Girlfriend lied about being a slut

I'm tl;dr: My 10/10 gf was a total whore that had fucked approx. 100 men (she lost count of them), some women and even a tranny

Well, I have discovered that this was all a TOTAL LIE. One of her friends told me "I'm so happy that Femanon has finally found a boyfriend, she was always so alone". I was uttely confused by this, so I asked her.

She cried and told me she has Asperger's syndrome. She was a complete shut-in NEET until she was 24 or so, and she had sex with some guy once.

I asked her why she would lie about something like that. Her response was "I did not want you to feel like I was a loser".

I asked her how tf she learned all the degenerate shit we do in bed. "I used to watch tutorials on Pornhub because I was desperate to find someone that liked me". Well, at least that worked.

This explains why I had never known any of these men she had had sex with, supposedly because they were "all one-night stands".

Any insecurity I might have had has dissapeared. But I'm so fucking confused. How on Earth should one react to this?

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Sorry about the reddit spacing, I have no time for this shit.

>> shut-in NEET
choose one

I mean, I don't understand the problem. Are you upset that she lied?

I'm not upset, just confused as fuck.

She’s lying so hard to you and coordinated this maneuver with her friend because she got weird about you knowing this

It's possible, but I don't know, I doubt it, really. I had never expressed any amount of insecurity or dissaproval about it. I called her my "succubus" and we laughed. Plus the tears were 100% real.

And when she told me she is autistic, everything seemed to fit so well together: The obsession with philosophy, the straightforwardness, etc. My mother is a psychologist, I told her about all of this and she told me that when someone who has Asperger's is in love, they become infatuated with them and will do anything to please them. It is also normal for them to be virgins until a later age, since sometimes they never even explore their own body. And women usually have much higher social abilities than men, so you will not notice a woman is autistic. Everything seems to check out.

Holy shit what a plot twist.

M night shamalamadingdong over here

This is a tricky one because we don’t know what your standards are look. Dudes say they got a 10 and she’s actually like a 5.

Odds are if shes actually really hot, she’s really good in bed and has a high sex drive, she’s probably fucked more than a couple guys and could be lying to you.

I mean it sounds like she is lying to you. But I dunno.

This. You’re either really exaggerating and she’s moderately attractive and socially retarded, or she’s actually hot and is lying to you.

That is one hell of a situation op. Like a plot twist nuclear explosion
but still actions speak louder than words and you have no way to 100% know either are lying. Try and do some mind fuck shit questions to find an inconsistency. Or if shes fucked 100 guys you MUST be able to run into a few

>fucking 100 men is cool
>learned from PornHub
This is what the Internet and lack of proper teaching do to your children's minds.

Excellent story, keep it up

This. Go through her social media, notice if her family ever mentions a male name or any shit like that. There has to be one you can trace. Unfortunately she’s probably deleting everything and going nuclear on this if she’s lying, which may include getting her family and friends in on it. This is too fishy

I would also be inclined to think that she is lying, but she had zero reasons to do it; I never really cared about this, and my worries (that I never expressed openly) were more about feeling insecure in the future, not now. This is why I'm so confused by this shit.

She has a Facebook account she barely uses, and I just opened a fresh one to investigate (never had one because fuck Boomerbook). She says she was a turboNEET shut-in until she was 24, and she opened the account when she was 25. She has mostly posted what seem to be autistic rants about Heidegger (lmao) and the only people I see commenting on them are family members or female friends (she does not look like she has a lot of them).

Now I wonder if the orders she always gave me in bed (when I thought "wow, she is so slutty and dominant. I love it") were just the instructions she saw in sex tutorials.

>the tears were 100% real.
Women are good at this too. Men are so easily manipulated by women's tears. I've been a victim of that modus so many times, it's easy to tell the girl is just acting no matter how many tears she sheds.

Screenshot and post the rants or this entire thing has been a LARP


>10/10 model Asperger housewife succcubus girlfriend with only one other former guy who learned her wild sexual skills from pornhub
The fucking delusion

No fucking way. They are public posts and you would find both her identity and mine in seconds if I did that. Plus they are in Spanish anyways.

Literally just black out her name and enter part of it into google translate you fucking pussy
>she’s also a spic
This is the worst LARP yet I keep coming back to this stupid shit

Partly why id say op dont admit to her that you know if you havent told her. And if you have you need to move as silent as you can to remove all suspiciousness that your trying to mind fuck her out of the truth
And example could be like 4d chess (da joooz)
like asking the friend and your gf at the same time, one irl and one on text a question which would inhibit a inconsistent answer if one is lying

why the fuck is fucking 100 men cool and why the fuck would someone say they have asperger's syndrome. she either self-diagnosed or she doesn't cuz someone with aspergers will not know they are aspie... in all cases identifying with a mental illness is also not cool.
at least she won't be boring in bed though

Wait. Are you telling me that your girlfriend is a 10/10 that looks like a movie star with giant tits, clean and cook, is smart and into philosophy, let you do any degenerate stuff you want in bed, only fucked one other guy before you and is a cute shy NEET?
I was laughing at you in the other thread but now I so fucking jelly you wouldn't believe...

Marry her user, marry her right fucking now! You are dating the perfect woman...

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Aspergers diagnosis isn't even used anymore because it was so disconnected from autism. Basically any socially awkward person could have been said to have Aspergers.

I don't live in Jewmerica, retard. I'm putting one of the posts in a translator, but I keep hitting the character limit on this shithole. Wait.

>everything Jew
>Jew bad
amazing. such brilliance

Okay, there you go

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Literally do a small part of it and then zoom in on her Spanish rant with the same text (that way we can’t see any identifying features either). This better be real

This means nothing I still need a screenshot of the FB post, your schizo brain probably came up with this. Just move any identifying features, we just need to see if the text matches up

And she’s a schizo-poster if this is real, watch out

If I give you the Spanish text you are going to find her Facebook page just by putting a single paragraph in Google. Nice try but fuck you, faggot.

You have never worked with adults and children with aspergers syndrome. There are real symptoms and motor impulses that a normal person does not exhibit and it makes them seriously socially stunted.

>Believing either this or the other thread to be something that really happened

I'm now convinced this board is comprised of underageb&s.

I could literally put this in reverse in the same translator you used you fucking retard.
Thanks for the LARP though, what an incredible waste of interest

>I could literally put this in reverse in the same translator you used you fucking retard.
And you would find nothing (I checked). That's why I'm only giving you a translation and not the real thing, fag.

Can I have your gf OP?

>you would find nothing
>you wouldn’t find the exact sentences in the exact language where this was posted
You’re entertaining

>he thinks an automatic translator will give you the same exact sentences as the original text if you reverse it
son, this is bait

What, are you retarded? You don't understand it? Utterly filtered, user.

>>everything Jew
>>Jew bad

Boring. Would be more interesting if she actually was a slut. You think you can have great sex with a virgin? hah good luck convincing anyone
sluts know how to ride, if you havent let one on you then you havent lived

Don't know if this is a LARP but I know some spergs and what OP is describing sounds plausible lmao.

Wow that's fucking bigbrained. I'm impressed.

maybe she's 10/10 for a shut in neet? so like a 2/10 for normal girls?

IDK, beauty is subjective. But I can tell you she has a nice skinny body and some giant milkers like this. Even without considering her face (which I think looks like a fucking Hollywood actress) she would be considered a 7/10+ by her body alone. That's is what I mean by 10/10.

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post pics of gf

I *might* post a heavily censored picture tomorrow. Emphasis on might.

Literally say you are very happy. You are a genuine retard if you get mad at her for sleeping with LESS men. Continue fucking your hot girlfriend and do not listen to any autistic schizo advice from this shit board.

you should not.

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i'm not waiting up faggot, do it or don't

I'm happy, but I'm seriously confused to the point of retardedness. I might have assburgers too. I am just paralyzed because I had a picture of her in my mind for months and it changed in an hour. I still love her, probably even more, but I don't know what the fuck just happened or if this is even true.

Who cares about what you are doing lmao.

It's 4 AM. I'm not getting out of bed to fire up GIMP, censor a picture of my girlfriend and try to reverse search it to see if it has been successfully censored.

I might do it tomorrow if you are lucky.

I know, but the faggots telling me this is a LARP are making me angry.


I tell you what is a total lie. my gf is a 10/10

Bro noone cares, get off your high horse