Guys serious question. Am i gonna make it?

Guys serious question. Am i gonna make it?
>inb4 too diversified im not a poorfag just bought $200 of ADA and IOTA cause memes i saw.
Can we have a 4-5 figure portfolio rate thread?

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WAGMI user

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I would put more into BNB and ADA and take away from GRT and ALGO.

take GRT/ALGO and add to IOTA for max gains.

i would move a little bit of each non-bsc coin to cake

Going to probably just use more fiat to buy BNB. But not at todays price. First stack i bought at $78.
Been reading about IOTA a little bit. So apparently its been around for a while but i saw some yt vids that new things are happening? Sorry im retarded. Im a geotechnical engineer so im illiterate when it comes to all the tech buzzwords. Not a newfag so just lurked biz for week and pick some things that didn't scream "scam".

Just go full crazy and IOTA it

>geotechnical engineer
I’m a geologist. Fuck you.


Less GRT and ALGO, more IOTA


You should do some research on YOYOW on Binance, and check out QASH on bitfinex


Can someone without bags explain why IOTA would be better than say ALGO. Am i wrong to compare that they have similar uses and legit dev teams? No real motivation behind why i have more ALGO than IOTA just kinda settled on it.

Get rid of GRT, it’s a crabbing piece of shit

unfortunately im american and i bought GRT at .80 and I don't wanna pay takes on it this year.. so ill probably just keep it. But im willing to buy more of something else if convinced properly

Sell GRT and short that Jewish shit, it is going nowhere but down

OP look I don't know you and you don't know me. But if it wasn't for Dab Forums I woulda never researched a project that led me to this guys youtube channel. I don't want to shill him, but just watch one video and watch how he analyses a project and you'll see hes not a shill and he has good info on lots of good projects.

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thats funny. My rational for buying was that it was jewish. If anyone knows how to make money off of holding other peoples money..

>Where your BOR at?
Ngmi, sorry desu.

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Iota is not even a blockchain, is a DAG. Very useful on cars and iot and wherever you need microtransactions.
Algo is great, but has huge inflation.
Cardano... Only the sky is the limit. Buy moar.
Those three are a chadfolio.

Algo is fine, but when a network has the whoke package like IOTA will by the end of the year then not much stands in iys way of becoming the biggest dick in the locker room.
IOTA is basically fibre optic compared to dial up

Am I going to make it frens

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