ITT OG LINK marines only.
Whats your take on LINK recently? Do you still believe in it? Ar you about to sell? Why?
ITT OG LINK marines only.
Whats your take on LINK recently? Do you still believe in it? Ar you about to sell? Why?
Other urls found in this thread:
In the time BNB went from $40 > $300
LINK went $34 > $32
Sold. Tired of crabbing.
i just need link to get to 35.65$ again. i need to get a 2m portfolio to finally stop being in 7 figure purgatory
What did you sell for?
Arent you afraid LINK would shoot up in next weeks/months?
Consider me: hyped!
Don’t give a shit. Never selling
Sold half for RLC. Not risking all in anymore
YOLOd into VSP
This is crazy. The FUD is starting to get to me now, I'm selling for BNB...
>trading undervalued Link for overvalued pump and dump coins.
why would I sell the most relevant crypto project?
For me, it's never fucking selling.
I was just taking a look at the LINK/USDT pair on Binance (the 4H) and it's truly beautiful to see such steady, even growth. It's a little difficult (not extremely) seeing some crap moon around LINK...I'm sure it would be worse if I wasn't sitting on $1.5M in CL already. We're gonna make it bros...all ya need is just a little patience.
selling when it hits $1000 as foretold
Because its crabbing for eternity
I’ll be waiting for you at the top
OG with a big stack (>100k) here.
Seething because of what happened and how centralized shitcoins overtook us, but again link hasn't delivered much in more than 3 years... Still centralized oracles with kyc, still no arbitrum, no mixicles, no staking, etc.
Sure lots of defi apps use it and it justifies the rank 10.
Won't sell though because if I sell and it pulls a bnb I'll legit kms.
Also my stack is already worth make it money where I live (3rd world) so I'm not complaining too much, but it could've been better.
>$2MM not 7 figure hell
Heh, you’re in for a rude awakening.
Not following it that closely anymore. Do I believe in it? Yes and no. They're slow to deliver and more innovative platforms are emerging. Sold most of my stack to defi blue chips and smaller defi coins. Probably selling most of what I still have for a promising ICO soon
missed the greatest bullrun in human history because I'm holding this sorry fucking SHIT
Relevant to what you dumb nigger using the same lines used the last 2-3 years
Sold 15k of my 20k stack in December for shitcoins and 5x’ed. No ragrets.
>t. etherdelta fag
OG link marine here. Yes, I'm about to sell all my link, you're welcome, thank you.
naw i'll be better off than most. 2m is a secure amount but nowhere near enough to make it. its about seeing the bright side of things. i need 10m to make it and not fuck it up
The big pumps you've seen for other shitcoins will happen for link simply because smart money believes it will. We've been climbing slowly but steadily because smart money is buying in before the parabolic pump. Now we're just waiting for the snowball effect ftom FOMOing dumb money.
I love LINK!
It's shit senpai. I sold earlier this week because it's shit. I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines while everything else moons, I want to make some fucking money alright?
did you just fud yourself you dumb retard?
We probably have similar stacks but I am 100% sure I won’t be comfy at $2MM (post taxes) because I have been there due to cumulative net worth and it literally feels no different than even $50k did. I’m also eyeing $10MM across all my investments but I do sometimes wonder if I’ll feel the same then... constantly doing mental gymnastics about how much I REALLY need to live the “basic” life I want and not have to work.
Fundamentals haven't changed, so my "never selling" strategy hasn't changed either. I don't care about the price.
he forgot to change his IP
i was 50% link 50% bnb until today, i am now 100% BNB, i'm very happy with my decision
solded for sentinel
>ITT OG LINK marines only.
>Whats your take on LINK recently? Do you still believe in it? Ar you about to sell? Why?
Its pretty cool. I stopped paying attention for a little while and it went up to 25 all of a sudden. Then I tried to swing from 25 and it went to 35. Now I want to rope.
not once have i ever considered selling my LINK. you need to toughen the fuck up. do you need to be told you are pretty every day also cupcake?
Bought in 2018 and sold it a month ago. It's still one of the best projects in crypto, but the growth potential just isn't there anymore. I might be able to double or even triple my money with LINK this bullrun, but since selling in january I have already made a 5x with other cryptos. And the bullrun isn't anywhere close to over.
My goal in crypto is to make money. Not end up being so emotionally attached to a project that I pass up the opportunity to maximize the amount of money I make.
subtle psyop thread
OG here bought 230k pre ICO sold the top at $35 this shitcoin is just too slow held this for three fucking years just to watch shitcoins moon left and right I can't take it anymore if your smart you will follow my lead and sell this russian snail coin it'll go up 5% in the next 6 months and then dump 50% in one day fucking scam
>is just a simple price feeder
>was innovative at the time but now 20+ other projects do similar things
Holy fuck link delusion is on another level these days
Sold half my LINK for LTO as the fundamentals are astonishing.
How much you need to make it is just dependent on how frugally you plan on living. I honestly think 1m will be enough for me to make it and play vidya and watch anime for the next 40 years.
fucking retard
OG here bought 230k pre ICO sold the top at $35 this shitcoin is just too slow held this for three fucking years just to watch shitcoins moon left and right I can't take it anymore if your smart you will follow my lead and sell this russian snail coin it'll go up 5% in the next 6 months and then dump 50% in one day fucking scam
That is just it, Sergey is incredibly slow and this is an indictment on his talent at Labs and lack of focus. It's been almost a year since SmartCon and they have achieved very little since
how much did they pay you for this ranjeet?
>is 2021
>still massively coping like LINK hasn’t been an absolute shit investment for 8 months now
>Ar you about to sell?
somewhere around 81,000 Im going to sell 3-5% once a few months
Couldn't care what's happening in the market, or the price of LINK, in still buying like I was at the beginning and never selling, I'm not a trader.
I'm looking forward to staking for a passive income for life, I'll never risk that gambling.
there comes a point where i feel like any og would have this thought. some already gave in and thought fuck it im done. its why there were some walls that weren't being taken away when we started pumping at every doller. i think a basic life is worth 10m. you need at the minimum 5 m all expenses paid so 10m living off the interest is good.
the problem is having a change of plans. we dont know what will come up in the future
Grug want berry! Grug fomo!
Just sold all my link and put it all on BNB
Well written Zhou
Here have a (you)
absolute state
I got 9,600 link on the original ico, for about 1k in eth at the time (3 ether). Over the years I’ve fucked up, sold a bunch at like 76 cents, sent some to an incorrect address at one point (of course there was some bullshit called “etherlink” with the same call sign on an exchange), and generally just whittled it down to 2k link.
I sold half of them when it peaked (or so I thought) at $10 at the time, before it went up to like $20 for the first time, and finally traded my last 1k link at $26 into boomer rocks. My entire portfolio is hedged against the dollar, 70% gold/silver and 30% crypto. I still hold some eth, bat, bch and stellar.
I think the market is way over inflated has been for a very long time, and is long overdue for a massive correction. But it’s hard not to capitalize on a clean x25 investment from 2017. I will probably miss the moon but I’ll try to be happy for the linkies if/when it does.
I think 10m is really the true make it number, but honestly at around 1.5-2m its not that bad if you're a single guy and you live frugally. 2m is def enough. if you want to have kids and a family, etc... then yes 10m is the number.
Thanks for the advice Jiang Lu
Just sold 10k Link
>the problem is having a change of plans. we dont know what will come up in the future
Checked . Thats true but at the same time there will be lot's of opportunities in the near future. It's not like you get 1m and then stop. Keep investing in smart things and you will never have to work again.
the 50/50 was a solid folio
now youre just playing with fire
coomers can't wait on a guaranteed 50x because they're too busy chasing 3x coinflip pumps
i do plan on once having 10m to get a trading stack and again living as minimally as possible, especially will pick on volunteering. the only thing i fear is that there will never be another investment like link. 2018 created the perfect bear market that forced a lot of scammers to stop and Dab Forums having to seriously discuss what will actually moon. it'll never come again in the next 3 years
All Top 50 coin pumps are manipulated.
Do you think they will pump a price of a token that has a bunch of high bagholders from 2019/2020 link bullrun that will sell?
>> But i am not selling
Sure retards, the og’s will start taking that opportunity
>i do plan on once having 10m to get a trading stack and again living as minimally as possible
Do you have a problem with your head or are all your neighbors Saudi princes? Because this shit you're spewing about 10m of investment capital buying you a "basic" life and minimal living is just insanity. Even at 5% yearly gains, which doesn't require any real trading activity on your part, that's 500k per year of pure profit you can spend on what the fuck ever. That's 5x what a normal middle class retard makes working full-time. There's nothing basic or frugal about that, and you sure as shit don't need another 1000x moonshot like LINK to do whatever the hell you want.
I stopped believing. Look at BNB thats some chad shit.
Nope, just a rando in Indiana. In 2018, the total crypto marketcap fell from about $900b to $225b. This year’s bullrun has brought it to well over $1.5T dollars. I remember things feeling invincible in December of 2017 too. It’s a volatile market and nothing’s guaranteed here. No shame locking up some profits while market is peaking at ATH.
pathetic shitcoin
i dont think theres anything wrong with my head. 10m in an snp index fund would average out to 5% a year. the problem with 5% is that its 5% including inflation. so to stop inflation and also have reinvesment into the account means 2.5% of the money i will never see.
to take your example that is 250k a year. im not a retard so i wont go for dividends so any cashout i ahve will be subject to capital gains tax. 250k a year cashing out would equate to approxitamely 20% tax so 50k is gone. with 10m in liquid investments i ll only have 200k a year in real spending power. add on property tax, utilities, insurance for car and life insurance and basic frugalities i may only have 100k a year to do what i want. that only equates to about 8 vacations and whatever the fuck else comes up like dining out clothing and hobbies. its not that much
People like you will never be satisfied. Enjoy being a miser eating beans while sitting on a pile of gold, I guess.
>Enjoy being a miser eating beans while sitting on a pile of gold, I guess.
implying beans cost 100k. people like you are the reason why lottery winners go broke. there is nothing wrong with adjusting for inflation and mandatory expenditures. cope more
Oh you are gonna cry
You're the one that's crying about having 100k a year, bare fucking minimum, to spend on living AFTER a very generous amount left over to cover any and all expenses you'd expect from normal life AND inflation AND taxes. Most normal people make way less than that per year, BEFORE taxes, inflation and all of their expenses. Not to mention the 10mm capital that's sitting there.
Lottery winners going broke are retards, but you're on the other side of that spectrum. I don't know if you've got low self-esteem but secretly feel superior to everyone, because what you're going on about is just asinine, and any reasonable person would point that out.
feels like we're on the cusp of a new era
t. top 1k wallet
I mean, that would have sounded cool and feasible to me as like a young-mid 20's guy. I'm in my 30's, I have a wife and 2 kids. $1MM is nowhere near enough, I suggested the concept of trying to retire off my parents at $1MM about 2 years ago and they literally laughed in my face, and I knew they were right.
>Not having a tax exempt stock account
God I'm so glad I'm a bong
*to my parents, not off
To all my Chad link holders. Linkwave is kino. It’s gonna be worth the wait.
look my guy, im not going to blow 500k annuity every year off luxurious vacations and designer clothing i dont even fucking need. the entire point is MAKING IT WITH INFLATION. if i spend 500k a year, guess what? in twenty fucking years im not getting the same value for my money and how do i even explain that to my kids? dad just fucked you all over because he needed 1976 champagin?
100k isnt a lot when compared to rich people. it affords a nice upper middle class life but its nothing to gawk at. financial security and truly "making it" are two different things. im not saying im ungrateful or naything because this was done 100% with my own effort. im saying 100k is really good amount but its not like ill be shitting out gold. maybe my kid will be able to one day have 200k a year of spending power left over after all those things you said, then my grand kid has 400k a year purchasing power. its abnout making sacrifcies
10k suicide stack which i plan to never sell. $100 in 24 days
OG Coinbase listing LINK marine here. Let me drop some hopium. In a bear market, LINK hit $20 which coincided with a 350 SMA * 5. 5 is a golden ratio that when combined with a 350 SMA indicates a top. Now if LINK does an equivalent run in a bull market then we should hit AT LEAST $50. Now here is where things may get crazy. 8 is the next number in the golden ratio and LINK hit that in 2019 for $4.80. An equivalent 8 golden ratio would hit us at least $83. Since this is a bull market that is not off the table but $50 is likely a given.
8 months? nigger i bought this at 50c. i have been tortured for 3 years.
All nul linkers must suffer
All OGs went through this is 2017
You will feel so stupid to be holding link this year. Just wait until next year. Good luck trying to time it
36k link holder who is now retired.
Was a minimum wage dishwasher and cook at a diner stacking llinkies
OG here bought 230k pre ICO sold the top at $35 this shitcoin is just too slow held this for three fucking years just to watch shitcoins moon left and right I can't take it anymore if your smart you will follow my lead and sell this russian snail coin it'll go up 5% in the next 6 months and then dump 50% in one day fucking scam
Please dont drop shit like that here without any supporting hopium
>t. 2017 35k link oldfag
>LINK won't even do a 3x from here until the peak
I will kill myself.
Im using my link stack to borrow stable from Aave so i can buy ROSE. Getting a lot of early chainlink vibes from it, kinda nostalgic. Feels like im back in 2017
Went from $2 to $35 since I've owned it. I don't see a reason to sell. The slower shit moves before the bull run ends the higher it will end up being.
LINK chart will resemble this. Long sustained build up, then boom
You give them too much credit.
Someone make me whole. I'm short.
I'm never fucking selling, because I can't but still NOT SELLING.
>fag id
Checkes out
>guy who always sells to early says we need to correct
Damn what a mistake man. Just hold it’s so simple and here you were chasing pump and dumps. You didn’t research the product enough and you got burned. 25x for such an undervalued project is nothing most of us are up now like 125x
That it will moon again eventually, but it might take time. It's a fairly safe investment so i just have to wait. Waited 2 years to for link to make me a millionaire. I'm in no rush, I already cashed out enough to buy a house and a car and I have enough money that I'm comfy enough to do whatever I feel like doing
How do you input these lines into Trading view?
Impressive. Vice nice.
yeah but it was a good investment for 2 of those years, it didn't turn to shit until halfway through last year
You need to create an indicator within Pine Editor. As an example:
>plot(outx1,, title="Accumulation High", offset=offset)
>plot(outx8,, title="SELL NOW", style=plot.style_cross, offset=offset)
Same lad.
This. I'm always amazed when people list mistakes like the "experience" makes them an authority but then skip over the "so anyway here's why I was wrong and here's how you can avoid my mistakes" part completely.
lmao are people who bought in 2019 old enough to be considered OGs now?
Not OG OG but Chainlink wasn't on Coinbase until June 2019 which was when a lot of us who wanted Chainlink were finally able to get it.
Biggest cope ITT we will pump because of your mistake
OG ICO whale here that's friends with a guy that's friends with Sergey's cousin. Here's what he tells me to expect for the rest of the year.
Can Sergey time the market just once and drop the fucking staking during the bull run? It feels like they only release news during bear markets
it sucks but reality is lots of 2019 newfags bought between $1-$2 after Google, then Coinbase came in and shit want manic. It seemed late to join to a lot to us oldfags at the time but hindsight still based, even though they missed out on anywhere from 3-20x in extra gains. Like had someone dropped 35k at $1, they have my stack and would also be sitting on around $1.3M.
But fuck them at the same time since real link OGs sat and endured the 2017 sibos dump and 2018 bear market, so we feel no pain anymore. I can say at least for me, it’s desensitized money to me in ways I don’t really understand
>inb4 only 1m a year to do what I want, its not that much
>inb4 only 10m a year to do what I want, its not that much
>inb4 only 100m a year to do what I want, it's not that much
Wow only 100k a year to do what you want, sounds terrible. Oh wait, you're jist a deluded poor of spirit richfag.
line 6: Undeclared identifier 'outx1';
line 6: Undeclared identifier 'offset';
line 7: Undeclared identifier 'outx8';
line 7: Undeclared identifier 'offset'
I think even if these kind of people were billionaires they'd feel inadequate because Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos exist and can blow a billion into hookers and crack and make it all back by this time next month.
Anyway, we gaining now boys.
wtf are you getting your numbers? It's more like 10% annual return on sp, take 3% out for inflation and that's 350k a year on 5m
And that's taxed at long term cap gains, so it's basically equivalent to a 450k normal salary.
Even if you're some inflation doomer that doesn't matter because that will also inflate your boomer assets so it'll cancel out.
So? You fucked up everything, your opinion means nothing
I just took a look at their twitter announcements.
They surpassed my expectations.
I was afraid ETH was going to slow down everything, but it looks like the time for multiple blockchain networks has come 5 years sooner than I expected.
And it looks like all of them are going to use Chainlink.
Just wow.
they always find the worst possible moments to make announcements. why announce this shit when everyone and their grandmothers are pumping bnb
>I cant take it anymore
Then you are a femanon and you need to show tits or gtfo.
To hide it in the hype of BNB.
Don't forget who their real customers are.
Big banks, insurance companies and enterprises who despise pump and dumps.
this way they can release the good news without making it look like a pump and dump trying to get money from greedy normies with weak hands.
Chainlink also profits from BNB as they are providing oracles for them.
haha. I have never felt this bullish about link.
up 211% ytd is crabbing?
up 500% last year is crabbing?
up 350x since ico 3 years ago is crabbing?
OP is a retard of the highest order
I have more confidence in link's future potential now than I have at any time in its existence
Strap in boys, this shit's gonna be good
please... i just need 35.65... please pleasE please pump it there please i need my 2m
Too early, BNB will dump. Then buy.
Checked. Trips of truth. Now lets run it back turbo. It has always been $1K EOY
Dumping back to $32
I've been listening to Sergey while I walk the dog. The new and the old. Never been this fucking hyped man.
user, when the LINK FUD starts getting to you you're supposed to buy LINK.
That's how LINK works on Dab Forums .
You're making a lot of dangerous assumptions about the future of the stock market and inflation. Making it is about security and financial freedom, and you're basing your assumptions on a booming stock market and low inflation, which frankly is retarded. Inflation wouldn't necessarily inflate assets as much as cost of living. Sure right now the inflation we see is primarily in assets, but the worse things get the less that will be true. In Venezuela the stock market skyrocketed, but the purchasing power of those stocks declined by something like 90%.
that would honestly be so disheartening. why wont it pump there? im legit cursed. i dont even want to spend any of it i just need the picture im not even planning on selling why wont it be 35.65
I have 32 LINK, will I make it?
>you're basing your assumptions on a booming stock market
I'm basing my assumption on 93 years of data you fucking mong!
The America of the last century is not the America of the next century. We are quickly become Brazil-tier, and that's not even taking into account the devastation that the last year of lockdowns have had. Oil is not going to be as cheap as it was in the last 100 years as it will be in the next 100. And with higher oil prices comes higher cost of ALL economic activity. Unless you are a boomer there's really no reason to look at a historical price chart and assume that trend must continue forever, without looking at all of the real life variables that make this situation completely different.
im goign to have a mental breakdown please plesae please just rise by a dollar please its not too much to ask it already rose by 34 something
Very happy with how it’s turned out, very optimistic about the long term
How does 32 Big Macs sound?
I will sell 5-10% at no less than $100 and let the rest ride for as long as it takes.
How does 16,000 USD by December sound?
Could you give me some information on this?
Currently living in Germany and looking for ways to not pay capital gain taxes.
How does 320,000 sound?
This. why dont all these faggots that want to sell link on the next pump just sell now and be done with it. Then we can finally pump.
Looks like you want quick gains. Link wont moon. It will just go to $100 and then crash hard.
The reason why it is still shilled here is that there are still a bunch of bagholders who are already millionaires so they keep discussing this but if you are a newfag there are much better options.
Sergey doesnt care about the coin getting pumped. Fundamentals doesnt mean price pump in a bullrun, its all about hype.
okay doomer
have fun jerking off over your shiny metals while my investments go to the moon
Doesn't sound good
These sound more hopeful, but autistically exaggerated.
It's not "doomer," it's looking outside the fucking window. Texas just lost a week of power across the entire state because it was a little chilly outside. Our country is already in complete shambles, any problem that comes in the future is only going to exacerbate existing problems.
im one of those bagholding millionaires though... i just want 2 mill so i can actually call myself that but it looks like it aint happening this week. fml
>ohmagerd there was a blackout, economic and technological progress is coming to a screeching halt!
Painfully accurate on every point made.
Haha seems like I’ve found a pot of gold in the crypto button! You have to check CROP and make sure that I’m right! A lot of advantages in one place
Actually, they're all correct. Due to the soon-to-be rampant hyperinflation as lined out by , by December Big Macs are going to be $5000 each. By this time next year, they'll be $10,000 each. The price of LINK will be fundamentally tied to the Big Mac index, and McDonalds will become the main user of LINK's oracles to supply them with accurate price information in the incredibly volatile economy of tomorrow.
I'm going to have to push wheelbarrels full of bitcoins down the street just to pay for big macs for my starving children
Oh I know it. It’s going to go up and up forever
This is fud, way too low
If I didn’t believe in it, I wouldn’t have pulled out my entire 401k 3 years ago.
2017 Etherdelta OG.
Only 10k, I was too careful...
I still believe and I will only sell when staking is released and the network in full function. Everyone selling before deserves the swingy rope or is just retarded. We lost many OGs on the way, selling early. Don't end up in a screenshot, my dear OG brothers. Hold till staking... At least.
It's going to $100 in the worst case scenario before the bull run is over
This guy is beating high level doctors in annual income, and it still isn't enough lol.
Texas didn't "lose power", their electricity got turned off. One person's problem is another person's solution.
Yeah because the stupid government of Texas didn't purchase the equipment needed to handle cold temperatures
It's looking good. Nice stable growth. Lots of projects using LINK are doing well. Timing pumps is a fool's errand. I will simply wait for LINK's moment in the sun.
they rolled blackouts because letting people stay on the grid would have resulted in month+ long outages
ya it's gotta be some sort of fud to get mid 5 figure linkies to sell and chase pnds so they can get to 30 mill or some shit because having 5 mil at eoy just "won't be enough".
You are a naive little lady.
you don't know how to read
5m isn't enough. If every doctor achevied 5m why don't they all retire. I'm not fudding
who said every doc has 5 mil?
are you retarded?
5 million is not enough, link is for intergenerational wealth and freeing ourselves of the NIGGER
>t. 3 figure stack hodler
For any actual OGs who might be ITT. Remember in the early 2019 threads, when anons were saying the reason 10k was a make it stack was because so many people would sell early? Anyone selling now are those people.
That's what I'm saying though. You see this problem across the country. "Oh it's all the stupid government's fault!" What difference does that make? There could be a meteor falling from the sky and you'd still have people saying "oh that damn government, always making a mess of things!" At the end of the day things are getting increasingly fucked, and I would be money that we're not magically going to become more competent again.
It's never enough.
It will always hurt to sell Link for worthless fiat.
ya but I would trade link at $200 for some land and tech stocks to diversify
fuck holding fiat tho
Wasn't it the opposite?
The bigger your stack is and the earlier you will sell because you need less to make it.
Someone with a 100k stack now has more than 3 millions and may sell some, while someone with 10k need to wait until $300.
>btc milestone
>shitcoins pump
>Eth milestone
>link pumps
>btc milestone
>shitcoins pump
>eth milestone (we are $37 away)
>link pumps
This will continue until btc take the big shit.
it’s always surreal watching poor people FUD link
Unironically it may be better to remain in fiat like Buffett if you cash out now and wait for the crash to get things for free rather than to buy now things with an inflated price.
ok poorfag
I told you stinky bros
I'll post when I get out of BNB
the crash already happened last march, we bull now for the next 5 years
I wouldn't say that.
The crash will happen when people are allowed to move freely again and all the emergency measures have to end.
If governments try to indefinitely delay this then the crash will happen through hyperinflation.
The stock market will go up by 500% but the $ used as as reference will go down by 3000%.
nah ain't gonna happen
no way I can prove it but the hyperinflation meme is just a meme, you'll see
Even if hyperinflation technically does not happen as it is a 50% price inflation in a month, a 10% inflation is already enough to wipe out all your gains in a year from the stock market.
10% was the previous standard inflation without the BRRR abuse, which should make this go up to 20-30% per year.
The process may take 5-10 years but after it ends you will have lost more than you gained.
link is going to do a bnb anytime in the next few months
Once you have large piles of cash to work with it is easier than most people think to get yield on your money, especially buy buying businesses or by buying real estate. For example with $1 mm you could pretty quickly build $200k/year cashflow by buying distressed rental properties and rehabbing them. Not to mention you would probably instantly be creating a 30% equity gain for yourself
I got tired of link crabbing. Buy BNB.user from the other thread with bots and shit. Guys, buy now, set stop loss to 295, everything is going to be ok. Just buy and set the stop loss.
brrr is a meme
it was properly utilized to offset this
You are mistaking cause and consequence.
The monetary velocity went down when the FED printed trillions it gave to the banks because those trillions didn't move from the banks, but are now included in the calculations.