My wife is incredibly sexually repressed

My wife is incredibly sexually repressed.

We've been together for 7 years now, at the beginning she was actually very open to sex and even enjoyed lots of things that she now doesn't want to do.
I'm not sure if I'm influenced by porn or whatever, but I like it when a woman wants to have sex and enjoys it and is not afraid of exploring her body.

My wife doesn't like to touch her pussy, she feels disgusted with her own pussy juice. I don't think she ever explored herself alone, and that is driving me insane because she acts like a fucking puritan nowadays. The last time I asked her what was the problem and why didn't enjoy sex, she gave a bunch of excuses, typical excuses that women love to give when they lose their sex drive for random shit.
One of her excuses was that I don't have a more muscular body, and I replied in anger that she also doesn't have a perfect body. Then I kept going on and told her that my body has remained the same for the last 10 years and that my last ex had a 9/10 body and she loved fucking and was always extremely wet whenever we had sex.

She cried because of my reply and things have been a bit rocky for the past few days.

How can I solve this issue? She used to be more sexually open than now.

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Start lifting.

rape her vigorously

>7 years

I'm really sorry user. 7 years is a meme for a reason. I hope more married/divorced men answer you, i lack the experience

It's a cliche, but a true one - women need SOME romance in their sex. Try wooing her again instead of taking her for granted. A woman's orgasm begins with a loving word or non-sexual hug hours in advance.

>My wife is incredibly sexually repressed
It never occurs to men that our disinterest might be attributed to their poor uninspiring performance

I laugh at you beta cucks who get parasited by women and accept auch a position.
Greetings muslim

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I laugh at you western beta cucks who get parasited by women and accept auch a position.
Greetings muslim

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Well user, you don't need to be a psychologist to understand that your wife isn't turned on by your persona anymore.

It's that simple. It's hard, it sucks, but that's the answer, she lost attraction to you, at the very least physically, but possibly even mentally too.

How to fix that? Now that's not so simple. I don't know. Try to find out what ur wife is attracted to. One of those things is being a muscular man, so that's a very good point to start at.

You mean during sex or in the relationship as a whole?

She is projecting an internal issue that she for one reason or another cannot air towards you.
You are reacting to symptom of this problem and have already reacted poorly and destructively with something that most likely is originating from within her own mind.
Reality check. Are you a fat ass? If this is true then "Get out there and start exercising, take her to exercise with you".
Whether the previous one is true or not, know that his issue originated inside her head loooong before your sex life ever started suffering. She is suffering from an issue which you wanna help solve. Do no react to it in any other way.
if you genuinely asked her about this problem in a caring manner and her throwback was "You don't have muscles", know that it is an ungenuine immature and pathetic response for an adult who is responsible of their own well being.

Do some self-reflecting user, think of how you feel about this, know that this is your problem as well as hers and you can help solve it.
Create a good environment for talking, safe & calm. Then start asking questions and listen when she answers. You wanna know how far into the past her problem goes. Also, SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE. You are not above this issue.

I hope you are able to solve thism user.

>I'm not sure if I'm influenced by porn or whatever, but I like it when a woman wants to have sex and enjoys it and is not afraid of exploring her body.
Uh if you were influenced by porn it would be the exact opposite

good observation, it can be both

>if you genuinely asked her about this problem in a caring manner and her throwback was "You don't have muscles", know that it is an ungenuine immature and pathetic response for an adult who is responsible of their own well being.

So you're saying at the beginning of your post that the OP should not react negatively to her problems, but in a constructive and caring manner, and then, on the green text I quoted, you're actually condemning her telling the truth and her feelings about it?
I don't get it.

If she feels unattracted to him because he isn't muscular, it is what it is. How could she change what she's attracted to?

If you're the poster who typed the lack of performance post, I want to ask you something else too:
Why is it that we, men, have to do everything? In the sense that we have to carry the relationship on our shoulders by being great, interesting, etc. What about women? Do they not have any obligations? Is it only up to men to be great partners?

low estrogen or cant get preggo, take to her gyno
worst case, shes cheating or realised shes a dyke

it was me. it should be an equal partnership but in real life men act as though we must accommodate half ass trying and accept lame excuses from you just as your mother did. but the real problem is a mans ego that makes them believe they are always right and already know everything and heaven help the woman that challenges that so we shut up if we're smart and withdraw. with silence and withdrawal you get an automaton that can be pleasant and agreeable, contribute to the household but passionless.

Okay, fine. The only thing I'm concerned about is the part where you talk about 'they think they know eveything', cause I agree that's fucked up, but most times when I try to argue with a woman about something I'm convinced about, they don't wanna use logic or argue rationally about it.
If you prove to me with logic that I'm wrong and you're right, I'll accept it. If you act like you just don't wanna talk about it or that it's just my opinion when I'm giving facts, proofs and logical arguments, then I become angry.

be more masculine and dominant. that gets women wet like nothing else. next time you have sex, don't ask, don't be timid, just grab her legs and pin her down go in as forcefully as you can, basically as close to "rape" as you can go. rape is far and away the most common female fantasy. she can be as puritan as she wants in her mind, but the point of the rape play is to drive home to her that neither she nor her puritan morals have any say in what you are doing to her, which perversely frees her mind up to actually enjoy it.

>If you prove to me with logic
very few women can do logic. they think they can, but when pressed their "logic" is just another word for "muh feelz".

Be a man lol
Never ask a female whats her problem, either they dont know or lie at purpose.

>Then I kept going on and told her that my body has remained the same for the last 10 years and that my last ex had a 9/10 body and she loved fucking and was always extremely wet whenever we had sex