ITT: Post garbage

ITT: Post garbage.

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I don't have a picture of OP, I can't

Your name.


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Mirai Nikki is fucking hilarious which makes it entertaining. I'd say this is garbage because it's just shallow, misery porn.

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I liked first 6 episodes but that's about it. The rest was total dogshit.


fuck off how is it garbage

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this. why do people like this garbage?

t. Moeshitter

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you're waifu

being garbage is not the worst fate because people will remember it as garbage. See Ex-arm.
MHA is bland which makes people want to forget it or it will become forgettable overtime.

t. Grimdarkfag

Yes i am waifu

The peak of shitty power-fantasy OPMC isekai.

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Reviving this thread

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I remember an user saying Aporou would get his ass kicked eventually

It's been 3 years.

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muh sakuga
same braindead people who like Kekkai Sensen S2

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>character has pink hair
Easy sign that the series is trash.

The Bokurano anime was a disaster but the episodes before they started changing shit were a lot more entertaining than any episodes of Mirai Nikki.

I literally forgot about its existence. I just thought that girl looks similar, so I copied it into google and I'm sure I watched it but I don't remember a single thing except the girl's voice

the manga is headed that way
anime was a decent watch

Isekai with spider.

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She's not even the worst garbage from her show

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It was shit straight from the start, don't kid yourself. Same for the anime.

Ghost in the Cell. I won't bother finding an image.

that a knock off of Ghost in the Shell?

yea its the netflix adaptation with a black major

yep. I gave it a try because I love soul eater but it has no soul and even worse writting,

>Ghost in the Cell

overrated trash, has nothing but boring talks. If you like this you either have an extreme superiority complex, or is braindead, or both

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i'd be ok with delicious brown major but I know we'd just get a gorilla in a wig if such an adaptation actually was made.

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It started off so interesting too. I think the worst part is the lasting effect and how so many mentally damaged women still idolize gaysigh youknow. For my contributions:
>Anything from yamada yoshinobu post cage of eden
>killer killer
>ghost tower
>Akarui Sekai Keikaku

I fucking hate everything in this piece of shit

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Epin m8e

The nakama power with this series drove me insane. One I retardely kept reading hoping it would get better. I finally tapped out around 400. The only good thing to come out of it was the glow up on milliana. Jesus christ she went from huggable to fuckable in those 10 years.



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your waifu

piss of faggot

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I enjoyed Mirai Nikki. In the same way I enjoy Redo of the Healer now, so you could argue it was garbage. But ultimately it doesn't matter because it's fun and I quite like yandere girls.

A perfect example of how hecticism and god awful character development can damage a perfectly fine story.

At least I learned to never ever take a Youtuber's recommendation on anything ever again...

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I was shocked that I actually ended up liking EZ, the contrast between it and late-FT is day and night, glad that he's working on something he enjoys right now.