I just walked downstairs and my sister and dad were talking about Bitcoin and my sister said this exact phrase:

I just walked downstairs and my sister and dad were talking about Bitcoin and my sister said this exact phrase:

"my bitcoin stock has been jumping"

I thought it was a meme. I'm about to liquidate my entire portfolio.

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Thinking about getting the fuck out before the weekend dump.

I went downstairs and asked them what they were talking about and when she said Bitcoin and smiled, my soul literally left my body. I have never been so sucidial. This is truly the top.

set limits for sat, sell by sat night, rebuy sunday night

Fuck your sister and livestream it king

Op is a faggot that wants to make us think were close to the top, because he is priced out of BTC forever. Keep seething faggot

>wow user i made a while 2x my portfolio
Oh thats awesome( not mentioning ive made 200x and she is one of the normies who will be holding the bags)

fuck. time to prepare my bearish market strategies

>mad incel being sad because womyn are into crypto now

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If she was saying her Apple stock was jumping, would you recommend exiting the stock market as well?

No fucking nerve, son.

I really wish I was larping. My family are giganormies and my sister is trying to tell my dad to get BTC.

She was talking about how it's going to keep going up forever so she'll have double the money in 2 weeks. My dad then asked if she going to withdraw and she said no.

I feel really bad that I'm about to dump my bags on my own family but fuck me, man.

Crypto and Stocks are not the same retard. Also, I don't hodl any stocks anyway lmao. I'm only holding Silver, XMR, and BTC.

do these people genuinely think bitcoin is a stock because it’s on robinhood?

I'll let you know when my boomer dad calls the top. He called the top of GME when he made a reddit account on the Wednesday of the squeeze

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Your sister is a shoeshine boy. This story is as old as the hills.


My sister and her bf were talking about crypto, they even mentioned BNB "wow the binance coin went up 100 dollars today", they don't know all my portfolio is BNB, or that I even have crypto

let them enjoy their 0.005 bit coin gains you fucking faggot

based dad

is she hot?


She put ~$2000 in. I don't want her to get absolutely JUSTED because she's only 20.


I got my dad to buy 600 LINK at $2.15 and another 300 at $9. He can buy himself something nice with that, and if not the money will become mine anyways. Cry some more you misanthrope.


Good I cannot wait to dump my million dollars worth of shit on these normies and buy their stupidity in 2022/2023.

My normie sister and her retard bf called me last week wanting to ask about my 'etherium stock' I share your concerns OP

I have ~200k in BTC but it doesnt feel good when the people you're dumping on are your family. I also have never told them about my hodlings so that's good at least.

Would you guys feel obligated to protect your normie relatives if you knew something was coming that they didn’t? Or would you just let it go so they can’t blame you?

My mum bought £25 of link at 15p and it is now worth £2300 ish. I bought it off her when it was £450. She asked me yesterday if she can invest more into crypto and if there was a minimum amount.

They wouldn't listen anyway. You have to experience it for yourself first before you listen.

I don't speak to my relatives that much and haven't lived at home for 21 years since I was 17 lol. I tell them not to bother investing what they can't afford to lose and that it is gambling if they ask.

Dump on them and buy a nice vacation for the whole family later.

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That's the dilemma I'm facing right now. If I warn them, they aren't going to listen to me unless I also tell them about my position but if I don't, I literally dumping my bags on my own family.

Yes, and you should since they're your family no matter what all the faggots who were molested say on here. You can't force them to listen, and if you get worked up over them being mad at you for a bit over it then you're a beta retard

I have 6 siblings so this might be expensive.

Dump eet, fuck them. I bet these fuckers mocked at you when you told them about it the first time, now it's time for a payback