I used to think Dab Forums was browsed by broke losers

as a Dab Forums /fit/ Dab Forums migrant im surprised to see the portfolios that get posted here. How many of you are drug dealers and sons of crime syndicates?

Attached: 1576405084504.jpg (1067x1600, 782.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Go back

My father is a good, honest man and I have made almost a million from crypto.

I'm an engineer and that is a man

I hope your memeing

I am a lifelong neet without a degree and approaching 40 with over 3 million in the bank. Drugs are bad, M'kay.

The only pictures posted in portfolio threads are screenshots of blockfolio, which is easily fabricated since you enter all the information manually. It's all fake. There are only poorfags here.

she has nice feet

>op pic
nice man you got over there

A lot of us OG oldfriends who started browsing Dab Forums in middle school 2 decades ago are now middle aged software engineers with high incomes.

I inherited

You have to go back.

That is a man

This is why youre a virgin

Attached: 1576307325977.jpg (1719x1024, 1.01M)

You aren't a virgin if you haven't sucked man cock you know. Stop posting men you faggot!

You can fake a portfolio. 80% of high figure portfolios are larps

I got rich through doing the opposite of what Dab Forums does

What, you got a job?

She's obviously a jealous roastie, but she's still right. That picture has a very horror film feel.

Use an archiving site and look at old threads aboit chainlink or even olders ones about ether. You're just late to the party

> he buys low
> then sells high
> keeps the profit
> does this over and over

ngmi. you gotta buy HIGH, because you the stock is valuable. Then you sell LOW because its fucking worthless.

Drugs are for mugs and I'm a shitcoin junkie millionaire kek

Is she turning into a cake?

Attached: 1613755329694.png (1323x737, 756.29K)

You also have to go back.

Dab Forums is basically the 4Chins endpoint.

With the exception of /fit/, everywhere else is packed to the rafters with NEET incel gimps who - by dint of having nothing better to do, spend their time shiposting about politics and bitching about women 24/7, playing vidya or watching boxsets.

If they manage to escape this rut (hint: get a job), they suddenly have disposable income, a burgeoning social circle and probably inadvertently get their dicks wet at some point. And so the rest of it ceases to have any use, fades into the background and they find themselves gravitating here.

Basically, a mature denizen of Dab Forums lifts and wastes money on shitcoins.

Attached: 1613234357547.jpg (1200x678, 65.46K)

Holy ginger skeleton

Once upon a time in a far away place called 10 years ago the only place you could find people talking about Bitcoin outside of coin forums was on Dab Forums. Any user back then that was smart enough to buy and hold on would be insanely wealthy by now

My parents printed magazines for 30+ years.

I tried to start my only magazine, published a few issues but it's tedious. To answer OP question, great grandpa started an international company

>tfw no dark crafty gf
