My sister tried to suicide 5 days ago. I found out today because my mom told me. I live far from them and she would not tell us until things have "settled". She tried to kill herself by taking a lot of pills (anxiety/sleep) and a beer. She fell unconscious before reching the bed and the sound of the head agains the floor alerted her husband and kid. Emergency was called, then hospital, stomach pump, ...the usual process I guess. Shes at home now, embarrased.
The main issue for me: I dont feel fucking anything. Not sad, not happiness, not rage, not anger, no fucking nothin. Is this normal? Am I weird for not feeling somethig about this?
If you were told over text or email then no not really. It's hard to separate larp from reality if you're not informed directly by mouth.
Jaxon Morris
I was told by phone. I called her just to chat. Not larping
Christian Long
Just to add another bit of info. Docs said given the amount of pills she would have died if she manages to get to bed and lie down. She falling unconscious saved her live. My mom is pretty caught up in this tought, doesnt bother me at all on the contrary. She could be dead, but she is not, nothing to worry.
Zachary Reyes
Lmao imagine if you marry a bitch and she tries to kill herself. How weak would you have to be to want to forefeit IRL when you have a husband and kids to work towards.
Joshua Bennett
Yeah I tought that too. She has some problems. No work because of corona, husband got fired, kid with adhd, deprrssion... I guess she got overwhelmed by the situation
But literally I dont care. She got an appointment with a pshyc tomorrow. And dont caring is what bothers me right now.
Mason Cook
Bump. Im really a little bit lost here. Dunno wat to do, dunno wat to feel. Just laying here on the couch looking at the ceiling with nothing in particular crossing my mind just this fucking sensation that I should be feelin something
Cooper Harris
She just tried to suicide again. They are taking her to the hospital. Same way, pills overdose.
Adrian Watson
she didn't actually try to kill herself, no women do, she was just seeking attention. if she had wanted to die she would have used a gun.
Hudson Thompson
I have the feeling you don't care because you are used to this behavior as a recurring theme in her life.
Asher Williams
No guns here, not america
Shes a little bit drama queen, never tried before tho. Now shes at the hospital, may die in the following hours. She took a fuck ton moar than the other time. Still dunno what to feel.
Jaxon Ramirez
You might just be in shock or disconnected due to living a completely separate life. Maybe it's conflicting with your emotions, in that you understand her predicament but are deliberately stopping yourself from being affected by it. Defense or coping mechanism from growing up with her? At any rate, the situation sounds dire. I believe it's your duty to at least pretend like you give a shit, both for the sake of her family and yours.
Jayden Diaz
This, she either wants attention or to be taken to a psych facility. When I was 17 I got had a terrible home life and pretend-suicided the way she’s doing just to be taken to a psych unit. Don’t feel bad. I don’t know what your relationship with her is like, but it’s good to be distanced from people who are like this. Sometimes feelings will hit you later, don’t feel guilty for shit you’re not responsible for
Luis Roberts
Thanks. This actually makes sense. I have pretended I give a shit when talking to my mother, just for her.
>Sometimes feelings will hit you later, don’t feel guilty for shit you’re not responsible for Thanks for the advice. It will come handy if feelings come hard.
Now I just gotta wait, see if she dies or not. Hope she doesnt. Dont want to spend my fucking weekend traveling to a fucking funeral.
Jeremiah Harris
>I have pretended I give a shit when talking to my mother, just for her. Good man.
Liam King
Well, seems like is going to be funeral after all. She took a full box of lorazepam and it was too late for them to save her. Thanks for de advice anons.
Cameron Johnson
Good luck OP. Sorry this happened to your family. You’re a good son from what you been saying
Jose Hernandez
Holy fuck. This Is sick. Get Better soon man. If you want to contact somebody I would gladly help you out.
Jaxson Lee
Sorry to hear that buddy, and furthermore, I am sorry you'll have to waste a perfectly good weekend traveling to a funeral.
It's fine OP. I was told over phone, while I was 1600km abroad, that my best friend died in a car accident. And then my dog of over 15 years. I probably would have reacted differently if I was told in the face or if I was there myself, but like that, over the phone, it was just like listening to the news.