Just got humiliated at work

Everyone around me is so much smarter and capable than me, we had a meeting explaining what we were doing on our current projects and I was like a two year old compared to them, they all just say in silence when I got done speaking and one guy started laughing.

I fucking hate being low IQ so much, I can’t handle being humiliated like this anymore.

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Could you elaborate on the incident so we could also laugh at you?

Not really, I’m just a stuttering low IQ fucking loser

I also have a stutter issue, especially in meetings, one on one interviews etc.
Used to be a lot worse though

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Greentext your speech pls fren

Just buy a house and make a son with your wife. Made me as confident as a boomer

could be public speaking anxiety bro

look into propranolol, more importantly practice the fuck out of presentations etc

im also a stuttering retard when under any sort of pressure

its alright fren keep fighting

I want to hear what you're working on and what you said, I'm sure you'll do better next time user.

Bro i work as psw and all the people i work with are women who are entitled. They get the most amount anyone is paid in our feild and in provably the easiest lart of said feild. Anytime i try to deviate from the norm they bitch and try to get you in trouble.
They don't even care about the residents, and thats what pisses me off the most. Can't wait to finally make it in 6 months and take one of the lads on a cruise if this shit ever lifts. Finally tell them to eat dirt and stay poor.

It doesn't matter if you are slow. There's plenty of geniuses who spent their lives working on small things.
Also you are probably underestimating your intelligence and you are just used to putting yourself down.
Have hope and don't settle for small shit. Come up with a business you can scale.

What is psw?

I used to be autistic when it came to public speaking but i eventually grew to not give a fuck. You have to enter your wolf mode. Realize that you are the alpha when youre up there. You must realize that everyone else is generally retarded and you are a chad wolf lord explaining whatever it is to children.

>releasing my inner wolf made me a chad

get a trade job where your labor does the talking for you. nothing is worse than working under young professional tech/ creative types.

Kek I actually started dying when I read this. Sorry I was that immature asshole who had to try really hard not to laugh at peoples presentations in high school

Sounds to me like you need to ask more questions of your peers outside of meetings. You don't have the time to be awkward, you have to learn and get shit done man. It's not about IQ, it's about learning from your mistakes and asking enough questions to avoid further mistakes. You won't get in trouble for asking stupid questions, you'll get in trouble for fucking something up.

Get back in there. Don't let your insecurities show. Keep quiet and take it all in and soon you will be the master.

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Ersonal support worker.
I work overnight in a grouphome for individuals with disabilities.
REALLY comfy job, easy work if your alright with gross shit, and can be really rewarding helping people become independent.

I thought you were going to say something else disgruntled employees do

That's always an option, but in many places it is considered a "career limiting move"

i know its hard fren, but you just have to force yourself to not care what they think. once you have that mindset, youre whole demeanor will naturally change and they will most likely pick up on it and begin respecting you.

I'll add this advice I got from my mentor: Always answer the question that was asked (and not the question you THINK they asked or you think they SHOULD have asked). Answer the question directly, and if you feel they should be asking a different question, suggest it after your answer and briefly explain your reasoning. Don't go too much into detail unless you are asked.

What kinda projects?

and never forget, they are just fuckin normies. literal slaves to the establishment without even realizing it

>just get a wife, house and a child bro!

Honestly i tried doing this at every job i had when i had to work with people.
Who i am when im comfy is vulgar and offensive so i usually have to put on a face.
Shit blows man, you get so anxious your constantly worried about fucking up.

i know this feel, plus i have extreme anxiety/autism, i work in quality and sometimes am behind in engineering lingo

>working at a job

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i almost said nigger in front of a group of my normie friends the other day. duck you guys for what you have done to me

user elaborate on your speech and can figure out how to help you. Also what kind of job?

>Who i am when im comfy is vulgar and offensive so i usually have to put on a face.
maybe just dont work with oversensitive pussies then

They're the ones who hired you so who's the real idiot

Do this OP. You'll find what you're good at.

Wait so are you actually retarded or is it just a stutter issue? Feel bad for ya if it's just a speech thing

I don't know if this will make you feel better, but I felt extremely awkward during a visit to my local bank branch while being poor neet most of my life. Extremely well and sharp dressed men and women treat me like a premium customer despite wearing baggy, hobo-like clothes from last decade. I have to visit bank in person because I move extremely large sums of money through crypto and provide them documents in person here in my country. Every visit is fucking awkward because I've mostly been NEET for the last 12 years, but move ertxemely large sums of money. Some younger bank clerks seem to be in disbelief of my balance connected to my second class citizen appearance.

lol imagine caring what normie NPC worker drone slaves think

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Yeah it’s really stressful wearing the mask. I got scolded for using the word retard in a group chat with old college friends. By a guy who used to tag team sluts back in the day. Everyone is such a cunt now.

Yes i do.
I live in the most neo-liberal city in ontario.
I got berated for saying "free at last, free at last" when i clocked out. I seriously hate every brainlet commie here

I would laugh user. I understand.

This but everyone here should read Shopclass as Soulcraft. The problem with trades is you are at the mercy of kinetic factors (shit breaks) and you are only as good as your last shift. Whereas office workers can underperform for years and make excuses you can’t do that as a tradie.

Yeah bro, just start redpilling your boss about the kikes' plan to flood white countries with filthy subhumans shitskin niggers, that will go swimmingly.

think about how many ppl can relate in someway or another.

you're one of us.. you're our fren..

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At my last job I would go around singing at full-blast:

>AaaAaaAaHmazing GraAaaAace

And substitute the owner’s name for God.
The whites found it hilarious but the blacks were freaking out.

kek. I’ll pay you 400 usd in any crypto you want if you film this.

I hear ya brother. I drive a sports car of the type which you rarely see in the UK. Everyone looks at it and wants to see who is getting in / out. I'm a semi-pro horse rider so I always get out in scruffy clothes for the stables, horse poop on my jodhpurs etc. Pretty funny.

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I live near a big football teams training camp too so people always hopeful it will be a divegrass star. Nope sorry, just some autistic faggot covered in horse hair and shit, kek

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why don't you buy new clothes if you're rich?

You have to care about what they think because they’re all waiting for you to slip up so they can sic a mob on you and take whatever you have that they don’t away from you. Normies do shit like read their pharmacists Instagram posts to get you fired because you didn’t say good morning to them with a sincere enough smile.

>rarely see in the uk
some jdm missile or muscle car?

Been there man, I guarantee it's not as bad as you think it is.
Most of anxiety isn't based in reality, its just paranoia about what others are thinking.
I got so confused before I realised this and couldn't grasp why others didn't notice when I was being retarded

Seriously, look into propranolol. It's a beta blocker that basically keeps you from getting that nervous, agitated feeling in high pressure situations. It works extremely well.

next time your are work, whip your dick out. At least you'll get fired for whipping your dick out instead of getting fired for being a retard.

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I don't know how to dress well, I've been mostly NEET for the last 12 years I only buy clothes that are comfortable . My style is similar to Big Lebowski -type of clothing, even though I do not try to look like some hobo, I just aim for extreme bagginess and extreme comfiness. I'm already retired from crypto I just stay in loose, baggy clothing all day I hate all strain

Whatever, its just a job user.
You cant control your speech and you're probably not a retard but even if you are, you've got frens here and dont need to think about work for a whole 2 days.

What do you say I rustle up some tendies?

>our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since they're such a good size and all

The thing to realise OP is that most people are self-absorbed and don't actually give a fuck about you.

It's easy to get wrapped up in this stuff and think people are hyperanalyzing everything you do, but in reality you are an extremely minor detail of their lives. You will think on this for months and I guarantee they'll have forgotten in a week no matter how bad it was.

they all sound like utter assholes. move jobs and make better use of your time and have some self respect and not be a punching bag

What's going on here?

also stop jerking off to porn all the time


>one guy started laughing.

If I tried to dress well I'd end up looking like Willy Wonka