I want to believe.. in god. It just seems so fake to me, is there anyway I can convince myself?
I want to believe.. in god. It just seems so fake to me, is there anyway I can convince myself?
Why do you want to convince yourself? How would your life be different?
Take drugs. Try everything, especially DMT, you’ll believe in something.
Raised catholic, went to catholic school from pre-K through high school. I feel this post so hard :( I even felt bad for eating meat today but I feel like a fraud if I don’t.
just look at his absence
Religion is fake. “God” is real but it’s not how you think
read the scriptures
the bible, bhagavad gita, the dhammapada are all worth reading
also what's your discord
explain what god is then
Drop acid. You'll believe in a god one way or the other.
it's a mind-made construct based on wishful thinking, I'd stay away from that
it doesn't solve anything
Study science, when you see how much about the world is governed by set laws you won't be able to help at least entertaining the idea of a creator god.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.“
>calls my statement dumb
>proves my point by bringing up some article that disproves atheism and science go hand-in-hand
What did he mean by this?
sorry you're right, i misread what you wrote lmao
Begin your soul search user. I know there is a lot more to the illusion our limited monkey senses can perceive. I think god exists but is not an omniccient figure with its own conciousness, instead god to me is experiencing conciousness through all of humanity. The christian god is not the ownly charicature. Dig deep and read the ancient texts and come up with it yourself.
Not the original poster, but I believe the idea of his post is that you can't 'explain what god is'. People think they got it figured out but unless they truly saw something we couldn't explain with modern science 2000 years ago, the likelihood of people "finding the one true god" is unlikely.
I disagree, I think religion is a misguided, but healthy thing if treated well. The universe a whole lot less scary if you can believe someone is watching over us.
based apologizer
OP, I understand where you're coming from. If I could truly be convinced there was a benevolent god/creator, I would take that chance in a heartbeat. I was raised catholic but it's easy to see how laughably unlikely it is (imo).
I'm not sure if this helps but, I have been thinking, from our perspective every theory of existence we have so far is complete conjecture. Which is to say that each theory is just as likely as the next, but that doesn't mean one theory has to be more/less reasonable than the next. For example, god being a turtle is just as likely as god being a human but in my eyes it's less reasonable for him to be a turtle.
Faith is not something you convince yourself of. It is something you CHOOSE to have, without any evidence.
Why would you want to do that?
is that gif real
But why would you?
What fuckin' difference does it make?
I'm an atheist and I genuinely believe God doesn't exist. So what? Faith is called faith because you believe in it, yet have no factual evidence of it.