TRDL - Strudel General #14 - Don't Fall for the Pajeet FUD Edition

Here you weak paperhands faggots, this is why I tell people to DYOR , v2 and marketing by huge influencers was delayed till next week, once it releases you will be just fine and it'll shoot back up. Can you poorfags really not wait a few days for a Sushicore dev to deliver, you really think he would sink this ship, he runs a $2B mcap project. Just wait a week and don't have such paper hands.

Also for any of you listening to the stupid Apollo FUD, here's what happened, he had one task to complete and never did it, he then pressed for more task and a big spot on the team, at this point the lazy fuck still had done nothing, and they just told him he's fired, he didn't get paid for shit because he is a lazy jogger and didn't do anything.

If there's anything us joggers need to be doing right now it's to buy the dip before v2 next week.

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nice, retards on the team is just what this coin needed


I panic sold because I am a paper handed noob but I honestly regret it and think it will recover nicely as big things are coming- I hope it does for all those with stronger hands than me..if it dips any lower, which is unlikely, I might buy back in on the cheap.


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kek fucking disgusting at all the poorfags panic selling a coin that they bought without doing any research. not gonna go over how reputable the dev team is but even outside of that WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SELL A COIN ON A DIP A FEW DAYS BEFORE V2 AND MARKETING ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED

I stg biztards just try to stay poor

THis is why normies should stay away from crypto. They sell at the slightest dip and refuse to do their own research
If you sold the dip YNGMI

He was an outsider retard that tried to join the team, the rest of the team consist of a sushi core dev and the guys

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not even on the team lmao, was someone contracted to do something and tried to create his own job so was immediately let go

Current fud: Some retard was hired to do one job. Was incompetent and made other jobs to do, and didn't get paid. Starts to fud and gets fired.

Take advantage of the dip fellas

Coming up:
>Sushi partnership pretty much confirmed. Moving pools to sushi
>V2 of website on the way, coming next week
>Marketing will coincide with the new site, crypto influencers in their pocket.
>Badger partnership in the works

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jesus christ with these half assed cryptic messages.
>WTF is an apollo?
>what was apollo paid to do?
>how much?
>what job did apollo make?
you realize how fucking retarded your stupid screen cap and "DYOR" comment is right?
You piss around some breadcrumbs and call it transparent.

fuckers selling a coin on a dip right before v2 and marketing and right after sushi onboarding bc of fud related to a the most minor of contractors getting fired that never even did anything in the first place kek

lmao, imagine buying high and selling low. classic Dab Forums just never changes, haven't any of you noticed that the liquidity hasn't dropped one bit?

He was contracted to be the bridge technician and couldn't figure anything out, Keno came in and spent a few hours on it, fixed the issue, Apollo was then fired for doing nothing.

>He was contracted to be the bridge technician and couldn't figure anything out, Keno came in and spent a few hours on it, fixed the issue, Apollo was then fired for doing nothing.

this like the other user said. he was just a contracted. faggot who didn't do anything and tried to ask for more money from the actual devs. and fucking anons are selling on this news kek

lol panic selling over a retard intern autist who lost his shit and got rekt

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why'd you sell then, faggot? imagine falling for orchestrated fud and selling the literal fucking bottom

I might buy more. I could make it to nobel

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I am comfy farmin frens. See yall next week

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I don’t think anyone is really selling. If you look at the recent drop off in price there isn’t a lot of volume there.

see, this is what an actual useful sharing of information.
its seems pretty clear keno budde, or whatever its name is, is the key to this project no?
keno wrote the fucking app and is a sushi dev, why was this not done on sushi to start, why uni?

wrote it before he went to sushi, now is back as an advisor. sushi onboarding just confirmed yesterday

You faggots need to understand how huge this is. It's taking btc onto eth ina trustless way. There is no going back. As it accumulates btc it will snowball sucking in btc.

Whales already taking advantage of the dip. Buy orders coming in

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the devs that took over weren't related to sushiswap in any way

lmao imagine getting so mad you want to take down the whole project down, and FAILING in the process

i'd be mad as well to be honest, if I didn't get paid

>Get hired to do one job
>Incompetent so advisor has to fix it
>Make up other jobs and expect to get paid

Dude can eat a dick

The thing is he didn’t do anything, so shouldn’t be payed

and look where that has taken us


listen user, if you're looking for reasons to sell i won't give you one, if you're on the fence about this maybe you should just give it up already. this is orchestrated, if you're so blinded by your emotions that you can't see that, sorry mate but you're never going to make it.

>up 80 strudels farming since falling asleep last night

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I can't wait to see the seethe of the paper handed faggots next week

$30 eonw, swingers and bizlets not going to make it

Should i drop my 25k$ linkies into this? Go all in for a bit? Only got 130 strudels right now.

Dangerous play, never go all in shitcoins. Making your stack seems like a good play at the moment though

making your stack bigger*, fuck, never text and drive frens

never go all in lmao