why is it getting murdered worse than literally everything else?
Why is it getting murdered worse than literally everything else?
Hold me SNX bros
I am synthetically ruined
thank god this was only a portion of my portfolio and that I made a smart exit after 400%+ returns
Mirror Protocol is better
already co-signed by Novogratz and Mark Cuban
>tfw when staking 1k SNX, 1k MIR and holding 1k INJ
I’m still comfy being a synthetichad
Convince me not to put my entire snx stack in in INJ right now
You mean AAVE, the other defi shitcoin JUSTing me right now?
You can hold your “please notice my sTSLA synth senpai” or you can cash out for a literal gookcoin
if it doesn't recover in the next week or two things look grim indeed
You should unironically sell half at least, diversification is good. INJ has a lot more short term upside with its mainnet coming out soon plus it’s already on binance smart chain where all the money is going right now
No, Cuban unironically shilled Injective and Mirror in a recent tweet as well
>mfw SNX and AAVE are 40% of my portfolio
gookshit seems to pump pretty hard recently, and INJ seems to be more competently made than your average foodtoken. Also does anyone know how much is actual advantage of it being on Cosmos?
try 80%
checked and ouchiepilled
these quads are your warning, exit now because I’m not fucking selling and inevitably dragging the entire defi meme down to hell with me
both seem like good projects touch, particularly SNX. these are long term investments i guess, im at around 40% myself, the rest is in ETH
I probably won't sell until it really hurts
dymon hanz fren
my other 20% is in picrel, make some money out there and remember me, anons
>Mirror Protocol
pick two and remember this is an iq test.
You need to get your head out your ass and realize there's no such thing as eth defi blue chips anymore. Eth is dead.
well, like my grandpa said, you can't kiss all the fair maidens
Shut up and delete this
kek, shit happens
i got burned by pic related a few years back