When the FUCK is Bitcoin going to crash?

When the FUCK is Bitcoin going to crash?

It can't sustain these gains all the way to $100k... can it?

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No sell

it sure can

bitcoin is not a stock, quit treating it like one. it is a new technology and the price shows adoption of the new technology
>omg there are a million new cell phone users today than yesterday, this is unsustainable!

>When the FUCK is Bitcoin going to crash?
It already did. Back in March. You did stock up on Bitcoin back then.......right?

Said the same thing about 1k and 10k user, and back then there wasn't even massive institutional investment that we have only seen the beginning of.

we will find out

It won't crash. Have you missed the part where it's getting adopted by PayPal and Mastercard, Greyscale buying up coins faster than they're being mined and fucking BlackRock publicly showing interest? This thing is going to go up indefinitely, much like Amazon did.

Plain and simple user it will NEVER crash. We’ve crossed the threshold.
People need to understand that Bitcoin has a finite supply of 21 million. There have already been ~18 million mined and 900 are being mined everyday. We have approximately 9 years left to mine the rest and it gets harder and harder everyday. Once we mine all 21 million bitcoins, the price is going to go up infinitely into the cosmos. Buy now, or kys later for thinking it’s a bubble.

I hate tel aviv

>new paradigm!!!

>the price shows adoption of the new technology

yet there's pretty much no adoption or real world use for btc, at least not any more than there was this time last year


>See this thread for a realistic forecast - see the post by LubRE47T
>See this thread for a realistic forecast - see the post by LubRE47T
>See this thread for a realistic forecast - see the post by LubRE47T
>See this thread for a realistic forecast - see the post by LubRE47T

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are they using lightning?

You'll get one DIP late March or early April. Then a big dump mid-Year. Don't waste them. The crypto space will unravel at some point in the last quarter.

thats actually a nice analogy

>unironically falling for narratives
holy cringe. You are

1. 23 years of age or younger
2. a porn watcher
3. a video game player

or all 3

it will go $350k-$500k in the next 2-4 months, after that crash back to $75k-$150k - if the cycle repeats itself, but then again: massive institutional investments caused it to (like 3 years) prematurely go up, so it's not even sur that will crash back anytime soon from those levels

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>nothing makes sense nothing has meaning I am so deep philosophy man!

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Going all the way to 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

It's the only crypto normal fags can name, everything else is dog shit.

NGMI and I'm not even going to point out why

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>When the FUCK is Bitcoin going to crash?

Don't worry dude, it'll crash from 250k to 230k and then it's finally your opportunity to get cheapies!

200k faggot, buy your 0.0000134 btc so you can 4x your money from here. all the 1000x opportunities being promised by every shill imaginable will not come true.

>When the FUCK is Bitcoin going to crash?
As soon as you fomo in at $100,001

low testosterone weeb spotted

>It's different this time
You guys are either retarded or got into crypto after the 2017/2018 bullrun.

>muh institutions

crashing at 70k

Will crash around 125k, last week of March or first week of April.

>it the price yes go up all forever with never go down!

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Can you feel that?

Its BTC hype dying down

What do you mean by this? I got in at $800 and im still astounded its stable over 1.5K

Where did all you newfags even come from? The bullrun might keep going for a bit, but you guys are going to get JUSTed so fucking hard when it all comes falling down again.

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Will you retards ever shut up

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don't worry, it's gonna dump every time LINK price rises too much

it just hit one trillion mc and there are no threads about it, we are clearly not at the end of bullrun yet

Never said it was different you massive retard. Just a continuation of the same trend as more and more money enter the crypto market as a whole to lessen risk of keeping it in fiat.

im literally begging for it to crash
i just want my lil rubies to moon but bitshit is capping our growth



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you fags have been tethering up and repeating the same thing since we went past $23k around Christmass lmao
imagine missing the bullrun because 2018 left you traumatized

>said specifically [if it's the same as the last cycle]
>you are retarded saying it will be different!
Okay, retard.

I got in during and after the bubble, managed to catch the dip in march '19.
>oy whey it's worst time!
Sure son, sure it is. SM fags buying in the bubble is so much clever.

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Does this ever get posted anymore? Found it on an old HD.

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I dunno, but when it crashes you better be buying the dip

>Never said it was different
>It's different

last bitcoin will be mined in 2140 nigger whether you like it or not wtf do you think the halvings do


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i feel like everyone having this mindset will prevent an actual ceash

which is a win-win, so, great?

>covid1984 and infinite fiat printing never happend

Coping retard, enjoy your poverty ;)

Hey guys I bought some bitcoins but where do I go to get them? Do they send them to me? I would really like to keep them in my safe just in case SHTF

No, because when it actually crashes everyone will think it's over and normies will move on and only look back at it when the next bull market starts.

I think that while BTC will trend up in the next 5 years, looking at moving averages and buzz, I am getting uneasy with the run. I think FOMO will boost the price, and that's fine. I'm personally out because of my uncertainty, and I'm looking for a better buy in price because of the possibility of a crash.
>It's different this time.
>New Paradigm!
>Institutions are getting in!
Be fearful when others are greedy...

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People said the same thing near 20k you absolute fucking retard

So... You're agreeing with me?

As long as the markets remain fundamentally manipulated bitcoin will continue to soar, until they ban it or absorb it fully into globohomo.

Sorry i am retarded

It was a meme in 2017-2018, but it's real now

Its okay user, we all are~

It literally will, there will be corrections but BTC is going to 288k by middle of next year.

Then it'll be 1 million by 2028

no, it doesn't. nobody uses bitcoin for anything other than illegal payments, money laundering or speculation.

real world use is hodling, its beeing hodled

What do people currently have their stoploss set to?
I update once a week with a value of half of each of my big boy holdings, but I'm wondering if that's retarded.

>t. 2011 coins
as of today
it's literally like a money tree

let's be real. 750k

can't crash wont crash
can't crash wont crash
can't crash wont crash
can't crash wont crash




BTC will probably go to 100k but there will be a crash like in 2018, don't be delusional

BTC threads are supercomfy, kek

define "crash"

another march 2020? btc has been up all its lifetime and will continue to do so.

Bitcoin is the interest of this century. Just plant your spare money into it and wait

Another 2-3 year bear market

it's a store of value being adopted by institutions. Digital gold.

2017 is the equivalent of the dotcom bubble. Bitcoin is Amazon in this analogy. Cope harder.

crash in 2022 = returning to 60k
either that or supercycle, mark my words, kek

its gone from 42k to 54k since the last correction. dont see how thats unsustainable

100k is inevitable :)

>dotcom bubble
a wot

you mean

>$1 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$5 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$10 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$50 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$75 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$100 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$1,000 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$1,500 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$2,000 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$10,000 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$20.000 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$30,000 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$40,000 is unsustainable and it'll crash
>$50,000 is unsustainable and it'll crash
When will folx just admit they don't know what they don't know and there is no precedent for this thing?

look at charts of Amazon through the dotcom bubble till today. That's what Bitcoin is doing over the past 5 years.

Enjoy losing all your money faggots

and then 1MM will be inevitable

Bitcoin will crash from $100,000 to $75,000

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It is different you mong.

>Got in after 17/18
Why are you being redundant, user?

It can quite easily sustain the gains to $100k if the past bull runs have been anything to go by. The equivalent price v 2017 would put BTC at 12% of ATH at the moment. No one knows if it will exceed this or not, but saying it can’t even go 2x from here is ignoring the previous mania stages.

Reminder that the same amount of money that poured into crypto in 2017 can increase the price the same percentage no matter what the actually cost is. E.g $1bn can increase BTC by 10% regardless of whether the price is at $1k or $50k. It’s all about supply and demand.

I love how you newfags will say "b-b-but muh institutions!". there was institutional money in 2017 as well....and you know what? they're going to make money on this shit and sell when it starts plummeting just like they did last time. you idiots think that just because muh institutions are investing that they'll stay in the market when it starts shitting the bed.

the only concerning thing is the elctricity bill - there is literally no way that the whole world could adopt it
>2019 - 0,02% of world annual transactions 0,2% of world electricity consumption (~Switzerland)
>2020 - 0,4% of world annual electricity consumption (~Argentina or Poland)

>$1bn can increase BTC by 10% regardless of whether the price is at $1k or $50k

holy fuck truly ngmi

lot less bitcoins on exchanges now than at $1k tho. so it doesn't take 50 times as much for sure.

Few people at my work who generally don’t care about crypto have started buying GPUs for mining ETH now because the price is high.

There will be a massive correction

Are you retarded? It doesn’t take $1b actual dollars to increase the market cap of BTC by $1b.

If 1,000 people want to buy $500 of BTC and supply dwindles, they could outbid each other by 0.1% and this could theoretically increase the price of BTC by 100% (1000 x 0.1).

Whether BTC is at $1 billion market cap or $1 trillion, the amount of money pumped in is the same and the price has gone up the same percentage.

Learn what kind of market you’re in newfag

unlike fiat?

kek, truth

this is a great comparison.

this, marketcap is a meme, kek

checked and enjoy your worthless fiatbux.

>When the FUCK is Bitcoin going to crash?

Dude, there is institutional money in this now big time. You really think they will allow the value to drop hugely as it has in the past? You really think the Billionaires now on board will allow this to crater? Fuck no, they will ensure that their money is safe and now that they share OUR money, crypto, it now has the protections their power and influence provides.. Too big to fail. There is a reason that is a valid statement. TThe powers at be won't allow it to fail. They will put a brake on any huge drop using all their resources to now protect themselves and their interests which now align with ours. Keeping crypto moving forward and up.

Yeesh I think I'm out on this one

you do know this is going to shoot over 1million right?

checked. what are you saying? if it's not different this time, then it will generally trend upwards.
watch coins moving into and out of exchanges. coins are moving out.
so what if it crashes 50% from here, anyway?

the value proposition of btc is the opportunity to hold something, to truly own it in a way that no one can, by decree (fiat), take it from you. you cannot say the same for any of your other "possessions".