how to overcome anxiety and depression?
how to stop giving a fuck immediately?
how to become emotionless?
How to overcome anxiety and depression?
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apathy won't make the anxiety and depression go away, you're more likely to shut yourself in further. as for how to overcome it, try facing your fears. if it's talking to people, go out and talk to people.
>how to overcome anxiety and depression?
It's not really something you get over but rather learn to live with and develop mental facilities to better handle stuff whether the anxiety/depression is internal or external in source (bad thoughts vs actually being in a stressful situation.)
>how to stop giving a fuck immediately?
It's natural to have fucks to give, it means you have values and caring about shit is motivating.
>how to become emotionless?
Again this is something natural. You can learn to not be so reactive and become more grounded so you can function better but wanting to be emotionless is absurd.
Anxiety and depression are your body telling you that you're weak and that you need to stay as still and quiet as possible to avoid outside dangers. You need to get strong, start working out.
but I don't have physical symptoms of depression and anxiety
the solution is slow and gradual change over many many months to years
if your trying to find a special pill or special trick that will completely flip it in a week.. you will never find it it just does not exist
admit the solution takes dedication with slow slow change
are antidepressants helpful?
Not op but yes, they might kill your sex drive though
>how to stop giving a fuck immediately?
>how to become emotionless?
In toxic high school cultures, apathy is social capital. Go to college and be happy around passionate people who give a fuck. Also read this
specifically, ssris and snris do that
As a first step: healthy lifestyle, EXERCISE, get up at 5. This will give you power to study and create value = profit = you feel better
YO! i have what you are looking for man,just stop seriously caring,it doesnt take anything else other than YOU to stop giving a fuck and stopping the anxiety and depression,stop identifying with your thoughts,cause in case you didnt know,you are composed of your actions,not your thoughts,stop getting sucked into catastrophiziing thoughts as if they are real,you have a world full of opportunities of all kind and you can choose what to do with it and if you get stuck in all the propositions your brain give you guess where you will be headed...nowhere
Theres just no other way
Shut up kiddo lol