How do I cope? It's all I can think about... I don't know how long she was hanging, but she hasn't woken up yet and it's been 24 hours and they said they will keep her sleeping until tomorrow. I got her breathing again with mouth-to-mouth but I am really worried that she's gonna die and it's all I keep thinking about. It makes me cry and I haven't cried since my Father died in 2016 and I only cried once but this made me cry so many times - well I think I have spent more time crying than not crying. What do I do?
Girlfriend Attempted Suicide
Maybe if you were a better boyfriend we wouldn't be here
Look man thats a fucked up situation. If she wakes up then you are gonna have to be ready to help her work through her shit if you really love her. You should try not to get angry with her, try to be understanding as much as you can, but also you can be a bit more forceful when she is showing self destructive patterns now. You now have a concrete reason to be paying more attention to how she talks, the way she acts, any little slip ups that might signify she's really not doing alright. Being supportive is important.
Heaven forbid she doesn't wake up, you can't blame this on yourself. She had her own issues and it is not your fault she as sick. She would not want you to be beating yourself up for the rest of your life over her. You would need to seriously go to therapy and work this through.
Fuck off, kid. He's a terrible boyfriend.
How can you say that without knowing any fucking context at all? obviously he didn't see it coming and is clearly incredibly distressed.
I will be playing the role of the devil in today's thread, yes, hello. Prefacing this by saying is entirely correct and under normal circumstances I would just echo his sentiment, but as I've experienced this very situation very firsthand (though she was never left comatose, I managed to catch her in time) I will provide a differing perspective and what I learned over 3 years of caretaking after.
You need to make sure she's alive, and then leave her. If she's having these problems and wasn't open to sharing them with you, there's a larger problem at play in that she doesn't believe that you can be trusted, or she feels SO ashamed of these things that they haunt her to a degree she doesn't care if she dies.
Some things may be excusable for her doing this, maybe something really really bad happened, found out she has aids or cancer, or something like that, you know, total "oh well I'm gonna die anyway" thing.
But if it's anything less, the fact of the matter is you will have to forever be her caretaker. She will never be your girlfriend, and your equal again in the future. She will rely on you in a way that's not healthy for her or you. She's not your girlfriend, she's your daughter who you fuck. Novelty of that aside, it's not nearly as fun as it may sound. And it's emotionally draining.
She may also use this and hold it against you if you ever try to leave her, saying she'll try to do it again. It's emotional manipulation.
I hope she ends up okay, and I hope that you two succeed, just don't lock yourself down a path you may regret, and be fully lucid of what might happen.
dude speaking as someone who was suicidal its not you. she isnt doing it because there is something wrong with you. i know it hurts and it makes you feel unloved and unvalued, like your not worth living for to be with, but thats not it. i know its hard but you need to be supportive. she wasnt planning on dealing with the consequences of this and when she does wake up it will be the most embarrassing humiliating moments of her life. you need to make sure she doesnt feel ashamed because she is going to. its not fair you have to deal with her and its perfectly understandable if you feel like you cant be with her after this. but if you still love her dont make her feel ashamed and take how you feel out on her after she wakes up.
I agree with this guy
t. been put in a mental hospital three times
You must have forgotten you're on Dab Forums
Great post. I have nothing to add but I recommend OP listen to the song "Ballad of Worms" by Cage.
Kill yourself
get drunk/high/whatever and pass out. There is literally nothing you can do right now. Fast Forward to tomorrow, get some help at the hospital. Not crazy ward help, but they will probably have some sort of hospice to help you deal. Proper hospice workers deal with the living too and I am sorry if your shit hospital doesn't have a good one.
This is what she needs to be happy again and enjoy life
she didn't, women fake suicide attempts for attention. leave her because she's always going to want more attention and she'll start getting it from other guys. women don't have real enough feelings to commit suicide.
One hell of a magician she is, considering OP found her hanging
stop posting
Fucking dumb