>internet is kill
>all crypto becomes unusable therefore worthless
Will be funny to see you cryptards begging on the streets 10 years from now while landowners and precious metal holders never have to worry about anything ever again
Internet is kill
if internet is kill we are gonna have much bigger problems than our crypto, user.
>implying most of us don't own stocks with online brokers
only pmg fags will be safe, and even then, the world will be in such chaos that nobody will buy boomer rocks for bread anyway
Ammo is worth more than precious metals and real estate, because it can be used to take what you have.
t. chad raider
How am I gonna pay rent to you if my bank is offline?
yes landowners and pm cucks are safe when all grids and the internet collapses
until lead chads knock on your door to rape your wifes and daughter in front of your eyes
>b-but muh muuuuh gold
>my dogshit investments are only relevant in apocalyptic times
Im all three in one
We were doing just fine before the internet, there might be some chaos for a while but ultimately it will improve everything
>Texas sized meteor slams into the earth
Haha not so smug then are you pathetic cucks? Your little investments BTFO.
>internet is kill
lol imagine having to wait for this for a good exit position
Unless a carrington event knocks out everything the internet isn't going anywhere
lmao how embarrassing
Blockchain tech doesn't technically require the internet
yep and we were doing fine before electricity too, does that mean everything would be fine without it? shitty take, user.
to be deluded
>If there is no Internet and no bitcoin what ya gonna do?
Literally ngmi, you are also extremely likely to fight my drones with a rifle.
>Implying cryptofags dont use their gains to buy PM at a discount online.
t. retard
The real value of silver and gold is that you can survive an economic crisis, not a total collapse of society. If the apocalypse happens, silver and gold won't be worth shit because of their hefty weight and poor nutritional value. Well, maybe silver might be worth something, since you can make bacteria-resistant utensils and cups out of it, but gold will just be a heavy, yellow rock.
If you really want to be safe, buy farms and factories. And also guns, lots and lots of guns. Maybe a few tanks as well.
everyone will freak out, so many generations were born with internet
banks, media, infrastructure, billions of jobs are dependent of it
if internet dies the end will come you idiot
>so many generations were born with internet.
Less then one and a half generations most of which have only experienced Web 2.0 and use it for facebook and twatter.
>There are people alive now who think web 3.0 facebook is the wild west.
What did we do to deserve this.
>im 14
What if I have land, pms, AND crypto? Also guns and ammo.
>ItS a ToTAl CoLlaPsE of ciViliZaTIOn GuISe!! FIAT and GoLD wILL bE WroThLeStS bUT tHE elEcTrICItY fOR mY FActORy WiLL STiLL bE oN
t. retard
nice english you retarded fucking 3rd worlder
Spacex and Starlink fix this
elon fags have to go back, immediately
>he doesn't know what a generator is
You should go outside from time to time, faggot.
>land owners
>precious metal owners
I'll keep my 5.56, .308, .50, and tannerite filled with bolts and screws friend.
Are preciousfags the real schizos of biz instead of XRPfags?
Shhh don't tell them about asteroid mining or they'll rupture an aneurysm
>internet is kill
not happening, it certainly could have. but with defi becoming big and dapps on their way as well, a widespread internet outage is impossible except for things like solar flare death, nuclear warfare, etc. the next move will be to bring the same decentralized stability to the electrical grid which is why i'm bullish on nuclear energy.
He's the closest thing we have to solving the central bank question
The internet can't be kill. And if it is then what do you think the effect will be on literally every other asset? It will be completely chaos for probably a century, most of the (developed) world population never experienced life before internet
well, do ya?
Crypto is going down
>just two more weeks
ya we could do without the combustion engine, that wouldn’t set us back 250 years in a heartbeat.
>tfw 98% of net worth is in property
Feels good man, fuck cryptoniggers
>most of the (developed) world population never experienced life before internet
You cant be serious. The internet is in wide spread use foir around 20 years. Lots of the population only were introduced to it via the Iphone after 2007.
>98% of net worth in property
I hope you're not a burger lmao
ahah fucking based.
That‘s why I have guns. Fuck land, fuck gold and silver. If society truly goes to shit I‘ll just accumulate all I need using my AR15 and there‘s nothing you cucks can do against it
> Musk was bullied throughout his childhood and was once hospitalized after a group of boys threw him down a flight of stairs
He naturally fears and hates bullies