I'm 19 and have never kissed a girl. How do I get over the fact that the women I fall in love with will likely have had innumerable sexual relationships before me? How do I get over that knowledge that I'll never be anyone's first pick?
I'm 19 and have never kissed a girl...
>Fuck some random women so that you don't feel worse than others
>Claim moral superiority in degenerate times
>Try harder and find a woman that shares your views on sexuality
>Lie down and rot
Wait until marriage and expect the same of a partner like you are supposed to do anyway.
Or just join the hedonist rabble and become yet another amoral drone among millions.
>Be a man and do your own thing
>Have principles and don't settle
Simple as.
It's very unlikely that you'll find someone who's a virgin unless you start scouting around religious areas, not sure if that's your scene or not. But in all honesty, you have to grow up and realize that inexperienced women are awful when it comes to sex. But I have to say, even in my past relationships, it makes me insecure to know that there's a high probability they've had better sexual encounters before me or even that they've had sexual encounters before me. But the person that I'm with now has had an equal number of partners that I've had, and we're both perfectly experienced. It's a superficial thing, and as long as they're clean, you have to try and stand out on your own when it comes to sex. Otherwise, they'll leave you. Nobody likes to be with an insecure individual, it only lessens their image of you.
>But in all honesty, you have to grow up and realize that inexperienced women are awful when it comes to sex.
why should this even matter? you should be going for long term partners anyway
who cares if they are bad at first.
>wow i sure wish my woman was used by 10 other guys who can teach her better XDDDD
10 is extremely unrealistic, and you're only further showing me evidence that you're a virgin. I've had several serious relationships and have slept with a few more women outside of that relationship, and none of them had ever had a higher body count than 4 or 5, which is liberal if I'm being honest. Girls who have double-digit body counts or higher before even having children are so used that there is probably no point in pursuing a relationship with them, you're right on that account at least. But to assume that every girl you will fall in love with will have had dozens of partners before you is ridiculous, trust me. There are a lot of respectable women out there still, even if what we see in the media seems to show us the opposite. However, as I said, finding a virgin is ALSO extremely unlikely, so you have to manage your expectations. There is a possibility you can find your soulmate who also happens to be a virgin, but again, it's unlikely, especially if you're already 19 and have never kissed a girl. And listen, coming from someone who has actually had sex with someone who was a virgin in a long-term relationship, it's a lot harder to "teach" women than you would think. You also have to consider that some women just cannot meet your needs and be taught. For example, I dated a girl who had only been with one other guy sexually before me, and we dated for 2 years. It was easy to get her to learn some things, like the little things that I liked, but impossible to teach her how to be GOOD at sex. Some women are just plain bad or boring at sex, just like some guys are. Also, since it seems I have to state the obvious, relationships are not all about sex.
>virgins are bad because the sex is bad
>btw relationships are not about sex
Yo you're still young. There are so many women who will not care about your sex life. Just wait and don't overthink about it .
OP here, I might have come off wrong. I don't view non-virgin women as inherently slutty or lesser than virgin women, unless they have double-digit body counts and are slutty by other measures. My issue is with myself, and that the odds of me being someone's first choice are near-impossible. I'm trying to cope with the fact that this is not a good thing. The problem is my general unwantedness, not women's virginity.
19 year old virgin ain't shit.
Not at all what I said. Sex is probably one of the most important parts of a relationship, but it's certainly not something you solely base potential mates off of. Not all virgins are bad at sex, but most are. It's just because they don't have experience, but some of them are just naturally good at sex. My overall point is that OP needs to manage his expectations because if he's 19 and never even kissed a girl, the likelihood of him finding a virgin that is good at sex who is also a good fit in every other way is low.
Well you mentioned that you're never the first choice. How can you know if that's true if you've never met the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with? If they haven't met you, but have managed to meet other people before you that they wanted to have sex with, you can't hold that against them. It's not a bad thing, it's just a part of life. Try to focus on the future and who they are when you fall in love with them, not who they were or who/what they've done.
You are the only one who brought up the quality of sex. OP never said that he expects or even wants good sex.
I swear that every single time som guy says he wants a virgin someone starts arguing that virgins are bad at sex like it even matters.
I'm sorry, why wouldn't you want good sex? If you're a virgin you just expect all sex is fine, because it's sex. That's how someone with a porn addiction thinks. Wanting a virgin rather than someone more experienced that's only had a couple partners makes no sense to me.
Because the personality and moral values implied by virginity are of higher importance than the quality of sex?
It's fine if you are primarily thinking with your dick, but not everyone does so.
You're on Dab Forums and preaching about the personality and moral values of someone who's a virgin? Your standards are definitely too high my friend.
if this is OP you have a very unrealistic view on body count. if your 19 and trying to date 19 to 18 yearolds most will only have had like 3 partners at most and all of them are long term commitments. you need to stop treating city sluts like the standard they are the loud minority. 10 is a big number even for 23 year olds
dude if this is how your coping with never having been with a virgin this is stupid. neither have most men through history. i havent either but i dont try to say b-but i perfer girls with 200 dicks in them because they can sex better. thats dumb. your dumb
Honest question:
Why does it matter?
It's not a big deal if you're a virgin. Back when I was one I always worried about it. After I lost it I was surprised that nothing changed. It's still a precious thing user. Give it to another virgin okay? There are still plenty around. I know a 20 yr old woman virgin who's waiting for a Christian man to come along.
I lost my virginity to a virgin, and that isn't even the worst sex I've had. We were together for 1.5 years. It wasn't magically special because she was a virgin, and she wasn't magically a better person for waiting. In fact, she was probably the worst partner that I ever had. She was manipulative and evil.