ask the opposite gender anything #104951
Ask the opposite gender anything #104951
How do i find a man who looks like Cheggers?
Do any of you guys look like Cheggers?
what does it mean/entail to be boring in bed?
>How do i find a man who looks like Cheggers?
Host a party quiz, and he will come.
how many of y'all are married?
Nice try Satan.
Hang out at any pub in an industrial are and you'll meet one.
Getting engaged soon but idk when married because of COVID obviously.
ladies how do you feel about liberals saying men that cut their penis off are female gender?
Same for me. You got a ring yet? This shit is a lot of pressure.
Stupid bitches, Donald Trump saying that he grabbed a pussy is way worse
yee haw
Trips. Checked.
Male, Not married.
why does my cat knead on my crotch
Of all men's sins and laggardry
The worst is Discordfaggotry
They circlejerk to such a length
That it eclipses shitposts' strength
Of all the sots of mice and men
The tripfag takes the prize again
For though user their pride may swell
Once tripped it sends them straight to hell
Of all of men or women's gall
The simple namefag tops them all
Presuming, in their o'er-ween'd cheek,
Their dull personas others seek
discordfaggotry is based though, thousands and thousands of femboy penis pictures
kill yourself
don't be a bigot
ladies do you mind if a man is bigger if he still has muscles?