The biggest hack to ever work in the industry.
The biggest hack to ever work in the industry
wtf that's not Yamada
shinkai sure looks different from the last time I saw him
people can't spell yuasa
*keeps making tokukino while dabbing on animefags in your path*
based anno
Anno and his little trash mecha anime is only a footnote in the grand book of hackdom. Here is the real meat
tokushit is for manchildren
The shoulders and arms/hands look like they belong to a 11-12 year old boy. Such an estrogenic man should have never been allowed to talk about human sexuality and relationships.
says the anime tranny LMAO
go back to masturbating over cartoon chilren, pedo
go back to masturbating over faggots in spandex
nah, unlike you the media i consume arent only worth it for masturbation purposes
maybe one day once you're above the age of 16 you'll reach enlightenment too and realize anime is trash
It's better than watching shit for literal children
It's ok. You don't need to be mad about the fact that your mother bought you a bra yesterday. She cares about you and knows that your gyno requires some solid support.
"Shinkai is a hack" is a Dab Forums meme that people are brainwashed into internalizing for no reason.
>tokufag posting capeshit
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
What is a hack?
says the one who masturbated to trigger's gridman.
The idea that anime causes trannyism is jewish propaganda. Jews cause trannyism, and then come on Dab Forums to blame it on anime.
If anime is trash, everything is trash.
>Jews cause trannyism
Care to explain how?
So being heterosexual is bad now?
They do it through aggressive anti-white male programming and by constructing elaborate yet confusing theories about sex/gender/orientation/sexuality. They elevate trannies to positions of power and prestige while pushing down everyone else. They go on places like Dab Forums and tell mentally ill young men that all of their problems will be solved if they transition.
And the fucking kikes blame it all on anime.
His biggest weakness is his mental...
That french animator at Karat surely did sweayed him good "Madara mode" into putting French memes in the next Eva.
And because of him, and the diplomatic incident caused by showing the eiffel tower being destroyed, the last opus is reported!!!
it's not a meme, Shinkai hasn't made anything good in his entire career
His output is just kinda mediocre, as opposed to Anno who's whole career is insufferable trash like Nadia and KareKano.
It is a meme. You have internalized it for no reason.
Yeah because we all know jews have no money in anime, retard
>invest money in anime industry
>come to Dab Forums and claim that anime is jewish
Go back
You're being too generous here. If Anno didn't make a soap opera like Evangelion to cater to casuals and soccer moms then we wouldn't even remember his existence to have a many threads about him daily. No one would give a shit for Karekano or Nadia because they're not that popular by themselves, without the Anno label. The man is one trick pony and he's still milking off that poor pony to exhaustion to this very day. Talking about a complete parasite who doesn't even posses the self awareness or courtesy to shut up for his own good and enjoy the wealth he acquired in silence.
>If Anno didn't make a soap opera like Evangelion to cater to casuals and soccer moms
Why do you people make up these lies?
>They go on places like Dab Forums and tell mentally ill young men that all of their problems will be solved if they transition.
Pretty sure that's just gay pedo groomers.
Tominotards fear this show for having creative visuals and directing in a TV anime. They rather watch a QUALITY 50 ep piece of shit like Turn A Gundam
He's the most overrated, but he's at least a competent animator. A true talentless hack would be someone like
Directors do not need to be animators.
True. They need to be directors. Anno is not a director.
Why do you lie? If you have to lie to attack Anno, then why are you against him in the first place?
nah he's talented
but he's also an insufferable sadbrained faggot who hates his audience
what drugs are currently in your system
What makes him a hack?
>Miyazaki: Well, Anno is much more talented than Oshii-san. Oshii-san's live action films are nothing more than students' films. I think he has repetetion compulsion. That compusion forbids him to complete a film. I don't know why he can still get a sponsor. (laugh)
>Miyazaki: He got excited just to see an armed helicopter. He's just an otaku.
>-but you're an otaku too.
>Miyazaki: I really hate that kind of gun-otaku. To be honest, they're low-level otaku. Pistol-otaku are the most childish people among all the gun otaku. Don't you think so? (laugh)
>low-level otaku
How far does it go?