Just lost a fortune on another shitcoin promoted by biz

I'm so tired of all of you, I curse the day I decided to start following this sub. Fuck everyone that shilled me this shitcoin. I sold all my LINK for it

Attached: 7064.png (64x64, 1.97K)

Get fucked, Bnbitch

Fell for shitty priced out version of CAKE, ngmi.

>Selling linkies
Hahahahaha, now look at it go up

Get fucked you pump chasing nigger

Is it really over?

you deserve it lmao, imagine falling for bot and shill posts. kill yourself, you low iq faggot

Also did you retard buy it ath? How can you lose money on it, i'm up so much and it's gonna go higher when aws unshits itself

This is some low quality fud.

Some people deserve to stay poor. You are one of them.

Why are you idiots buying anything other than cake or egg? Goose disapproves.

Attached: 3BBFA00E-73C8-4880-8F78-947159993BB7.jpg (468x720, 35.06K)

Yes, I am so unlucky I hate my life ..

You need to calm down.

Why? I just followed the advice here. Never again. I sold at a 500$ loss and I'm back with LINK.. hopefully I get my money back soon

I can’t even tell if this is a fud, but I sure hope it is. Help me I went 50% in bake 50% BNB and the world is crashing all around me.

>When it crashes he is left holding "eggs"
Good luck selling that in 2024

Never trust anyone, especially not here

How could you be losing money on a 123% pumped coin? Did you buy the literal top? Everyone is in the green

Its called a dip you absolute retard you dont sell you buy more
Its going up again
Thx for your contribution

Reminder that you bought a vertical chart. Your risk, man.

if it's shilled on here then it's already too late to invest

Imagine selling your LINK. I cant

But they said "you are here" at 2$ and that it was gonna go to 10$. I fell for it. I deserve it. I'm out anyways, lost 500$ and I feel sick .