Mangaka who dropped the ball HARD

What Manga could've been really good but the Mangaka went full retard?

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What's wrong with this panel? She said this in today's episode and as an anime only it was completely understandable.

I didn't like how a sheltered child behaved like a sheltered child instead of an enlightened adult such as myself therefore it's bad

>Look, the MC wanna "Love and peace"
>"Wow, what a shitty MC!"
>Look, the MC wanna exterminate all the "evil" things/guys/race/etc
>"Wow, what a shitty MC!"
You guys are retards...

Norman wasn't going to genocide them, his chemical would degenerate the demons into the low intelligence demon animals.
You've already seen the demon animals all over the forest. They survive just fine as animals eating other animals.

This is a nice, short and clever romance. In many aspects similar to the pancreas story, but better in my opinion. The only thing that keeps that series from being a 10/10 is the retarded ending. The author could have went with a bittersweet and unique ending, but instead does a complete 180° "twist" within the last 5 pages and turns it into a generic happy ending.

I'm still mad to this day.

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I hate this panel.
The worst drawing in The Promised Neverland.

Exactly user.

We already have this exact same thread
what the fuck


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Don't bother, user
we all know Dab Forums is SO creatively bankrupt that these silly threads appears several times a day ...

They were hunted by demons for 100 chapters, sold as meat, being killed over and over. Then for 2 chapters they met with demon vegetarians, then they were being hunted for sports again, then they met demon civilisation for 2 chapters again and boom, I DON'T WANT TO KILL THE DEMONS, THEY ARE NICE :((
It's called breaking your premises. It's bad writing. It's retardedly structured with 1% demons being cool 99% being Nazis. It's like jews are being murdered, holocaust, rapes, then suddenly a jew meets a nice German civilian and I DONT WANT TO KILL THE NAZIS :((((

When they infiltrated their society we were shown that demons are just normal humanoids and only their royalty is evil.
Anyone who didn't see that resolve coming is retardedly oblivious to narrative flow.


This is a good comparison. It's like not bombing during war because I DON'T WANT TO KILL X, like not escaping auschwitz because you have to kill a few guard on the way.

They are humanoid that have eaten humans and must keep eating humans to retain their sanity. Remember that at this point Emma doesn't know that they can be saved with the forbidden blood.
Also remember that, although it wasn't shown in detail, all the eldest kids have seen a dozen of their siblings be shipped out and they all were butchered and eaten. But who cares about nameless kids? Emma sure seems to have forgotten living with them since they were toddlers.

+the Sabuza fight promised me Jojo fights with ninja tricks
-but we got poor man's Dragon Ball instead
>Fairy Tail
+starts nice enough with cool MC a cute heroine and clear quest to find a dragon
-but got derailed by a myriad of irrelevant side quest unrelated to the main plot and bogged down by a gigantic cast of irrelevant side characters
>Shingeki no Kyoshin
+starts as a doomsday adventure mystery of humanity vs an enemy that is almost like a force of nature
-but gets derailed by political intrigue, needless crown succession drama, muh race, muh nation, muh war
+it gets good again when the rumbling starts at least
--------------but the traitor faggot had to ruin it all
+fun monster of the week, side character with unique abilities
-never mind, side characters stay behind and never catch up to the MC and they are useless anyway because the shinigamy captains always solve every issue
+great animation with cool mecha vs kaiju fights and fappable waifus
-pretentious author trying to sneak muh 3deep5u message in between fights
>Boku no Hero Academia
+everything else

Instead of the mangaka going full retard, it went THICC plot to the point only the mangaka understands the plot at this point

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it doesn't help that only 4 chapters a year come out and one of them even had 5 fucking pages only
at least it's better than HxH

But demons aren't malicious in nature. Commoners don't hunt for meat anymore.
Most are probably unaware that elites get to eat intelligent kids instead of brainless livestock.
If our world had a bunch of sentient cows secretly raised for the richest, do you think they would be in the right if they wanted to genocide humanity for eating beef?

Who, who, who and who? Retard.

>-but got derailed by a myriad of irrelevant side quest unrelated to the main plot and bogged down by a gigantic cast of irrelevant side characters
Sounds familiar

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Imagine reading a normal slice of life romance for like +5 years only for you to realize that you've read yaoi the whole time.

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I can only assume he's talking about Emma and Eren. They have basically the opposite responses to monsters that want to eat them and the rest of humanity.

Cows are not intelligent and I am not livestock. Malicious intent is irrelevant, the demons are a clear threat and must be eradicated to ensure such atrocities don't occur again.

Based, fuck the SOL shitters.

>Good ending
Picked tf up

there is one difference though
all of the side quest are done in order to reach One Piece, it's like going through several different levels on a linear game in order to reach the end
Fairy Tail is like one big sandbox where MC and cast waste their time on shit completely unrelated to the main quest presented at the start of the series

ah yes, Fairy Tail, where even the author admitted he didn't have a plan
>For my debut series, Rave Master, I'd actually worked out the whole series from start to finish by the time I finished the first half. Of course, there were some details that got added in later, but the storyline was pretty solidly in place.
>On the other hand, for my second series Fairy Tail, I went in the opposite direction, and had pretty much nothing decided at all. The only thing that was predetermined was the hero's backstory, so from week to week, even I didn't know what was going to happen next.
>And this series, EDENS ZERO, falls somewhere in between. The story elements that are set in stone are all jumbled together with elements that I've put on hold, and I'm really appreciating the "real time" feeling that comes from a weekly series.

I never got the hate behind this page.
You know from the start Emma is an idealist as well as the fact that she is a child. This shouldn't disappoint you.

Something like SnK meanwhile is potentially actively betraying everything in the story to wank Armong and show that there's always an option of peace, even after you genocided half the world.
There's still a chapter left so we'll see how it goes though.

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Edens Zero fixed most of Fairy Tail problems
>reduced the cast of characters
>increased the number of waifus
>made the whole quest of finding mother have linear progression so all side quest are like stepping stones for the main quest
>did not make the MC an asexual autist despite him still being kinda childish like most shonen MCs
>did not make the Mary Sue character part of the main cast and made her into support onesan
>gave the MC and heroine more versatile powers than just fire bending and a bloated cast of useless summons
>created a more original setting than classic D&D
>Mashima clearly went through a training arc with Yabuki sensei to polish his fan service skills
i can't wait for the anime, i don't remember when was the last time i was hyped by an adaptation of a story i've already read in manga

Considering how Post-TS Eren has acted previously I'm betting that he's deliberately putting himself in a situation that looks no-win while having something up his sleeve to blindside the Alliance. He's done this so many times since he was re-introduced in Marley that it's kind of incredible that everyone in character is expecting Armin's nuke to be their win.
But it's probably gonna be something along the lines of "thanks for killing me bros, i wanted to lose."

I skipped it, rereading rave master for the 3rd time was starting to hurt. Is it any good or should I wait for the adaption? FT had a solid OST for what it was worth, and the first season was solid if I remember correctly. I don't remember horrible padding until the jelal tower arc.

if you wanna wait for the anime you won't have to wait long
i've never read Rave Master, but you should definitely check Edens Zero out, the fan service is great, the art is amazing, the fights are cool, and there were a couple of instances where characters won by doing something more than screaming and muh nakama power up punch, even when a character finds a weird new way to use his power in the middle of a fight it has often been foreshadowed in previous episodes and it's not so ridiculous as to say "the author pulled this out of his ass"
some examples i can think of
Natsu finding out he could create giant fire hands to grab big objects without burning them came out of the author's ass
Shiki using his gravity to absorb the kinetic impact of a giant rocket and focus it on a single little point to pierce a thick armor kinda makes more sense and it's more clever
fight choreographies are still great and even better with Shiki's gravity, you can clearly tell how the movement and exchange of blows goes as if it was the story board for a kung fu movie

you are supposed to show don't tell
thats why its awful

Shingeki no Kyojin.
Inside Mari.
Prison School (no, I am not talking just about ending)

I did´t read naruto, but I have been told by every sinlge person who has that Kishimoto went full retard with the ending.

>I did´t read naruto, but I have been told by every sinlge person who has that Kishimoto went full retard with the ending.
he went full retard long before the actual ending. but yeah it was the last few arcs that really sealed the descent into "Dragonball but with forehead protectors"

Personally I thought he went full retard back when Pain was the big bad, muchless after redeeming Orochimaru with a speech.

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>redeeming Orochimaru with a speech
you serious?
the guy who kidnapped people, brainwashed, experimented on them and stole their bodies got redeemed?!
you got to be kidding me!
there's some crimes you don't get to walk away from with just a slap on the wrist, even if circumstance force said criminal to ally themselves with the good guys for greater good

but i was talking for 5 minutes about you being good inside

>You know from the start Emma is an idealist as well as the fact that she is a child. This shouldn't disappoint you.
It's the framing. We never got to see Emma developing empathy for the demons, nor could the audience. The anime improved on it a little better with some few extra scenes but they're not enough

I bailed by that point, but apparently they needed him. a "too useful to kill. would cost too much resources to kill" type situation. Still retarded way of going about it
I think he's in charge of Root now in Boruto.

bichads won. get over it fag.

My biggest grip with the armong wanking is that Isayama planned this so poorly that the he had to resort to violating the story´s internal logic time and time again.

It makes absolutely no sense for Zeke´s death to stop the rumbling.
It makes absolutely no sesne for MOTHER FUCKING KRUGER helping Armong to stop Eren from doing THE EXACT SAME THING HE ASKED GRISHA TO DO.
It makes no sense for the alliance to suffer no casualities after fighting an army of SENTIENT titans, when even the mindless ones used to be a threat.
It makes no sense for Eren to not take away everyone´s ability to shift, the "freedom" shit it´s not a good excuse since he didn´t do the same shit with Historia.


He is an unkillable demi-god who has injected himself with literal alien genetics. Orochimaru deserves whatever he won, the man(?) gave up everything for his scientific march.

yeaah, see how easy it is to make that sound cool. But the execution leaves much to be desired.
I cant even imagine how cringey that speech would have been with the english VA dropping "believe it!" in there.

You already have a fucking thread whining about this stupid fucking page in this stupid fucking book for the last fucking year Fucking let it go goddamnit

>"Demons can have hearts and can be saved!"
>Nobody cares
>"I don't want to kill demons because some of them may be nice!"
>"What a whiny ignorat bitch."

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And some posts in this thread are word for word from that one, too. Fucking bots.

It's a mystery manga, the issue is the schedule, not the writing itself.

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I am pretty sure not even Togashi understands how nen works anymore.

Tragic romance stories are literally trash. That happy ending was the only saving grace


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That shit is the worst. Most Japanese at least have the decency to label their trash but rhen we get surprise trash like this. The mangaka needs to pay a fucking fine for their shit garbage sorting skills.

Highschool of the Dead counts i suppose? The author was known for dropping his manga left and right and leaving out this one, even though it was at the height of its popularity. The fact that he died now really seals the deal imo.

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So he went full retard because he died? Damn.

Why do we have this thread almost ever fucking day?! Dab Forums is like a beaten housewife who would rather waste time talking about manga that "shat the bed" ad nauseam instead of talking about stuff that they actually care about and enjoy.

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AoF was right up there with the Eri Takenashi backlash

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when mangaka go full femanon

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>still seething 1 year later
Touma won and that's a good thing.

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>The guy whose entire quest and motivation are entirely predicated on the fact that his last surviving relative was forcibly turned into a man-eating monster and who from the start can tell based on direct experience that at least some demons are trying to fight their impulse to eat people
>The girl who was raised as livestock by man-eating monsters, was lied to all for nearly all her life, was hunted by man-eating monsters for 100 chapters, with a lot of the monsters clearly demonstrating that they hunt and eat humans because they like it, and not out of inescapable need, and who just recently got a brief demonstration that not all of the monsters are puppy-kicking villains

One of these characters is not like the other.

am the only who thinks among not wanting to genocide people understandable

>expecting Armin's nuke to be their win.
Dies anyone think that? I dunno.
>"thanks for killing me bros, i wanted to lose"
Honestly I'm fine with whatever garbage happens in the fights. My main problem is that everyone will clap after Eren kills hundreds of millions and they all are at peace.

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She's a woman, she triggers the incels

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Tanjiro still cuts demon's heads off. It's not like he lets them off the hook for being bloodthirsty monsters who eat humans. It's just that he's sort of like Samurai Jesus in how he UNDERSTANDINGS them as they're disintegrating and gives them a chance to repent for the evils they did and purify themselves as they disintegrate.
And the unrepentant, truly evil demons get shoved down into hell which is where stinking filthy demons belong.
emma just wants to blanket forgive them because she lacks moral conviction that chads like Norman and Tanjiro have.

i wish i had droped this shitt after they escaped...
first ark was truly good

there's absolutely no other character in a manga that I want to punch as much as emma in this panel

That's the same as killing them.

Demon Slayer was rad

>Tanjiro still cuts demon's heads off.
And Emma still shoots them. She offered Lewis a chance to stop the fighting but still went through with killing him when he refused.

If you kill your enemies they win

>No more saeko'shit

>the worst drawing in The Promised Neverland

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also don't forget the classic masterpiece

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The anime cuts out an entire arc showing the demons as nothing but soulless cunts who want to kill, hunt and eat them all besides this one guy.