ITT: panels that made you realize the series wasn't worth your time

ITT: panels that made you realize the series wasn't worth your time

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Does this thread count?

There is already a promised neverland thread up

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I'm an anime only and she said this in today's ep, what's wrong with it? It's completely understandable.

Same don’t see the problem

I don't get it. What you didn't like?

Rent Free

Inb4 armong lotus

>Rent Free
Rent Free

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What the ever loving fuck is this abomination against nature?

>an entire arc of the kids trying to escape being farmed by demons
>three chapters of the kids meeting vegan demons
>an entire arc of the kids being hunted down by demons for sport
>a timeskip followed by three chapters of the kids touring demon civilization
>ENTER OP image
Emma's reaction was understandable considering her character, but the manga forgets to elaborate on why the readers should suddenly agree with her after being treated to over a hundred chapters of humans getting victimized by demons.

It took you until the epilogue?

in the manga it had maybe one-two pages showing demons in a normal society being innocent etc. i don't remember anything outside of musica in the anime showing that demons could be good. it needed a full arc to justify everyone else accepting it.


I dropped the manga after they reveal the main character is a quarter komodo dragon, what the actual fuck

So you guys feel that this was done better in the anime?

la creatura...

I hear it's a trainwreck because they skipped a lot of important characters and arcs, but I'm not watching S2 so I can't really say.

yeah it was around this time for me too.

did the anime go full demon propaganda or something?

You posted the wrong picture

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This is why most femoids are terrible military leaders and not fit for fighting.
Too sympathetic.

he's a creationist so he's triggered by evolution

I wouldn't say so, what I got from it so far is that demons are basically same shit as humans but look like monsters.

No way Isayama drew this

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Also why they shouldn't be able to vote.

The panel is the worst ever in The Promised Neverland. Seriously.

I agree actually.

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2 for 1

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its funny this is where i legit stopped with BNHA, should i pick it back up or is it the same shit?

god, how the actual fuck did this happen

Men should be more sympathetic so there's no need of military leaders and wars in the first place

Why is everything on this panel so fucking bad?
Even the pose Emma is in is terribly cringe for some reason

why is she standing like that
whats she doing with her hands

Her pose is that of a whiny brat throwing a tantrum when it doesn't get its way.
Very punchable

>2012 Avengers theme plays

the art is so fucking bad I still can't believe the artist and the writer are different

I wish I got all these avengers references but I don't watch cape movies. Don't they actually fight real bad hombres though in avengers and not someone trying to defend their people?

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The poses, the poster, the classic capeshit line
Worse than fucking deadpool
>lele pop culture reference!
>xdxd I'm so quirky, laugh at me goyim!

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Don't worry, I've watched a lot of them and there's no references, it's pure autism

You posted peak Tg though

This manga is a tragedy by itself, so far from reality is not lmao

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This manga really went to shit huh? I dropped it before that panel but after all it looks like it only got worse.

I keep reading it, and I can confirm this. (Leif's chapter is still kino tough)

Nice thread you have here. Can I join?

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No, it didn't. The only problems are that the chapters are too short for a monthly manga and that all the translations suck.

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Lol same, only read some Dab Forums post and still looks shitty

Masterpiece end

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Not only was it when I realised I wasted my time reading this trash, It was also when I understood not to bother reading another of the authors manga.

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[The Thing That Should Not Be]

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

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What was his name again?

El Legosi Conejo Blanco (forma completada)

After a 5 years long arc, the long-awaited Constantinople arc got skipped. Hox stopped translating after a decade of hard work over this. As a consequence, good translations are dead.

Then, suddenly, a tranny.

fucking escapist dogshit.
i hate so much this shit

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What the fuck is he even trying to say?

>but the manga forgets to elaborate on why the readers should suddenly agree with her after being treated to over a hundred chapters of humans getting victimized by demons.
this was SO frustrating because it could have been an entire arc to not only expand on the lore as they were already doing just before the timeskip, but to also empathize with the demons as they explored the towns looking for clues about the Seven Doors.
There's a huge chunk of story that would eventually make us understand Emma's feelings and deliver the moral, and then the author skipped it like a fucking idiot and gave us that page that felt completely wrong after the events of Goldy Pond.

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Lol, what a shit translation.

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Preach it, girl!

"bitches should just be pretty and smile if they want to be happy"
Ohba is just that terrible at writing women.

A panel so shit I refuse to save anything beyond a thumbnail

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What is even the context for this? I think I dropped the manga before this panel, though it's possible I just don't remember it.

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Not really. It is more like school is easy and girls that try to get too good grades are actually stupid.

Ohba is pretty narrow minded and autistic. It works for Light and L but it looks retarded for normal teenagers.

>know your place femoid

pic related was where i dropped the series. fucking vinland saga was so good until after the farm arc then it shit the bed.

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Ah sorry, I posted the wrong picture

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Huh? What happened?

>Look, the MC wanna "Love and peace"
>"Wow, what a shitty MC!"
>Look, the MC wanna exterminate all the "evil" things/guys/race/etc
>"Wow, what a shitty MC!"
You guys are retards...


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wowe Viking Scandinavia would be so much mired advanced if it was run by women GIRL POWER


Not the other guys who replied but I was making fun of NGNL for thinking that it is so fucking unique for having a protagonist who isn't trying to get back his world.

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It's nonsensical bullshit of Deku dwelling on an almost sympathetic feeling for Shigaraki because AfO is controlling him.
And saying "well he's a HERO he should think like this" isn't a justification. Shigaraki got thousands of people killed and is being controlled directly because he sought after power to kill even more people. He needs to be stopped, not saved and the panel just makes Deku look like a fucking retard.

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Man..he swallow that pill so hard

Would it be wrong for black people to say "I don't want to kill whitey!"? It's the same situation.

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Damn right cuz psycopaths and sociopaths don't exist !
Slaaaay queen

Not him but that is just cringe.

God I love shit like this cracks me up to no end

that wasnt as bad because Cumrag is a dumb schizo. here is the real breaking point

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its just the fucking worst
what was iasyama thinking

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But enough to hate it? I didn't gave a fuck about that page.

Kruger's objective was to steal the FT from Paradis and use it to liberate Eldians living in persecution in the outside world.
He would have forsaken the king and everyone in Paradis to do it. Eren is directly contradictory to their goals, he wants to only save Paradis while killing everyone in the outside world.
They're literally the opposite user, of course he would want to stop him.

Fucking retarded. Blacks killed blacks for eons, so much they easily sold their "brothers" to the white man. And then were slaves for the white man just a few centuries, besides already being slaves in their own country for all their lives.

God I hate Annie and her retarded face so much

At least the anime was okay even if the disgusting fucking saliva scenes made me physically gag

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>Do you finally like Armin?

Please don't post this shit ever again.

You know what, I'm wrong, this is actually the page that killed it, but for whatever crazy reason I did read the sequel.

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Can you elaborate, user? I haven't read this shit but probably want to avoid it.

It's an unnecessary sequel series. It promotes a side character from the first series to the regular cast. It's just a bunch of random shit and ecchi that goes nowhere.

Ah that sounds pretty lame

Hox did other stuff like finish Ad Astra

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At least this thing hasn't done anything yet. Hild is much worse.

>t. speedreader

La creatura...

At least i laughed

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It should have ended the moment Torfinn stopped wanting to fight, because now its a completely different manga.
Either end it with a time skip or make a sequel that prepares the reader for the fact that they're going to be reading a slice of life viking manga.

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>Not the cringevengers page


Because they're edgelord teens who think genocide is the mature, responsible answer.

Rumbling chapters were still kino

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Just when you know MHA couldn't get any more retarded, Hori pulls this shit

not only Kruger. Grisha fucking gave Eren the AT only to turn against him and Xaver said he a terrible titan form that is unsuitable for combat while bodying 3 titans.


good one

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Right after murdering thousands of innocent people, countless heroes, and even his own mentor GT, and trying to kill him and his friends, Deku flips 180 and suddenly wants to save Shiggy.

Why? Because he "looked like he needed help". It's so fucking stupid. There are at that exact moment countless dying and injured civilians that need Deku's help and he's sitting there getting a hero boner for the one is caused all the suffering.

It genuinely feels like shitty yaoi fujo shipping levels of writing

Nice no argument.

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Don't forget unlike the reader Deku is completely unaware of shiggy's backstory. He has literally no reason to do this exact the author making him an idiot.

This pisses me off to no end, it's so goddamn infuriating and completely jumps the shark and voids what made the first few arcs worth of growth actually good

Hori at least had the chance back then to make the new quirks tie into character development or something else equally significant. At least having Deku train to use the quirks. Instead they just pop in like a deus ex machina when he needs them to. Villain is flying away? You have float now.

oh no you didnt read the bonus chapter.

At this point the entire manga feels like it's being written in a reactionary way to what the audience thinks, especially considering how early that All Might bit the dust, I don't think it's too much of a leap to assume that Hori didn't think he'd make it this far

He is saying the most notable person gets struck down if they don't have the skill or means to change anything. The person who hides their talents but goes for a peaceful married and simple life is smarter than the individual who boasts about their skills and makes an enemy of everyone.

I dropped this shit when they agreed to get married or whatever without ever saying a word to one another, the most retarded shit I've ever seen which is such a shame because I was actually enjoying it without the ham-fisted shitty romance

Context? I read it but dropped it when the younger sister casually raped him while the main series had drawn the line at sex.

No one said Deku only could have one power


didn't the demons eat them literally for no reason other than they tasted good

Wow i skimmed over this when i read it, this thing is a fucking freak of nature

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all these people trying to pretend they weren't part of the brainlet crowd who was all "SO COOOOL" when that page came out.

'I don't want to kill the enemy' is some of the worst garbage to ever plague story telling.

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So what would you say is the common element in all these? Plots about saving everyone?

I really want context

Kruger wanted Eldia to rise again. If he just wanted the freedom of mainland eldians then he wouldnt have killed them and turned them into titans

>anime only
Opinion disregarded

Kind of a running theme with these

more like trying to escape the reality of the whole situation, making the whole thing double the danger because you want to be the moral saviour of someone or some group that don't even want your help in the same place and placing everyone else in even more danger than what they already are in.

its what legoshi imagines his and harus (the rabbit) child would look like. he had to do it for training or some shit and it only shows up like twice iirc

its an everything to lose, little to gain scenario that its unrealistic and not worth the jump.

Stupid stand fighting stance illusion bullshit that didn't even get used in the (horrible) final fight. (or the fights leading up to it)

in a world of peace, it only takes literally 1 person with a mind for war to take over the world. Its the same as saying, "If all predators ate vegetables there would be no violence," Its impossible.

This is the pretty much the ending of the original series. The sister was supposed to move out, since she was going to college, but than reveals it was just a joke. The actual "plot" for the series ended some time before this, this was the last attempt to give it an ending. There's a sequel, but that's just a bunch of random stuff that just ends at some point. The waste of time was expecting an actual conclusion, baby's first gag 4koma

faggot speedreader. anf ending is kino

This isn't a Promised Neverland thread

haha imagine wanting to marry and have kids with a literal whore

agreed, Logoshi has shit taste in women

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Blacks killed and sold their own as slaves for years too so your stupid argument is invalid.

Wars are always about rich people wanting to get richer, and only psycopaths become rich, so wars will never stop.
Also, Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton are the best proof you will ever need, about how evil women can be.

It´s not about the moral alligment, it´s about how trasnparent Isayama is on his intentions of making them look heroic.

was waiting for this one

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Yeah this was pretty much the point of no return.
Sad paru left the school so early, sad she never inherited her father’s instincts for action and violence.
Everything hinges on these grand confrontations, which never resolved in a satisfactory way. It was like someone edging your dick for hours and then just denying you the climax you so desperately sought for, the entire experience leaving you bored and dull

Why this nigga posting SOUL!?

I subconsciously stopped reading right before this. I knew they would do this literal hero dirty. Part of Isayama’s moronic tonal 180

but this was one of the few panels where Floch was treated with respect? imagine your ideological opponents saying you are right.

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Trying to be moral, even though the writing has not established why the character should be helping them above others.

Writers setting up a complex situation / dilemma with no easy answer only to solve it with an easy answer anyway. A common problem in fiction writing.

>Floch is le right guys
>but let’s genocide our own race anyways lmao go freedom squad

Pretty much this, which is why it feels unsatisfying.

This was hilarious.

It had the right idea in that chapter with the wolf girl and her adoptive demon dad, but it wasn’t enough and it came too late.

>He needs to be stopped
And what makes you think he wouldn't stop him?

Humans killed humans for eons, so much they easily sold their "brothers" to the demons. And then were slaves for the demons just a few centuries, besides already being slaves in their own world for all their lives.

None, my time isn't worth shit.

He's kind of a huge faggot

A faggot who has never hesitated to take down a villain. Having a little sympathy does not equal "I forgive you of all your crimes!" He even said so himself that he would never forgive him. He felt for Gentle even more but still stopped him.

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>you know that character everyone liked?
>yeah, let's cut him from the anime

>oh yeah and that one arc that was almost as good as the escape arc?
>you mean goldy pond?
>yeah, cut that from the anime too.

>oh, that's about 70 chapters worth of content? cut it anyway
>just do the timeskip earlier and add Norman and his crew to the demon village

What the fuck were they thinking?

>let’s aim to adapt what’s left of the story in one season

But all that's left to adapt is literal shit. The story nosedived hard after goldy pond and bunker raid anyway, for fuck sake.

No one says you have to not shit in the sink because you assume no one would be stupid enough to do it.