where does a canadian user such as myself go to buy more niche stuff then btc and eth? I was looking at vsp, reef, etc. and was wondering where to buy stuff like it.
Canadian platforms
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Canadians can use Binance. Just send eth there through shakepay
Buy BTC on shakepay with etransfers > transfer it to a binance account > trade your BTC for other coins on binance
Binance, you can buy directly with your credit card or debit card, depending on your bank. Some accept and other block it.
I use coinbase and its not very good. All my credit cards/visa debit are blocked because faggy rules. Second , I hit my limit pretty fast and now have to wait.
shakepay is jewish as fuck. newton is better.
someone didnt make a shakepay account without kyc
im stacking 1000 sats a day with shakepay too
Reef is scam shit. VSP is making.
BTW you use DEFI DEXes. Unless you live in a tax haven like me you want to take the steps to tax evade which is super easy in Canada right now.
both are just a means to an end
Thank you
Alright will avoid it
Anyone else use coinberry?
I usually just buy eth and send it to my wallet later.
Reef is 0.04 stablecoin
was 0.02 last week
What is everyone's opinion on wealth simple's crypto? How is BitBuy?
The last time it was near 0.02 was 19 days ago. Maybe you are right though, it is headed back there atm.
he's referring to the undisclosed spread on shakepay you cuckold
enjoy getting raped by fees
dont use that shit i heard they won't let you withdraw
>thinks reef is a scam
>worlds first cross chain defi operating system
guess I was a little off. Might wait for it to fall back then hodl
.035-.037 is when you should buy reef then swing it at .042-.045. It happens every day like clockwork