Easiest and most painless suicide

Hello, what would be the mosf painless, easiest, and the most sure method for suicide? Most sure meaning there is a low chance of me surviving and being a vegetable for the rest of my life. I know of the helium method but thats not really easy, at least I think. If there isnt a easier one that helium then fuck it.

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Don't do it user

How old are you?

I will teach you the ways if you tell us what's bothering you and why do you want to do it

That’s a rare Pepe there OP i hope you figure things out

Get the helium and take a big hit and recite to yourself the main reason you think you want to off yourself. The helium voice will make you laugh and it will cure you and you will live happily ever after

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don't do it fella, life can be really beautiful

Shotgun in your mouth at a 45 degree angle, aim towards your brain not your eyes. have you at least given weed and video games a try?

Its the way its meant to be

there are a lot of things which i believe cant be fixed, and a lot of things that cannot be fixed
yeah i like it too
i know, but ive had suicidal thoughts ever since i was in elementary school, its just meant to be
dont have a shotgun and i dont wanna do it with a firearm, also cant easily get a gun in my country

you will always run the risk of becoming a vegetable. I'm an EMT, and the number of people who have messed it up even with a gun is higher than you would think. Don't wanna be a vegetable? Don't try to kill yourself.

yeah thats why i dont want to do it with a gun, just feels like high risk of becoming a vegetable, also cant easily get a gun in my country.

exit bag

Dying in your sleep at Old age.

Probably putting a bullet through your brain/brain stem. I've always felt the easiest way to do it for me would definitely be jumping, but there is that small chance I survive which I obviously wouldn't want. Something about the gun just seems offputting. There's probably a good way to go in your sleep with the right combination of drugs. Maybe you could take a bunch and knock yourself out before any symptoms occur. My last choice would be drowning or slitting my wrists.

i was thinking a lethal dose of pills, also cyanide but idk how that would turn out, jumping i feel is a terrible way to go

Why? If you go head first I feel like you wouldn't feel it. Maybe you'd even be so scared you'd pass out before you hit the floor.

Try believing in Jesus. Believe he died for your sins and rose from the dead and be saved. Believe in this alone and not your works.

I've been feeling the same as you. Also been suicidal since childhood. Also feel like it's meant to be. Antidepressants were unpleasant at best.

Not sure what I'm doing rn other ths just existing.
22 and just waiting for things to change because they always do.
Do something radical in your life. Sorry I can't tell you what to do, I don't know your situation and whatever advice any of us have to give will just sound patronising.

You are the master of your own destiny. Your future is in your hands. Do whatever you want user, we can't stop you.

You are young enough that you can completely change your life. Ask people much older than you about life, on the internet or wherever.

You're going to die one day when you're old anyway, so you should give your life a chance at least user
All things in this life are passing, just because things are terrible now doesn't mean they will be like that forever

>All things in this life are passing, just because things are terrible now doesn't mean they will be like that forever
Not him but that's such bullshit.
I want her and only her. If she doesn't want me then I don't really see a point to living.
I have everything going for me too.
>decent looks
Once you've tasted the forbidden fruit of true love everything else tastes like dogshit.
I want to die and there is still hope it can work.
How am I supposed to cope when there is none?