Does Japan still having hatred towards non-virgin characters (to the point of destroying merchandise) or have they...

Does Japan still having hatred towards non-virgin characters (to the point of destroying merchandise) or have they mellowed down?

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Hopefully yes

>Does Japan still having hatred towards non-virgin characters

Most Japanese don't give a fuck. You're talking about the degenerates (that constitute a very very tiny minority of Japanese people) that follow j-pop groups of girls that need to appear "pure" for purely merchandising reasons.

I don't know, you tell me.

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>for purely merchandising reasons
>Most Japanese don't give a fuck
>need to appear "pure" for purely merchandising reasons

Are you retarded user? can you add 2 + 1? are there neurons on your head?

People who follow those things and pay money for them who care about purity are minority but big spender. Think whale in gacha game, you have to appeal to them if you want the big buck.

How can character stay virgin then Japan love rape and ntr?

Why would you willingly like a whore

where are her nipples?

Why should they not? Would you want a lightly eaten cake for even a discounted price? Maybe if you were starving you would have some to satiate your hunger, but only a fool would pay full price or specifically order one when other new options exist.

every person with a societal sense, regardless of nationality, cares about virginity.

Yes. The degenerate West should learn a thing or two.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. Reddit is two blocks down

Absorbed by the mud.

I chose not to read this because of OP pic. It's one thing for adults to have previous lovers, but if you're writing a pure school romance why the fuck would you make her used goods?

where is this from?

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>i can almost hear her hymen talking

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>where are her nipples?

Lost in the currents of time

how would you know either way?

Rejects and outcasts still obsess over it.

I would ask about her exes at some point, when we become good friends.

dummy boy this is the same loot crate gatcha crap that are marketed to whales who will do nothing but throw all their money at it, wider society gives no fucks

Truly the Japanese are a step ahead of us, how would I write that expression in Kanji?
>Talking Hymen, Hidden Cunt

If rhe character has had more than 1 partner while in high school then is disgusting, unless is rape. Even 1 is pushing it but hormones are wild and wanting to be closer physically with someone is not bad.

>unless is rape
Rape is unacceptable too.
I wouldn't date a girl who got raped.
Fucking disgusting.

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>unless is rape
i hope you like broken women

virgin women are highly valued because they are a scarce resource in today's world
men have to row upstream to get laid, that's why other men celebrate chads, because they surpassed many obstacles to reach a goal
women on the other hand just have to say yes, a woman who says yes to everyone is easy prey and neither men nor women respect them as they clearly have little self restraint

if someone is consuming escapist entertainment they'll want it to be idealized, thus they chose virgins

broken goods > used goods

Based and blackpilled.
Escapism show's what people truly want.

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It's not so much about virginity as it is about expectations. If a character is a certain way from the start then that's what people will expect. Being a virgin is the norm in anime, and if you just suddenly announce that a character isn't one, that's when there's problems.

Purityfags are subhuman and should be removed from society.

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a rape victim is broken and used tho

Go watch US dramas then. No virgins there.


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I currently have a gf unlike you, and i 100% agree with the other anons.
Virginity should be the norm for girls.
Women can do whatever they want, they are adults, but girls should be preserved.

Don't act like anyone's gonna date your sorry ass, incel. How can you not find traumatised girls cute and want to give them lots of love? Ah right, you're a fag.

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If I wanted to watch whores, I would watch western media.

not him but i dated one, she was a fucking psycho user.
if you want to walk on eggshells and deal with a child in an adults body for the rest of your life go for it but im gonna pass.

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>How can you not find traumatised girls cute and want to give them lots of love?
> calls me a fag

What's wrong with anime girls being non-virgin? It's not like they're your wife or anything.

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Sounds interesting. Mind giving some details?

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That one time she cried for help when i tried to surprise-fuck her.
Fucking psycho.

Is it really so crazy that people want a wife/gf that haven't sucked someone's dick before? Or taken cock up her pussy that is not yours? Might as well have her sleep around for money or fun and not care, since you know more experience = good or whatever you retards like to cope with.

>play VN
>get to your favourite girl's eroscene
>there is no blood or pain

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>I can almost hear her hymen talking

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Meguro-san threads are never a good thing because the purity fags start coming out the wood work. Also Meguro isn't that good her autism isn't endearing it's tragic even though it's not supposed to be

I know right? I just want my girl to be mine and only mine, it's more romantic than anything else, why are people so autistic?
I have feelings too.
>Yeah user i fucked 15 niggers before you, but i love you ahah.
Makes my skin crawl.

youre a funny guy user
>Mind giving some details?
the shit youd expect i guess. "crying" at the drop of a hat to get her way, incessant arguing, insults and never shutting the fuck up, breaking down almost fucking weekly. blah blah blah
it got old fast

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Sorry i had to do it to make that faggot seethe.
No hard feelings.

Almost sounds like a spoiled child to me

To get a pure wife you need to experince love during teenager phase. You think user can still achieve that shit?

She literally autistic and got taken advantage of by a scumbag older boy. Fucker tells her to just not reject people if they confess and ends up corrupting an impressionable mentally challenged girl. Granted the author doesn't seem to be going for this and is instead trying to make her kuderee but Meguro's complete lack of understanding and inability to not be a doormat just makes her seem like a special needs getting taken advantage of by men with ill intent

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I do love my girl, but it's like stronger than me, knowing that another men touched her like i do it makes me angry. It try not to think about it, and this thread doesn't FUCKING HELP.

thats exactly how it was, only difference was the "child" was 5 years my senior
keep an eye out for the redflags user, thats my advice of the day

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that's only a problem if the other girls do.

90% of the people crying about "muh purity" ITT will never get laid, just stating a fun fact.

We're all cucks in the end.
>You are an incel
You are cucked by every living normal man
>You have a gf
You are cucked by her previous bf's
>You are a father
You raise the thing you love the most in the orld, to be fucked by other men.
We can't fucking escape this nightmare, we are the weak ones being simple and romantic, clinging to things like purity and preservation. Women have already won this fight.
Maybe the arabs were right all along?

>traumatised girls cute and want to give them lots of love?
No you dumb fucking bastard, this kind of thinking gets people fucking killed. Traumatized people need professional help first and foremost not a goddamned simp. Some dumbass trying to "heal" them with "love" is only gonna make things worse

Yes but that means I'm also cucking everyone else especially if I have a son so simply go and fuck more girls and cuck the dude the comes after pay it forward like that horror movie with the Std ghost you can fuck multiple women can't you

>cucked by her previous bf's
>even dirty old men from NTR doujin get cucked

just live for yourself user, life is short and no 3d woman is worth the effort

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Seek help

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Then fucking leave you moron instead of making your dumbass more angry. If you're mad she's fucked before simply fuck her so good so often she'll either stay with you or remember you when you've moved on instead of wallowing in your perceived inadequacies you fucking dunce

Depends, it's fine as long as the girl is not the main heroine.
I do think it's perfectly reasonable to want a girl hasn't been with other men, if the author isn't providing that fantasy then you can count on that readerbase to not be present.
If you pull a bait and switch however and the main heroine is revealed to have been with other men, then you've only brought the rage upon yourself as an author.

Japan and everyone hates female non-virgins much less than they hate male virgins, but people only seem to care about the former.

Good. You are experiencing a natural reaction as a man.

Seek help?
Is that so anormale? Not liking that the person i love the most in the world has been with someone else before me?
It's pretty fucking normal it's calle love you fucking rat.

Never said anything about healing, just being there for them. Obviously they still should seek professional help.

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That has always been a meme. People post their destroyed merch for attention, not out of legitimate rage. Well, most of the time anyway.

youre free to run from this thread and the truth

>most popular trend in Japan right now is vtubers
>vtubers from the most popular company aren't even allowed to talk with guys
Nothing changed, It's even worst now that nobody is fucking in Japan. Can you imagine how delusional you would need to be to think that any attractive girl working in the entertainment industry don't get fucked every weeks ? Only a virgin that don't know how good sex feel would think that any girl would reject free sex with attractive guys

There's enough non-virgins in real life for you cucks, just let 2D be pure in peace.

Its not xx first time, something like that. Surprisingly good and different.

Muh bodeh muh rulez
>beat the ass of the nigger she was gonna cuck me with
>gets super wet
>we fuck
>blackpill senses develop
>realize she was cucking me the entire time
>resist urge to slap a hoe cuase fuck goin to jail
>leave without waking her up
> move on with my life
>avoid “best gurl” and white knighting retards.

It's called being an insecure little bitch who doesn't see woman as human beings with their own lives. Seek help before it's too late or remove yourself for the good of society, you subhuman.

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All Dab Forumsnons are chads and highly successful (IRL) individuals. You're just going to have to continue burning with impotent rage that you will never be a woman, or a man, for that matter.

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Go simp for cumdumpsters back on twitter you humongous homosexual freak.

I don't think white knights like you will ever understand. You ain't a real man, you don't think like us; you live and think like women but you've never lived with one.
I have more respect for incels than for weaklings like you.
Unironically kys.

Good. I always skip the first h scene because I can't stand blood and those painful screams they put on to prove she's a virgin. I just want happy times.

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they can't handle the truth of what your saying user. Fight the good fight

They have always hated non-virgjn teenagers. As it should be. They have no problem with non-virgin old hags.

jesus christ I feel so bad for Japanese women. Truly a society of autists

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>most popular company
hololive numbers are inflated by their overseas twitchteen audience
ironically the idolshit company is the one that's popular outside japan

They still do and theyre based for it

Wow, is like you are a normal human being with normal human feelings. There's a reason why people pick virgins, they don't want your suffering. But sometimes, if you can't get anything, something used is better. Get off this thread before you ruin yourself for fucking up in life.

you have an unhealthy view of sex. is your mother a worthless harlot because she had sex and gave birth to you? Why would a man touching her """"""""defile"""""""" her?

>is your mother a worthless harlot because she had sex and gave birth to you?
user, are you planning to fuck your mom?

You tell, the author had to change marie from a slut who got regularly gangbanged by a pack of 5 dudes to a pure maiden in her own spin-off. They're retarded

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No but she didn't lose value as a human because she had sex or gave birth right? So why would a random woman lose her value as a human to you for doing the same act?


People really need to understand that just because a girl is hoeing doesn't mean they don't want to fuck her they just don't want to be in a relationship with her like damn hoes just insecure

You can be watched by millions of people, but if you don't make that money It's useless. Cover is making the most money, but of course any company that is on good terms with the chineses is gonna have a bigger viewership. I mean fuck, Mea is one (the most ?) popular vtuber in China and I don't think that anyone is making more money than her, but outside of China she's pretty much a joke

>Have the idealised form of a woman (the anime girl)
>Want her to be a whore


Maybe they should stop writing harem ending too because I don't like to see my cute harem MC fuck other girls that's not my self-insert

go read western comic or webtoon

Then what's everyone's views on prostitutes, or people who sell their body's for money. Cause honestly it's a gray zone for me

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imo people should be allowed to do whatever they please, even if its disgusting in my eyes.

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Supply and demand, don't give a fuck

Honestly would be nice if i could hire some holes for a quick fuck and not have to worry about fem*ids ever

Tits or gtfo.

a woman that had her first time will remember it forever and in some ways the dick she took will get imprinted in her vagina for the rest of her life, some women go as far as comparing you with the dude that fucked her tight, intact vagina.
So basically used women only bring downsides

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They are a pain, I dated a depressed Xmas cake and it was not only annoying but also stressful, she even cockblocked me after we broke up even after telling me she didn't love me and just wanted to have sex with me, she told this other girl that we were still dating, shit sucks

They can do whatever they want, but that doesn't mean I'm going to respect them

I can't understand their reasoning

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Dumb analogy. Even if it's not your preference, there are both upsides and downsides to gaining sexual experience, and that's mostly gonna be upsides if you aren't even looking for romance.

It's not crazy but what is crazy is that being a dealbreaker for a girl that you otherwise love so much that you'd be willing to spend your life with, and letting it drive you fucking bonkers. How the fuck can people be so judgmental, even objectifying, when it comes to the love of your life? Romance like that creeps me out.

Furthermore, we're not talking about your wife, we're talking about fictional characters with their own roles to play and stories to tell. Just because manga is pretty doesn't mean everything about a work has to be benign, inoffensive and idealized for a very specific type of person. It's so fucking infantile to chimp out about it.

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Sex can be given for free, money can be given for free. The exchange is inevitable and all women work as prostitutes whether or not you make the actual practice illegal. When you make the practice illegal you just make it more dangerous for everyone involved when it does happen, much like the war on pot.

Furthermore, do not understand why people think prostitution should be illegal but porn legal, porn is just prostitution with a camera. Prostitution may not actually make all the lonely men in the world happy because what they really desire isn't sex, rather the underlying results of sex, but it's better than all the guys who simp for ewhores and get nothing for their money.

And on a personal level I respect prostitutes more than sluts and girls who pretend making $50k a year off of welfare and child support makes them better than a whore.

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>Either so pure she doesn't even know how her vag works or she's used up and filled with cum 24/7 by the age of 19
I love the extremes of these arguements

Maybe because the sex shit should be fucking nothing compared to whatever else you love and stay with her for. You're justified in not liking it, but it's not something you should still have to cope about if you're otherwise happy with your relationship. And I hope to god that if you're mad, it isn't directed at her.

not if I fuck her before someone lese

Is she really used goods or just a ruse. I hate when they do that

Japan doesn't hate non virgins. Virgins hate non virgins.

In my mouth

See but yeah I hate when they do that too

>someone squeezed these, probably even had a titjob

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So she is autistic and actually a virgin? Fuck that shit

No I'm pretty sure it's in the title of the manga bro
She's used goods

Kissing your used goods woman is like indirect kissing hundreds of guys at the same time. Just think about it.

I bet you non purity fags are ok with drinking semen from other men too.

That is the problem with society, all values are lost and people only want to have fun in the YOLO way without thinking the consequences.

>Have the idealised form of a woman (the anime girl)
that's where you go wrong

The most recent chapter is literally her wondering about her inability to make decisions for herself because her friends already know where they're going for university and she still has no idea what she wants to do.

People keep trying to insist she'll NTR him but every chapter pretty much just reaffirms her loyalty and when the dude confessed to her on the Kyoto trip she rejected him.

No, she's autistic and not a virgin because she was such a doormat that she was unable to turn guys down because her first boyfriend (who was an older high school student and her tutor) gave her bullshit about sex and love being the same thing because he wanted to fuck a big tittied JC.

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>Kissing your used goods woman is like indirect kissing hundreds of guys at the same time. Just think about

I love cum

>vtubers from the most popular company aren't even allowed to talk with guys
Ollie and Astel had an impromptu collab (and Astel was more worried about his fujo fans throwing a tantrum than Ollie was about waifufags). Fubuki and Matsuri will collab with Holostars too.

There's no actual rule against it but a lot will just not do it willingly because they know that some of the obsessive waifufags will lose their minds. Look at the shitshow that happened on /jp/ when people found out that Ame had a boyfriend in the past. Same deal with a lot of idols, especially in the underground scene. For groups that don't actually have no dating rules (like self-managed groups for instance) they still won't publicly date anyone for exactly the same reason: they know that the most hardcore and obsessive fans are also purityfags who'd stop supporting them or might actually harm them IRL.

Rules like that are put into place or self-imposed because the biggest paypigs are also the most obsessive and unhinged and the ones most likely to get angry about dumb shit like that.

>f a character is a certain way from the start then that's what people will expect
So how should non-virgin character act then?

They definitely shouldn't be misleading people to believe that they're still pure that's for sure.

>he doesn't watch both
There is shit load of genres that anime can't get right like crime or thriller so i kinda have to watch western media for it.

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Should men be virgins as well?

>having sex

It’s a double standard. Most women like men who lead and know what their doing. I don’t think a woman wants an inexperienced virgin.