Are you more valuable by staying single and ignoring romance?

Are you more valuable by staying single and ignoring romance?

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Absolutely. Modern women are worthless. Take the telsapill.


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More valuable to who?

no, you're only valuable if you have insurable assets

Define 'Value'

However you decide to cope with the fact that true love is the the pinnacle of human pleasure, it's still cope.

Through your early 20s up until 23-25 it seems worth while to focus on your self and to establish the backbone to your career. It cuts damn close to the bone seeing your frens get into relationships while your single at this age. Its an important return since brain power goes down with age. I have friends that are 25 and not feeling as smart as they once were.

Human pleasure is decided by hormones. You could take hormones in a specific fashion and get the same feeling. Don't know why you faggots think it's some kind of supernatural energy.

Because they settled and ran off intellectual pursuits. Many, many philosophers, and scholars had their greatest works published after 40. Even prophets such as Moses.

Well, you’re a faggot homosexual atheist so that’s why you don’t understand esoteric reasoning. You see things at face value, and that’s your problem.

>You could take hormones in a specific fashion and get the same feeling.
I've done drugs too, not even the same realm.
> think it's some kind of supernatural energy.
It is. Read a book.

It's okay though, cope by telling yourself it's just hormones in your meatsuit, It won't make you feel any better though.


True love is a myth, it’s a silly fairy tale. I believe in love, but it’s so childish to hype it up like you do. It’s nice to have companionship, but it’s definitely not the pinnacle of human pleasure, at least for me anyway

Yes, you make more valuable contributions to society and you accomplish more. Issac Newton is another example

Valuable in context of society? You are an asset to marry and provide for a woman and pay your dues to society by paying your taxes lavishing your wife with material shiny things. Producing children who will one day join the work force and do the same. Value to women? Your value lies in the physical and material pleasure you can bring them. None of that should matter to you because you gain nothing. The modern world especially the West is all about me me me what I want. But when men really make that decision we think for ourselves and benefit only ourselves and society has got so long required our labour to keep things running. If we walk away from the machine. The machine collapses.

TLDR You are incredibly valuable to others but your value will cost you everything.

>True love is a myth, it’s a silly fairy tale. I believe in love, but it’s so childish to hype it up like you do. It’s nice to have companionship, but it’s definitely not the pinnacle of human pleasure, at least for me anyway
There are degrees of intensity of love. I define "True Love" as being the highest potential intensity. I've experienced it first hand.
Stay coping. Though honestly it's much less cope to have never experienced it than to experience it and lose it. Once you've tasted that, nothing else in the world comes close. It's driving me to suicide desu.

Alright, I take your word for it. I’d like to experience that someday if it exists. But now I’m curious, How did you find yours? Did you just stumble into it? How did it feel?

>I’d like to experience that someday if it exists
Careful what you wish for. I'm this close to killing myself before the year is up.
>How did you find yours? Did you just stumble into it?
I did stumble upon it. Girl I've grown up with and lived in the same house as for the better and worse part of 9 years. There was always something between us, now that I look back. One night it just happens.
>How did it feel?
Like everything. Hermetic concept of the All. All the pleasure and all the pain I've ever experienced as one blinding light. Her soul felt like an abyss. Sex with her felt like closing a distance that could never be fully reached, but at the high points I felt myself losing that distinction between me and not me.
We fucked like rabbits and every time it was the most intense and passionate lovemaking possible, the stuff of mythology.
Being around her made me feel complete, content and at peace in the most victorious and triumphant sense. I felt like a living god. I never got a chance to really ask her how she felt, but I could tell it was something analogous.

desu words don't do it enough justice.
Now that it's gone I can't stand living. It's like eating dogshit 24/7, because I know NOTHING I will ever do can compare to that.


That sounds terrifying and amazing. It must suck for you rn, but you Sadi yourself it just happens. The next moment could be around the corner

>The next moment could be around the corner
That's what people tell me but it's wishful thinking. There is no telling the future.
Only thing that I know right now is that I hate living, extremely so. I can barely tie my own shoes.
Perfection is hard to replicate. My life is a tragedy, not a comedy.

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Not really, as masturbation and sex isn't the same, even though the same hormones are present.

Most lives are tragedies. A tragedies can still be beautiful

This right here is why you should take the Teslapill. Contribute to society by making creation your sole endeavor. Solitude is based. Fuck whiners who glorify moids.