How do I stop being racist? I'm halfway in between being an SJW and a Dab Forumstard and it makes me feel bad...

How do I stop being racist? I'm halfway in between being an SJW and a Dab Forumstard and it makes me feel bad. I recognize the awful history of slavery, colonialism and discrimination against blacks in America, which I think is bad, but I still feel like blacks are in some ways inferior to whites (who are in turn inferior to Asians and Jews).

As bad as racism is and was, I still don't think it's enough to fully explain the black-white IQ gap and so on. Most people would consider me an outright Nazi for saying this but it seems pretty obvious to me. I try not to actually behave like a racist because I don't want to hurt anyone but my beliefs about race still make me feel bad. I can't be the only person like this, right?

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Sounds like you're a normal person breh.

black people will never be able to compete with other races no matter how much free shit is given to them unless they can fix their awful and self destructive culture. but they won't, because society tells them everything is white mans fault and they are perfect

Man you fucking nerds always live on the internet. When you're black and you have to decide between working at walmart or mugging people coming home from a night of drinking, you straighten up for what you need to do, whether it be military, school, or attempting to land a well paying job. If you don't straighten up you end up in the dumps and there is nothing you can convince yourself that being in the dumps is perfect. That's why the media and twitter SJWs need to push so hard that their culture is perfect because it would need a miracle for anybody experiencing their culture to think their culture is good.

You're not racist. You're class-ist. You dislike lower class people who happen to be black. I assume you dislike lower class people who happen to be white, and that you do not automatically believe that Barack Obama (for example) is inferior to you.

In America in particular, race often confuses what are actually economic or class issues.

Jesus Christ, did Jamal fuck your last three girl friends? I have never heard anyone say black people are perfect, or any people for that matter. Stop letting twitter arguments fuel your boner.
True for the most part, I mean even some of those KKK guys think like this. They will literally call crowds of white people "white niggers" for being poor and dumb but then consider blacks to be equal to themselves for speaking calm and polite.

>I recognize the awful history of slavery, colonialism and discrimination against blacks in America, which I think is bad
Why? Do you understand the history of these things or were you just taught it was bad in high school?

>I mean even some of those KKK guys think like this
You watched that fraud of a black guy at the kkk thing didn’t you?

the reality is most black ppl don't straighten up. they commit crime at higher rates then anyone, even poor whites. most of them don't have dads so they look to rappers or other prominent black people in the culture for inspiration and get led down a path of gangs, violence, drugs and poor spending habits. quite sad really

i never called black people inferior and i don't hold any anger towards them. the truth whether you like it or not is they do commit large amounts of crime and their culture does glorify violence, sex, drugs, lack of education, and "flexing". have you seen the personalities of rappers? those are the role models for young men and women right now. it even effects white zoomers, i've seen so many of them trying really hard to be as stereotypically black as possible. of course always accompanied by bad grades or a terrible attitude

How is it not racist to literally believe in the intellectual inferiority of blacks? I feel bad for lower class people but I guess they're annoying, yeah. Of course Obama is smarter than me, although he's only half black. There are many fully black people smart than me though, I have no problem admitting that. I just think that Africans are, on average, probably a little stupider than non-Africans. Probably.
I'm not sure if you can take these KKK guys at their word. I'm sure they all prefer polite, normal black people to violent criminals, but who joins the KKK that isn't extremely racist against all blacks?
Feel free to explain how these are all good things if you want.

>Feel free to explain how these are all good things if you want.
Well why do you feel guilty for these things it’s just strange. You don’t owe black people any special thing. Why are you guilty about colonialism let’s start there? You are mad your parents got more land for your family? Like wut? EVERY nation has done this. Whites were colonized too by the Ottomans, Mongols, Jews, and Huns. Where do you see whining about that? Oh fucking nowhere.

Never said I was guilty.

And again reminding you that you do not owe black people anything special, is it lost on you that blacks would still be in Africa? Whites never enslaved blacks. We purchased them from their own people who enslaved them. Do whites have some special responsibility to free slaves around the world? No, but we fucking did anyway. We had the most bloody war in American history because of it. But oh no still gotta be guilty about it. I’d be fucking pissed if someone had the gall to talk shit about my ancestors all the shit we’ve done for other races.

Then what is the problem? Do you love your own family? Obviously. That doesn’t mean you hate other families ffs. Going around beating up black people has never been what being pro white is about. It’s loving your own people. I guess that makes you a racist.

I never said anything about love or hate. I never said I was "pro-white." I'm not anti-black either, whatever that means. My problem is that I believe blacks are probably intellectually inferior to whites and I feel bad for believing something that the majority of people would find reprehensible (whether they should or not is irrelevant to me.) I also just wish it wasn't true. If blacks are truly intellectually inferior then that has major implications for our society whether you like it or not. I don't want to be prejudiced against individual blacks because some of them are bound to be smarter than most whites and it would be irrational to treat them as if they weren't, but it can be hard to not be prejudiced when you've seen so many dumb violent blacks on the internet (haven't seen much of that IRL.) I don't want to hurt the feelings of black people because it's not their fault for being black.
>Going around beating up black people has never been what being pro white is about
Ever heard of lynchings? Most victims in the US were black men, some of whom committed no crimes.

so you claim to be superior but you feel like you're actually mocked by those who you deem inferior

so they're superior

>don't want to be prejudiced against individual blacks
Duh you fucking moron. Statistics are a general trend not the rule. You are more likely by quite a large margin to find dumber blacks but that doesn’t mean every black is a retard or deserves to be bullied. You seem to have trouble discerning between individual people and statistical overarching facts. Men are more likely to be criminals too. That’s why when you are alone in a dark alley with a woman tailing you you don’t freak out. But you also don’t hate men or treat all men as criminals.
>Ever heard of lynchings? Most victims in the US were black men, some of whom committed no crimes.
Ever heard of the inner city? Most victims are white men, many of who em committed no crimes.

??? I only claim that, on average, whites are smarter than blacks. That would be true even if I was a complete retard.
>Most victims are white men
Lol you're saying this as if I haven't studied my FBI crime stats closely.

Blacks are more likely to target whites than blacks. All data shows interracial crime is quite skewed in favor of black perp and white victim

Wrong. Most crime is intraracial.
>All data shows interracial crime is quite skewed in favor of black perp and white victim
This is a non sequitur. Think carefully before you post Dab Forumstard.

There's no need to stop. SJWs unironically have it half right in encouraging awareness but it's more of racial awareness of fair expectations and everyone should aim to be aware of every bias. I get along with black people much better now. I just give them a chance one at a time as I encounter them knowing what my expectations are while always being open to being proven wrong. There's many a based black man I've met with even greater rage of niggers

*Rage directed at niggers

>looks up black on white rape
>looks up white on black rape
>sees that you are a lying faggot
And an arrogant one too! Nice going

Yes most crime is intraracial but you were talking about interracial crime in the form of lychings and now all you have left is to expose yourself with this troll thread by making an ad hominem attack and oh wait what’s this?
>Dab Forumstard