Shingeki no Kyojin Annie Pie

Let's all admit this is the lowest point in the manga

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Other urls found in this thread:

wow japanese fans are vocal about the new chapter and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way everyone revived like naruto and the whole monging. I guess they were holding out hope for a good writing route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the chapter changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are

Link to petition:

Attached: Monkey Trouble.webm (854x480, 2.02M)

God I want Annie Leonhart to feed me that pie like I'm a baby bird.

I rabu Piku.

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>His mind already removed every painful memory of 137
I don't blame you

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Quit spamming every Snk post faggot

The Abortion of Annoyance. The Beta of Boyhood. The Cuckhold of Cringe. The Dildo of Decadence. The Empath of Estrogen. The Fakest of Faggots. The Grossest of Goyim. The Height of Heinousness. The Incompetent of Insecurity. The Joke of Jobbers. The Knave of Kabbalists. The Loser of Laziness. The Maggot of Malformity. The Nigger of Neutrality. The Oaf of Obsoleteness. The Pussy of Passivity. The Queen of Queefs. The Rabbi of Receding-Hairlines. The Simp of Sillyness. The Tranny of Terribleness. The Underclassman of Uselessness. The Vegetable of Vapidness. The Wannabe of Warriors. The Xenodochial of Xeniality. The Yee-Yee of Yokels. The Zero of Zygotes. THE BETA KEK THE FATTEST OF WHALES THE BITCH OF BETAS THE KEK OF SIMPS THE FAILURE OF SUICIDALNESS THE SMALLEST OF THE SMALL KEKmin THE INFERTILE PREYmin the FEMININE WEAKmin the FEEBLE PUSHOVERmin the SURPASSABLE FRAGILEmin the SURRENDERING DISFIGUREDmin the FUGLY FATmin the OBESE SHORTmin the CHILD PHYSICALLYCHALLENGEDmin the INFIRM STAREmin the CREEPY DELICATEmin the PUNY PEONmin the SLAVE ANXIOUSmin the MENTALLY ILL IMPOTENTmin the SOFT FEARmin the COWARD BITCHmin the BABY PALEmin the SICKLY POORmin the UNFORTUNATE INADEQUATEmin the MEDIOCRE DEFECTIVEmin the MISTAKE SHUDDERmin the SCARED SMALLmin the MINISCULE BALDmin the the RECEDING LACKmin the UNSATISFACTORY PIKmin the MICROSCOPIC ATHEISTmin the FAITHLESS BROWNmin the SHITSTAIN MUTTmin the AMERICANO MINKEK THE AR ARKEK THE MIN MINKEK THE KEK BITCHKEK THE SIMP THE PORCINEST OF THE PIGGIES ENKEK BITCHMIN KEK KEKKEK CU KEK ENTER ARMONG SHARTLERT

Attached: Ever heard of UMI DA.jpg (826x1169, 120.96K)

>lowest point

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Annie literally did nothing wrong. Not even in the memetic sense either, like when we say a villain like Griffith did nothing wrong. She actually didn't do anything wrong.

Yeah i know right, I saw this posted in the last thread. Two times is just too much. He must stop.

Is there any character as spectacularly written as Connie Springer from Attack on Titan? Isayama deserves much more applause than he gets for all of the masterful development and time he has given to Connor's character; you slowly see the innocent Conrad turned into a broken man as he faces the consequences of his actions. You can always empathize with Condom's feelings as he goes through the story, making the most realistic choices possible, and boy do those choices show. Constance's impact on the story (along with his fan favorite signature catchphrase "We're the same") is so significant that some fans would prefer that Eren Yeager be replaced by Cornelius as the main protagonist of Attack on Titan. If you ask any fan of Attack on Titan who their favorite character is, they're sure to say Cancer.

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>10 replies

She killed a shit ton of survey corps. Not to mention Marco. Plus she was an accessory to the breaking of the wall.


This. She was merely doing her duty.

>Sasha and Niccolò fall in love because he is a chef
>The Alliance is formed because of pie
The true peace ending will be achieved with food

She killed a ton of people
>b-b-but those are unnamed

Just like Eren is doing his
So why do people complain about the rumbling again?

While a bird might represent freedom, Falco becoming the bird titan spells out his loss because what is most a the founding titan made of? a Ribcage, a Cage. Falco will end in the birdcage and never be free and while Eren did say "I wont take your freedom" to the alliance, Falco was not there so he is a part of the slavebowl and because he represents a domesticated bird as he is an Eldian that is domesticated and a slave to Marley. Domesticated birds go in cages

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Alright, I've had it with the cage pasta

whats maddening about that page?

I think Isayama was going for a casual reveal, the same way that the Armored Titan reveal was literally just Reiner taking Eren aside and going "hey by the way I'm the Armored Titan and Bert's the Colossal Titan". But it didn't work at all here because the context is so different.


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That's a great pie, Annie.
Mind having some tea with me to wash that down?

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EH sank haha

Gabi = Helos.

your devotion to the best girl is unparalleled

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Annie, I never told anyone this, but Petra was saved me so much money in child support and several visits with the Survey Corps' HR department. The tea is on me.

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How many days passed in story between pic related and OP's pic?

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>by Eren
Connie has a very strange idea of what betrayal look like. Unless he was expecting Eren to personally consult him on the merits of the rumbling vs the 50 year plan in which case he wildly overestimated how close they were

Why the fuck does annie even care about her shitty father who ditched her for years. Is it just a lazy plot point to give Annie a motivation to fight?

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What can I say, I just rabu Pii.

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Plenty of people irl still love their parents who treated them horribly or were barely there at all. Hell we see this happen with other characters in this series. Reiner was initially ecstatic to meet his Marleyan dad who ditched him.

Volume 33 has sold ~920k copies in its first month

Is that good?

I'd forgive it all if every ship gets destroyed in the final chapter
>Annie's dad cucks mong
>farmer cucks eren
>mikasa dead

I don't know about the standards but that sounds pretty damn good to me

Its better than the 2020 volumes at the same point but nowhere near the peak

Final panel is the Cringevengers (minus Gabi and maybe Oyankopon) getting executede by a Marleyan firing squad

I demand memes about farmer-kun

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Do burgers exist in the snk world?

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How will 138 top this? Place your bets

Kill yourself
Get fucked

>Paradoxical laughter is an exaggerated expression of humour which is unwarranted by external events. It may be uncontrollable laughter which may be recognised as inappropriate by the person involved. It is associated with altered mental states or mental illness, such as mania, hypomania or schizophrenia, and can have other causes.
I get, user, you don't like the alliance, but that's no reason to turn your brains off.

Burgers were invented in 1900 and the technology of the SnK world matches roughly the 1900s so yes, Eren and Historia will go and buy burgers once the rumbling is all over.

keep marching

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Hell yeah, Paradis burgers!

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