How do I stop getting bullied in college

How do I stop getting bullied in college

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Punch the louder person right in the face in front of everyone

Also there is no bullying in college

>Also there is no bullying in college
Yes there is. I'm literally getting bullied in college

you are so autistic that you think you are getting bullied in college and it is hilarious. Find a new group of people, there is an infinite amount of them at any school.

how the fuck are you managing to get bullied at college. Describe the bullying in a non overdramatic way.

How the fuck? People ignore each other in college. There are nearly no social interaction, I never felt more lonely than in college

I generally just get picked-on and insulted by normies and chads. Sometimes, I also get into physical fights with people, which I always lose
I go to a fairly small college
>Find a new group of people, there is an infinite amount of them at any school.
Not in my college. I go to a small college, and I'm known to everyone as the one autistic kid who is obnoxious and gets bullied all the time. Therefore, no one wants to associate with me, at best

lmao exaclty

How small is your college that everyone knows eachother that well? that's insanely small. In all seriousness though as a fellow sperg, the trick is just to keep your mouth shut most of the time. Retards like us tend to comment on too much and the more we talk the more people realize we are retards and prey on that. The trick is to not react to any provocations (this means no fights retard) and to find the sweet spot for talking where you aren't letting your retardedness slip through but you are also not just standing there silently. Also stop associating with douchebags.

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>How small is your college that everyone knows eachother that well? that's insanely small
I live in a fairly small country
>In all seriousness though as a fellow sperg, the trick is just to keep your mouth shut most of the time. Retards like us tend to comment on too much and the more we talk the more people realize we are retards and prey on that
How am I supposed to make friends, if I'm not supposed to speak?
>The trick is to not react to any provocations (this means no fights retard)
I try my hardest, but I just can't do it. I can't ignore literally anything. To the point to where I'm often sleep-deprived, because I can't sleep, due to noises and shit. I also can't help, but get myself into fights all the time. I can't control my anger. This wouldn't be a problem, if I was actually strong, but I'm still very weak, even after doing boxing for almost my entire life
>find the sweet spot for talking where you aren't letting your retardedness slip through but you are also not just standing there silently
What would that be?
>Also stop associating with douchebags.
That would be pretty much the entire population of my college. I live in a country where 99% of the population consists of normies

>I live in a fairly small country
it might help to know the country. Different nations have different attitudes especially in university
>How am I supposed to make friends, if I'm not supposed to speak?
You are supposed to speak, you are just supposed to listen as well. Really think before you say stuff and you will avoid coming off as awkward. You don't have to say everything that comes into your head.
>I can't ignore literally anything
>I'm often sleep-deprived, because I can't sleep, due to noises and shit
>I can't control my anger.
All genuine problems that need to be rectified consciously (most easily through therapy). These are not unchangeable facets of your being, these are flaws that you need to fix actively.
>What would that be?
You need to figure it out for yourself. For me what helps is really thinking through whatever I am going to say before I say it. People like people who listen to them and seem genuinely interested, so fake it even if you're not.
>That would be pretty much the entire population of my college. I live in a country where 99% of the population consists of normies
That's virtually impossible. I guarantee there are some cool people there, you aren't looking hard enough and you are looking only for friends who are 100% like you in every way rather than compromising for someone who is 50% like you, which is the trick to having lots of friends.

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>it might help to know the country. Different nations have different attitudes especially in university
>You are supposed to speak, you are just supposed to listen as well
I try to do plenty of both. I try not to talk people's ears off about bullshit no one cares about. Whether I succeed or not is a different thing
>Really think before you say stuff and you will avoid coming off as awkward
Either, I think for too long, and people stop talking to me, or I spergout
>All genuine problems that need to be rectified consciously (most easily through therapy)
Therapy has never worked for me
>People like people who listen to them and seem genuinely interested, so fake it even if you're not
I can't "fake" interest, or really anything
>That's virtually impossible. I guarantee there are some cool people there, you aren't looking hard enough
Trust me, I talked to pretty much everyone in college. Either they ignore me, or bully me. No one likes me. Not even most of the teachers
>you are looking only for friends who are 100% like you in every way rather than compromising for someone who is 50% like you, which is the trick to having lots of friends.
I don't want people who are 100% like me, nor do I expect people to be 100% like me. It's just that I can barely relate to anyone in my college. They all have much different hobbies, interests and life-experiences to me, which makes it extremely difficult for me to relate to them, and vice-versa

What did you do specifically to make yourself a target? I don’t understand how they’re still bullying you if you always fight back

>I don’t understand how they’re still bullying you if you always fight back
They still bully me, because I'm extremely physically weak, and get my ass pounded into the ground. Even by some of the weakest people in the college
>What did you do specifically to make yourself a target?
I don't know. I have autism, if that matters

fuck man you might actually be fucked. Ireland is a country which is actually quite normie in all facets, and it is small enough that you might genuinely have problems meeting anyone cool. The best advice I can give for social skills is that they are that, skills. You need to kep practicing to get better. The more you practice, the time it will take you to correctly evaluate wether or not you should say something will decrease.
>I can't "fake" interest, or really anything
you totally can do this. You need to practice though which sucks. Just not along, don't look distracted, and ask a question that proves you were listening to whatever they were talking to every once in a while.
>Therapy has never worked for me
unfortunately us irish are genuinely fucked when it comes to therapy. One of freuds most famous quotes was that the irish are literally immune to psychoanalysis. I would maybe move after college if you can. Sorry user.

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>I have autism
ignore any advice I gave in about building social skills, you cant if you have autism. Unfortunately you were born in a country that literally bullies the disabled all the time. You are probably going to want to move asap.

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>The best advice I can give for social skills is that they are that, skills. You need to kep practicing to get better. The more you practice, the time it will take you to correctly evaluate wether or not you should say something will decrease.
I've been practicing social skills and talking to people my entire life. I still can't quite get even the basics
>you totally can do this. You need to practice though which sucks
I seriously can't. I wear my heart firmly on my sleeve, and I'm unable to fake any kind of emotions or act in a way that's not authentically 100% "me"
>unfortunately us irish are genuinely fucked when it comes to therapy. One of freuds most famous quotes was that the irish are literally immune to psychoanalysis. I would maybe move after college if you can. Sorry user
Where should I move? Would any country accept autists as immigrants?

You are definitely doing something wrong here and you just aren’t aware. Do you insult people or extremely annoy them? If you’re just a quiet autist it would be insane to have the entire college bully you or ostracize you, there would be a few students who would pity you and become friends with you at the very least because everyone is mature now.

>Do you insult people or extremely annoy them?
Probably the latter. Sometimes, I try to "roast" people, but they just laugh my insults off. So I don't think it's my occasional insults that get people to bully me
>If you’re just a quiet autist it would be insane to have the entire college bully you or ostracize you, there would be a few students who would pity you and become friends with you at the very least because everyone is mature now.
So, I should just become quiet and socially isolate myself, and then hope someone pity's me enough to pretend to be my friend?

Take a fucking shower dude, and get some social skills. The only people who get bullied in college are:

People who smell like shit.

It's college. There's plenty of wierdos with all manner of behavior, fashion, and religious choices. I can deal with those. But the moment you smell like shit? You can fuck off.

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>I try to "roast" people
don't do this. Normal people don't do this.

You are trying to be witty and make good comebacks against these fucks but you’re autistic so it’s almost impossible and it’s not your fault. Stop feeding off their insults, instead just stay quiet bro, go to a pub and meet people or switch college and restart. I live in a small town and got bullied by half the high school for being quiet but they never did it to my face since I don’t feed off their hatred. Ignore them and focus on school. Don’t listen to any negative faggots on here cause they’re retarded.

practicing is what worked for me when I was in high school, now I'm finishing college and about to go to uni. It didn't work in my community college because it's in a suburban shithole where I have to take boring classes with nothing to do. Now in uni, I'll go to a campus with a crap ton of things around and be in classes with a bunch of people who are into the stuff I like, so I'm more hopeful for this one. Just hoping that vaccinations speed up in my cunt so that I don't have to do it from home, that'd be my worst nightmare.

In my country, it's a very normal thing
I kinda have to roast, in order to fit-in with people in my college. Just being quiet won't get me very far, socially. At least, with the people that live in my college
>go to a pub and meet people
Are people in pubs less roast-happy and friendlier towards autistics?
>or switch college and restart
Can't. It's the only college around my area
>Ignore them
I literally can't
>focus on school
Why can't I focus on both school and trying to socialise?