Shingeki no Kyojin

Eren deserved better than dying for well-being of farmed queen

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Is this a "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" reference?

How kinky do you think Mikasa would be in bed

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Annie a miracle of the universe.

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Does any really deserve most hate than Berth and Reiner?

Annie only killed military targets that were trying to attack her while Reiner and Beth caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Not to mention she was FORCED by Reiner to murder Marco.

Annie was the least evil warrior 2bh.

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Why am I still here?
I should get over it, let it go.

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Trust the plan. Everything will be okay. Trust the plan.

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This is now a JeanBVLL thread

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Why did you guys color it brown and not blue, Farmer most probably has blue eyes because of his phenotype, Historia also has blue, so blue would make most sense.
Coloring it brown doesn't even help your cause, because Carla had brown/hazel eyes.


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She’s still part of the gang of terrorists that caused those deaths. She is as guilty as them.

That’s like saying Bin Laden is not as evil as the guy who crashed a plane into the World Trade Center


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Petrafags are not ready for that conversation

>planeji art
kek, based

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>Eren deserved better than dying for well-being of farmed queen
Instead he died for the well-being of this thing

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Hisu when Farmer comes home after a long day.

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Agh fine, here you go. You've done more than enough fighting Anniebot.

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cute and cAAnon

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>the rapist levi


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What’s the average height in Paradise?

Everyone seemed to be average but now most characters are above 6ft and girls like Mikasa are 5’10


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>Bert dies because of his actions
>Reiner wants nothing more than to kill himself because of his actions
>Annie says that she'd do it all again and gets handed the happiest ending out of any character
And killing Marco is fucking irrelevant anyway when the three of them were already trying to kill everyone in Trost until Eren showed up as a potential founding titan.

Eren loved Mong more than Mong loved him. Why live?

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Probably 5’9-5’11 like irl Germany

Man, I can't believe eren plowed this pre rumbling. If only we got the original ending.

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How high would Lebi be on the NTRchad chart?

Not very.

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Sad. Was this scene changed as well? It's like the Historia one where Mikasa just disappears when it's from Eren's POV.

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Annie said she'd do it all over again, Reiner DID actually do it all over again. That was something all three of them shared - they knew the paradisians didn't deserve to die, yet they pushed on through the guilt, because the alternative would've been even more unbearable. None of them is any better than worse than the others.