Weight loss and loose skin

I lost 100 pounds recently and have loose skin left over pic is not me but it is something like that.
I know that surgery is the only way to remove it, my question is has anyone here had this surgery or know anyone who has? I am wondering if it is worth it since it doesn't only look weird but constantly annoys me feeling wise and hurts.

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does it stay like that even if you get ripped and have a lot of muscle?

when u see it

Dude if it hurts I'd bug your doctor about that shit cause that's not just a cosmetic issue.
I have some loose skin on my gut but I'm not in pain. Go have that looked at.

water fast for a few days, it should tighten up. fasting triggers autophagy, where your body will recycle unneeded cells. like unneeded skin cells, moles, etc. look at old photos of concentration camp survivors - how many of them had folds of loose skin? other than breasts which arent "unneeded".

God, I'm so happy I never let myself get far enough that I would have this if I lost weight. I'm only very slightly overweight and I'm gonna keep it that way.

Re-fill lmao

Yeah but seriously I think the skin is over the muscle but fat is in between?

yes it does, only if you have major weight loss
doesn't work for big weight loss
Yeah it hurts and it constantly gets pulled if i ever try laying down, sitting, walking, pretty much living I'll probably try to go to doc
Muscle helps a bit but not for severe weight loss pretty much surgery is all you can do I was mainly looking to see people's experiences with surgery to see if it is worth the risk
thanks for the helpful advice... so useful
on a serious note dont let yourself get this fat its hell also dont fuck with psychiatric medication its what got me to be that big especially antipsychotics, im off of meds now and mental health wise am doing fine.

Dude. You need surgery. Pain aside your body is quite insightful.

The survivors didn’t have loose skin because they weren’t fat you mong. Being a fat fuck wasn’t as common as it is today. They got extremely skinny but their skin was still tight from it never being stretched.

That surgery is like $20,000 fuck off

This is going to be me soon, I started at 350 and am down to 280, going all the way down to 180 is the plan.

No advice on this but good on you friend

congrats, you guys should fully get into lifting and power-walking if you haven't already

What weight did you start losing at and where are you at now?

You might want to look into compression garments if you haven't already. They're like a tight undershirt you can wear that helps keep the skin in place. No good when you're naked but decent when you're just trying to get about day-to-day.

I've had the surgery btw. It hurt for a couple of weeks, it was inconvenient for a couple of months, got myself a fuck-off scar, but ultimately I think it was the right choice. I don't think it magically "looks" better, but it's less annoying. Also in my country a large portion of the cost was covered by universal healthcare so I had way less to lose trying it than you might, so definitely have a think about whether it's worth the cost. Even with the rebates and subsidisation I was out of pocket about $3k

It's can stop it from happening if

A. You are still young
B. You lose wait sooo slowly, don't be a fuck and say I am going to lose that in weight in 1 year or so, you will end up looking like shit this way, lose that weight throughout at least 3-4 years, and lift at the same time, this way your skin will readjust.
You won't look great fast, but don't worry you will look and feel better each day gradually.


I'm 23, does it have to be both or is that young enough? I kinda do want to lose fast just because I'm in "un-fuck my life" mode and it will open up a lot more opportunities to me. I guess I'm only apprehensive to take it slowly because I've already wasted so many years fumbling on with losing weight before finally just disciplining myself and being an adult about it this latest time.

It actually has more to do with genetics than any one factor. Being younger (under 30) and not crash dieting will help, but if you're genetically inclined it's going to happen anyway (or not, if you're inclined the other way).

Yeah im saving up already it can be quite costly
congrats on the weight loss loose skin or not i dont regret losing weight my joints and health feels so much better
I started at 300 ish and an now at 200 lbs
thank you for the insight I decided that it is worth it im going to save up regardless of cost, the quality o flife would be amazing I have compression clothes btw still doesnt help much with annoyance which is my biggest issue the pain and annoyance keeps me from sleeping and the constant infection issue. I have extra sensitive senses so the touch sensation is horrid a livivng hell
this is false i lost the weight younf and sloooow yet is still loose this myth hurts more than it helps imho please research and stop spreading this misinformation if you were too big before weight loss loose skin is guaranteed.
how much are you planning to lose?

Both play a role as far as I can see, I know people who lost a lot weight throughout years (not deliberately but usually due to small changes in lifestyle etc..), they barely have any loose skin or traces of weight loss.
And the older you get the easier it is for you to get loose skin, to the point where literally just gravity is enough to loosen your skin.
Idk, I am just talking from an anecdotal observations

Can't believe I just made that mistake.

>paying to have your skin cut off

Just "accidentally" cut a bunch off and the doctors will stitch you back together. Won't even have to wait.

180 is the goal weight but if I'm not satisfied I'm going to 150

damn this guy broke the system where were you two years ago?
