Why is Goth Asuka so perfect Dab Forums

Why is Goth Asuka so perfect Dab Forums

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Imagine le smell

More like arthoe Asuka


I'm imagining alright

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I'm imagining it's great


what does Goth Shinji look like

>zoomers call this goth
my poor asuka...

she's 14 you sick fuck

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You don't deserve a you.

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I'm good here

>Why is Goth Asuka so perfect Dab Forums

Goth is very OOC for Asuka's personality.

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Asuka is always perfect.

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This is American Shinji on his way to high school. YOU BETTER RUN, BETTER RUN, OUTRUN MY GUN

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Reeks of ironic weeb aesthetic

I only have emo Shinji.

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god what the fuck
this picture hurts my heart
I need to hug her so fucking bad

He's such an ugly faggot, I hate him

No god please, fuck goths that´s so fucking awful

post preppy rei

the people who like anime goth characters, everything is ok in your houses?, i mean there´s medical help if you want it

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he looks pretty cool in that

how do i find myself an art hoe to fuck irl

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...Said no woman ever.

she was 14 in 1995, now she is older than me.

NGE is set in 2015, but 3.0 is set in 2029 where she's 28

be tall, good looking, and charismatic

be white

Be black

Reminds me of those tattoooed Disney princesses that were on Tumblr a while back.

Play an instrument, and have access to drugs.

Art hoe is just slang for soon to be 30's catlady user.

how do i be charismatic

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be tall and good looking

I will keep that in mind
Is there anything in particular about 30s cat ladies I should know

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Steer clear of them. That's the kinda crazy that'll poke holes in your condoms.

>how do i find myself an art hoe to fuck irl
These types are stereotyped to love BBC. Not all do, but in general this is true in my huge west coast city.

love i don't care about crazy i'm bored
I'll cover my peepee in soot then

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Quite sad to see Dab Forums discuss 3DPD in almost every thread nowadays.

Never fucked one but I'm friends with one: if you're a weeb but not fat/ugly/smelly then unironically JUST BEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOURSELF

I would but I wouldnt be proud of it.

>blatant 3dpdfagottry
>mods siding with holonigs in their e-thot worshippery
I wish, that I could turn back time

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