Ive been with my girlfriend for 7 years. I thought everything was going great, but about 2 weeks ago...

Ive been with my girlfriend for 7 years. I thought everything was going great, but about 2 weeks ago, she left her gmail account logged in on my PC. so when i went to youtube it was on her account. So i decided to see what she had been watching. She had recently been watching "how to be a sugar baby" and "how much money i make being a sugar baby" type videos. Which got me suspicious. I then went through her google search history. Turns out she had an account on SeekingArrangment which is a sugar baby/sugar daddy website. I brought it up to her and she shrugged it off saying that she was just trying to do it to scam money out of guys and that nothing had ever happened. I told her to stop because i was definitely not comfortable with her messaging guys or anything like that. about a week later I decided to go though her yahoo email since i found it weird that there wasnt any emails from seeking arrangement like promotional emails or anything on her gmail. So i go through her yahoo email and it turns out she been doing this shit since 2018! i found an email between her and another guy. In the email it explains that she got STD tested and that they had met up a couple of times but eventually stopped meeting in 2019 because she kept cancelling their meetings. they also had a conversation about what kind of things he likes to do during sex and what kinds of things she likes/dislikes. there was never anything that insinuated that they had actually had sex. Now obviously i never knew she was meeting up with this guy and so she obviously lied to me and told me she was doing something else on multiple occasions. Now this is the only meet up i know about because there are no other emails between her and anybody else. But i went through her phone and she had a messaging app that allowed you to use a fake phone number and she had messages on it. when i went through it she had already deleted old messages and there was just a new message saying "you too".


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Like i said weve been together for 7 years and i honestly thought i was going to marry this girl and have kids with her. Im graduating this june and so i was just waiting to get a good job and pop the question. But now all my trust for her is gone. she asked me to believe her that nothing ever happened, but how am i supposed to believe you when i just caught you in a lie? from now on every time she tells me shes going out with a friend or her sisters, theres literally no way i can believe her. she says shell send me pictures or snapchats of where she is and who shes with. But what kind of relationship is that where i have to be keeping an eye on her 24/7? i dont know what to do. on one hand i want to believe her that nothing ever happened and that she was just trying to get money out of these guys, but on the other hand, i dont REALLY know that nothing happened and im just taking her word for it... which really means nothing at this point.

should i just break it off? what would you do?

You don’t need to go any further user. We’re all sorry, take your remaining dignity and leave

Also, even if she did this as a fake for money, which is dark enough, she didn’t tell you about it which is disrespectful and very suspicious

First of all - and I’m sorry to say it - she almost definitely fucked those guys for money. But also, even if she were just scamming men online for money, is that still the sort of person that you want to marry? (i.e tie yourself financially to, among other ways)

After 7 years that's quite the blow. I'd say one that cannot be recovered from.

He’ll be okay. This is traumatizing, you got fooled by someone who is probably an actually sociopath and very good at manipulation. Was this seven years of on/off or a real relationship? Either way, sorry man. It’s good you found this now and not after you guys had kids or legal ties

No offense OP, but that level of covert lying is a definite dealbreaker. She might have an honest-to-god literal addiction to whoring herself out as a means of control over others. Don't put up with that. Bail.

Going to jail, faggot! We can all see the data in your image. How fucking stupid can you be posting a raw pic from your phone in Dab Forums of all places?

>We can all see the data in your image.
EXIF data is stripped numbnuts

>We can all see the data in your image
>see the data in your image

it was a real 7 year relationship. She was living with me for 6 out of the 7 years. Then she got a job with her dad about 2 hours away from here so she moved out with him about a year ago right before corona started.

Yeah, that doesn’t sound good...She’s probably been doing this regularly, maybe she has a sex addiction or enjoys the power high of doing this behind your back. Either way, you should leave. Sorry man

doubt its a sex addiction. shes never been a horny person throughout our relationship. its always me who has to initiate. shes almost never in the mood.

>shes almost never in the mood
Probably know what that means

Wow. You got duped hardcore my friend. She’s been banging old men for money this entire time and you were the one to fulfill her emotional and “boyfriend-related” needs. Fuck her

no, what? like i said, since the begining of our relationship, she was never the sexual type.

What is even the point of this thread

Obviously leave. I left my ex for having male friends, this is way too much

It means

You seem quite pure user. She didn’t deserve you

If I went through this I’d probably need to vent it somewhere too

That's fucked. Usually when you start digging into women's "extracurricular" activities, what you find is just the tip of the iceberg. Fuck knows how long she's been doing this or how many times she has.

Seven years is a long fucking time, but consider yourself lucky that you found out about this now and not after you were already married. She can try to downplay it all she wants and say what did or didn't actually happen, but the trust is gone and the relationship will never be the same. Damage is done, so my advice is to just cut your losses now and move on to bigger and better things.

If you have any second thoughts about that, just ask yourself who the fuck does (or even thinks of doing) this kind of shit when they're in a loving and committed relationship. That's fucked any way you slice it.

>tfw she is fucked at night

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Your mistake was living in lala land.
You would do everyone a favor by saving your vitality and sharing it with women who do deserve it.
Us men need to go back and find our roots.
Preserve your yin/yang, and when you feel that you have too much yang, find a woman who is looking for yang, and she will share the opposite. Just don't consume too much yin to where you end up simping for them.
In other words, go back to monke, while keeping a sigma profile.

she's a legit criminal and has no moral compass, she could've gotten a job but no

This, but OP, try not to be naive next time.

>she's almost never in the mood

And your not even married yet?? Run!!

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she had a job

how was i naive? i just didnt know.


oh roy

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It's over. You can't trust a person like that. I broke up with previous gfs over things 10x more innocent than this. Do you really intend to marry a scammer who talks about sex with other men behind your back? Just suck it up, dump her and try to move on. I know it probably hurts like hell, 7 years is not a walk in the park, but it'll be for the best.

Damn, You got played like a fiddle user sorry too say. 7 years of time wasted?, that's pretty rough. Break it off, and focus on yourself for a bit before getting back out there(if you can muster any trust for another partner anymore that this)

That's pretty horrible. She is a prostitute. Also she is a liar. There is nothing good that can come from continuing this. I don't know why you would even want to.

Except she was literally sleeping with other men you fucking retard

>should i just break it off?
what the fuck kind of question is this?

Publicly shame this fucking slut, it's what I would do, she is a worthless whore, if anyone is wondering who hurt me, I have have had a girlfriend for 3 year and I am still prepared to do this

Send her family screenshots


>Ive been with my girlfriend for 7 years
since you refuse to marry her shes free to do as she pleases


well the only reason i havent married her is because im living with my dad and i was waiting to graduate so i can get a good job and move out. no point in getting married if im just gonna ask someone to move in with my parents.

>wasting time on a hole
acquire money and knowledge

This is not a "how do I save my relationship" question. This is a "how do I rebuild after a 7 year relationship" question. There is no coming back.

user, I am 36 with two kids and a wonderful wife I trust. I've had my heart broken and trust destroyed before -- you can and will move on.

honest advice in this thread, dump her and move on. this iis a massive red flag, not only her being a scammer but also her not being honest to you and shrugging your legitimate concerns off.
you are already paranoid since she broke your trust. this will most likely only get worse, and in the end you will be the "controlling bad boyfried/husband".
and i would suggest not listening to since it will only make you look like a sore loser. move on with dignity, this will help you feel better in the long run and hurt her more. this is a really sad situation and i sincererly hope you manage to get over it sooner than later. best to you