February 19, 2021 - 17:46
February 19, 2021 - 17:48
February 19, 2021 - 17:48
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February 19, 2021 - 17:48
February 19, 2021 - 17:48
Is it possible that the squeeze is happening but everybody accidentally have their charts turned upside down?
February 19, 2021 - 17:49
February 19, 2021 - 17:50
February 19, 2021 - 17:50
the real squeeze was the squeeze to 0 all along
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February 19, 2021 - 17:51
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February 19, 2021 - 17:51
The squeeze has not been squoze.
Trust the plan.
February 19, 2021 - 17:52
maybe the real squeeze was the friends we made along the way.
February 19, 2021 - 17:53
February 19, 2021 - 17:53
none of you faggots have diamond hands....its over
February 19, 2021 - 17:54
>wsb general Holy fuck this is still going? Ahaha
February 19, 2021 - 17:56
I resent that accusation, good Sir. I'm still holding my 95 shares and I have no intentions of letting go.
February 19, 2021 - 17:56
February 19, 2021 - 17:57
so that was a meme? its under 40 and those havnt executed?
February 19, 2021 - 17:57
I don't think a lot of people here even held. Smelled like a rugpull from day one. No such thing as "unlimited money"
February 19, 2021 - 17:57
So, have the gmefags finally offed themselves or what?
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February 19, 2021 - 17:58
you know who has? Fidelity, Blackrock ,Vanguard, Morgan Stanley...
February 19, 2021 - 17:59
if you don’t post your GME holdings you are officially a shill and should be ignored
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February 19, 2021 - 18:00
If you BUY a contract, you can choose when/if to exercise it.
February 19, 2021 - 18:00
>could have made 10k if I bought BNB instead of GME
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February 19, 2021 - 18:01
February 19, 2021 - 18:01
February 19, 2021 - 18:01
>he panic sold
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February 19, 2021 - 18:02
Is it safe? Are they gone?
February 19, 2021 - 18:02
>Typically, the last day to trade an option is the third Friday of the expiration month, but the actual expiration time is not until the next day (Saturday).
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February 19, 2021 - 18:02
you know the rules, no pic, no proof
February 19, 2021 - 18:02
February 19, 2021 - 18:02
February 19, 2021 - 18:03
I hold 0 shares in GME. I am not a shill, I'm just here to laugh at you retards.
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February 19, 2021 - 18:03
February 19, 2021 - 18:03
February 19, 2021 - 18:04
February 19, 2021 - 18:04
You wait until you want to sell
February 19, 2021 - 18:04
February 19, 2021 - 18:04
but theres no reason the clearinhouse wouldnt execute it if melvin chose not to? that cant happen until sat is what other user is saying?
February 19, 2021 - 18:04
i think people need to start thinking about where GME goes with cohen and forget about the squeeze desu
February 19, 2021 - 18:04
February 19, 2021 - 18:05
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February 19, 2021 - 18:05
Shhhh... they might be scanning our posts for our positions.
February 19, 2021 - 18:05
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February 19, 2021 - 18:06
yo, cool pump I missed need help dudes, some1 uses Bot Ocean platform? worth buying or better to check for other bots? want to test trading with algorithms and tools
February 19, 2021 - 18:06
February 19, 2021 - 18:06
E-excuse m-me?
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February 19, 2021 - 18:07
good thing I hopped off RH during the crabbing so there will be no forced liquidation on my end.
February 19, 2021 - 18:07
anyone that held their crypto from 2018 to now has the balls to hold onto this stock for more than a week. Still holding never selling.
February 19, 2021 - 18:07
Based Mitchellposter
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February 19, 2021 - 18:07
February 19, 2021 - 18:08
>in the 30s What happened, didn't you guys say melvin was scared and the squeeze has to happen soon? Face it, it's over, you lost, melvin won.
February 19, 2021 - 18:08
February 19, 2021 - 18:08
Did you watch them yesterday? The only motherfucker on there that didn't look nervous was DFV. Hell, Kenny boi looked like he was about to shit his pants
February 19, 2021 - 18:09
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February 19, 2021 - 18:09
we have discussed why the longs want it under 40 at closing multiple times over the last two days, sorry youre retarded.
February 19, 2021 - 18:09