Found out my 36 year old gf of 6 months has tested positive for hsv2. Should I dump her? I really dont want to catch it. I'm 30 and tested negative for hsv2 but had a low positive for hsv1. I thought she gave it to me because I tested negative last year, but she tested negative for hsv1 so what the fuck. What is going on.
We fucked raw a few times earlier in the relationship. Then I put the brakes on sex and waited about 2 months for us to get tested.
She told me she has had many sexual partners (duh right) but has never had symptoms, not even a cold sore. She had hooked up with someone 2 weeks before we met also. But we've been in a dedicated relationship for 6 months.
I don't want to break up. I've become attached. She watched anime, works out, and plays video games. Also the sex is good. I feel lucky. I dont think I'd find someone like this again.
She is crazy into m. And it would fuck her up hard if I dumped her, especially since she's dealing with other serious medical complications right now as well. I'm really into her too, but I feel the minor issues we have with each other will just be intolerable with this herpes diagnosis.
genital herpes bro dump that is nasty fucking test if she gave it to u
Aiden Diaz
Jayden Allen
Leave that swamp pussy behind you. Keep your dick clean
Charles Brown
You're 30, still young af. Go find someone, 26 or 16 even, if legal in your country. Jesus man, that girl doesn't need you, she needs your dick. Holy shit.
Anthony Lee
Actual non-virgin here. Either of you could have had it lay dormant for a long time.
Alexander Stewart
Like I said, I was tested TWICE for hsv2, once before the relationship, and once during, and both were negative. I never had it, and likely don't now, since we haven't had sex since she got tested.
Parker Perez
Mason Gonzalez
>duh right Nah all it takes is one infected partner, so you can get herpes from having only fucked one person
>Should I dump her over this? If you can't stand having herpes 2, yeah. Maybe she should try an antiviral or something. Most people suppress it with their immune systems.
Asher Morgan
Just got off the phone with her crying. Not sure what to do. Already resigned herself to breaking up, says she'll never meet as compatible as she was with me etc. This sucks...
Samuel Reed
hsv1 isn't anything, most adults have it - you could have picked it up from sharing a drink
hsv2 is a dump-able offense, if she's never shown any symptoms you'll probably get away without catching it but you just don't need to deal with that... she should have been more on top of her sexual health and obviously you need to be less of a retard when it comes to fucking before getting tests
James Green
lol, based std's dabbing on fornicators
Ayden Mitchell
leave her and cut contact. herpes is a social death sentence for men, the sores are worse because they have more arginine to feed off of
Owen Watson
>36 year old gf There’s your red flag, never date women past their prime
Brody Barnes
Ryan White
Sounds like you're both dirty whores. Advice: Get a vasectomy, we don't need your genes in the genepool.
Jose Reed
it's really up to you what you want to do. don't fall prey to this fallacy: >I dont think I'd find someone like this again. because you literally do not know the future. I know you know that but it needs to be said to give you perspective. you likely did not expect to find someone as compatible as this woman and yet here you are.
you can always just wear condoms if you wanna continue dating, but if you're too afraid then leave. we can't determine your limits in a relationship.
Leo Foster
FYI you probably took an IGG test which has an 8% false negative rate for HSV2, even on repeated tests.
Only really accurate way to do an HSV blood test is Western Blot, but you have to send your blood to University of Washington because they exclusively own the test or something.
>hsv1 isn't anything, most adults have it - you could have picked it up from sharing a drink
Yeah and you can easily get it on your genitals from getting head - HSV1 accounts for half of all new genital herpes cases.
Isaac White
Are HPV warts a death sentence too? or do those go away with time?
Owen Watson
8%? so there's a 92% chance it's correct then... I dunno but that's very accurate man. Still convinced I don't have it but I'm getting tested AGAIN soon.
Cooper Lee
It's 8% false negative for HSV2 and a whopping 33% false negative for HSV1.
I fucked like 15 different escorts between 2014 and 2019 and later tested negative for both HSV1 and HSV2 multiple times using IGG; idk what the odds are that I really managed to not get EITHER type of herpes, but make of that what you will.