Shitty whales keep trying to suppress the price but they're losing steam and tokens.
We about to moon harder than yesterday.
>$150 EOM
>$3000 EOY
Shitty whales keep trying to suppress the price but they're losing steam and tokens.
We about to moon harder than yesterday.
>$150 EOM
>$3000 EOY
I'm ready bro
stacklet reporting in
Yes. We can make bitcoin a payment system.
This sounds like DeFiat which I’m also in. Not the project but the way people talk about it.
I guess I’ll pick up some bags of this too. What’s a good stack to get? I’m pretty poor.
200 is suicide stack
how much vsp for profitable staking?
That’s $8000 lad that’s not a suicide stack amount.
where to buy?
I've only got 69 VSP. Am i gonna make it?
>no james bond memes
this is upsetting lads
why james bond and I'll make some
you must be the only human in this thread, the rest of the replies look like fiverr jeets
vesper lynd is the bond girl in casino royale
100 suicide stack, 500 make it stack.
Consider this is going to go at least to $2k EOY.
1inch has the lowest fees. Otherwise Hotbit.
If you stake. The APY is about 47%.
This. Honestly its the only thing keeping me away from this. Any actual white person bought in?
Don't be stupid, guys. Look at price action, buying pressure, at the actual product, at the founders and their aim.
Team is full curry I’m out
just had a look then, complete mixed bag, although a few of them look like they would be some of the best spin bowlers in the world
jeet scam not buying your bags Rackesh
Post hand faggot
everyone is excited for no fucking reason which is a red flag on Dab Forums, I'm guessing you were all airdropped
Yes sirs, buy for 2 goats now, sell for 20 later. Will have all the bob and vagene in all of Mumbais.
Project has plenty of technical discussion and even Garzik in the discord and telegram. Not sure why everyone sound rot shills here.
they airdropped %11 of total supply to people who bought in at $2.50 and farmed in the 3 month beta release window I'm not touching this
good taste user
It's not allowing me to deposit into the vVSP on the Vesper app, is it open for deposits?
Nope, stay out
it should work, use chrome and open a new tab
There was an airdrop to early (((investors))). Obviously word is being spread to pump the project, but the cheapest anyone here would have bought in would be $25. The OP of one of the OG info dump threads two nights ago bought in at $14. I am a white Anglo Saxon male, and genuinely think this is a good project.
I deposit my VSP into the app to get vVSP. What happens if I withdraw? Does it go back to VSP?
I want to transfer it from metamask to a physical wallet and then deposit it
do you... do you even know who the co-founders are?
first of all connect your hardware wallet to metamask and do all your transaction from there. its the best and safest way to use metamask.
Second, yes you will receive your VSP tokens back when you unstake. (tho there is a 24h lock after you deposit/stake your VSP)
I doing it through Metamask on the mobile app, won't let me go through Chrome
download the metamask extention on chrome
Thanks user. 100 is reasonable
Woah Dab Forums changed so fast, it doesn't even looks like half of it fell for XNS a few days ago
So if I understand this correctly, I one would for example exchange 100 VSP to vVSP and hold it for 1 day at an earning rate of 1% (fictional), you would get back 101 VSP when exchanging vVSP back to VSP after the 24h lock?
>Team is full curry
>One of the original BTC developers
>One billionaire
>3 indians in the entire team
>full curry
Ngmi. Fuck off to some dog token or something.
how to stake?
nice pic, hope you don't mind that I saved it
>If you stake. The APY is about 47%.
is the APY variable or does it remain static ate the date of the stake?
Is 6k VSP enough to make it?
variable. It will only increase from here as fees are mostly collected on withdrawals. the current 47% means that roughly 2-3M$ is withdrawn everyday. As traffic increases it will go up, unless the number of vsp staked increases at the same rate
proof or larp
$3,000 EOY - placing market cap at about $30Bn?
Good luck retard.
Vesper bros... we're dumping
its only one whale who received a massive airdrop who is offloading. I wouldnt worry so much
are you from the future because i dont see it faggot
Too lazy / paranoid to post proof
Have you seen the inside of any tech company? They are all full curry because Indians know how to grind and play politics
Whales are not buying it. They are only depositing in VESPER LPs
Still believing in nxt gen defi with a 50m marketcap. Whales arent surpressing the price. Theyre unloading untill theyve made maximum profit and nobody will buy anymore. Youll be bagholding.
>They are only depositing in VESPER LPs
which puts buying pressure on VSP
>Whales are not buying it
some are, some only use stablecoins to deposit
Vesper is however building a platform so the real whales like can get in
ok I excanged my VSP to vVSP
It doesn't look like the sort of scam that is being shilled here all the time
You niggers said this shit was going to $500. I bought 60 VSP and now it's dumping AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Sell now, -$500 EoD
It is variable. It will be interesting to see how many people just opt to stake VSP instead of Eth
Good. Maybe then you’ll stop being a weak handed faggot and get over yourself
A price of $250 EoY would mean a total $1.4 billion market cap, which would rank in the sub top 50 at the current point.
I staked 100% of my vsp. Is this bad?
Why would it be bad
In other words it's not actually going to $500 or $250 and I got shilled someone's at the top again?
>A price of $250 EoY would mean a total $1.4 billion market cap, which would rank in the sub top 50 at the current point.
I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. A $2500 EoY would mean a total $1.4 billion market cap, which would rank in the sub top 50 at the current point.
It says it already has 420m mcap at $42 on the website, coingecko data is probably not updated
2500 confirmed thank u
It's a 2 day old coin, if you expect to x10 your money in that time frame then you should jump on the the latest pnd scheme going on.
Poor 85 vsp holder... will I make it?
>It says it already has 420m mcap at $42 on the website, coingecko data is probably not updated
That is fully diluted, coingecko has the circulating supply i.e. the current market cap
$250 is perfectly reasonable
$500 is reasonable with the bull market and decent adoption
$1000 is if this is the go-to crypto platform for institutions
So you mean there is still hope?
Where can I find data about the tokenomics? Can't find anything in their docs, they vaguely mention some vesting periods
That’s fully diluted
No I was wrong. If it would go to $500 that would be a market a market cap of roughly $280 million, which would be ranked somewhere between 121 - 130 at the current point. This is nothing. VSP could easily go beyond $1000. The more I read the white paper, the more I understand that these guys will use VSP as a liquidity pool to feed hedge funds etc.
Yes but the full supply will be released by EOY
So stake and get passive income until then? I don’t see what you guys are worried about. If this hits 1 bil market cap then I’ll be making hundreds of dollars a day just sitting on my ass
Is it even worth staking such a small amount as 60 tokens?
>>It says it already has 420m mcap at $42 on the website, coingecko data is probably not updated
This is the sum of the fully diluted market value. This means, this is what VSP's market cap would be if all the VSP's in its total supply were issued. But only 7% of the max supply are circulating right now (max supply that can be issued is set to 10,000,000 VSP).
The current VSP market cap is mln $28,511,116
x 10 market cap would be mln $280 (ranked ~121 to 130)
x 100 market cap would be bln $2.8 (ranked ~80 to 50)
>Where can I find data about the tokenomics?
Ok Anons jump in before it hit $100. When you stake VSP you have 42% yearly paid every 24h. New VSPs distributed to skaters are from pools fees and bought from the market at current price. Sounds a bit like a ponzi but you have a chance to be early.
I made 1vsp ($40) in 24h
you can withdraw it whenever you want
Visit the Vesper YouTube channel for regular updates and community calls
Anybody who is stupid enough to Invest in this nigger scam coin deserves to rope themselves.
you are stupid if you dont go all in now. It literally came out yesterday. the code was audited 2 times and the team has the best network in the space.
This really sounds like an automated decentralized ponzi scheme desu
That's peak technology
TVL is looking good, bought a smol staked stack
Go fuck a monkey, Rajeev. No one is buying your shit coin anyways. VSP all the way.
If ChainLink taught me one thing, than it is to have Iron Hands.
read the documentation on vesper's website, its all there
yeah and I've heard that they plan to make custom cosmetics line in a future
Nigga you are the most retarded fucking person I have ever met.
$2500 at the end of this year would give the coin a market cap of 25 BILLION fucking dollars you ape. Not 1.4 Billion.
The math is so fucking simple I know you are a low IQ spastic. 10,000,000 (tokens) * 2500 (price) = Marketcap. 25 Billion.
I literally hold VSP because I think it should make it to $100 but jesus you're a fucking retard.
>pajeet fud
It's all they have.
what seriously, why?
Wrong again faggot. And the team said most tokens will be circulating after one year.
Ah yes another pol minded chad missing out on another moon. Stay rich friend.
> 10,000,000 (tokens) * 2500 (price) = Marketcap. 25 Billion.
You are calculating with the fully diluted market value of 10,000,000 VSP's, but only 7% have been issued. Töte dich Du Hurenbastard.
>The team said most tokens will be circulating after one year.
Source: my ass
It's in their docs
right now the circ supply is about 2.3M tokens according to the team. the rest of the tokens will be unlocked 1/12 each months for the next year. So one year from now the circulating supply will be 10 millions. Do some research ffs its all available in the docs
Source - the team. Cope harder you raging faggot this is why you always lose.
Just look at how wrong you are now change your ID and keep shilling with the correct math you faggot.
I wont dip my toes in a shit stained token, no matter how big it pumps.
fuck you nigger im not the other guy but you are so retarded i had to correct you. Read the docs before saying anything else u uneducated monkey
I read them and I'm right you dipshit.
End your own life. Okay 8,000,000 is not 10,000,000 but close enough to make your math look retarded. You also assumed 28m marketcap right now but clearly since there are 1.3m tokens in circulation current undiluted marketcap is 60m. Diluted is 380m (since we sold off).
I'm sorry you're too dumb to invest but just know that your money goes towards making smarter people richer. It's natural selection.
no, about 70% in 1 year
Guys is it fucking over? The number stopped going up? Do I buy $ROPE?
I just woke up and am glad to see that there was a rather hefty correction. Healthy, and allowed more anons to get onboard the moon mission. It also means the (((insitutional investors))) likely dumped a lot of their airdropped tokens. Good, fuck those kikes. Now we can steadily rise back to 50 and beyond.
the community could vote to burn the rest of the supply though
you are the twat here, making a fool of yourself. You expect the market to be static. The market won't sit right at where it is right now in one year. Bitcoin can achieve a $10 trillion by the end of 2021. It were niggers like you who said, Bitcoin could never reach $50k and that Link could never reach $1.50. It were niggers like you who said, horse carriages would never be replaced by automobiles. Kill yourself.
Yeah but isn't this just yet another liquidity farming project?
Yes, it's over, newfag, you should shoot yourself or something. The price will never, ever, ever go above 40 again.
Poorfag here only got 197, what am I looking at EOY?
>42% yearly paid every 24h.
What does this mean? That's just 42% per year right?
Someone is already staking in their pool?
I made 1vsp in 24h from 660tokens
My honest guess would be around 300 dollars.
It means you get 42% per year but you get it paid linearly, daily, so you get 42/365 % per day, or 0.115% per day. So if you have 100 VSP staked you will receive 0.115 VSP a day or 1.15 in 10 days and around 3.45 a month.
Horse carriages, user I...
bring dich um alda, 2500 ist leider nicht möglich
whats the simplest way for a coinbase boomer to buy VSP? buy DAI and send it to 1inch?
Swap to ETH if you don’t already have some in your wallet.
It's compounding. The APY applies also to the previous bonuses I believe.
So we're mid dead cat aren't we?
go look at the chart after pumping to $38 for the first time. We are are just in a correction
You have to click the % you want to deposit in the pool underneath
Nooo my vesperinos
bought at 50 ((
It compounds automatically? Sweet. I wondered because when you enter the pool it gives you vVSP in 1:1 ratio for your VSP but now I have more VSP in the app than vVSP in my wallet and was a bit confused as to what it did with them. So it compounds automatically? That's fucking sweet.
Stop panicking and sell, tard. You reek of newfag.
fuck off we're full
i have ETH but i dont want to use it for this. coinbase reports to my authorities so id have to pay tax on it. id rater buy something to transfer to 1inch right away. is speed and fees same for ETH as DAI?
t. retarded boomer
I bought at 32 and then again at 44 so my average buy in is 38. Just stop looking at the chart for a week, honestly. All you people panicking, have you never seen a correction before? No chart ever goes up forever.
Well, apart from AMZN, but anything else will always correct at some point, multiple times. We'll correct from 100 to 75 in a fortnight and you'll all be screaming that the sky is falling in.
>liquidity farming project
Well I guess it is. We're just the beggars at the end. However, I'm positive about. It went public two days ago, think about that.
There are things that I like about it, so I don't have a bad feeling about investing:
1.) Team is fully visible, LinkedIn profiles are solid
2.) Top Management are not some stinking 21 year college grad zoomers
3.) Matthew Roszak is a hardened NY self-made man who has leadership skills and connections to the Chicago finance world
4.) Jeff Garzik has a software engineering background and is know to make good and timely decisions
5.) Top management is known to have a long term view on investments (Garzik is still holding BTC)
6.) The founders put their reputation at stake, if it turns out to be a scam
7.) Marketing communication is professiona; (YouTube, Twitter)
8.) Software is not being developed by some emoji twerking faggots (UNI)
9.) Documentation has no fucking emojis (UNI)
10.) Company is registered in the British Virgin Islands and not somewhere in Asia (Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, China etc.)
11.) They learned from other DeFi projects and determined 29.98% to be held as reserves from the beginning
You send your eth to your wallet and buy it there. Coinbase will probably count this as a 'sell' and report it anyway, but there's no other way to buy it.
>No chart ever goes up forever.
I think you've embarrassed yourself enough now buddy. 'It were' baka. At least my math and research was correct. Now you're in full cope mode.
Yes - except one that pretty much launched at $400m market cap so really not a 'hidden gem' that you'll make buckets of cash from.
If you buy the current BNB chart it means you're an idiot.
2 days ago when I bought vesper.
all right i'll just buy some eth then. how long until this is on coinbase anyway?
This post was written by brown hands.
Stay mad, Rajnav. I'm not buying your shit pajeet coin.
how do i buy this ass shit
>So it compounds automatically? That's fucking sweet.
I believe so, I was talking to a team-member in discord and I believe he said as much
Meh. I could have bought BTC in 2011 but I didn't. Panic sell if you like, this shit is literally just getting started.
I've no idea but the project leads are like 'old money' in the crypto world so I don't think it'll take that long. Probably this year.
....The Future Is Clear......
Uniswap, 1 inch, Sushiswap or ProBit.
Amazing. I'm making about .8 VSP a day at the moment as it is. I worked it out at around $11.5k per year.
Checked. Based. We need more memes, make more.
I haven't shilled a single coin? I'm also white British.
You got the math wrong. You hadn't read the tokenomics paper. You posted to Dab Forums and got corrected and took it like a little bitch. You probably bought this shit at $50 but will larp you bought at 30 cents. You're completely retarded.
I don't even have a problem with the token I'm sure it'll see some gains but you needed to be corrected because your mathematics was incorrect.
>reddit spacing
Yikes, Nigel, tone it down. Also there's no such thing as 'white British', just British, and foreigners.
god damn these exchanges are a fucking nightmare to figure out for a boomer like myself
What are the gas fees like to stake right now. Would it be worth staking 30 VSP?
ill pass on the shitoken scam
Probably not.
That'd get you 12.5925 a year at the current rates. It cost me about 40 dollars gas to stake mine yesterday, so you'd make that back in 1 month.
Panicking retards need to look at this
>hurr durr I don't need to DYOR
>It says 'finance'
>me no like word
>big scam
lmao stay poor
jesus christ 0.065 eth in fees to buy vsp on 1inch wtf
Yeah Ethereum is a joke and will tax you heavily but you'll make it back in the end whenever a project you bought moons. Just don't make small buys otherwise it's literally pointless.
It's on Bilaxy FYI
Its on bilaxy. Thinking of buying it there to avoid fees. Thoughts?
I really, really hate eth
should i just buy some dot on binance instead? i can deposit fiat there right? i have all my crypto on eth and ethbased coins, might be wise to hedge a bit by getting some dot?
Nothing I buy will ever really help me make it.
So when it breaks below will that mean something?
VSP needs to reach mln $290.5 market cap to hold $41.5 at its full circulation by the end of the year, which is btw. capped to a maximum supply of 70.1%. If the market cap would reach bln $1.29, the price would be at $206 per asset or $412 per asset at a market cap of bln $2.58. There is also the possibility of an vVSP earning rate (currently at 47.02%), which will probably slide down to 5% by the end of the year. Anyways, there's a solid yield to be made and since I'm a German, it's fully tax free if I hold it from today on for one year. It's basically free money and it's all legal. This is much more interesting, than investing in stonks at a 25% tax rate. I don't invest in shit tokens or bubbles. Mohammad, you did not reach the paper, you are the poor faggot who can't into the DeFI mindset.
bought there
price is higher tho
...We will be leaving soon Anons Would you like to join?
>and since I'm a German
>that pepe
Massive sell sign I'm so nervous.
why does the site not show me how much i've earned from staking? why is the number fluctuating so wildy? pls sirs I need new village
if it starts a new trend, one whale dumping 30 eth or something and spiking the chart wouldn't change the trend unless dozens of retards started dumping
its at 37 guys. i might buy some more if it keeps dipping to the 20s.
Based German autism. This guy gets it.
The only people more autistic about money than the Germans are the Jews. That guy is my buy signal.
Portfolio fluctuates at price and I believe rewards are distributed daily and not real time.
How much have you bought?
I have all my VSP sitting in metamask at the moment. Can I put it on my ledger?
you should probably stake it then move the staked token to your ledger or something
You literally proved in this thread you didn't read the whitepaper.
It's too late to try and save it now. But yes - 40% is tax free so enjoy.
At what price is this broken? Let's clear it up before you move the trendline.
I'm pretty new to this. Is it okay to send vVSP to the ledger ethereum account I connected to my metamask?
If I can't would the transaction just fail or would I lose everything?
I bought roughly 1000 over the last two days. I want to buy a house near Edenkoben (Südliche Weinstraße) before the prices go up again. It's the sunniest place of Germany and probably the second-only warmest German speaking place on the planet, besides Mallorca (which we should annex btw).
keep thinking like that and you'll never will
you should first connect your ledger to metamask, if you can't send the staked tokens it will just fail, then you would have to unstake and send the normal token. Which would suck imo because you lose the benefit of staking the tokens.
Oh no no no. Lmao
dont really care gonna buy the dip. this shit barely even started yet.
You have thrown your money away to 'strategic investors' who got in at $2.50.
dont care i knew it was a gamble and you dont know shit faggot so fuck off
go lick some salty stones or whatever you do in bongland
>Shitty whales keep trying to suppress the price but they're losing steam and tokens.
kek, at least two wallets ive seen have 7-8 figures and thousands of vesper tokens kek. why the fuck are they selling
>$35 and dropping
Thought this was my chance.
Guess I'll buy rope.
>Candle absolutely devoured.
Support sustained.
Really can't tell with this young of a chart, I would say $30 would give cause for slight concern if you bought late.
I should've listened.
Oh shit didn't refresh yet. So yeah, no clue. We could see a lot of panic selling, but I'm not dropping my position lol
was just about to buy in but idk what to do now
you're getting it at a discount
The fact you missed quints by one is a sign from god.
yea i just bought
I'm gonna stop shilling anything I buy to Dab Forums now. The amount of panic-selling newfags is fucking outrageous. It soothes my seething heart that you faggots are going to lose 95% of your gains when we hit bear market and you'll never recover.
In all seriousness now is probably not a terrible buy. I'm looking at entering around these prices for the run to $100.
What the hell do you recommend?
the double bottom is in lads
Looks downhill from here.