
how will josuke recover?

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Other urls found in this thread:

By spinning

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What killed the hype?

Nothing killed the hype.

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will part 9 have rock humans? considered how many potential creatures there are and the amount of them jojolion had it'd be weird if araki dropped them entirely in the future of this universe

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ceasing to be autistic

>multiplying rock insects

Seriously what the fuck was the point of that. Just end this already WoU is such a boring stand.

By merging

What part of evacuate strategy do you not get. The stand has been recalled meaning it's defenless. So he needs to be protected

I don't know if can, fritos face is terrible condition.

There won't be a part 9

By going back 24 hours with Soft and Wet:Bites the Dust

>another hiatus
these are starting to become more common, what is going on?

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For me the fight just seems to be dragging out way too long. Nothing has actually happened in the last 3 chapters.

part 6 getting confirmed

There might be. It just depends on what direction the story takes. Araki brought spin back years after people said he “forgot” it

>people fight

what does that have to do with the production of the manga?

Who is Jojolion?


A piece of a plane fell off
Kei showed up to job
Tooru grabs the fruit
Rai tells us there is something special about Josuke's bubbles
Cliffhanger ending of Tooru about to get shot

Stuff happens, but WoU is dragging on. I will forever say its because Araki doesn't know what to do next so he keeps dragging things out, to a crawl if need be.

god i hate when people claim araki forgot something at any given opportunity
people say he forgot hamon when he literally just wanted to stop writing about it

>Jousuke the bubbles are spinning lines!
>repeated 1000x times
>Jousuke proceeds to sit on his thumbs and some side characters show up to get bodied
Yeah, real great climax. Really up there with the likes of Part 5.

Did he even really bring it back though? The spinning that's happening with Josuke's bubbles have nothing to do with how the power see saw in SBR worked.

I was really excited for Josuke vs WoU part 2 and thought he might have some clever way of beating him with WoU pursuing him but nope he Mamezuku got stomped again and we needed Tusk 2.0 to beat WoU.

The great filter.

Rock bugs were a mistake


How old were you when jojolion started?

Spin is bullshit and does whatever Araki wants it do, so it works the same as SBR.

i like colored jojolion

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Colored is superior to black and white.
It's the finished version. Arakis real vision.

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>Dododo De Dadada is a pile of slapped together children toys
>Obladi Oblada are cookies
whats the theme among rock bugs?

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Not him but I was 12 when jojolion started.

it seems that someone did not read the last volume in color

I like botj


I didn't think Araki had any say over how the coloured manga turns out. Just compare Araki's own coloured panels look vs the fully coloured manga and you'll see a big difference.

>That no italian man.

I'm 22 now so I don't know what you said yikes.

He colors it himself.

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at this point pre damo jojolion feels so surreal. everything was so different
also as much as i like colored i can't believe the amount of people willing to wait almost a year for new colored chapters instead of just reading the monthly bw

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Because he is a 50 year old wizard who is trying to pick a bone with anyone under 30.


How do you mean? Honestly I really should reread all of JJL because there's so much stuff I forget from month to month.

>I was 14 when Part 8 began

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Everyone waited 10 years guys nobody cares.

pre-damo jojolion was great and damo was peak, i ranked the parts during damo and JJL was easily my favorite
post-damo has been anywhere from "decent" to "bad"
at least we got a nice kira/josefumi panel this chapter, and this cool page (not that it did anything)

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I know, its just that it made me think about it

it was generally more lighthearted, the goal was to just figure out what was going on.
the more josuke found out about his identity, the darker things got. saving his moms life became his new goal, the doctors started fucking with him and his family, ect.
also there was more mystery. things like wall eyes, baby on the shore, weird symbol, and the bite mark were more relevant

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Back when Jojolion was actually good

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>post-damo has been anywhere from "decent" to "bad"
i disagree
milagro man, ozone baby, doctor woo, and wonder of you (before the actual fight between josuke and wonder of u in that room started) were great. everything else is decent. only arc i thought was kinda slow was urban guerrilla and a bit of this current arc (mainly since i'm reading it monthly)

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>another asspull rock insect


ok milagro man was solid but that was part of the transition
i didn't really care for any of the others you mentioned
i also sometimes think of it as "joshu jjl" versus "rai jjl", where Joshu is somewhat more lighthearted and centered around the Higashikatas, and Rai is more fruit connected and serious about pursuing rock humans

All of Jojolion is Joshu Jojolion. He was the most interesting part of this chapter too.

I'm sick of these stupid fuckin rock animals.
"Heh, unbeknownst to you I've released the fourteenth rock animal, Jouske. Lawdy Dawdy, it mimics animal feces and enters through your toenails."

This guy should be the Head Zookeeper instead of a doctor.

That's a good trick!

idk how you could dislike ozone, it had so much going on

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I doubt he’s against the concept of having more consistent and grounded color schemes for the color releases, even if that’s not his coloring style.

Yasuho's dead

our boy has changed a lot

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It doesn't even really make sense in universe. Rock Humans aren't raised by their parents, they have no contact with others of their own kind unless they happen to meet each other in human society. Tooru shouldn't know any more about the world than the average human. How could he find so many of these obscure undiscovered creatures just because they both evolved from silicon based life?

it kinda looks like the door is going to miss her
I think its going to hit Joshu instead

Rick insects, repeating the same shit over and over again for fucking chapters at a time, joshu should've been part of the main cast instead of rai.

It's aiming for her. He's trying to protect her but the calamities aren't bound by the laws of physics, it can fly around or through him if it has to.

Even though it’s literally inches away from Joshu and Yasuho, the magic bubble will cause it to somehow miss both of them and hit Tooru instead.

the bubble is going to hit Tooru and thats going to affect the calamity

if yasuho was able to tell gappy had 4 balls upon glancing, they must look really fucking weird and noticeable
4 testicles in 1 sack seems the most realistic, but you wouldn't really notice that upon first seeing it. 2 ballsacks maybe?

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At the very least, it won’t hit Joshu or Yasuho.

jesus christ i remember this, i couldn't stop laughing.

Well, he has been alive longer than 89 years. He could have developed an interest in zoology at any point and learn a lot especially with a stand like that.

He should only be in his 40s.

Alright ace your bets folks. Who's going to appear in the spine art fro this volume. We got Speed King last time

Nut King Call

It can only be our boy Jobin

Damn, I miss when everyone's faces didn't always look like potatoes, and I miss Gappy's shenanigans. We for sure need some lighthearted moments with the whole family after this arc, or whatever is left of them.

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Ooooo that would be nice.

What do you guys listen to whenever a new chapter drops? Invisible Soap Bubbles isn't a song, and I can't just listen to Endless Calamity again, even if it fits amazingly well.

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Dododo De Dadada

>Josuke actually showing some semblance of emotion
When is he going to get his personality back

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Is there a song called endless calamity?

I've been rocking out to it monthly since the chapters started being called Endless Calamity.

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>Jojo event is in April
>Jojolions hiatus ends in april
>The final chapter for this volume
>New spine art
Alot is going on in April.

That’s Calamity by Endless, not Endless Calamity.

nothing, or maybe asmr. i wanna be immersed. i have no idea what to expect so i don't want the music to not fit the situation

Hey, it was the number 1 result when I searched up Endless Calamity when the chapters first came out, it's good enough for me.


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they disguise themselves as seemingly innocuous objects or parts of the enviroment


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The volumes don’t come out immediately after the final chapter they’ll contain is published.


I know but I know after the April bissue we'll get a new volume covers.

well, actually, according to the lore they gather around "holy places", so tooru could've very well just went to a shrine or something and waited with his stand activated until a weird rock insect tried to bite him or rape him or whatever

Are you sure? Volume 26 won’t be out until at least June.

Try Endless Slaughter

Well that is after the April issue.

>Jeff Beck - Wired
>Wired Beck

His original statement that he was listening to “Endless Calamity” is still incorrect.

i can’t believe we are exactly where we left off last chapter and now we have to wait 2 more months
maybe he is a hack

>exactly where we left off last chapter
The plane panel moved several inches forward in this chapter.

I think its more of a "wacky looking objects that are actually very dangerous"

This chapter was a call back to last 3 chapters, rock insect, flash back at start, chapter ending with cliffhanger of Josuke shooting Tooru, I got huge nostalgia wave from reading this chapter


Hence, the arc itself could be named after the song and band at the same time, or at least the English translator just has good taste in rock. That's MY point.

What if Kira's ghost is inhabiting Gappy's brain just like Johnny

Yeah, it’s a pretty good song. Some of my other favorite songs that have been referenced are Prince Paisley Park and Metallica King Nothing.

9, just old enough for this site

I'm still pissed that Kei was killed off so instantly just so Josuke could...What the hell was the point of calling her in there, again? I gotta reread that chapter again, I must have missed the point.

Jojolion is such dogshit. I'm realizing this now.

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Josuke creates a bubble version of himself on the other side of the phone

That's nice, user, but is this really the time?

too fast


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how can araki draw such beautiful characters and then sometimes draw them looking like THIS

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Which of these is accurate characterization?

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I like right better

Left is trying way too hard.

bump the speed up a little bit

This guy pretends to be an elite doctor head of a hospital. Right fits the more formal and educated way someone like that speaks. Left sounds more like some street punk.

>Yasuho calls Kei to get to Josuke
>Air plane piece begins to fall towards Yasuho adding more tension to the
Man I wonder what was the point of all of this.

sorry, my program keeps spazzing out

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its alright don't worry about it
thats it, its perfect now, sankyu gif user

No, user. This isn't the time.

Ok, I’ll come back when it is the time.

so if tooru dies instantly next chapter, how does Josuke get rid of the bugs? arent they like trained pets?

So was it parks or the villain seeking bubble bullshut that sent the bubble though the phone? I'm retarded

He won’t get rid of them. Josuke will kill Tooru, but Obladi Oblada will kill him and go on to infest Morioh.

Rock Milk to beat the Cookies

>Jojo protagonist jobs to fucking cookie bugs

Imagine the shitstorm.

Rock spiders

it defies logic user, Araki finally put his longest rival in a check mate

I don't think we actually know what exactly it was yet, somehow Josuke's bubble got pulled into it. Theories so far I've seen are it's quantum so it just did it, it got sucked in when Paisley Park returned through it to Yasuho, or it's the bubble she took a picture of in the first chapter and it's broken reality to become active to launch out of the phone. Guessing we'll get an explanation next chapter.

So you're telling me to beat a stand that defines logic, you need an beyond logic ability plus one

>Josuke's spin-infused balls
How did they know?


I checked the reddit thread and it seems like everyone there is also upset at there being another rock insect. Is it really this bad?

Sounds like they’ve been filtered.

I actually like that they did a scond one in the same fight, makes the first one seem like less of a random distraction.


Like Stand needs to protect itself. So having another but on stand by so that way it can get away Scott free and it doesn't have to kill the target, the bug will do it for him.

I agree people are just mad because they're reading it monthly and want things to happen quicker.

The last one had a personal history with Rai.

sooo lets say the bubble that came from the phone was the picture that yasuho took in chapter 1. her stand somehow pulled it out of the phone like the stand enigma would do. what other things could she pull out? could she pull people out, like kei? she could have her stand inhabit the camera and pull some version of kei out, explaining why she would be missing from the family portrait in the flashforward

I think they're joking about it more than us.

Yeah but that personal history was literally introduced in that chapter

Doesn’t make it any less important.

I didnt say it wasnt important, you fucking social outcast. I said it seemed random that he pulled an insect out of his ass and then dropped some backstory on us. My original point is that it seems less random now that hes used more than one insect.


You should be.

OK. Seeya.

So the wall eyes didnt fuse Kira and josefumi? Whats the point of them then?

>Photoshop the villain getting his head exploded

Why not just read the manga so you can understand the story instead of trying to learn it from Dab Forums

JoJolion will be vastly improved by an anime adaptation, especially this arc

We just have to get through a shitty CG SBR movie

Why dont you answer my fucking question. Josefumi put some fruit in Kiras mouth, so what do the wall eyes do


We haven't got Jolyne Giovanna, Bruno Costello, Mista Weather, Foo Ghirga, and Leone Anasui.

Bring back Johnny! Make merge canon!

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It was the miracle of their love

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If there's a chekov gun planted that isn't used, it's because Araki changed his mind. Read his hook, it's life-changing.

I can't believe Johnny is too busy getting dicked down in the afterlife to help out Josuke

>1800s christian
what are the odds johnny was homophobic?

The wall eyes fuse. The fruits don't. Pay more attention.

did jouske died? Or did tooru?

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It's not like SBR is period accurate, pretty sure people didn't dress like this back then.

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not to mention no one was called nigger

>crop top
Yeah he's definitely sucked a cock before.

he started off homophobic until he fell in love with gyro

Reminder that “enjoyers” have no arguments beyond “filtered” and “I liked it”. They cannot defend this atrocity of a arc so they will chant the same thing over and over again until the meanies go away.
“Enjoyers” who only consume and force themselves to enjoy the slop they’re being fed are the bane of civilisation. No wonder araki is able to get away with just writing trash every month when retards like the enjoyers exist.

If the anime gives Johnny a sixpack I will set fire to David Productions

not sure about johnny's flamboyant look but the other fellas seem to be dressed appropriately for their era

Found the cuck fag with the attention span of a retard

is it jojokino or kinolion?


Anyone else bored of this series? 1 months per chapter, for a 20 chapter boring fight

I dunno how people put up with this

Kinolion is infact superior.


>no arguments
They force themselves to like eating shit.


Whoops I spilled my Fritos sorry man

>buzzword copy paste reply

It's like Zeke posters have an obligation to the truth or something. Never seen one that's been wrong.

Jojolion shills, genuine question. Why do you defend this objectively garbage part. Who's paying you? What do you get for defending it?

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im so tired. this arc neeeds to end please araki

Have patience.

They're an anomaly. Find me someone who looked like this in the 1800s.

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this is pretty close

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did everyone bitch and moan like this whren the d4c fight took like 4 years to finish?

Well this is a different universe version of 1800, maybe that was more normal in that universe.

No because it wasnt nearly the slog of a fight Wonder of U is. And you know that to be true. You're just a salty Jojolion cuck.

The D4C fight was good and I would gladly read it again one page per month for the rest of my life. Wonder of U is trash.

The difference is D4C was lead up to since the reveal of Valentine way back in the beginning of SBR, we knew that was the final boss and that this was the climax of the series. With WoU we have no fucking clue who Tooru is or why he came in at the last minute or if this is even the final boss.


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because the way rock insects have been used are one step away from being literal fucking asspulls
oh, you're going to do something? have a rock insect out of nowhere
oh, you're about to do something again? another fucking rock insect
as long as Araki needs to, WoU can keep pulling whatever kind of rock insect from thin air that does what he needs

Based Big dick-poster

Is there a new chapter?

Didn't expect to see so many amazing spreads this chapter but the rock bug pissed me off a little.
Also what could be the significance of making emphasis on the fusion at this time in the story? there has to be some relevance to the flashback in the chapter

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left is dogpark? thanks I will reread the chapter in his translation now

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this rock bug is significantly less annoying than the first. first one felt like it made the battle stop in its tracks, this one is just weakening josuke while crazy shit still happens

my guess is emphasis on kira and josuke's powers combining

Good riddance

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I guess you have a good point but I'm still gonna be an enjoyer because I don't care enough to try and solve it

I like it more than any other part and after Karera returns it'll be perfect.

nvm I checked the archive
Nothing happened again

>Yasuho gets her arm back
>immediately gets wrecked by a plane


I think you really have to like Joshu to like Milagro Man or most of the stuff he shows up in, which is, of course, natural for Dab Forums. I dislike both him and Rai, but Rai at least is more involved in the part of the plot I actually care about.

I am so fucking angry about this chapter

I just want to smack the ever living shit out of you for this post. Its so devoid of reason and substance it makes me want to puke.
>I like it more than any other part
You didnt even try to further expanding on why that is. I can only assume its because its the latest thing written by Araki
>after Karera returns it'll be perfect
again, just a superficial answer with no real reason behind it. In what way does her reappearance do anything? And you just know Araki would kill her a panel later. God I fucking hate Jojolion tards

I kinda like thinking that Johnny's infinite headshot is the result of new stands in Moiroh and WOU is the shitting hole from "Love Train" focused into a stand.

To follow, infinite spin is behind everyone who has been bitten's stand; they all resemble stands based on their personalities but at the bottom of everything it is infinite spin energy.

Gappy's stand performs as he instinctually feels it does. Yasuho has an unawakened stand and the blugbluh blah I have an idea but I'm drink.

Idea: spin is infinite stand energy so Soft and Wet & Paisley Park are both spin-generated and Johnny's infinite headshot has been fucking around all this time and now heads out of YasuHO's phone once focused. Infinite. Spin.

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Other jojos get poisoned, lose two limbs, have a fucking pipe sticking out of their stomachs while under stand attacks and finish the goddamn job

>insects nibbling on arm
>N-nooo I'm too tired..

Quit throwing a tantrum.

Quit having shit taste. See? Two can play this game.

POINT BEING: if S&W and PP are generated from infinite stand energy then if they both hold the same intense goal of shooting WOU/Tooru then Johnny's infinite shot could be transferred to Yasuho based on intense emotion.

I used to think Josuke liked sleeping between things because he'd been stuck underground for three days, but it would be hilarious if it were Josefumi's thing.

Make me
I actually greatly enjoyed this chapter and even Tooru
But Araki wrote himself into a corner hard enough that the only way out was "bro just ignore the logic of his power"

You know how there are those mangas that you have to tell your friends, "just wait until chapter XX! Thats when it gets good!" Well I cant even do that with part 8. It just never got good.

Whoa guys, he pulled ANOTHER bug out of his pocket!

>this goofy motherfucker is actually Kira
I thought about it too because it would be really funny, but the existence of S&W makes it impossible.

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Set yourself on fire first, he had one in the hospital flashback.

turn himself into a bubble and spin away from the rock insects.


Why does everyone hate her?

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>t-this isn’t even the final fight guys, just wait its going to get good!

Fuck no.
Tooru is a random gary stu that came out of nowhere and might be the worst character in all of jjl.
Not only hes fucking awful but hes sidelining the actually important and likeable characters that were developed for TEN FUCKING YEARS.
Meanwhile Valentine was developed nd was all over Sbr for 7 years.
Its like when love train started poco loco suddenly came in and killed Valentine because hes hot shit and he suddenly starts fighting but the fight is just shouting for one year while nothing happens and whenever something MIGHT happen poco loco suddenly has an ass pull bug to fucking extend it even longer.
Even if tooru is not the main villain then hes just a device to get us there, a device that has really pushed his existance.
This entire debacle would be nonexistant if we were dealing with jobin and/or kaato
Fuck this arc is trash, I wouldve read 5 years of Valentine but this shit is single handledly making me hate part 8

I’ll stay an enjoyer.

Because everyone thinks she's a whore like her mom.

I really like Obladi, it feels more gross and threatening. I don't even remember what Do Dee Da Da did.

She's a mary sue


I actually like the fact that we're getting less ridiculous damage even though it makes the characters look amusingly frail compared to the other parts.

>mary sue
How embarrassing.

I mean yasuho was just suffocated, crumped up, with little to no oxygen, lost her limbs and just got bullied and fucked up constantly in the past year.
Gappys just a fucking pussy

People have been saying the same shit for the valentine fight back when sbr was published.Waiting a month makes you perceive the development of the plot as slow.

This is my standfu, say something nice about it.

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The stand is as defence-ful as ever, calamity isn't an ability that just turns off. Obladi Oblada is part of the "evacuation drill" because it can easily immobilize people and, as we've seen, can be part of a calamity, i.e. sticking to Josuke after he attacks WoU

Araki takes two hiatuses per year, one in the first half (February, like last year or March, like this year) and one in the second half (around October). It's nothing new.

I don't understand. We know that, if you eat a normal rokakaka, you heal the part you wanted to heal but in exchange another part of your body becomes stone. For example Mitsuba cures the fetus but the nose becomes stone, the baseball player cures his shoulder but the mouth becomes stone etc...
In pic related, it's talked about elder men eating the rokakaka in order to regain their teeth, and these teeth are made of stone, BUT the teeth should be normal teeth while the part sacrificed should be made of stone, no?

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If anything, Dogpark is a bit more accurate, considering his explanation of WoU's "1cm" monologue in ch 100

So is WoU sentient? Or is it just Tooru larping as head doctor?

Maybe they sacrificed another part on purpose and bet on getting a set of teeth? Can you do that?

I'll do you one better. I was 9.

I think it's the latter because it makes his slip ups like the "oh god oh fuck what happens if Rai's that close" much funnier

>all these babies
20 going on 21. I still have the link to an article announcing the end of SBR and the start of JJL.

Nooo, why isn't Jojolion funnier just like the first half? Why can't we have goofy Josuke and his antics while the whole world around him is getting calamities and the people he cares for are going to die?

>being proud of being braindead
>completely missing the point on why post-Damo jojolion has been trash

Personally, I thought it was the one she photographed all the way back in chapter 1. It was stored in her phone and it came out thanks to Paisley Park's power.

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Why has it been?

I still don't get how that would work.

Killer Queen is the ultimate power bottom and the only male stand I'd gladly abuse

I miss those hypnoeyes.


What's there not to get?
Kaato Higashikata and Enigma could both store physical objects inside of cards/paper, so it's not a stretch that a stand could store things in a smartphone. Granted, that's not something Paisley Park has been known to be able to do, but the entire point of the power of these bubbles is that it's so ephemeral it barely exists, so in Araki logic it could very well be captured in a virtual form.
The bubble gets stored in Yasuho's phone and lies there dormant. Then, when Josuke awakens the power of his bubbles and tries to use it against the doctor the bubble in the phone gets activated, and thanks to Paisley Park's power it gets shot at the stand user.

It might be wrong, but I think it's in line with the kind of stuff that usually happens in JoJo.

>saint Johnny comes back as the final boss ala High Voltage
How would this make you feel?

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Yes. If you look in the archive, there's tons of complaints about 7's finale.

But the phone isn't Yasuho's, is it? She took the phone from Joshu to call Kei

>there's tons of complaints
More like 3 or so posts, shut the fuck up.

Yeah, this kills the "it's from chapter 1" theory. Paisley Park just pulled a bubble from the hospital with it somehow.

>that's not something Paisley Park has been known to be able to do
This is what I didn't get. It's much easier to think that the bubble we see right now being able to go beyond blah blah blah travelled through the phone via Paisley Park's ability.

also peeps thought valentine was boring until he got his big speech

Still could be somehow stored with Paisley Park specifically, not the phone, but yeah, shit's weird as fuck man

Araki took a while to find a direction of the story after Damo, which didn’t find itself until the Jobin and Tsurugi plot. A lot of the mystery disappeared after Gappy’s reveal and the fruits just weren’t enough to carry the plot. Also some really uninteresting fights that we had to slog through, like Blue Hawaii and Urban Guerilla, even the Poor Tom was kinda meh even though Tom himself gets memed to death here. Also, terrible final villain that has no presence, just a twist for the sake of a twist, with a overpowered stand that sounds cool in theory when you throw words like “calamity” around but when you think about it its just “you attack me you die” . Kaato appears and disappears just as quickly, and a lot of character moments felt really flat with some notable exceptions, such as Gappy and Holly. Rai should have appeared earlier or not at all. Rock doctors weren’t that interesting apart from Wu.

It's Tooru.

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>Rai should have appeared earlier or not at all
This. Fuck Rai.

Right, I forgot about that.
I still like this theory better than the alternatives proposed, but maybe Araki has something acceptable in mind.

>direction of the story after Damo, which didn’t find itself until the Jobin and Tsurugi plot
What do you even mean by that? Rai is introduced by Norisuke right after Damo (not counting Milagro Man and Cato's introduction), with the explicit purpose of searching for the branch, which Jobin was also shown to be searching for in that chapter, that also being the reason for siccing Dolomite at Josuke and getting in contact with Poor Tom.
> Also some really uninteresting fights that we had to slog through, like Blue Hawaii and Urban Guerilla, even the Poor Tom was kinda meh even though Tom himself gets memed to death here
Matter of taste. I loved Blue Hawaii and Guerilla is my favorite rigger along with Wu. Poor Tom is also the catalyst for everything that's ended up happening in the arcs after.
>Also, terrible final villain that has no presence
And how are you sure that he's the final villain my guy? Sure, WoU is busted as fuck, but there could be a VERY simple reason for that (cough Saint's corpse cough). Besides, saying that he has no presence is fucking retarded, considering chapters 99 & 102 where he is shown to be fucking with Rai & Yasuho from even before Jojolion started.
So basically, you are fucking stupid

Maybe the sacks the same size still so it's like a fat guy in spandex. You can see each of the spheres.

Just 3 chapter after Damo Josuke declares he wants to save Holly and obtain the new rokakaka.
Rai was introduced halfway, just like Iggy, Rohan, Trish (she was there also before, but standless), Anasui, Wekapipo. Nothing new.
Blie Hawaii read all in one go is very entertaining, Urban has great interactions between Rai, Josuke and Yasuho and some kino moments (Rai's crossbow arm, Josuke facing Urban). Dr Wu, aside being a good villain, has Mitsuba (true) introduction with a very interesting stand.
In WoU EVERYTHING happens : Tsurugi apparently going crazy, Nijimura and Ojiro returns, Jobin killing people and going against his family, Josuke meeting Holly, and then calamities all over the place.
The stand is OP, true, but the entertaining thing is seeing how character tries to defies it (Josuke hit by the rain to reach the hospital unconscious, Josuke sending the package to the journalist, Rai inducing his cellmate to hurt himself and so on...).
And the story, we had Jobin and Kato story, Yasuho 's flashback, more rokakaka lore and the rockmen origin, the wall eyes true nature and we knew how Holly got' 'sick".
Then yeah, I agree Tooru is underwhelming (while WoU is great), but, for the rest, this second half has everything

Oh, I forgot, Ozone Baby is one of the best arc in the entire franchise

I see what you did nbhp

Thank you, I wanted to reply to but these jojolion threads are getting more and more frustrating.

Also, please do yourself a favor and take a look at the chapter list. Trace the story from there, you'll see you are only whining because of monthly serialization.

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Damo is the peak of the first half, it's obvious the following arc cannot be at the same level. You should compare Damo with WoU, and the other arcs (Dolomiti, Urban, Poor Tom, Wu) with the arc of the first half from Ojiro to the twins. Quality is, more or less, the same

The second half is unironically better quality wise, although Vitamin C is still the peak of the part

How did you get this page?

It's from the previous chapter.

dude infinite spin lmao

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She really needs to come back because 99% of what she's been saying makes no sense.

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Noticing a pattern here

She's a Rock Human

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That would be interesting and would confirm she was testing to see if Josuke had his memories when they first met.



While I would say this particular fight has definitely been dragging on too long, I don't get this intense negative reaction. I still really like and have enjoyed Jojolion for years. Do you guys really hate it that much now?

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Posers and babby's first serialized manga. Jojolion is still GOAT

It's great. But, you know, there's this feeling of suspension that was there from the start that's making me, sometimes, uneasy. The feeling of '' will this thing happen? ". Just now, I'm thinking if Tooru is the main villain or not, if he will be characterized a lil bit more before his death, if Jobin is alive, if Karera and Kato will come back, if flashback man, bitemarks, Morio baby and secret room mistery will be solved. I enjoy every chapter but at the same time I always has this feeling, this necessity for questions to be answered

I'm honestly looking forward to it finishing and getting to read it all back to back in the span of a day or two. I did that with Steel Ball Run and it was incredible.

>I'm honestly looking forward to it finishing and getting to read it all back to back in the span of a day or two. I did that with Steel Ball Run and it was incredible.
I re-read Jojolion in a burst from the beginning, around the time the plant appraiser arc, and enjoyed it a lot more than reading it monthly.

I feel like the most pressing and the most scary question right is now is just WHAT the fuck is the flashforward. Everything that happens in the current arc just piles on more and more question about what in the fuck happened to make things the way they are 13 minutes before the harvest.

It's just a bunch of retards that never read a monthly manga before that joined the bandwagon
Just watch them either join us and see the light or fuck off to the next FOTM shit
It's been surprising that Jojolion hasn't had a bad arc in the last decade
Last time an arc dragged on for too long was Blue Hawaii but it was a great read on hindsight

>he still thinks Tooru is the final boss
Kaato willcome into play yet, to revive Jobin, just like Holly revived Gappy, you mark my fucking words.

*questions, my brain is ooga

They believe the Wonder of U arc lasts for years in fiction-time because the chapters come out monthly.

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>WHAT the fuck is the flashforward
A____ f_____

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The stories/mysteries are pretty engaging. I reread it all in a few days after stopping somewhere during the serialisation of the beetle fight. It's got its ups and downs, some arcs I wish were longer and some arcs that were a slog to read, but I've been enjoying it a lot all in all.

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>Wall eyes came back
>Kei came back
>The fucking bubble from Chapter 1 just got (possibly) referenced
Not so fast buster, we're on a streak of Araki Remembering

also cursed trips of bad luck


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Realizing how Araki is heavy referencing part 4 now (pic related, Harvest v/s Kira), probably a "Bites the Dust" situation from a power we haven't seen or a special aspect of an ability we already know. Hell, maybe Tooru has to "retrieve" WoU to defend himself, just like Kira did once with "bites the dust"... don't know, could be anything at this point.

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I miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe

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My irrational hate for this man is infinite.


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There are so many part 4 references, it makes me want to rereread it, even though I already did it last year.

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That, I am not worried. After all, if you think about it, Daiya can steal memories, Joshu can steal Tooru arm attaching it with NKC, Tsurugi is probably sacrificing Norisuke to save Jobin. I mean, there's a possible solution. I am more worried about Karera, flahback man or Morioh Baby, I really don't know, at this point in the story, if Araki can bring it back these plot points

I love Jobin, but I gotta admit there's the possibility of Tooru being the main villain while Jobin the rival, just like Diego and Valentine. Just look at Tooru's stand

Norisuke (If it's even Norisuke) is still dead/wounded though, and Tsurugi is fixed despite it still being 13 minutes before the Locacaca harvest. It's probably some Paper Moon King fuckery, but not a BtD-esque time rewind for sure.

Shit chapter where nothing really happened and now we have to wait 2 months for new developments

Its a flash forward.

>Josuke's bubbles reverse calamity
>Everything is undone but now everyone is at the estate, minus Josuke, Rai and Kei who will be going there
>Tsurugi comes out the other end with his illness to fully develop a new stand power
>Norisuke is sacrificed to the shrine near the estate to revive Jobin
>Everyone's calm and normal because California King Bed removed the unpleasant memories

I don't get where Mitsuba will fit into that though. It would be good for Kaato to show up and direct Tsurugi around to get things happening. The big finale will be Josuke, Yasuho, Rai and Kei perhaps fighting Jobin, Kaato, Tsurugi and Joshu.

I feel like Wonder of U's reality-bending calamity bullshit is due to a power of a Saint's Corpse, since calamities are just WAAAAY too similar to Ticket to Ride/Love Train to just be a coincedence. And if it is a Saint's Corpse ability that can be taken away one way or the other.

When are we getting a one shot of Jesus' Bizarre Adventure?

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Well, yeah,Tooru is the main villain in the sense that he's behind everything. But I think Jobin's gonna be more meaningful to the story in the end than AU Diego.

he clearly isn't pretending now

I give this for granted at this point. It would give Tooru the background it needs to be the MV, and also, it would parallel (somehow) the "recovering of a distant relative's corpse"

89, WAS IT?



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So what's the moral of this fight? Miracles and random nonsensical events completely disregard logic?



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" He can stop time"
"I can't see the explosive bubbles"
"The priest is too fast"
"Every misfortune gets redirected"
"The lines are spinning, something invisible inside them"

But hey, let's make a meme only of the last quote

The rest is fucking boring. Rai's mental decline is a top tier shitposting material

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early jojolion is so fucking good, it's just sad now. The artwork and fights were so fucking good.

It’s kiras mind with most of Josefumis body and soul

If Joshu lost an arm, why Nut King Call has both arms?

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Would dab on Dab Forums because I was right all along

It's not his stand. It's a stand of a rock animal that lives in his pocket

He still has an arm.

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You forgot the Qing Dynasty Hair pin

Yeah but NKC arm should be...shorter, no?

Poor pacing and waiting a month for boring chapters


Good guy win and is granted powers for being good.


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I liked it

>all these zoomers in the replies


stfu you're literally 89 years old.

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Enjoy your last JoJo part while you can.



Rai. As soon as he comes into the story there is a noticeable drop in quality with one of the most boring arcs

They have to get Araki's approval with the designs and for general consultation I imagine

18 holy shit there are kids on this site

Why do you think these threads suck so much?


>when you realize Karera used her hair to take the picture

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JJL started in 2011 right. I was 20

Hi boomer, how's your back today?

Pretty good, I lift and workout every other day

Early part 8 was really good but a lot of people say it's bad and looks weird. That's only because we're used to the newer designs in my opinion, and generally speaking, early jjl has more detailed and competent drawings. Almost every page is great, it was extremely difficult not to make a collage for all of chapter 3.

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I... I don't understand

Is EVERYONG dummy thicc in JoJolion?

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why speed king?

Rai's brain mass to body mass ratio is low because of his dummy fat cheeks

Monument to the dead

Because Jobin is the true main villain

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last opportunity to include it now that jobin is dead


Jobin more like JOBin

Josuke with the rocks on his face.

Nut King Call

Vol 26: Nut King Call
Vol 27: Kato
Vol 28: Kira
Vol 29: Josefumi

Vol 26: Gappy's 1st ball
Vol 27: Gappy's 2nd ball
Vol 28: Gappy's 3rd ball
Vol 29: Gappy's 4th ball

Araki has started taking inspiration from greek statues for part 7 and 8, and those are known to accentuate the limbs more than the torsos for poses which the reason for the potato proportions. The diaper ass isn't as clear, it started in part 6 and has been present ever since. We don't know the cause of it but it's widely assumed to be because of a fetish Araki has. Whether that's true or not I have no clue.

Rai is a cross between snoop dog and nicki minaj

Technically speaking, it is not an insect. It lacks jointed legs or a body separated into three segments.

so what's the deal with these bubbles?

It's because of people like you that we get 5 pages of Rai talking about bubbles every chapter


>it’s been so long that Jobin died that I forgot how he died

WoU arc sucks tbqh


New mosaic fucking when?

just 8 chapters ago, but you know...monthly serialization...

I turned 18 a couple months before it started.

16! And i'm still young!


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what's in the bread?

I hope he gets eaten.

Dog shit.

>not taking the picture from and replacing his ass with anpan

Iggy arcs:

Pet Shop
Vanilla Ice

Rohan arcs:

Let's go play at mangaka house
Rohan's adventure
Janken Boy
I am an alien
Cheap Trick

Trish arcs:

Spice Girl
The Requiem plays quietly

Anasui arcs:

Bohemian Rapsody
Heavy Weather
C-Moon/Made in Heaven

Wekapipo Arcs:

Wrecking Ball
VS Magenta

Rai Arcs:

Ozone Baby
The Wonder of You

Noooo, Rai can't appear halfway part 8, it's unconceivable

Rai is just SBR Iggy
>appears in the second half of the part
>dog themed
>dies to a minor villain


>a lot of people say it's bad and looks weird
Really? The only weird thing I noticed were the busty chicks who looked like they had no neck. The faces still mostly had that statuesque look inherited from SBR. There was an unexpected spike in art quality in the Aishou arc too.

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will Araki remember?

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Can we at least share the headcanon of WoU having the same speech patterns as the Half-Life G-Man.

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1. Rohan
2. Rai
3. Wekapipo
4. Anasui
5. Iggy


flashbagg manne :DDDDDD

Mariana Trench


1. Anasui (girl)
2. Rohan
3. Wekapipo
4. Rai
5. Iggy
6. Anasui (boy)

are you ranking by design? girl anasui has no character

>saying jojolion is bad while posting the most kino page

By who I'd fuck


Rohan > Anasui > Rai > Wekapipo > Iggy

Rohan = Wekapipo


Paisley Park

Already got it on volume 9.

Everyone saying eleven is why these threads have gone to shit and bitching.

>Tooru's stand appears twice
Just give up already Jboincucks.

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The next 4 volume spines will all feature speed king

Nut King, Holly or Kei. Probably Nut.

I'm in the enjoyer section of these threads. I'm having a blast. Ya know I might just re read jojolion again


Kei and part of Holly
then part of Holly and Kira
then Josefumi

lying on the ground as Tooru tap dances on Jobins dead body.




A lot of people claim early jojo suffers from same face but they have no clue what they're talking about


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impatience mostly. following monthly manga releases is draining and araki seems to be taking his sweet time with jojolion. reception will change once it's over and you can read it in one go, just like with SBR.

there's no king in that name. Her stand name should be "Queen Of Hearts"


Thank you for being the only honest one.

The WoU appears twice. So it's possible

the bubble goes beyond this world into the realm of spirits, as such it can be carried by stands

I'd kill Araki and then myself if he wastes another spine on PP when there are more important characters who need one.

when will araki release yasuho porn bros...

she's a woman

Important characters like who. Ya know if anything Kei/btw, Nut King Call, Walking heart, and Kato are the only options left desu.

Like King Creole

Why would you want shitty anatomy porn

You don't believe everyone else is being honest about how d they were when jojolion started

That's not a thing....not yet

>Araki took a while to find a direction of the story after Damo
this is your opinion btw not a fact

*starts brapping*

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the backgrounds and amount of detail was just really good, the framing of panels too, it was visually really interesting and imo better than even peak sbr

This whole "multiple things latching on your body" is so gross. Even if they're rock objects it still very kimochi warui.

id consume his simple sugars if you kno what i mean

I feel like when I read this all back as one cohesive piece it'll be a lot more exciting

>these clothes fit perfectly
I wonder if Araki had something else in mind regarding Josuke's "birth" back then.

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God, I can't wait for the absolute catharsis of Tooru & WoU getting massacred to all fuck by Spin and/or his own calamity. I cant help but imagine his limbs getting twisted off by spin energy.

I really hope Tooru isn't the final villain. The guy's stand is pretty crazy, but his design and goals are pretty lame. He has teddy bears on the arms of his shirt ffs.

It really is.

That's how it usually goes when it comes to monthly manga.

Don't worry he isn't.

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I don't know, user, the three characters who led to Josuke's existence maybe

We still have the flash forward and the Higashikata Estate

I don't think he is, I feel like calamities are 100% connected to a Saint's Corpse with Tooru's babble on saints and the Wall Eyes being a Devil's Palm-esque phenomenon, making him a segway into another act of the story that'll concern a Saint's Corpse

to compare it to another villain, how much suffering does tooru deserve in his defeat?
dio tier? pucci? kars?

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Kars because it would be funny.

Tooru was smart enough to back away at one point, so I'd let him live

Definitely Pucci-tier. Having his victory snatched from right under him and dying a violent death would be a kino end

For grooming and raping Yasuho and BTFOing Jobin, he deserves to suffer a lot before he dies

What even happened to Kaato? She was literally removed from the story with no explanation.

one thing at a time, user
i bet you think Jobin is dead too

Gondola doesn't talk you normalfaggot.

It’s him

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But where is she? The last time we saw her, she was at the house, and then she legitimately vanished.


Toorus not the villain, its either kaato or jobin, hes already getting fucked and stalling with those shitty bugs.
Taking his sweet ass time though, this arc is a fucking drag

Last time she was mentioned was in chapter 85, it was already WoU arc, so I'm confident she will appear in the end of volume 26 or in volume 27 to take part in the Higashikagata feud

kek thats my edit, you're from the JJBE server aren't you?



actually nevermind im retarded, i just made an extremely similar one

>discord trannies are ITT

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So what if Tooru DOES ends up being the main villain and this is the final fight.
How dissapointed would you be.

The actual outcome is Tooru is the main villain but this isn't the final fight

>there are people in this very thread who don't believe that Johnny is the final boss

I've seen worse

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>araki did something once so hes doing it again Im so smart dude remember dio

This, High Voltage 2 incoming.

Why? He is an ok villain for an ok part. Araki isn't pulling SBR anymore, he is just gonna write decent manga for fun.

I wouldn't desu. Josuke can defeat him and then they can settle the whole rokakaka deal without punching each other in the face. Perhaps. We can still get revelations and stuff even after the main bad guy is defeated. He's my least favourite main bad guy next to Kars, but at least he's got WoU, so he's not a complete waste.

Do you really think Tooru just bites the dust next chapter after hinting that he already knows about the spin? He can see the bubble coming man, this chapter isn't even the last fight with Tooru, let alone if Jobin comes back or not.

remember when people thought kaato hid kei in a different dimension using her stand ability?

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Remember when people thought that karera was being used by the Wonder of U

Interesting question. To me, given it was introduced TOO LATE in the story, he will never be at the level of Kira, Dio, Pucci or Valentine.
BUT if we can see him founding the rokakaka organization, thus his interaction with the other rockmen and his ideology and we can have a final piece of dialogue with yasuho and/or Josuke (like Valentine & Johnny), he could surpass at least Kars and Diavolo

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Because you remember weve been on this train for 10 years now and araki has been building these characters up all that time, with jobin in particular, just for some random retard to show up at the last minute with an op as fuck stand, he WAS THERE ALL THIS TIME Haha and keeps having ass pulls to extend this horse shit.
That same character sidelined or killed all those developed characters, hell, the moment were jobin comes clean and kills norisuke was incredible and flash forward theyve been jacking off in the house for a year now, tooru is still just as boring and people just want it to end because its tiring, no one likes the character.

Its lazy, frustrating and unlike araki, these past 2 decades showed araki growing as a writer so this kind of dumb shit is just unlike him.

She's at a hotel. That's where she's been living.


Tooru is better than Pucci, that's about it

Goodness now I have to find the fucking panel where she said that she's going back to the hotel

>and goals are pretty lame.
Why do people say this, but then get excited for Jobbin whose goals apart from curing Tsurugi are even more vague? Or fucking Kaato who's even worse.

Jojolion will end with Gappy and Holly looking at the sky where the dead characters will be shown

I have to say Tooru is pretty smart.
Two times he decided not to get played and set traps so that the bugs can take care of the target instead

You shur your whore sinners mouth, pucci is a top 3 villain

You saw this in yesterday's thread, didn't you. Josefumi's line does sound like foreshadowing, yeah.

All three of them want money and power.

>10 years
Exactly. He just wants to be done with part 8, so he pulled Tooru out of his ass, and that's it. I repeat, stop setting your expectations bar so high, and you'll be fine.

Imo, it ends with Josuke difussing. Bittersweet ending, because Gappy as we know him will vanish.

>discount valentine
>top 3 anything

it just works

> just for some random retard to show up at the last minute
Rock humans have been the enemy from the beginning, and it was made clear by Dolomite that Jobin was just a gofer who was in over his head.

>isn't a discount jingoist Pucci

Having the protagonist dies at the end would be an interesting twist for jojo

remember the chapter where jobin killed norisuke? that was so fucking hype. slowed down a little when jobin got fucked but we know he's coming back
will it ever be that hype again?

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>muh daddy
>muh murica