Jews can not lie about Poland
Jews can not lie about Poland
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There was more Jewish than Polish collaborators.
Polish death camps
>There was more polish than jewish collaborators in creating hololohoax
What do you mean?
>law against defaming country
Didn't know Poland was such a shithole
Ty zdegenerowana judeoangielska kurwo jebana, Polskie Państwo Podziemne w UK cię za to dorwie!
Speak English, not Borat on 4can
Those boots look comfy af
Sorry about the 3 million Poles and Warsaw.
Why does the word polski appear in a wc3 dialogue
3 years is a slap on the wrist.
>he will never see justice
Feels bad.
Please post more of these, a huge redpill indeed.
Hear PiS is importing tons of Africans and Pajeets
Journo in jail is always based
Still waiting on a source from these kikes, but then they start kvetching, play dumb and do it again.
Remind me again why anyone should believe kikes about anything.
>Not sorry about the 3 million polak criminals and yidds
Naughty, naughty
>Remind me again why anyone should believe kikes about anything.
Bit racyist that
What deathcamps? heh - personally i have never seen one with my own eyes, never had the chance to visit, just like space or the deepest trenches of the sea. I am a simple man, i see and i trust - i dont see, i dont care.
Jews Vs polaks
>Taking the bets
The SS almost found it impossible to make a SS division as the Polish populace was so against Germans for how brutal they were at the beginning of the war.
If I remember correctly the few Polish recruits they had needed to be transferred to the French SS divisions as there was not enough Polish volunteers to even make one 1/15 of a division.
the eisenhower deathcamp
Polish death camps
Hang that fucking bitch KURRRRWAAAAAA
It was translated by professional coders
>Lie about something
>Get told You cannot lie about something
>Cry that You are persecuted for the truth
You fags don't even realize how tiresome it is and we have kikes doing that for 70 years now, trying to make us pay them with our land for 800 million dead in muh hallacast.
Understand the holohoax/anti-white psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
See these threads for more. Must reads:
>WW2/the holohoax
>Weimar Germany versus today (USA = Weimar 2.0)
Jews in action this week mandating white genocide:
no srsly, would you ever buy a used car from this guy ?
You’re being sarcastic, right? Otherwise it’s pretty funny to see an American bitch about another country not buying into white guilt globohomo mentality. If you’re being serious just get the fuck out and go back to worshiping niggers.
It’s always amusing to see Americans and their eternal guilt with niggers when you didn’t even do 1/3 of what Portugal did. My country has nearly 1000 years of history, it was founded on the genocide of muslims, we kept killing muslims, pajeets and niggers for centuries before the Declaration of Independence was even drafted. We pretty much kickstarted the slave trade and kept niggers under our boots until the 1970’s.
He's right though poland is a shithole and the only reason it has had an upturn is because it has profited immensely from becoming part of the EU. This because Poles really are workers that is the best thing I can say about it. They know how to gather themselves and work their asses of and when the borderers opened there were huge opportunities for them to make more money than 300 a month.
Too bad you cannot say the same about the portuguese they have spread around the eu aswell but portugal is still a shit country and portuguese people shittybworkers.
Non-country sucking mutt dick. Lmao
Poland was under communism for decades that’s why it sucked. Poland when it comes to industry is rapidly becoming the China of Europe. Portugal pre-pandemic was growing faster than the European average. I would rather live in Poland or Portugal than a cucked state like Belgium.
>the China of Europe
Fucking lmao, Janosz, good to see retarded unwavering sucking up to state propaganda works on the diaspora aswell. Get back to cleaning toilets you subhuman
We polish people were szmalcownicy and have helped Nazis in holocaust. Numerous Jews have died from polish hands.
We have to remember Jedwabne were polish people have murdered innocent Jews, including children and women.
Polish people have stolen Jewish property after the war. That is why Poland need to put a tax on every pole to pay remuneration stated in 447 just act!
447 just act is Justice!
>cheap manufacturing
>flood the market of neighboring countries with their products
>not the China of Europe
Ok Hans.
lol even kikepedia say it
Both of his grandmothers were alive when his parents moved to Israel.[9] His great-grandmother Hermione Lampel was arrested in Serbia and sent to Auschwitz, where she was murdered in a gas chamber.[10][11]
hide jew - face risk of ss agent finding out and german soldiers taking you and your family to the forest to mass "wall" shooting
tell jew to go - highly risk of him getting caught and ratting on you that you helped him
tell gestapo police that there was jew "renting"
your room and hi is still there - get monetary prize / job
i wonder what french pll would do ...
oh wait they all sold jews
meanwhile majority of poles were hiding them anyway (unfortunately) and risked everything
>hello fellow poles
A kysz żydzie
We polish people are begging on our knees for forgiveness from the great Jewish nation, from the powerful State of Israel!
Numerous polish people have murdered innocent Jews because of greed and will to steal Jewish property.
During and after the war we have committed pogroms like the one in Kielce or Jedwabne!
After the war we have lived in houses of Jews murdered in holocaust! We have robbed great Jewish nation of its wealth. That is why we have to pay remuneration as stated in just act 447! We have to pay for the wealth we have stolen from Jews!
Twojej matce Żyd chyba fajfusa obrzezanego do japy pakował.
Jestem polakiem i uważam że nasz naród powinien zapłacić za ochydne zbrodnie jakich się dopuścił w trakcie wojny na mniejszości Żydowskiej.
Należy nałożyć na każdego polaka podatek który będzie finansować odszkodowania płacone organizacjom Żydowskim i państwu Izrael.
A i jeszcze polacy powinni zostać eksmitowani z Żydowskich nieruchomości które nielegalne zajmują!
how can one jew be this transparent and gloving
jews sold houses just before war and now have the fucking audacity to claim they right to them ,
also they fucking dare cry about how much they lost while those fucking kikies have all of those houses stolen from polish nobles by the hand of collaborators of polish partitions, especialy austria lords
now after the margin of poles had to sell jews to avoid death/ starvation they fucking act like it was norm
i swear to good. i do believe in holocaust (4.8 milion not 6) i lived 15 km from sobibur and were colecting that black jew ashes from that mountain next to rails in that forest for "challenge"
but every fucking time jews lie about holocaust it make me think that it was actualy like 500 000 - 1000 000 actual deaths
Grandma's brother was hiding a jew in his basement for 3 years. When the war ended the jew went to communist police and told them where the brother was keeping his family jewelry and valuables in his basement.
The communists beaten the brother up for refusing to share his family possession with the people (state and commie policemen), gave the jew a reward and the jew fucked over to Israel.
I only talked twice to the brother since I was a small kid when he died, but I remember him telling my dad that if everyone knew back then, no one would help them.
look this kike speak polish , you can tell by an insult hi is using (your mom ate jewish cimcurstanted dick)
either kike from israel ambasady in poland or bait
putting 500k on Russia
also you can tell hi is 100% a kike cos hi is talking about necessary kike tax on every polish person for reparations NOT A SINGLE POLE other than filthy politicians thinks poland need more taxes
It's just a bait user. Relax and stop giving him (You)s
What a disgusting anti-semitic lies! It is a well known fact that polish people have sold countless Jews hiding from nazis. They have sold them for a bottle of vodka. Also polish catholic priests have collaborated with nazis to get Jewish babies to rape them, because the priests are pedofiles.
Jews have build great palaces and houses in the cities but we, polish people were so jelous of the great Jewish architecture that we have taken these buildings after WW2.
this kills the penis :-DD fugg
No it wasnt. Portugal pre-pandemic was thr slowest economy in europe
>innocent Jews
Name one.
Look at this kike. Turning on the people who helped him most. This is typical parasite behavior. Remember Dab Forums all parasites kill their hosts. Their is no such thing as a benign or helpful parasite. All of them suck the life out of you until your dead
those were POLISH death camps after all
Anne Frank
I recall reading an archived article from 1938 about Jews in Poland selling their homes and moving to the states.
No genocide. Miscigenation, integration and forced baptism. Specially with jews. Incredible on how you got everything wrong.
try harder. your bait is mediocre.
A non-fictional one, please.
I remind you that you CAN be traced and under new law you can be sentenced to prison for lies that defame Poland. Watch yourself moshe.
I bet you'd've less death camps if the Americans were faster
>pic related
Stolen valor history, 60.000.000 Africans during Holocaust
We polish people fully support 447 just act!
Public polls show that 94% of polish citizens support the 447 act!
Mr. President Duda! Mr Prime minister Morawiecki, the polish nation wants you to fulfill obligation coming from the 447 just act!
Poland says yes to justice!
Poland says yes to 447!
Lmao every single western country needs a law like this. It just goes to show that freedom is not all it's cracked up to be. In America it's legal to essentially fabricate anything you want about it's leaders or it's country..Freedom of Speech has only existed for 69 years and it already destroyed their nation
Leopold did nothing wrong
>the Bantu rampage through Africa since
He should've demanded hearts
No, we don't. Now fuck off you insufferable cock garbling father-sucker.
Oi you there, ave you got a loicense to be on this forum son?
there you go fren, saved it for posterity
Stronger together
Shut it down breh
In 1938 antisemitic Poland tried to unload their jewish citizens in Germany. It soured rejations irreversibly.
should unload them in a volcano, wtf Poland
This. I can't believe those are the people who our country welcomed with open arms when they got thrown out of every other place. Guess we are learning our lesson now.
There's a lot of stories like this. The chief of the biggest newspaper in the country is literally a jew named Michnik, who changed his name, because his brother and father murdered hundreds of poles after the war under their old name "Szechter".
There was a video where American historian named Edward Reid talked about this stuff and tried to tell the international community about atrocities jews committed in Poland after the WW2. Try searching for the name or looking for the video now. You'll get literally no results except some short notices on local news portals. And headlines on forums. Guy literally got erased from the history for that and I'm not even joking.
Please look it up Yourself and see for Your own.
thank you ,
i will google "Szechter"
Ilu żydów spalono? Jaki był rozmiar stodoły ? Ilu żydów przypadało na metr kwadratowy stodoły?
Look up the historian too, You'll see how effectively (((they))) removed him and his videos from the face of the internet.
Maybe You can find one of his videos too. They were great, shame I didn't archive the stuff. Would be great to post here.
I wouldn’t even let it rim my anus.
The Poles should have holocausted you jew vermin.
Filthy subhuman.
Does he like to play minecraft?
Modern germans are pathetic, I would sympathise but you don’t even see how cucked you are
Please be real.
Suck my dick, juden
Adam Michnik is a very respected person and funder of Gazeta Wyborcza.
We need to mention that we was a part of anti-communist organisation KOR (komitet obrony robotników) alongside with Antoni Macierewicz and Jan Olszewski.
stop lying kike
>be jew in Germany and Poland
>have names that sound German or Polish
>countless testimonies about how jews could fool nazis by simply pretending they are either, due to their (superficial) likeness to either
>were not confined to ghettos and could roam freely
>had no markers pertaining to their jewry on IDs/papers before NSDAP
Yet Hitler and his men could hoover up MILLIONS of them in a few years, and they were ALL jews (after all, that's why there's at least 6million dead)
To me, that is simply the biggest anti colonialism movement ever conducted in the west, since this demonstrates that jews, who could have ALL the checkboxes ticked for integration, where a huge HUGE million strong splinter cell that was still as foreign as ever.
And they do celebrate it, too, on hanukkah, one of the three genocide toward others they celebrate (otehrs are purim and passover), and hannukah specifically celebrates the refusal to integrate (into the seleucid empire and culture)
And who, on the left, or anyone, could ever be against fighting colonists?
In fact, America has millinos of jews living in it, and if even those can make this much trouble, as well as the ones in israel, imagine how much worse the world would be if Hitler didn't get rid of a huge chunk of them.
Holocaust = valiant anti colonialist movement.
And the entire left is against colonization and would not bat an eye if all 'white colonizers got killed by the indiginous people'.
So why would I deny a legitimate casus belli against world jewry by denying the holocaust?
When it was:
1.) fully good and virtous
2.) a huge statement against colonization by foreign agents
Poles should just start saying they lost more people in WW2 and accuse some Jews to be complicit in their extermination
Beat the kike at their own game
pokaz dowody zydzie
Thought the same
>meanwhile majority of poles were hiding them anyway
Fucking lies. Why wouldn't Pole collaborate? It makes perfect sense to do so. This implies Poles had sympathy for zionist supremacists among them. They didn't. Slavs historically despised them because they were oppressed by zionist supremacists for centuries.
spokojnie CHAIM
I wish holocaust was real ffs
>Holocaust = valiant anti colonialist movement
It didn’t fucking happen, you moron.
Sure, it would have been justified, but it’s still a filthy jewish lie, retard.
>zionist supremacists
Just say ‘jewish supremacists’ and stop being a faggot.
So do we all, mate.
Because the Germans were shooting them too. You make it sound like things in the general government was quiet. Only Wehrmacht had decency and when they left and the rear line fags came all hell broke loose. Poles didn't like jews its true but they weren't going to cooperate with people trying to wipe out existence of Poland. Show flag.
Poland needs to pay for polish crimes against jewish minority!
Jedwabne- around 300 Jews, including women and children, burned alive by poles.
Kielce- a big POGROM of jews that have happened after the war!
The anti-semitic year 68 where most of holocaust survivors were forced to leave poland.
Shame for these atrocities!
Jews are running so much out of holohax shit they start to blame Poles for it Lel get a new routine
Wstrentny jewrej.
Was Poland 107 or 108? Guatemala was 109 yeah?
Yes Guatemala had a town that threw the jews out after they started fucking with people. I wonder where next they get thrown from
Jews are always money-hungry, it seems like they will never stop defaming Poles and Poland. It's getting annoying...
Poland, Germany, Russia, Whites, Syria, Iran, etc.
jews really, truly want to be gassed for real. They yearn for it deeply, because they know that they’re utter filth.
I heard the Ashke(((nazi's))) were gonna kick out the orthodox (real?oldest Jews?) from israel
We Polish users of Dab Forums.
We Polish posters on Dab Forums board.
We support the remuneration to Jewish community for the Jewish property lost after the 2 WW.
We support just act 447!
They will literally never, and I mean never, leave us alone
>jizz fetish
Fuck off pedał
Your id is jizzcuntfish.
Appropriate, you stupid mutt jew.
fuck yourself rabbinical imbecile shill
all of you will get hanged
Show flag kikel
i think you're a jew piece of shit
It's like, many Poles saved them and they are showing us ingratitude and I'm not even anti-Semitic...
Friendly reminder that Poland will become Polin in 20 years, and will be openly ruled by Jews.
And the creatures of polish nationality will be 2'nd class citizens.
Edward reid, excellent
much thx
This guy got shit on pretty hard for this, to be fair.
By his fellow snipdicks, even - a rare showing of dis-unity among the tribe.
show raped asshole by your archrabbi, faggot
Cradle to grave they torture themselves with their own existence
>doesn't show flag
>Wierd sex fetish projection
We got a live one folks
rabbis rape their students, everybody knows this rabid jew kike
>It is no coincidence that the Nazis created their center of extermination in Poland. They knew that the Polish population would help them.
Wow, what a madlad.
Actually if you adjust for the tens of millions of deaths and economic hardship that jewish bolsheviks inflicted on Christians in central and eastern Europe, kikes owe about 6 million shekels to every man woman and child alive today.
I know that and have pointed at you, projecting, kikel
Not even one name lmao.
Nah, Leupold did what he could, the niggers in africa now are all raised by western food donations and rhodesian/SA farms and mines.
should i bother checking early life?
When will the world acknowledge that Polish people also have suffered?
My favourite thing about Jews here isn't the sneaky one's pretending to be someone else etc. BUT when they support something positive AND use the Satan Star flag; they KNOW they are poison and act accordingly
>They have sold them for a bottle of vodka
That's far too much to pay for a jew.
Germany invaded Poland because they knew poles would join in and help their efforts. Lmao yeah, i buy that logic.
Polskie obozy zagłady
The part of Poland they invaded was ethnic German iirc getting shit on by Slav niggers; correct me if I'm wrong
don't be too harsh, some poles surely knew what the right thing to do was and helped us doing the great deed
I hate them so much bros
Jews are literally the only people on the planet who can actually suffer, pollack, you wouldnt know pain or suffering if it bit you on the tuckus!
>this again
Please tell me in what century except 100 years occupation after the partitions was Kraków or Poznań german?
jews are the only people on the planet who should suffer.
Good. Should be executed, but jail time is a step in the right direction.
They claim not to be a Jew yet they run a pro-Jew website
really makes you think
Please throw the book at her, Pierogibros.
>Calling people non country
Tell that to all your countrymen living here because portugal gives them ni economic opportunity. You maroccan look alikes. Even if it would have been true (which it isn't) it's only because you are so far behind on the rest it's far easier to have bigger growth.
>Jews can not lie about Poland
Saying a jew cannot lie is like saying a bird doesn't fly or a wolf doesn't hunt. It is instinctual. They will lie anyway and if anyone brings it up they will jew their way out of it. This is why they all need to burn.
>zionist supremecists
Dude you have a fucking nazi flag, why are you acting like this is twitter and you have to use code words like "zionists" and globalists" instead of just calling them jews?
>Jews are literally the only people on the planet who can actually suffer, pollack, you wouldnt know pain or suffering if it bit you on the tuckus!
kys shill
Muh y haplogroup.
everything west of the wisla river was germanic who where there even before the year zero. The slavs only really came east after the huns startef fucking them
>a bird doesn't fly
Penguins don't fly, idiot. And they're technically birds. Jesus Christ... are you a nigger, by chance?
>and wolves don't hunt in captivity
show nose, kike
Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Populations A Synthesis of Autosomal, Mitochondrial and Y-Chromosomal Data
>DNA studies answers a lot of questions.
People we call “slavs” are not newcomers nor are they homogeneous group or one tribe.
DNA studies had shown R1a to be residing in the Central Europe lot longer then any XIX century and later pseudo-scientific Imperialistic propagandists would want you to believe. Also longer then R1b.
Given that R1b relentless push eastwards, since roman times, resulting in continuous extermination of R1a from the territories of today’s Deutschland, literally from Rhine to Oder, we can safely posit that what Romans Called “Germans” and “Germanic People” were in fact people, in their majority of R1a DNA heritage. The ancestors of today’s “Slavic People”. Even in in 6 century the “Slavic People” controlled territories up to Elbe river.
In fact, Ancient History is full of “Slavic People” and their Exploits, Just look at the maps and you get their names, look at the DNA maps and you will find that the so called “Germanic People” were today’s yours trully the “Slavic People”, just that some as***oles desperately wanted to take it as their own….
Please note that Germans never really existed, and that there is no Germany, There is Deutschland, Holly Roman Empire/ Heiliges Römisches Reich. East Frnaks, etc.. No Germans.. there is not a single tribe called germans to be found in history…
The Nazis obsession with Aryans came from the history and artifacts that belonged to the conquered regions, territories and peoples of today's Deutschland. These “idiots” (otherwise very smart people but Nazis nevertheless and total idiots after all) were exterminating actual Aryans (the hated Slaves) unwittingly adopting heritage of people they were conquering.
Actually wolfs will try and hunt you if they are captive and they get the opportunity. Just try and step into a cage with one
I am so tired of the mucking about and the JIDF for that matter. I just want the jewish question answered once and for all.
The Corded Ware Culture (3300–2600 BC)
expanded from Central Europe-Russia in two
directions: West and East. In the West it
created the proto-Balto-Slavic-proto-Germanic
languages. In the East it created the Poltavka
Culture (2700–2100 BC) around the Volga River.
From here it expanded and created the
Sintashta Culture (2100–1800 BC) and Srubna
Culture or Timber Grave Culture (1800–1200
BC). All these cultures created the proto-
Indo-Iranian languages of the Scythians. The
Scythians then split into two: the European
Scythians stayed put in Russia/Ukraine and the
Asiatic Scythians (Sakas) went East. The
European Scythians of Russia/Ukraine
eventually were absorbed by the Slavs. However
they also expanded into Central Europe and
mixed to a limited extent with Germanic and
Celtic peoples.
it is more likely that the Asiatic Scythians
(Sakas) expanded from the Siberian base to
create the Andronovo culture which expanded
all the way to Mongolia and Central Siberia.
The Sakas then invaded Central Asia and were
probably the Aryans who, in turn, invaded
Iran, Afghanistan, and India. The Afanasevo
Culture probably created the Tocharians and
Pamiri Tajiks. There they eventually mixed
with the Turkic Peoples and returned later to
Europe as Huns and other Turkic peoples
(Kipchaks and Khazars, etc). Only the Pamiri
Tajiks retained their “pure white” ancestry.
The Western Scythians also invaded the
Caucasus and Middle East into Iran, Iraq and
as far as Armenia and Syria.
In conclusion; the nations that descend form
Scythians are — Russians, Ukrainians, Poles,
Slovaks, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans,
Pamiri Tajiks, all the Caucasus peoples except
Dagistanis, Chechens and Azeris, some
Iranians, some Afghans, very little Kazakhs,
Turkmenis, and Uzbeks, all Northern Indians
(Kashmir, Jammu, Punjab).
Your study literally agrees with me.
The Slavs were far more in the east and started expanding 1400-1000 years YBP which means 600 to 1000 which is when the Huns came and the migration east happened
Germanic people came around 1000 BC in Saxony and in the year 100 they had spread in to the border of Romania. Where do you think the avars came from you posted idiot. They were a group not yet pushed back by the Slavic migration. Meanwhile the Slavs in large groups were still in eastern Ukraine. The reason you see so much of the ''Slavic'' Y haplogroup in Germany is because the Germans took back the lost lands in the east and intermixed with the Slavs. This led the Y haplogroup to be common but when it comes for the rest of their genetics they are full German.
And that is now the thing. that paper talks at the very most about 2000 YBP which is around the year 0 but by then the Germanic people already where there.
>R1a from the territories of today’s Deutschland, literally from Rhine to Oder
Slavs literally never got that far.
>there is not a single tribe called Germans
That is because it is an English name. The Deutschland name is from an old Germanic language meaning people or nation and genetically you can quite clearly see when someone is German. At least a normal person who knows there is more to genetics than a Y haplogroup
>Ancient History is full of “Slavic People” and their Exploits
We wuzz
>you will find that the so called “Germanic People” were today’s yours trully the “Slavic People
Just completely wrong. Slavs came from the east because they ran away from the Huns who were fucking their asses
>in the year 100 they had spread in to the border of Romania.
100 BC? False. The area between the middle danube (around budapest) and the carpathians had been inhabited by celts at the time. We have chronicles that talk about how the dacian kings expelled them.
And the huns fucked your german boipuccies as well
>dies of typhus
Yup indeed. Celts were there and also in the rest of Germany and large parts of Europe. The Germanic people migrated to the area of the Celts however and are one of the main reasons together with the Romans there are now so few. A lot of the Celtic and Germanic tribes also just intermixed however. Since this was one of the last areas to be taken by the Germans and they only went up to the Carpathians and mostly on the border of Romania and Ukraine it is only normal to assume the Celts were still there. Romania had very little Germanic influence
>Jestem polakiem
>The Corded Ware culture (outdated called Battle Axe culture) comprises a broad archaeological horizon of Europe between c. 3100 BCE – circa 2350 BCE, thus from the late Neolithic, through the Copper Age, and ending in the early Bronze Age
every one now living in Europe (exc. hairy apes in spain mountains - Basks) came from east (steppe) and killed anatolian mutts
>ermanic languages probably did not appear before the Nordic Bronze Age (1800-500 BCE). Proto-Germanic language probably developed as a blend of two branches of Indo-European languages, namely the Proto-Balto-Slavic language of the Corded-Ware culture (R1a-Z283) and the later arrival of Proto-Italo-Celto-Germanic people from the Unetice culture (R1b-L11). This is supported by the fact that Germanic people are a R1a-R1b hybrid, that these two haplogroups came via separate routes at different times, and that Proto-Germanic language is closest to Proto-Italo-Celtic, but also shares similarities with Proto-Slavic.
also muh Huns, there are only 3 recorded words of Hunnic lang.: strava, medos, forgot 3rd, ask any slav what those meant
>Jews can not lie about Poland
They sure as taxes can. They can lie about everything.
Getting away with it, that's another matter.
slavs were a tribe confederation made of przeworsk/zarubinsky culture tribes native to regions of poland/ukraine and sarmatians moving from the east with bunch of germanics/celtics/ugrics mixed in the process
slavs as slavs named and known as slavs originated in area of poland/ukraine
America is a shithole run by genocidal left wing oligarchs.
Poland, aren’t you fed up with Israel trying to extort your country?
this map is wrong
atilla never went north of central european mountain ranges
in progress of fabricating holohoax?
So the costoboci and yaziges (which came to the northern carpathians) and eastern hungary in the first century BC took lands that had been inhabited by the celts?
>Romania had very little germanic
What about the ostrogoths?
I know this happened several centuries later but they still left a genetic impact here didnt they? Or was it erased by the slavs that came around 600 ad?
now read "germanic" Vandals prayer, and ask any slav do he understand it
k but corded were and Slavs are not the same at all. Neither were they culturally Slavic. You can we wuzz all you want but you were not the first and greatest masters of Europe. Just because the haplogroup was present doesn't mean they were like you. The modern Slavs developed around Ukraine and Belarus, But Germanic tribes like the Goths had also moved there a bit. The pic show the situation in 200 BC for example which was around 800 years before you went west
Yes and this movement West came as a result of the Hunnic invasion. The Slavs of course were already present to some extend since the regions were not 100% Germanic but as some people do claiming all of eastern Europe is original Slavic is stupid
anthony fagtano lookin ass
Yair Lapid is NOT a real Ashkenazi, he is some Romanian or Serbian Turkish or Gypsy rape baby.
Real Jews (Poland and Germany) are ashamed of them, we don't consider them as part of us. Please don't hold against us what these garbage pseudo-Jews say.
Not true, in fact Indians and niggers are heavily discriminate d against by bureaucracy. Ukrainians yes. Poland has more immigrants in last 5 years than any other European country
>corded were and Slavs are not the same at all. Neither were they culturally Slavic.
are you dum or can't read?
>The Corded Ware culture may be ancestral to the Proto-Germanic and Proto-Balto-Slavic Indo-European languages in Europe.
look at tollen see battle, few tousand years BC, there are slavs
This post have been reported to Grzegorz Braun. Enjoy prison
Youre all the same
It is an east Germanic language which are now extinct so you can't really compare it to West Germanic language, I would have to read up on it but I would assume Slavic and East Germanic language has had some influence. Doesn't say anything about their genetic however
My ancestors
>took lands that had been inhabited by the Celts
Probably although I don' know how big the Celtic populations in that area were since their origin lay more in and around the alps I believe. Also there were most likely other tribes and groups of people in that area.
I don't think they have had much Germanic influence though. Most east Germanic people just got killed or absorbed over time and that was mostly above the Carpathian mountains since they couldn't pass those well. I would assume by now if there is Germanic influence it is not anything really noticeable.
Never heard the tale of the kike who cried shoah? Maybe it was a shepard and wolves. Anyways, this is a concept children understand. Why can't you?
>It is an east Germanic language which are now extinct
do YOU understand it?
coz every fucking slav understand that prayer, so you admit all those "old germans" now extinct WERE SLAVS?
>The Sakâ paradrayâ ("Sacae across the sea") were living in Ukraine. These are the nomads that the Greeks called Scythians. In (514 or) 513 BCE, king Darius launched a disastrous campaign against the Sakâ paradrayâ. Herodotus gives a long description of their way of life and discerns many tribes in the neighborhood.
>The Royal Scythians lived in the southern part of Ukraine, immediately north of the Greek towns.
>The Scythian-Farmers seem to be identical with the archaeological culture known as Chernoles, which has been identified with the Iron Age Slavs.
>Laws against defaming country.
What would it take to have this done in America?
This nigger is a good fisherman. 8/10 m8
he is 30 iq ahead of you and playing you like a fiddle, you simple cunt.
She looks like antony fantano with a wig
Maybe if you stopped trying to undermine every country you inhabit, people wouldn't hate you so much.
looks like priti patel. let me guess, a kike?
>The Germanic tribes to the east (Tervingi Goths, Vandals and Longobards, often referred to as Scythians and Getae, not Germans) were
probably better organized than the Alamanni and the Franks due to
influences from the steppe region.
The Goths and other east Germanic tribes
such as the Vandals and Gepids were so thoroughly Sarmatianized that
Procopius would later argue that they were in fact separate from the
Germanic peoples and were originally Sarmatians and Getae.
Many east Gothic noble clans were also in all probability of Alan or
Sarmatian mixed origin.
The later Ostrogoths, who doubtlessly included the Greutungs, certainly
show all the features of a typical steppe people: mounted warfare, hunting,
falconry and shamanism.
>The Scythian-Farmers seem to be identical with the archaeological culture known as Chernoles, which has been identified with the Iron Age Slavs.
so all "east germanic" people were SLAVS
>Speak English
you mean dog latin? you insufferable loser. i love seeing faggots like you try to posture when you have no idea of the foundations of eEnglish, a false language. dilate
Lying kike bitch here accidentally admits they starved themselves, and gas Chambers were actually showers...
Great to see people standing up to kike lies
Based poles
The jews are vulnerable! Listen to Dr Pierce:
I think theyre lowa gtx zephyrs bro, mine lasted for like 8 years
>We have to get rid of the hate speech laws and the laws that ban being offensive, and we must have free speech
>We have to change the hate speech laws so that advocating for mass immigration and a multiracial Europe is classed as hatespeech, and then throw all the leftwing academics and CEOs in jail
No but I also don't understand Swedish. The vandal language changed a lot through thought time because of their constant migration. Their original language had a lot of Germanic runes and Greek letters which also makes it sound more like the Slavic language since you also have Greek letters so I think it is very possible this was made during the time they moved through eastern Europe.
Plus assuming the language and genetics are the same is retarded. Scots and Irish speak English but they are still Celtic.
>The Scythian-Farmers seem to be identical with the archaeological culture known as Chernoles, which has been identified with the Iron Age Slavs.
Yeah no shit the Chernoles and Scythians have lived there as you can see in pic There living space also overlaps with the Slavs so no wonder they are the same. Doesn't mean anything about western Europe tho.
Also that battle in you talked about has no indication of them being Slavic. They were genetically at most Central European as far as we know and for some reason al lot of interest in them being lactose intolerant.
This sets a dangerous precedent.
State censorship works both ways.
If the evidence against what she's saying is overwhelming, what is there to be afraid of?
Right now you may think it's "based" that they silenced this jew, but the state can turn on you at any second when the "based" politicians are no longer in office.
Ironically if we actually gave kikes what they deserved, we wouldn't have to worry much about the smear campaign, it was a big red pill for me
It means that
A higher number of ethnic Jewscollaborated with the Nazis to kill Jews then ethnic poles did.
was thinking the same
I am half polish. God bless Poland.
I've been to the Jewish Ghetto in Budapest.
Idk what anyone is complaing about.
It literally just a bunch of amenities and the Ruin Bars.
Was it a holocaust that Jews had to get their drinks in the non Jewish owned establishments?
Możesz zapłacić jak chcesz, pedale.
Nikt z dzisiejszych mieszkańców Polski nie brał udziału w wojnie i nie jest nikomu nic winny.
>This sets a dangerous precedent.
>State censorship works both ways.
>If the evidence against what she's saying is overwhelming, what is there to be afraid of?
>Right now you may think it's "based" that they silenced this jew, but the state can turn on you at any second when the "based" politicians are no longer in office.
I used to think this way. Then I realized liberals are more than capable of double talk. They will warn of *state* censorship but rationalize *institutional* self defense that amounts to the same, because democracy connects institution and state
Shitting on yourself is sorely stupid. Also English is heckin valid.
>Yes and this movement West came as a result of the Hunnic invasion. The Slavs of course were already present to some extend since the regions were not 100% Germanic but as some people do claiming all of eastern Europe is original Slavic is stupid
well there was no slavs before like 7th century AD but since we became slavs we mostly expanded east and north because of Russia and south.
vandals, lugii and rugians were przewrosk and proto slavs btw
>The name of the Rugii continued to be used after the 6th century to refer to Slavic speaking peoples including even Russians.[3]
>Some medieval authors applied the ethnonym "Vandals" to West Slavs: Veneti, Wends, Lusatians or Poles.[11][12][13]
>Scholars view the Przeworsk culture as an amalgam of a series of localized cultures. Continuity with the preceding Pomeranian culture is observed, albeit modified by significant influences from the La Tene and Jastorf cultures. The Przeworsk culture is often associated with the Vandals, however the culture has also been linked to the early Slavs,[8] and most likely was of mixed Slavic and Germanic nature.[9][10]
>Most archaeologists identify the Lugians with the Przeworsk culture, which is also associated with the Vandals, and it has been suggested that the Lugians and Vandals may have been closely related or even the same.
>Ptolemy mentions the Lugi Omani (Λοῦγοι οἱ Ὀμανοὶ), the Lugi Diduni (Λοῦγοι οἱ Διδοῦνοι) and the Lugi Buri (Λοῦγοι οἱ Βοῦροι) located on or near the upper Vistula in Germania Magna in what is now south Poland (Book 2, Chapter 10, 4th map of Europe). Ptolemy does not mention the Vandals at all.[6] The Buri, who according to Ptolemy were part of the Lugians, (Tacitus treated them separately, and as Suebian in language)
>Wends (Old English: Winedas; Old Norse: Vindr; German: Wenden, Winden; Danish: vendere; Swedish: vender; Polish: Wendowie, Czech: Přiběhy) is a historical name for Slavs living near Germanic settlement areas
>Between 1540 and 1973, the kings of Sweden were officially called kings of the Swedes, the Goths and the Wends (in Latin translation: kings of Suiones, Goths and Vandals) (Swedish: Svears, Götes och Wendes Konung).
vandals -> wends
lugii -> lechites
Jews have no compunctions about silencing their enemies, state censorship does not work "both ways" - it either works the Jew's way or against them. Nothing would stop them from doing it if/when they seize power, so you're insane to not suppress them with all of your force at all times.
You never fucking learn. It's like you need to taste shit to know its shit. Kurwa mac , the diaspora here are pathetic.
I understan it's dificult for you to admit you are celto-slavic mutts.
>he vandal language changed a lot through thought time because of their constant migration
do you understan ONE FUCKING WORD from that prayer? please translate if you do, otherwise let any slav translate ALL of it for you. That is pure slavic language and for genetics
read >Ethnicity, Ethnogenesis, and the Vandals: Some Remarks on a Theory of Emergence of the Barbarian gens
google it
fuck.. I can add to my CV that I speak Vandal now
The fact that minik can walk freely tells a lot of you poles. I bet shit like that would never fly in western shit hole ukraine
Had the Renegade gtx for 7 years and fuck can they take a beating.
Brown man lives in English country
Speaks English
Hates his new home and language because it represents everything his sand nigger homeland could never do.
English exemplifies the iferior status of the non anglos who speak it purely through its continued existance and exportation.
The English language history is one of colonization.
Wether it be the Romans, Norse, or Normans, or the populations the English would go on to introduce it to themselves.
stupid fucking nigger even in that plot you can see that there are also clear Germanic ones which gives rise to the possibility of 2 ethnic groups fighting.
Plus the ''Slavic''' people in that study are from bohemia which are sometimes even closer to modern day Germans than actual Serbs or Russians you stupid nigger.
>do you understan ONE FUCKING WORD from that prayer
do you understand ONE FUCKING WORD of English.
Language and ethnicity are not the same. We know for certain they had an east Germanic language. The picture you posted was first of all not in their original alphabet and they referred to themselves as gothic.
That’s what you get for blaming Germany, stealing German land after WW1 and helping the Jews win.
It’s Karma. Now you know the Germans were right. Never help the Jews.
It was never Polish.
Slavs are the whites who existed on the Borders of Asian civilization. The only difference between you and the west is the Slavs have a higher Asian DNA admixture from bordering Asian territory.
>Language and ethnicity are not the same. We know for certain they had an east Germanic language. The picture you posted was first of all not in their original alphabet and they referred to themselves as gothic.
it was called east germanic because romans called this area germania
it was different than what swabians spoke and speak to this day
lasst quote here
do you have anything to back that up though mutt
Yes you are learning your lesson. You should have sided with Germany but you wanted to be a bunch of cock suckers so you sided with the Jews.
You are an Asiatic Mutt. Simple geography proves that I am right. Your physical features prove it as well.
Slavs border Asiatic countries. You get your features from thousands of years of bordering the Asians.
its just your opinion nigger and its worthless
>Jews can not lie about Poland
challenge accepted
It’s not an opinion. Slav squat is a result of Asian admixture. Your pelvis resembles an Asians due to Asiatic admixture.
slav squat is result of steppe culture and horse riding brainlet
nomads didnt carry chairs around
Jewish concentration camp deaths numbered 75k.
The remaining 300k were poles, gypsies, and POW.
These numbers are supported by primary sources.
Are Poles and Hungarians very excited for their future? Are they happier than westerners?
they didnt starve themselves, they were starving their fucking own children by feeding them kike lies. if that's not Satanic i dont know what is.
All Slavs originated in Poland, iirc. Poles have virtually 0.0% Asian admixture. It's just a dumb retarded mutt who didn't get a refund at Polish bakery or something.
She should be gassed for those lies.
These jews just want to import infinity niggers using the same playbook not knowing how many people pay for the next Hitler to come and to be more ruthless than the last one
Yeah alright but when you quote Wikipedia you should also quote that the rugii were definitely Germanic. Just because they got absorb into slavic people and then Slavic people got called that doesn't mean they were.
>it was called east germanic because romans called this area germania
and you know because they spoke east germanic languages which we can trace back to the old germanic languages
>it was different than what swabians spoke and speak to this day
yeah no shit comparing High German to East Germanic is like comparing it to fucking runes do you know how far apart those languages are?
>you should also quote that the rugii were definitely Germanic.
based on what
germania was geographical region same as britania and sarmatia
we were germanic technically
but people still called slavs rugii long after slav culture was created
>The name of the Rugii continued to be used after the 6th century to refer to Slavic speaking peoples including even Russians.[3]
later swabians needed to unite multicultural HRE so they came up with creating german culture/ethnicity while north europeans had started writing own shit and had their own local geographical names
but it doesnt mean east germanic people were same as other germanic people and slavs were still called by their old names by other europeans
vandals->wends->west slavs
>Wends (Old English: Winedas; Old Norse: Vindr; German: Wenden, Winden; Danish: vendere; Swedish: vender; Polish: Wendowie, Czech: Přiběhy) is a historical name for Slavs living near Germanic settlement areas
>Between 1540 and 1973, the kings of Sweden were officially called kings of the Swedes, the Goths and the Wends (in Latin translation: kings of Suiones, Goths and Vandals) (Swedish: Svears, Götes och Wendes Konung)
>Why wouldn't Pole collaborate?
>Only Wehrmacht had decency and when they left and the rear line fags came all hell broke loose.
Fuck these dishonest jews. After WW2, the jewish bolsheviks went on a polish killing spree, trying to take out anyone with land/goods. My polish friend's entire family (except one) was mass murdered by these commie bastards. These jewish scumbags then tried to blame it on Russians. You'll never hear about jewish war crimes as long as jews dominate the news. Oy Vey Shut it down.
>After WW2, the jewish bolsheviks went on a polish killing spree,
Actually during as well.
>Guess we are learning our lesson
Oh yes we are.
>You should have sided with Germany
>but you wanted to be a bunch of cock suckers
Those do not exclude each other...
He's an outright liar and manipulator, as he as "admitted" himself.
A kike is a kike, fuck all of you
Not really, to be a target of racism you have to be a human as it is discrimination based on race. Kikes aren't and never have been human
>da jooz
Lapid is a known idiot. He probably meant his great grandmother.
I'm afraid we are approaching times of disregarding such nuances. Feel bad for decent Jews, unironically. There are some, I believe.
based Dab Forumsacks keeping lying kikes in line
Shit happens.
You implying?
Eh r-thanks? I guess things could be worse, I guess...
Shit maybe you zydokomuna are more based than I thought
Polish Jew girl here. There were poles who collaborated with the Nazis, as well as Russians, Ukrainians, and even other Jews. There are also poles who saved my family members. So stop being dishonest and let the truth come out
Nah, it's just like the normal Poles are dominating by share numbers and get into some "power" positions in general but struggle with their crypto-Żyd bosses and overlords.
>Polish Jew girl here.
Are you cute?
>There were poles who collaborated with the Nazis,
I mean sure, some few were, but what was the overall situation and stance of the Polish population and what did the Polish state do? Now, were there Jews that were killing Poles during WW2?
I wish truth mattered in this World.
When one side is honest and other not, then the honest one loses two times - one time for whatever they honestly admitted to and second time for whatever they were dishonestly accused of.
Out of all groups of people Jews are the least honest, so... I'm afraid it won't work what you suggest.
Oy vey, very antisemetic to notice NKVD chosen people propaganda operations! Jews have a positive impact on every zone they inhabit.
>N-Not r-real J-Jews
Shut the fuck up kike. You’re all the same, and definitely complacent.
>When one side is honest and other not, then the honest one loses two times - one time for whatever they honestly admitted to and second time for whatever they were dishonestly accused of.
St Martin street :3
Milkers or gtfo, Rebecca.
Be careful, polebros!
This is the kind of shit that america launches military interventions over.
This excites me greatly. Like I'm literally getting hard at the thought of all "muh holocaust" talk just ending in immediate social termination and a jail sentence.