Please give me a straight answer. Has my lifelong dream been sabotaged by COVID-19?

I am genuinely worried about this, since I've wanted this since I was 10 years old(18 now). I want to be a musician. You know, play live shows, record music in one studio with the rest of my band, and put it out there. And of course I'd like to play those songs live. But I feel like this pandemic is going to last forever, and that ruins the chances of me achieving my full dream, and ultimately being happy.

So give it to me straight. Are those years of work all for nothing?

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But covid going to go away soon or we'll stop caring. People already going out and doing shit, theyre tired of being locked down. Eventually people will just say fuck it and risk going out.

you could even write a nytime opinion piece with your sad story
"Young Man Once Had A Dream, China Ruined It"

No, what is ruining your dream is your lack of independent thought, needing to come to this trash bin for reassurance. So far you are too unremarkable.

No. Take this time to practice your performing. This is a golden opportunity to practice your skills.

Have you considered digital concerts? You know, like gain a following on twitch, yeah it’s not the same but more likely to stick around that way.

>But I feel like this pandemic is going to last forever
It won't. It only seems like that because the world hasn't seen anything like this in the past 100 years. But we're already coming onto the tail end of it being a serious concern. I'm one of the people that was saying when this first started it'd be at least until spring 2021 that things would go back to normal, and now I'd say at latest fall 2021. So within the next 6 or 7 months really.

That being said your dream will probably fail anyway so I hope you have a backup plan.

Hard work always pays off. This kung fu flu will be done and gone soon enough, i.e. Spanish Flu of 1918.

Just do some online shows retard.

>online concerts
LITERALLY the most soulless thing ever. It's a glorified youtube video ffs.

Yes. And?
Nigga music isn't something you can be picky with, take what you can get.

I watch that shit

Why? Literally what do you gain from it?

“I’m a musician” is code for I don’t contribute anything to society. Go back to flipping burgers for weed money hippie

it was a hopeless dream to begin with. covid merely made it slightly more hopeless.

It's ok, being a working musician was already made irreparably inhospitable as a path before covid ever hit. Best you can do now is use this downtime to write some songs and see what the world's looking like in a year or two. There's always time to be in financial ruin in a strange van with 6 other people, don't worry :)

>18 now
No, you can definitely still be a well known musician if you want to. Broadcast your music on the internet and do live shows for Youtube, IG live, etc for the time being

Covid will be over by 2023 at the latest if society hasnt already collapsed by then and you will be around 20, most big rock stars didn't get their break until they were around 23 - 26. Keep honoring your craft, you're going to make it

Get a real job hippie.

Do shit or don't. No one will force you to. If it really was your dream you would let nothing stop you.

A pandemic by it's very nature can't last forever.

They're sure trying hard to make these lockdowns last forever though.

The pandemic isn't over yet but eventually most people will either have contracted it or been vaccinated for it and then it'll become an annual battle that isn't lockdown-warranting like the flu until hopefully it goes away. Pretty simple.