I was in a bad crash recently how fucked am I now that my face has been rearranged?
New face
It’s over
ask a doctor not random retards on Dab Forums
No seat belt?
I was in a car wreck when I was pretty young (about 5-6) and it permanently tilted my nose to a sharp right. Good luck bro, lol
I had a seatbelt, got rear ended while stopped by a car going 65ish
I didn’t smash my face a vent flew out of my dash and hit my eye, my nose isn’t even broken it’s always been slightly crooked.
Oh, in that case you’re nose should just slightly change direction. I had my nose bashed into the front of a car seat, and then into a window, so mines pretty messed up
both of those look like the septums are deviated. surgery for it is likely covered by your medical insurance if you're not a retard and you have medical insurance
you look real gangsta now
Right now it looks brutal, shame it's going to heal.
I told you my nose didn’t break or shift has been this way since I was 10 or so. Just has some cuts on it. I really doubt I have a deviated septum.
The eye stitch scars will still look rad
Are your initials D.S. by any chance?
True, feel free to post an update later on OP. I'll let you know if you need any more scars.
OP’s doesn’t need surgery. On the other hand, I’ve lived with my nose shape for about 20 years and idk if surgery would even be necessary.
No they aren’t
Thanks for answering for me
Bro you look badass. Lift, get ripped and dont worry
Eh just wait two or three weeks, most parts look just swollen up and not permanently damaged. Your eye most likely will keep some scars but maybe they will fade with time as well.
He'll probably look like this.
Swellings going down a lot boys
you look badass
get well soon bro
This would make a cool album cover
It will be an album cover. Thanks.
Thanks dude.
second this. embrace it user.
Thanks dude. I appreciate it.
you have beautiful dark hair
How about going to a doctor?
Faggot what am I supposed to answer
That shit’s gonna look radical with how the rest of your face looks, wear it proudly.
Hairy boi
Dark skin + scars is the best combination if you're unfortunate enough to have facial scars. You'll look badass though, wear them proudly.
It’s already stitched up.
I don’t get it
no, it'll heal
Dude, now you can use it as a conversation starter to pick up chicks. Chicks dig scars.
Looks fucking cool. Like the eye too. Maybe you can get it tattooed after it heals. It's better like this.
Mutahar? I thought you stayed on /x/
I’m the other kind of Indian and European dummy
looks like oney kek
SOG is the homie though for sure
Bitches sure gonna love this OP
You should be alright, kinda suits you.
Mutahar gets me Mutahard