so she use her sole instead.
>Osaragi is weak while Tsubame is strong.
And Osaragi called Tsubame "weak to pressure", which is the proper translation, btw. The TL dictionary also gives, "Pushover, weak-willed, and easily pressured". Osaragi's a bitch for wanting Ishigami to push himself on the molested girl.
Seems Monkey Trouble's too much for the navy
Don't worry! She will return soon as Ootomo-chan.
You're exaggerating. There's a big difference between being assertive and molesting someone. Ishigami and Tsubame are close enough for that kind of thing, just like Tsubame held his hand and hugged him without asking permission during the Christmas party.
This little girl is too stuuuupid to even enter the school grounds.
The wording wasn't "being assertive", but that's true. However, he did suddenly grab the molested girl.
>just like Tsubame held his hand and hugged him without asking permission during the Christmas party.
Truly showing her wariness of men, as described in the bio, just like all the times she got handsy with Ishigami from behind. Or, wait! Maybe that's the clue! She never saw Ishigami as a man in the first place!
>She never saw Ishigami as a man in the first place!
She was literally scared of Ishigami at first, and that changed the more she got to know him. Her bio says that despite all her bad experiences and wariness about others, she still wants to trust people.
>She was literally scared of Ishigami at first
That could be pinned on the rumors, and makes sense in that context.
cute and canon
Cute but not canon
>This little girl is too stuuuupid
Ishigami has been privately tutoring her since spring break so her IQ points significantly increased.
Cringe and not canon
Meh, Osaragi was still strong enough to endure Miko's bullshit for years. Also picrelated.
not yet, not even close
Osaragi soon.. right?
suitor x suitor and gay*
Aka will write rape into her backstory if we don't pity her enough.
>Osaragi was still strong enough to endure Miko's bullshit for years
You mean Miko was strong enough to defend Osaragi for years
You know as well as I do that her porn video is floating around on their equivalent of 4chinz, right?
Imma mail it around myself, especially to the Ishigamis so they understand who their little Yuusha was fighting for.
We get it, Tsubame suffered a lot. But it's not enough to simply write it in her bio, Aka must explore her past and explain why she's so strong.
Apparently there's a prequel LN coming out soon, so I assume Momo will tell us all about her.
Ah well, then. Too bad.
>t her porn video is floating around on their equivalent of 4chinz
The VIPs used their wealth and power to delete all traces of it in the entire world.
No I mean Osaragi was still strong enough to endure Miko's bullshit for years
>Koi no Batoru no Hajimari-hen
>The Beginning of the Battle of Love
This kinda sounds like a prequel title, so there's still hope.
>he doesn't understand the streisand effect
>feels resentment over all the shit she had to endure
>bio says that her body is unsuitable for rhythm gymnastics, will probably have to give up on that
Tsubame's suffering is far from over. I hope Aka self-inserts hard here because he seems like the kind of person who holds resentment over his school days.
Don't worry, Tsubame, those people became strong in their own way
Did people die in order to achieve that?
It's implied here that Tsubame is one of those people that no one helped. But she kept moving forward.
Yes, the beginning referring to chapter 1 of the manga miraibunko.jp
Oh, that sucks (nice cover art, though). What's even the point of such a novel? It's not like reading manga is stigmatized in Japan.
>strong enough
>for that
Miko had to be her shield for years cause she's to much of a coward to stand up for herself
I want to see Miko tear into Ishigami's dad for not trusting his son
>one page, after which she was overshadowed by Tsubame
So far, it has been shown that Osaragi helped Miko more.
What I want is to see Ootomo apologizing to Ishigami and his parents, dogeza style.
Aka would have to actually transition to the IshiMiko plot for that to happen. Right now, we're busy with with sex jokes and misunderstandings. Really, this should be Miko's wheelhouse.
The "IshiMiko" plot doesn't even exist, and the further we go into the endgame phase the less chance of it because Miko still has her Osaragi plot and the stuco election pending.
They have met before, Miko wasn't triggered.
>overshadowed by being talked to
>talking stops bullying more than defending yourself
>Osaragi helped Miko more.
With superficial shit, sure. Mike never burdened her with her actual problems
holy shit, this is KINO
Are the bullies bad, or is the bullied she bad?
>Mike never burdened her with her actual problems
She often did Unlike Osaragi
>Really, this should be Miko's wheelhouse.
It's baffling that the biggest pervert of the manga has yet to show up during the goddamn sex arc.
>comedic misunderstandings
>actual problems
The hell is this supposed to mean?
Sounds like Osaragi is just too weak to discuss her problems.
Miko will appear next week when she "accidentally" sits on Prez's dick.
>The hell is this supposed to mean
Nice reference, but Osaragi isn't as tame as Shiori
Captain ;_;
>comedic misunderstandings
And Miko couldn't even handle that on her own.
Isn't that great ? the parents already know each other
have this ever happened? Side characters worsening the main story?
Yes, Miko from Kaguya-sama is a prime example.
Or she is strong enough to handle it herself, unlike Miko
Yeah the poor girl still doesn't understand that Fujiwara regularly deserves to have her mouth taped shut.
Miko is fucking pathetic.
Well, her autism is quite strong, but Osaragi's patience is stronger.
Don't worry, Tsubame is gone and the manga is already a million times better
>unlike Miko
That page is showing the opposite
>Tsubame is gone and the manga is already a million times better
>still no abe
>One page of Shiranui
>No 4p
Osaragi didn't do anything wrong. He's not his type after they're dating.
>still no who
>One page of who
>stuco mind games back on the menu
>4p in 8 chapters
Much better
Shiranui will kick Ishis ass
I cringe everytime someone mentions the "war against the Shinomiyas".
Miko would have not suffered that much if she met Miyuki much earlier.
>Aim god Korean
>Japanese mangaka
>Nijisanji vtuber
What a team.
So is this Aka's new strategy to get a gf? Get into these celebrity tourneys and finally get himself a gamer gf like Megako?
It's never too late.
Blame Aka
It shows that Miko is a pitybait and Osaragi is her babysitter
>友人はつばめを「面倒くさい女」と評すが、 これまでの経験を踏まえれば、 よくも摘まずに真っ直ぐに育ったと評すものも多い。
What does this even mean
It shows that Miko keeps her issues to herself and pushing on in spite of hardships
Seems like Miko was too weak to discuss her problems as well, good thing that Osaragi was smart enough to notice her suffering.
what the fuck is wrong with her
Not that guy who thinks it's weakness. I admire it
What a shit chapter
>whoa Kaguya misunderstands Shirogane’s intentions for the 7273479382nd time
So interesting.
it's the essence of this title, going over the top with romcom tropes
Before they used to try out different things like the love sickness and Kaguya’s insomniac fetish, now it’s just the same basic formula rehashed over and over again. Soulless af.
Yeah it's been a long time since I saw nips discussion die so quickly. Not even Fujiwara's last ramen chapter was this bad.
It was pretty much filler.
Well, Osaragi uses this "weakness" way better than Miko anyway, and without looking like a pitybait.
Damn, those threads were good, even better than the Cultural Festival ones.
Whatever this is, she needs a professional help.
She just needs Ishigami
Mikoledditors are mentally ill.
>Osaragi uses this "weakness" way better than Miko anyway
Understandable if Osaragi had people to discuss with long before Miko did
This, Ishigami will love that
She had him for month. Didn't work.
Miko still had Osaragi though
Ishitubafags BTFO
Mikofags btfo
This, seriously.
Still fighting
You wish, Mikodog
Remember this? Aka neither.
Kaguya's love in safety
Aka forgot?