Get it off your lovely chest.

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I only want to talk to people when i'm drunk. The fucks wrong with me

Okay okay. Disturbing image of myself sent. Met with positive response. Still now blowing it. And I still do not suspect her of being looney. This is good.


obviously that but i have no interest in people until i take one sip, it's weird

i want you so bad still love

where have you gone? i didn't mean to make you leave like that. i also didn't need to leave the way i did.

Thank you internet for existing today. I needed you and here you were waiting for me. Offering me articles, insight, distraction, a meaningful conversation and much more. Please exist for me again tomorrow. I will probably need you tomorrow too.

Yeah man, why would you want to do something that makes you uncomfortable. If you associate alcohol with being relaxed, then it's going to calm you down long before it affects you physiologically by mere association. Then you don't have to avoid being social anymore.

the more that i study mathematics and logic for my major (computer science) the more that i believe in God. literally the exact opposite of what most people go through but sometimes i just lean back in awe of these bizarre and amazing abstract mechanisms/laws that are built into this universe.

i love computer science too but it doesn't give me that sense of connection to God that those two subjects do and sometimes it feels... dead. amazing in its own right but not as universal.

I can related, I'm too depressed to do anything at all, distraction is the only option.

What's the point in having feelings if it will never go anywhere? My life is over.

That's great user. I used to want to get to know someone that saw that beauty in mathematics. I intuitively know it's there but I'm sad I can't see God communicating that way. I see God in other ways though, I suppose.

If you want to dominate a woman, you have to be smarter than her. I thought I found someone like that but apparently I was wrong. Just, for once in my life, I'd like to feel that I could trust in someone, to take over for me, to love me, to look out for me.

no no you totally can if you want to connect to God through His laws, it just takes work. i'm not particularly smart but i work hard and have passion for the subjects; i just love abstraction. but you can definitely grow to know Him in other ways too like you said.

i hated math, hated computer science, hated all non-humanities back when i was an edgemaster agnostic/atheist fyi and wasn't particularly good at it... then i just sat down and forced myself to get good at it and now i love it.

You should teach these people how it's done. If you can look back at your past self and admit things like that, you have definitely changed. Congrats.

Broke up 4 months ago. Why do I miss her so much, knowing she doesn’t give a shit about me.

I loved spoiling her and surprising her. I would do anything for her. One day she just fell out of it. And I pathetically scrambled to pick up the pieces the following month, only to leave her infuriated one day that she blocked me. Eventually we got back to texting terms but that’s it. It’s been 3 weeks since the last text.

I think about her everyday. I know she doesn’t think of me.

I'm confused user what does domination have to do with love?

>I want someone to save me.
wew lass

I'm already saved. No man is good enough.

you are a good hearted user with good intent i hope you find / have found your bf.

>to take over for me
>to look out for me

It's hard ruling the world alone all the time.

Thank you kindly.


God fucking help me anons I screwed another escort and still felt really dead inside after finishing. My whole body convulses when they make me cum and I can’t deny it’s extremely exciting, but I’ve still had better faps where I imagine my fantasies. Sometimes I think it’s just because I keep getting lousy girls that aren’t that into it and clearly just want quick money, but I also worry my mind is so far gone that I can only get off to messed up shit at this point (loli/rape/incest). I might have even needed to think about these things in order to cum without running out of time