My son has gone whole hog Christ fuck and is talking about joining a monastery. How to deprogram...

My son has gone whole hog Christ fuck and is talking about joining a monastery. How to deprogram? I raised my kids to be skeptics. How can I get him to think rationally again? It's like he's been brainwashed and wants to join a cult whilst throwing away the quarter million dollar full ride engineering degree he got from Northwestern, for real.

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Money is not everything you materialistic vulture

If he's having an existential crisis then being in a program that demands academic performance from him may go badly.

College is a meme. My friend graduated from NJIT with a degree in a field of engineering and couldn’t even land a position as an actual engineer. He’s a field engineer or some shit. Basically, making $17 an hour.

I fucked a fat Spanish girl who got the certificate to draw blood for hospitals in a month and she makes $18 an hour and doesn’t have 100k worth of student loan debt. Costed her $100 after government handled the rest.

>College is a meme.

A full ride to Northwestern for engineering isn't

I'm a lot younger than you are user, so I might not have the wisdom for this, but is correct as I've been there before

Guys like him tend to be resistant to going to conventional therapy, so maybe have him talk to a priest or spiritual advisor you can trust to help him see the bigger picture, or try to talk him into staying short term at a monastery that isn't full of life long commits so he can get a bit of clarity, as what he needs might be time to think

Perhaps what he's dealing with is disgust about the state of the world. The solution there is to build a strong moral and spiritual "immune system," but not to avoid reality entirely. You can't run forever, and there needs to be a few people out there fighting the good fight

Good luck

Does he already have the degree or is it just a scholarship. Maybe he doesn't want to be an engineer

Yes, he actually graduated in 2019.

He actually has graduated in 2019. This is why I'm so upset. I think he's making a big mistake, and by the time he hopefully comes to his senses, he may be unemployable. I'm not making this up. He had a job offer from some industrial consulting firm that he was supposed to start in 2019. Then, out of the blue, he tells me that he arranged to have a 1 year deferment to the start to that job so that he could "work" for the Jesuit Volunteers. So he worked in a fucking homeless shelter most of last year! Then covid... He was supposed to work remotely until they opened the office from being covid closed. Now he's telling me they've given him another deferment so he can "maybe join the Dominicans and explore the possibility of joining the priesthood." I know something happened, as he told me he lost friends and also broke up with his fiance back in his junior year there. He won't tell me anything other than he was depressed and all of a sudden he has a religious "experience." That's the kind of stuff you can get by exposing your brain to a magnetic field I told him. I kind of stated last week well if all you're going to do is sit around and read the Douay Bible and your other Catholic tracts then you're going to do it someplace other than my house - in which he's currently residing rent free.

Pretty good bait.

Speak your piece and argue it well. However do it from a position where you reapect the other person's ability to make decisions. If he continues down the path support him and don't make his life any harder than it needs to be, welcome him with open arms if he fails in some way or changes his mind.

Between your son becoming a missionary and you being so pissed about it this whole thing sounds kind of unreal. Bizarre replies like don't help either. Are they samefaggery and is this bait?

Everyone knows that skeptics are impotent, and sterile, otherwise they wouldn't be skeptics. Nice try faggot.

This has got to be one psychotic guy samefagging almost the entire thread.

>reddit skeptic drives based son to asceticism and spiritual discovery
sounds a lot smarter than you

Shut up you fucking boomer cunt
Your son is happy and you are a fucking worthless redditor cuck

Monastically study's is great and all, but its not for some people. Quite a few people go in when they are older and rash.
So hes got the degree already, well. He can always come back to engineering when we are in wartime and every man is needed. If I had a son who was miss guided and chose different from what I had raised him to be I would try to nudge or persuade him to the right path.
That being said you are the one who is wrong. He will always have that degree and it only takes a few months to get back into the groove of calculations and drafting designs.
Jesus was born by St. Mary the virgin and worked as a carpenter with his father, St. Joseph. After this he may have joined the Essenes. One of the factions that reacted to the threat of Roman rule. With the four factions only seeing armed conflict as the answer Jesus gave His fifth position. Jesus stressed the love of God as posed to the Pharisees stress on holiness. Jesus wanted to unite humanity under His love. While the Pharisees drew lines between the clean and unclean. Class and ethnicity. Was the current social structure in line with God’s will?
Jesus was a miracle worker and healer, he went about doing good works with humility and without regard for class or ethnicity. The second point is His speech, its eloquent and strait forward. Where a modern writer would spend three limes the words and a quarter of the meaning. He appeared to tell wisdom of the world and its creator, he was honest, humble and loved all who loved God. He had no ego and all could see his agenda was the agenda of God. He brought peace and lead men to the still waters.
Mabey you have something to learn?

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he has seen in you what hedonism and materialism begets. enjoy your globohomo dopamine circuit, your son will not be participating.

Leave him be. He'll get over it


It's your kids path to walk.
Life has to be experienced by the individual so they can grow as a person. Trying to shelter them from everything is just stealing their chance to grow from them. If you look at your own path, you'll probably see that is true for you too. You can offer them advice but ultimately it's their decision and there really isn't much you can do about that. Trying to control them out of your own fear will just push them away.
You should be happy they're trying to find a deeper meaning to their life through spirituality instead of drug addiction or alcoholism.

Let him do what he wants you shriveled up sack of shit boomer, damn he already went to school like you wanted him to so why do you care?
I would fucking try to get away from you too, materialized prick.

This is what happens when you think intelligence is the only thing that matters.

My uncle did the same thing to my cousin. He raised him like a freaking monk. Go to school and go back home. Bought him a car, but wouldn't let him go out.

Dude eventually graduated as a doctor, but he is unhappy af.

Your kid could be having an existential issue. He is doing something really dumb and the person who put him in that state is you. It's too late to fix it you are in damage control mode at this point.

Take the scholarship back. Keep it protected until he wisens up. Maybe think of transfering the assets to something else if he really gone full cultist.