Why do all women like the same type of guy?

They all like a tall hypermasculine male with a square jaw. I mean so many different kinds of women I see are attractive to me despite not fitting the beauty norm. Whereas, this feeling is not mutual with women. They all like tall men, no woman likes a manlet.

It's fucking hopless for me knowing that I can never be desired truly even if I'm in a relationship. How fucking shitty is it that a modest homely girl to me is more beautiful than a supermodel but that any guy who isn't the archetypal Chad is suboptimal to any any women.

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This is not true, women who fall for what you’re talking about are usually really “basic” females. So maybe a decent general percentage but no, not everyone
t. Female

Just like many women believe men are only into super models, or skinny minny. Not every man likes the same type of woman, just like not every woman likes the same type of man.

I'm a female as well and I was going to say the same thing. I'm not into the stereotypical hypermasculine guy myself.

what kind of guys are you in to then? Have you ever been attracted physically to a short guy?

Every women I've seen say she's in to tall men. As a manlet, I feel hopeless.

Even women who are intellectual or nerdy still have that same preference for tall chads from what I've seen.

yes but we all know that there are men who like thick women instead of super skinny women. I really don't think we can say the same about height in men. All women seem to prefer tall men over short men. Have you honestly ever seen a woman IRL say she prefers short over tall men? In my all years, I've never seen this IRL.

Boyfriend is 5’11 and ~140 and he’s my ideal male even though I’m 5’0 exactly. However my dad is a 5’6 Italian who married my 5’8 blonde mother. I think there are plenty of women who would be interested in shorter men and not find that a turn off. I would never disqualify someone on height unless he was shorter than me which is nearly impossible.
I personally don’t like the “chad” thing either. Overly square jaws and a heavy focus on beefing up and being overly muscular doesn’t appeal to me. My boyfriend is lean muscle and I find that much more attractive that a bulky physique. He looks very elegant I guess? I also think this makes him look a lot more intelligent which appeals to me. He looks like a very refined person and not a teenage or college jock boy. I’d also consider physical features MUCH more important than height

My therapist is a manlet and he’s married. He used to play football surprisingly. But he’s fine dude. It’s in your head. I’m 5’9 and skinny but had tons of success with girls.

You're 5 ft and you even admit 5'11 is your ideal type. Your mother married him but that doesn't mean he is her ideal type. Maybe she likes him emotionally but wishes he was taller.

>I’d also consider physical features MUCH more important than height
Like what physical features ? face?

I never said that you can'ts get a girlfriend if you're short....

I'm saying it's not desirable....maybe some women married him because for other reasons but is still sexually attracted to taller, more physically virile men.

Why are you being such a self-defeatist bitch? Women don't like Manlets because they're all like you, "woe is my life would be so much better if I was Taller". Get a fucking grip on yourself.

nah, i think average height/shorter men are hotter. 5’7”-5’8” is perfect to me. i just like it that way.

My boyfriend is my ideal because he’s my boyfriend. There’s no one I think to be more attractive than him, he is my ideal. I can look at a picture of another guy and be like “yes he is handsome” but they can’t possibly compare with him, even movie stars, I’m not sure how to describe it. I’m not sure how my mother feels but I imagine she’s the same. If you meet someone who loves you they’ll probably feel the same.

This poster is being harsh but slightly true. You’re gripping onto small parts of people’s arguments and turning them. As I said, I would never disqualify a guy for being short. If you showed me an attractive shorter man in terms of face, grooming habits, etc and a less appealing taller man, I’d pick the shorter one. Focus on building your confidence, I’m telling you definitively that height does not always matter

I literally knew you'd say, "pretty elf twink boy" type. Why? Because I'm a girl too, lol. I leave the War Machine types to golddiggers and prison homos.

I'm a long haired smelly Amerifat and I've been in a relationship for two years. Keep your head up user

>definitively that height does not always matter
You're 5 ft and you still prefer taller men...

Obviously height matters. Not it's not just a fucknig attitude thing. My point is it's physically unattractive. I don't care if a bad attitude is bad, I want to be physically desired as well. I don't want to be just settled for

And my point still fucking stands. Women never say they prefer short men. So what if they settle with them. It's still physically undesirable.

how tall are you? why do you prefer shorter men?

Women will always choose the man with 6 cars over the man with a six pack

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I'd rather be the guy with the 6 pack than the guy with the 6 cars. Women are sexually attracted to the guy with the 6 pack, that's much more important.

I don't envy Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg because no woman wants to fuck that guy. They might do it but they hate probably hate it .

Height and looks are the most important thing for a man these days. Otherwise, he will never feel true desire in this hypergamous era.

Take your meds incel freak

I'm 6'5 tall, play basket ball, athletic body, great germanic sharp face, was asked to do modelling etc.. I get checked out by women a lot.

Yet I'm single because I am poor due to growing in a poor neighbourhood with fucked up childhood.

Everyday I see ugly guys with money and their cute gf.

It's all about money and career etc...
Maybe you're just still young but after 25 it's 80% what women seek

The evidence does not support you. Look around and you will see many women with less-than-conventionally-beautiful men.

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Short guys > short guys who whine about being a manlet
So many Dab Forums ideals are unattractive