If I've read the Made in Abyss manga

If I've read the Made in Abyss manga...
should I watch the anime or the films?

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Anime films are awful for discussion on Dab Forums so I recommend watching mia tv series and forget about the film.

Well I'm not too interested in discussing the series online (especially given some of the manga content..)
but I guess what I'm wondering is:
are the films better quality than the anime?
can't understand why they'd even exist otherwise

Anime films require people to pay up like 9,7$ to view in a theater while the tv show is ad supported.
Movies enable making more money.

The first 2 films are the same as the series, the episodes are just put together.
I kind of still recommend watching the anime in episodes.

I watched it for free

The films have a finnish fansub on nyaa so they're convenient if you want children or the grandma who doesn't speak english to see the show. They're also shorter which is a plus for social viewing.

A common complaint of MiA is that people are confused on what exactly is going on. That's because the information density is so ridiculous and it's easy to miss crucial details by missing even a single line of dialogue.
Watching 3 movies would probably only barely give you an idea of what's really going on.

The manga is dense in information but most of it is irrelevant to the plot.
Magic hole, whistles mom, zombie, shotabot, anthropomorphic rabbit girl going on an adventure to make friends, thats all you really need.

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yeah you see that's where I disagree
the amount and frequency of why's in MiA threads is no joke