Egg Price Predictions?
I'm predicting over $10,000 in 2 weeks
Egg Price Predictions?
I'm predicting over $10,000 in 2 weeks
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I don’t care. I’m shitting so many Eggs out of my nest I’m becoming a food token millionaire without the price pump
0$ in 3 days
Listed in defistation soon
Audit tomorow
No goose = loose
how to buy this
what pool is the best?
It's fucking beautiful
dont fall for these godam shitscam chinkers
u will get dumped and rugpulled
this has to be updated, the circ supply is much higher
Cya in 6 months
they removed the main part of the code that allows rugpulling but there's no reason for them to bother until BNB begins to crash
where do i Buy this??????????
in 6 months I'll be sniffing coke on columbian hookers asshole thx to goose mother
This is by far the safest BSC farming vehicle.
Why did I choose EGG in the first place?
Great mascott, brings nice adition for security, soon audit, retweet by big twitter account followed by CZ.
Why am I really hodling though?
Its the FUD. This is actually a great sign, I don't see any fud on other apys.
This means people want to buy lower, where they don't with other APYs
retarded newfag
Gecko has very poor info on new BSC stuff. Also Egg removed the part of the code that was used to rugpull staking pools on some other platforms.
Use Changelly to trade crypto for bnb then send the bnb to your trust wallet. If you can't figure out how to do something as simple as this you will never make it
Your bot is broken bro
0 tomorrow
Hey bros is nesting safe? Or is there risk involved?
nesting is safe as its basically staking, with farming you have risk of impermanent loss but that's only an issue if u sell when it dumps or if they rugpull which doesnt seem likely as they removed the code for rugpulling
If I understand true nesting is the safe one and farming got some strange shit that make me stay out of it
if circulating on coingecko is correct, this is easy x5 from here check the TVL
Even if I have BNB on my trustwallet, how the hell do I get it to Binance Smart Chain?
nah this is real stats here
when I retire i will regularly come to this board just to throw shade on the BAKEies and CAKEies that missed out
How the fuck do I buy this goosey motherfucker I can’t find it on cakeswap
You can just use the exchange. Or search by contract address on PancakeSwap.
reminder that the EGG guys literally only talk about other rugpulls and how much they're Not a rugpull themselves on their medium. community manager screenshot + broken english are big warning signs too - proceed with caution.
i'm sure there's money to be made for now, but don't risk holding too long desu
Yeah so said the same yesterday bro, we heard you but we don't care desu
They talk about rugpulls because it's how they differentiate themselves from the other APYs
i was a 50 egg holder , im already out. It is so sus that they keep talking about not being able to rugpull.
legit not fudding here but I wouldnt put all my eggs in this basket. I hope everything workse out though
I invested 130$ in rubic, now it's only worth 60$. Do you think it would be clever to sell that rubic shit and buy more egg with that money?
I've only got 3 EGGs. Is there any point?
I moved some of my stagnant ERC-20 coins into BSC for some quick gains. Its all the rage right now, you can probably make that money back somehow.
Hey that's more than what I have. I lack money and balls but investing just a little helps me grow balls for the future when I hopefully also have money. So be happy with you 3 eggs!
U make money buying egg or farming with other pairs ?
>still not even 50mil mcap
this project is based
Dev AMA today:
Why cannot this shit breach $150
CAKE BAKE and BNB mooning meanwhile
lmao space is curving around her
Anyway, AMA on twitter today
tell me user if I did that correctly..
I got 200 USDT and 200 BUSD added to LP on pancakeswap, go about 197 LP
Went to and drop my LP there .. is this correct ?
Have some patience, we're pretty early
It’s literally all a rug pool lmao. Every single BSC coin is. Just sell before it rugs. Ez
its going to soon be patient, it'll be worth a few k soon just keep harvesting eggs
btw speaking of that, whats best farm for most eggs?
bnb-egg or the busd-egg?
yeah you see where it says ''harvest'' in a few minutes eggs will start building up there
They keep talking about it cause people keep calling it a rugpull
They talk much more about the burn and incubators mechanics but people going on and on about rugpull so of course they're going to point out that no, they removed that part of the code, and there's also an emergency withdrawal system in place
you can also add or withdraw the USDT-BUSD with the -/+
to remove it completely you need to go to liquidity where u put USDT/BUSD together and do it there
A dozen eggs is all it takes to start your nest egg to find the next egg.
Honk Honk, you filthy sluts.
thanks user, and what's the harvest buttoon means ? it's to withdraw the Egg once I got some ?
yeah its just if u want to withdraw to sell or go nest them
Thanks mate
realistically we are going to $600 this week
this remind me of sushi, everyone was calling it a scam and a rugpull but the tvl kept increasing. This is hitting $1,000 in a few weeks when everyone catchs up with BSC
Suicide and make it?
New $150 stable coin! Not bad for defi
make it is prob over 100 assuming 10k high
suicide is over 10
really think this could hit 10k?
yeah, the TVL / Marketcap ratio with low supply emission is just nuts. Do the math this is going to got nuts in the next few days.
Yeah, just needs a 2.5 billion mcap
Sushiswap which will be dead now due to eth gas fees hit 2.1 billion
This does remind me of the early days of sushi.
even less of a mcap if everyone is staking their coins and providing liquidity, just depends on sell pressure
I'm nesting bnb on goose since I knew it would moon from all these goofy food coins. egg seems to be the most legit one that actually burns eggs and does what they say. You miss out on price rise if you farm but egg-busd would be good unless you think egg will moon here soon.
yeah i was doing the math there on egg-busd and its around 7 days to ''breaking even'' in the sense that you will have same amount of Eggs had you jut bought and held egg in first place
seems after that you're swimming especially then if you take those eggs and nest them creating infinite loop of eggs
if this does a sushi swap then i think might put a % into egg-busd to create this loop
thats assuming as well the APY stays around the same which it will start going down next few days too
is this going to pump soon, it's been crabbing for a while
Over $150 now
crabbing doesnt matter when you're harvesting
egg is one of the most secure tokens on BSC.
Crabbing is sort of ideal if you are in an LP with insane APY.
Honk Honk, you fucking degenerates.
everyone generates 100k eggs per year
each worth several thousand $
not a rug at all
yeah lol, nesting's been great! :)
You dumb pajeet, the APY is going down the more people get on it you dumb currymen
Now shut the fuck up and get goosed
it goes down as more people join in dumbo
I'm nesting but i know the second i start to dabble in LP, EGG will moon. Im just gonna stake my eggs for the time being. Might send over some BNB but i want it to moon first
lol it's called farming.
APY decrease dude.
sell some eggs and pool the cake-bnb pair. will moon in tandem, so less IL.
I'm so comfy bros...
How do you sell the EGG-BUSD LP combined token you need for farming back to EGG and BUSD bros?
I want to throw my money on this thing but i'm too dumb to understand how to buy, plz help, I need a detailed explanation.
if ur farming u need to hit the minus sign to take it out then you need to go to liquidity (its in trade section / where u put EGG-BUSD together) and then remove it from liquidity pool
setup binance smart chain on metamask and send bnb to it
connect your wallet
choose between farm and nests
when farming you need to provide liquidity here
then youll receive lp tokens then harvest on farm
nests is simply staking, just buy egg then stake it there
Why is it crabbing so hard bros?
there's also plenty of tutorials on youtube if ur stuck, once u see it once it'll click
i dont need your thanks faggot, suck my dick and give me one egg for my kind service nigger
I think the high price is off putting to people
they think it has already mooned because they ignore the market cap
May as well enjoy the farming/nesting before this goes off
impermanent loss only applies to LP farming yes? if i stake just EGG in a nest it wont be affected yes?
it's called consolidation, it did a 200% in a very short time give it a rest moonboy
this, also perfect time to farm, then stop farming when price rises and switch to nesting
Do you know this because they say it or because it has been confirmed by someone with knowledge?
>mfw only have 8 eggs
nest them and you'll gave 10 soon
I have 330 eggs but I feel inadequate
I'm making ~$40/hr farming right now, let it crab
Top 5 holders own 95% of supply
im assuming you forgot to omit the burn address?
Where are you guys viewing the graph of the latest price? AstroTools is way behind the actual price. CoinGecko?
10 trillion EOY
Classic example of something to avoid imo... was registered 11 days ago
Github commits started appearing only about 8-9 days ago and it is not possible to identify who is committer 'GooseAdmin'
Twitter/medium also very new
Seems like a scam to me
Based retard, also holder list is not good since I don't show up there with my 330 eggs
If anything, this was before the BNB/BSC boom. That's a good thing.
wait nvm I guess if you stake or LP it doesn't show up
>Based retard, also holder list is not good since I don't show up there with my 330 eggs
Yeah, I'm not showing up either.
staked and farmed eggs don't show, everyone is nesting the eggs if you look at the bscan
Insanely bullish right now lmao.
Bought $15k worth and we'll see if it can turn into $45k at least.
Looks like toilet seats were modeled after her curves
Your faces when you're left holding "eggs"
>if you're lucky and it doesn't rug
Try and sell that in 2024
and the contracts. babby's first etherscan investigation
We're out by 2022 cuz most of EGG holders will make it during this year. Stay poor.
>staked and farmed eggs don't show, everyone is nesting the eggs if you look at the bscan
Ah, that makes sense.
Niggers stop seething please
Makes me want to fill even more
Can anybody tell me what the Compound button in Nests do??
what a terrible apy, look at SMOKE, thank me later (my skin is white)
stake what youve earned
Egg i earned into the nest. Then that generates more egg that i should compound..why? what does that do.
what do you mean why? you understand you make more if you have more in the nest, right? so you take the stuff you've earned and add it to the nest so that you're earning faster. pic related is you
bro, its not that hard. It just saves you the transaction fee, if you click "compound" the eggs that you've earned goes back to staking, rather than you having to withdraw to your wallet and then nest again
Got it. Im sorry for the retard spores
same q
i'm in the BUSD pool but don't think that's the smartest play
I hide my info on my websites so people don't harass me and my employers aren't aware.
I heard the creator of bitcoin is anonymous as well what a scam
Holy fuck what a dumb comment. You realise there's a big difference between a token and a coin right?
do I need to supply liquidity for nesting? It takes me to the liquidity page on Pancake
A company offering financial services shouldn't be hiding their details when people lock up their money there... If they were legitimate. Who does anyone contact if there's an issue? Do you know the names of who runs it?
There's a big difference between hiding your details for a personal website vs hiding them when offering financial products. One will result in losses to many parties.
Tomorrow audit, I can't fucking wait bros
"salt flowing"
No fucking tears here faggot you can keep your shit scam coin and enjoy getting goosed up the arse by the nigger who runs goose finance when he disappears.
Would it be possible in the future to compound automatically without incurring a fee? I'm guessing no because the earned eggs have to move from one address to my own?
anyone else binance being slow as fuck? cant even view my wallet at the moment
really annoying, because i cant send BNB from my atomic wallet to metamask, but now i cant send anything from my binance wallet to metamask either -.-
>Do you know the names of who runs it?
Super Chef
where did you find out about the audit???
@certik_io on twitter
nah you cant compound automatically, at least from what've seen.
If you click "compound" the harvested eggs go directly to staking = one transaction
On the other hand, if you click withdraw, you have to move that fund from wallet back to harvest = 2 transaction. Just saves the hassle
Whats the big deal nigga?
Were you bitten by a goose as a kid or something?
Audit coming tomorrow, meanwhile keep the seeth going monkey.
Down below
Currypeople seething is the most trustworthy positive indicator there is user.
We get the results today.
Implying an audit of a smart contract means they won't just disappear...
Anyway, I've had enough trying to teach you something. PLENTY of shit like this has appeared in the past and then DISAPPEARED.
how do you know the results come out today? Im on their site, all i see is "on going process" next to goose
yeah appreciate the FUD, definitely something to look into. I dont like it when the board is filled with shills
Hot off the press.
0 in 15 minutes
>I dont like it when the board is filled with shills
You're new I guess?
If the best you can come up with for fud is the fact that the founder is anonymous, then I guess everything looks pretty good in my opinion.
literally just a pyramid scheme. If you made a profit then get out when the gettings good.
IDK, from what I've seen, goose is really similar to sushiswap, and sushiswap has been doing really well for a mere "pyramid scheme"
do we need to use high bnb gas or something right now? my withdrawals from pancake have failed 5 times
huh. so you have to harvest first before you can unstake, and i guess thats only if youre farming a coin other than cake? because ive definitely unstaked cake when farming cake before.
just waited like 3 bucks on gas for this wtf.