Any fathers or mothers here? Me and girlfriend are planing in our first kid soon...

Any fathers or mothers here? Me and girlfriend are planing in our first kid soon. Is there something to prepare or keep in mind? I was reading about it and it seems to make sense for her to take a daily folate pill. She is eating very healthy and do lots of fitness too.

Other than sperm quantity is there something I can do to prepare? I don't smoke and drink but my food habits aren't the best. Not sure if that could influence somehow my sperm or the pregnancy.

I'm sure there are things that we overlook now and that would probably good to know before hand. I would be helpful about any advice!

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>planning a kid with a girlfriend
Learn the complaints from people about their parents and don't do any of the behaviors these people complain about.

How long have you two been together? Having parents that aren’t fully committed and/or don’t truly love each other (or at least try to be civil) will fuck you up as much as anything. Evaluate your partner, your finances, and your age

I question the parent who comes to Dab Forums for advice on parenting honestly.

We took long time before this step. 8 years together now. Marriage is also planned but pregnancy may come first. We try to wait until the pandemic gets a bit less so we can at least invite some family member. Finances are pretty good too and we live in a house with space.

You can't imagine how good some advices here are, really. I wanna ask a doc but hospitals are all booked out. Next date for a talk would be in 2 months or so.

Creating a kid is incredibly selfish. You will be bringing lots of pain to the kid for the pride of having a little you. Look around, this world is horrible. Why would you inflict that on someone? And no, the pleasures of life don't make up for all the pain. Many people would rather never have been born.

Fucking projection holy shit

True, but my point still stands. The kid never consented to being born. It's like getting raped into life.

Have the kid after the wedding if you’re planning that. A lot less legal shit, combined healthcare, she’s got your last name, all that. Plus it looks better for the family

Why are you rushing this so hard

Start saving NOW. Get a budget in place NOW.
You're looking at $300 to $350 per week to cover expenses. Yes, it is crazy.
Make a bank account (ALONE, IF YOU ARE NOT MARRIED), put money into it every paycheck, and if you can't handle the extra cost, use the account to buy condoms.
Budget around this account, as it takes priority over your bullshit. It does. Don't argue. You might find your fun-money spending taking a huge hit, but that's what you'll be signing up for anyway.
Don't be a welfare queen.

shut up pussy

Kek, what a bitch

True, that's why I wanna merry before birth - but probably during pregnancy.

Thanks. Yeah, it's gonna be expensive. Didn't thought it's 350$ per month expensive but still. But I'm set financially.


You can't be fat and chase a toddler.
Work out with her.

You are an immoral sick fuck. Do I blame you? After all you are the product of an evil world. Having or wanting a child means wanting to fill a hole within you.

Having children is irresponsible and unethical. It also sucks, you life will be miserable for the next 18 years at least. And for what? Just so you can drag another poor soul into this wretched world. Don’t be so selfish

be nice when she is pregnant even if she acts like a rancid cunt

theres no traction in trying to "understand" and they will just get sick from the stress if you bicker

magnesium for cramps, you can both take prenatals I got big cooms from mine

bring your own comforts to the hospital

Exactly this. People have children because they have nothing else to do and because their parents had them. Nobody considers the moral implications of having children. They breed now and regret later.